With a Smile

Autorstwa poca0315

50 1 0

Should I give up and walk away or stay? Więcej

With a Smile

50 1 0
Autorstwa poca0315

It's a lovely Monday morning. The sun is already up as early as 5:30am. Kristine's up even before her alarm clock went off. She was busy checking her OOTD on her first day at work.

"Hmmm...," she hummed as she started rampaging her closet. She took a black leather skirt, gray top and long necklace. She stared at it for a minute before she tossed it on the floor. "Girl! You're working today! Not going to a night out??!!" she exclaimed to herself. She explored her closet one more time before deciding on a pair of beige slacks and coat over a baby pink top and a pair of small earrings to complete her look. She never under estimated her fashion style until now.

"Kaye! You awake yet?" called her aunt Emily from outside her bedroom.

"Tita! Will shower now," shouted Kaye. She stays with her aunt in Laguna after her college graduation while waiting for her papers to be processed in Canada. Her parents has separated when she was 11. She stayed with her mom and never never heard from her father since then. She was an only child and her aunt Emily has been her second mom ever since her mother migrated to Toronto when she was still in college. Second year Management student to be exact.

"Tita, how do i look?" asked Kaye while doing a ballerina twirl in the living room. Her Aunt Emily was busy reading the morning papers. She took her glasses off and examined Kaye's appearance.

"You look fab!" Aunt Emily said in astonishment. "Are you sure you applied for the right job position? Not being the CEO of the company?"

Kaye laughed. "Ohhh, i love you, Tita!" She ran across the room and hugged Aunt Emily tight. "It's only a part time position. Well, just for a year or so, maybe." She let go of her hug and went to the dining table. "I will be laaaate I cant sit and enjoy this yummy breakfast." She took a bite of the bacon and hash browns and drank her coffee before heading out the door. "Wish me luck!" She blew a kiss to her Aunt Emily who walked behind her. "Goodluck!"


Kaye reached her destination a few minutes before 9am. She went to the HR office on the ground floor of the building to secure her badge.

"This is it!" she smiled at the HR officer.

"Your office will be at 811. It's to your left when you exit the elevator," said Belle, the HR asst.

Kaye left the HR office and walked hurriedly to the lobby. Lots of people have been coming in now. Everyone almost wore the same clothes that she is wearing at the moment. Kaye grinned to herself "Office girl," she sighed under her breath.

The 4 elevators are packed. Everyone's trying to squeeze in. She was finally able to get herself on one of the lifts until a tall, dark haired man stopped the door from closing.

"Duh?!", Kaye rolled her eyes in surprise. She is already 10minutes late. On her first day.

The tall, dark haired man stood infront of her and turned around. "Excuse me?!" he said as he pushed the 8th button.

Kristine's face flushed. She can feel all eyes were looking at her. She smiled sheepishly and pretended she was fixing her coat.

Ting! The elevator door opened on the 8th floor. The tall, dark haired man stepped out and turned left. "Omg! Dont tell me he is going to..." her eyes turned big as she saw him entered the door where she was supposed to go. "Oh shit!"

Kristine followed the tall dark haired man. The office went quiet as they both entered. She was a few steps away from him.

"To my office," the tall dark haired man instructed the girl by the door. He's got a very bold voice.

"Yes Sir," the pregnant lady hurriedly followed the tall, dark-haired man.

Kristine was left standing in the middle of the office being scrutinized by everyone in the room. She cleared her throat and felt a little embarrassed.

"Hi, I'm Kristine Mercado," and she showed her badge to everyone. Then she heard a few "ohhhs" and "aahhhhs".

One girl came to her. "Hi, I'm Lea. I think you are Elle's replacement."

"Elle?!," Kristine asked.

Lea motioned her to put her stuff on a table next to hers. "This is going to be your table. We will be neighbors!" She said gleefullly. "Yup, Elle. She is going to be on maternity leave soon. I think in a week or 2. She will train you and you will be Sir Benjamin's personal assistant."

Kristine scanned the room. Everyone were wearing semi-formal clothing, except her. And they seem to have their own worlds. "I can wear jeans to work?" she asked Lea.

Lea nodded. "Uh-huh. Feel free to wear anything you want except ripped jeans or plunging necklines. The Boss does not like it. He is okay with jeans as long as you look presentable."

"Ohhhh," uttered Kristine. "By the way, you can call me Kaye."

Suddenly, the pregnant girl emerged from the office of the Boss. She went straight to Lea and Kristine.

"You must be Kristine Mercado?" she asked sternly. "Im Elle. I will be on mat leave soon. I will train you before I leave. You have to learn fast. Work fast. Understood?"

Kristine has never worked as a Personal Secretary before. She had to quit her call center job 3months ago due to a crazy schedule. She also landed a job in a telecommunications company as an Account manager after graduation but had to quit due to a narcissistic supervisor. "Yes, Mam," she replied.

"Elle, first name basis here except for Sir Benj. Ok?" she clarified.

"Opo." Kaye gathered her stuff and took her mini notepad from her purse. "Pen, can i borrow a pen?" she smirked at Lea.

Lea gave her a pen and Kaye smiled sweetly at her as she followed Elle.

"Sir, this is Kristine Mercado. She will be taking my place after I leave," introduced Elle.

The tall dark-haired man looked up from his computer screen. He didnt say a word. He continued his work and this prompted Elle and Kaye to leave the office.

"Gosh!", exclaimed Kristine in disbelief. "Is he like that?! Rude?"

Elle laughed. "No, he is the nicest human being ever."

"What?!" Kristine's eyes almost popped out in confusion. "Hooooowww??"

"You will see."


Days passed and Kristine's training with Elle became more of a "back to school" program rather than a training, itself. She has to be 30 minutes earlier than Benjamin. Coffee should be served black with 2 creamer 2 sugar and most especially, not too hot or too cold, "just right".  Elle  also pointed out that their boss is very strict particularly when it comes to schedules. Other than that, he just want to make sure that everyone loves their job in his company.

"His company?" Kristine asked during lunch break. Lea, Elle and her were at the company's staff lounge eating pizza.

Lea took a bite of her pizza. "Yeah, his parents put up this business and later on, he was tasked to manage it.

"Mind you, he wasn't a Management graduate," informed Lea.

"Huh?!", Kristine questioned in surprise.

"Yup! I heard he was an Engineering grad and was working in a telecom company until he run the company," said Lea while munching on her last piece of mushroom.

The girls finished their lunch just in time for Benjamin to enter the staff lounge.

"Hi Sir," quipped Lea.

"Elle, do you have the printouts of the presentations by Mr. Gonzales?" Benjamin inquired.

"Yes, Sir. It is in my desk. I will bring it to you now."

Benjamin looked at Kristine. Kristine raised her eyebrows on him. "Yes?"

He shook his head. "I will see you in my office, Elle". And he closed the lounge door behind him.

The girls giggled. Kristine followed Elle and Lea back to their tables. Elle went to Benjamin's office with Kristine.

"Here," said Elle handing the print outs to Kristine. "These are the print outs. I have briefed you already about this, remember? Go. I will let you bring these to him," and she shoved Kristine into Benjamin's office.

Kristine made a sign of the cross before she went inside the office. She has the print outs on her hands. "Sir..?" she knocked softly.

Benjamin was on the phone. "Yes, Mr. Hidalgo. I am pleased by your business. I will set a meeting with you next month.," he paused and motioned Kristine to come in.

Kristine stood in front of Benjamin's desk still holding the printouts. She was busy examining her new boss. He seems to be about 5'9, undercut hairstyle, clean shaven, almond deep brown eyes, chiseled nose and kissable red lips. Yes, kissable, mused Kristine.  She must have gone in her own world she didn't notice that Benjamin has been staring at her for a couple minutes already.

Benjamin cleared his throat. "Aheemm..., are you done daydreaming?" he sarcastically asked.

Kristine just wanted the earth would swallow her right at that moment. She could hardly breathe. "Sir, here are the printouts," she uttered quietly.

"What's your name again?" he asked while browsing on the printouts.

"Kristine, Sir. But you can call me Kaye." she replied with a big smile.

"Where is Elle?"

Kristine felt a little hurt. Elle had suggested that she start to deal with Benjamin  so they can work closely together but Benjamin is still looking for Elle. "You want me to call her?"

"Never mind."

Kristine left Benjamin's office in a flash. She hurriedly walked towards Lea. "How long have you been working here?" she  asked as she opened her purse.

"Five years," Lea casually replied.

"Five years???? With the monster boss?" Kristina hissed.

Lea laughed. "He isn't bad as you think Believe me."

Kristine cared less. She is not the type who would beg for him to like her. She will just do her job as his Personal secretary and that's it.


Elle went on her maternity leave as scheduled. And this leaves Kristine to be handling the monster boss all by herself. She turned herself into a student again. Researching the company's profile, learning all the do's and don't's of Benjamin, and studying all names of clients and possible business partners in the future.

Kristine is an achiever and a dreamer. Blame it on her Piscean personality. She takes everything in perspective. She loves the idea of taking each day one step a time. She believes that life is short you have to always seize the moment. Her beliefs are based on her outlook of positivity despite the challenges of life. She has a very bubbly persona, practical, creative, assertive, hard-working and strong yet gentle.

I can do this, Kristine prayed as she closed her eyes to sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a big day! she sighed.


Kristine woke up early and rushed to door without eating. She don't want to be late again on her first day with the monster boss. Traffic is usually bad on Mondays plus a storm is coming so rain has started pouring over the weekend.

She arrived at the office way before the others came. She pulled out her planner and checked today's activities for Benjamin. She has no right to miscalculate the meetings since everything was given to her by Elle a week ago.

Kristine helped herself to the staff lounge. It was packed with cereals, crackers, biscuits,  bread, butter, jam, coffee, juice, pop, fruits and ready-to-eat meals. Hmmm, buffet?!, she grinned as she grabbed a banana, a choco cereal and orange juice.

She brought it on her table and started eating her cereal. "Yummm..."  she reached for her iPad, puts on her earphones and played one of her favourite songs. "Did the captain of the titanic crrrryyyyyyy.."

It's only 7:45am and Kristine was singing her heart out she didn't hear the door open. She was busy drumming her fingers on the table and feeling the beat when a shadow stood beside her.

"Good morning, Sir!!!" she hastily got up, fixed her coat and turned off her blaring Ipad. "Coffee? Tea?" she offered nervously.

"I like that song, too." Benjamin blurted. And he started his steps to his office. Before he opened the door, he turned around and said "Coffee."

Kristine rushed to the staff lounge and made Benjamin's coffee "just right", according to Elle.

She went to Benjamin's office, knocked softly and opened the door. "Sir, coffee?"

Benjamin was looking outside the window. His thoughts seems like from nowhere. This time, he didnt hear Kristina walked in.

"Sir?" Kristina placed the mug on his table.

Benjamin turned around and face Kristina. "What's this?"  He raised his mug with a sticky note attached to it.

Kristine felt so embarrassed. "Oh, it's a sun, Sir."

"I know it's a sun," he sighed. "What's this for?!"

Kristine gasped. She was lost for words. "Uhmm.. because it is gloomy outside, Sir. There's a storm coming. I feel.. i think.. uhmm... maybe, you need sun today to  brighten your day."

Benjamin didnt show any reaction at all. "You're early. What time did you get here?"

"7:30, Sir."

"Too early." Benjamin said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I dont live close, Sir. Traffic would be bad because of the weather," she explained hoping she made his coffee "just right".

"Where do you live?" he interrogated.

"San Pedro, Sir."

"I live in Alabang," he casually informed her.

So?!! Kristina said at the back of her mind. "You're early, too," she blurted out. "I mean.. hehehe" she rolled her eyes hoping she gets swallowed by the floor.

"I have an early meeting today via Skype."

Kristina's eyes turned big. She thinks she missed out on this meeting. "Skype meeting?!" she asked in bewilderment.

"Dont worry. It's not on your schedule. I just got the email last night.," he assured her.

Kristine let out a sigh of relief. "Ok." She fidgeted anxiously. She feels a little discomfort inside the office.

Benjamin saw Kristine's being uneasy. "You may go now."

Kristine moved her way to the door when she was stopped by Benjamin's voice. "Thanks for this," and he pulled the sticky note from the mug and showed it to Kristine.

Kristine flushed. "No worries", she said  as she shut the door behind her. She must have stayed for so long in his office there were already lots of people in their workplace.


Lea approached Kristine in her table. "Where have you been?", she asked as she looked at Kristine in the eyes straightforwardly.

"In the monster boss's office," Kristine replied avoiding Lea's stare.

Lea looked at the clock. It's half past 9. "That long?"

Kristine's face turned red. "I don't know. I don't check the time."

"Elle does NOT stay that long in his office," Lea emphasized the word NOT to Kristine.

"Well, he was busy with some papers and I briefed him of his schedule for today," Kristine lied. She does not want to cause any rumours between her and the monster boss.

Lea went back to her computer. "He's a bachelor," she added.

Kristine pretended she did not hear what Lea has just told her. And this made heart skipped a beat. Standing at 5'5, slender with long black hair with highlights which she curled today to look "sexy, strong and flattering", high cheek bones, dark eyes, straight nose, a well-formed mouth and braces in her teeth. Her make up was not as loud as the other girls in the company. Hers was a dab of cheek tint, some mascara and lipgloss. She was wearing khaki joggers, V-neck maroon top over her black blazer and black kitten heels which her mom has sent her. She wants to keep her style low and casual as much as possible. She smiled at her reflection on her computer screen. I don't look bad. Not at all.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Kristine has loosen up with Benjamin. Benjamin, on the other hand, felt more confident with Kristine. She has gained his trust in a short span of time. Kristine does not want to impress but Benjamin has never been more impressed with such professionalism. She always come in an hour earlier than everybody else, even Benjamin. She never complains of long hours of work, overtime that happens almost everyday, emergency meetings, presentations and never-ending deadlines.

Benjamin and Kristine has been waiting for about an hour now in a posh restaurant close to their office. They have a business dinner meeting with one of Korea's well-known businessman, Mr. Cheng. Kristine kept looking at her watch. It's 6:45pm and traffic at this time is terrible. She keeps on playing with her pen when Benjamin broke the silence between them.

"I dont think Mr. Cheng is coming. Why dont you order food so we can have dinner," he impatiently said.

"It's ok, Sir. I need to go. Traffic would be worse if I stay a little longer. Is there anything else that you want before I leave, Sir?" Kristine asked as she gathered her things.

"You're going South, right? That is my way, too. I can drop you off later. We're already here and I dont want to go drive home with a hungry stomach, " he insisted.

Kristine felt her hunger, too. She had a busy day and all that she wanted was to eat a whole pig. "I will just text my Tita because she will worry if I am not home yet."

Benjamin nodded and called the waiter's attention. They were already eating when Mr. Cheng's secretary called. "I hope he's okay. Please send him my regards," Kristine heard Benjamin while on the phone. He puts the phone down on the table. "Mr. Cheng had a vehicular accident," he informed Kristine.

Kristine felt sorry for Mr. Cheng. They continued their food in silence.

"How old are you?" Benjamin asked.

"28, Sir," Kristine replied with a mouthfall of rice.

"Did you text your Tita?"

"Yes, Sir."

Silence again. A deafening silence that almost choked Kristine. Why on earth is she behaving like that? Why all of a sudden she felt so conscious?

They finished their food and Benjamin paid the tab. He didnt ask Kristine to put in the company's expenses.

"Laguna, right?" he asked Kristine on their way to the parking lot. The rain had stopped that evening but the streets are flooded since morning.

Kristine nodded in agreement. She was busy searching which car his boss drives.

Suddenly, an alarm went off. She followed Benjamin on a silver Audi 2-door type sportscar. "Hop in," he said.

Kristine was awe-stricken. Her boss has very good taste. Besides, he's a bachelor and the owner of a well known lighting company. He has all the right.

The drive home was not bad at all. Benjamin and Kristine were silent while on the road and was just listening to Benjamin's playlist. Sometimes, Kristine would hum or sing soflty with the music. "I knew i loved you before i met youuuuu"... Kristine sang quietly. Benjamin didnt say anything. He was focused on the road and was barely listening to Kristine's singing. Kristine felt relieved when they stopped infront of her house.

"Thanks so much, Sir," Kristine said as she slowly opened the door.

"See you tomorrow in the office," Benjamin replied and drove off.

Kristine smiled.  She has never smiled that way before. Long before she got hurt and broken.

"Hey you!," said Aunt Emily who was waiting for her by thhe door.

"Hi Tita!," Kristine answered and gave her aunt a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. "Sorry I'm late."

"Was that the monster boss? Nice car, huh?!"

Kristine let out a loud laugh. "Yup! That was him!"

"He does not seem to be scary at all. Imagine, he drove you all the way here when he can just get rid of you in the highway," teased her aunt.

"You're so mean!!!! I am deeply hurt!" Kristine acted as if she was about to cry.

"Silly girl! You know how much i love you," declared Aunt Emily. And she gave Kristine a big hug. "So, tell me all about him."

Kristine's eyes grew wide. "There is nothing to tell!"

"C'mon.. I'm listening," said Aunt Emily who was accompanying Kristine to her bedroom.

Kristine sat on her bed while her Aunt Emily grabbed the chair from her dresser. "Well, he is a bachelor. That's what Lea said," she began as-a-matter-of-fact tone in her voice. "Family? No idea. Works hard. Their company is listed as among the Top 10 awardees in the business industry and Benjamin's has been awarded for 3 consecutive years now as one of the Top Young entreprenaurs."

"Ohhh, first name basis!" Aunt Emily poked on Kristine. "Well researched info, huh?!"

Kristine felt awkward. She did a little researched about the company's background as well as Benjamin's. "I'm tired," and she let out a pretend yawn.

"Im not against it, Kaye. I am just here to remind you that you may fall for him and i dont want you to get hurt," said Aunt Emily in a more serious tone.

'Thanks, Tita!" Kristine said.

"I dont want the same thing happen to you again," Aunt Emily patted Kristine on the shoulders. "Get dressed and go to sleep. You have work tomorrow with the monster boss," she winked at Kristine as she headed to the door.

Kristine freshened up and changed into her pj's. She isnt tired, not even a bit. Her adrenaline level is high enough to keep her awake.


"With a star?" asked Benjamin one morning as Kristine handed him his mug of coffee.

"Yes Sir," she replied.

"And what is it about stars this time?"

Kristine began her narration. "Well, to him, you are just one of the stars. But to her, you are her galaxy."

Benjamin was stunned. He could not comprehend how Kristine would connect a sticky note to something worth remembering. "Ok."," was all he said.

Kristine said goodbye but Benjamin stopped her tracks. "You like concerts? Like, bands or stuff?" he hesitatingly asked her. She turned around to face him. "You mean, like Eraserheads, Parokya, True Faith..?"


Kristine shrieked. "Omg! They're my favorites!"

Benjamin, for the first time, laughed out loud. "Do you want to go to the concert with me on Friday?"

Kristine almost fainted. "Sir?'

"Friday? Concert?" he repeated.

"Oh..," she replied as she tried to hide her excitement.

"My cousin cant go and I have 2 VIP front row tickets. It would be a——"

Kristine exclaimed "Yes!!!!"

"Ok. Hahaha!" Benjamin's laugh echoed in the office.

Kristine just melted. "Friday... ohhkaay," she finally said before leaving the room.


Friday came and business as usual for Benjamin and Kristine. They acted as if they are not going out later that night. Kristine tries so hard to avoid Lea's interrogative stares and unending questions throughout the day.

"So.... is he into you?" Lea grilled Kristine during lunch. They have decided to eat at the small patio restaurant across the building.

Kristine took a bite of her chicken sandwich. "What?!"

"Is he showing some signals?"

"Of course not! He is still the same monster boss," Kristine answered back trying to change the topic. "I wonder how's Elle now." Then her phone rang. "Hello.."

"Where are you?" said the voice on the other line. It was Benjamin.

"Across the street. Why?" monster boss, she whispered to Lea.

"We're leaving early today.  Meet me at the lobby at 4pm." Benjamin instructed.

"Copy that." Her tummy has butterflies partying. She could hardly chew her sandwich because of getting thrilled.

"You okay?" asked Lea.

"Yeah, im fine," she replied but her mind is already wandering somewhere else.


Despite of the intriguing looks and whispers of people around her in the lobby, Kristine focused her gaze on the busy street. Any time now, Benjamin will pull over and they are going to see a concert. It is not a date, she reminded herself. It's just that there are 2 VIP tickets and she is available to go. No, she was asked. Er, invited?! Whatever! She is going to a concert with the monster boss.

A sports car stopped in front of her. All eyes were on her then to the car. Kristine went to the car as the door to the passenger side opened. "Let's go," commanded Benjamin.

Kristine got in the car and ignored the people in the lobby.  She smiled sheepishly at Benjamin who was busy taking off his necktie. "Hi Sir."

Benjamin nodded. "We're going to have an early dinner before going to the venue. What do you want?" he asked.

"Anything, Sir. I am okay with anything," Kristine replied.

'Did you inform your Tita?"

"Yes, Sir."

"When we are outside, dont call me Sir anymore. Just Benj.," Benjamin told her.

Kristine sneaked a glance on Benjamin. First name basis?! "OK Sir...I mean, Benj. " she obeyed.

Benjamin chose a fancy restaurant close to the venue to avoid the hassle of traffic and looking for parking spots.  They had early dinner and they just walked towards the venue. 

"Just in time," Benjamin winked as he took Kristine's hand to her surprise.

They walked hand in hand together to the venue's gate. Benjamin showed the tickets to the attendant and they were ushered to the third row from the stage. Kristine has never gotten so excited in her entire life. Front row tickets cost too much but right at that instant, she will be having so much fun.

The show featured a lot of famous bands with all their all-time hits. The crowd goes wild everytime they hear a familiar song. And Kristine would be up on her feet to sing with the crowd. Benjamin just sits back and let Kristine enjoy. Sometimes, Kristine would glance back on him and gives him a big smile and Benjamin would squeeze her arm in return. The concert ended at almost midnight. And just the same, Benjamin took Kristine by the hand and led her outside the arena.

"You had fun?" he whispered on her ears on their way out following a huge crowd.

Kristine froze. He has never came close to her. "Yeah, thanks!" she answered back sweetly.

Benjamin held her closely when the crowd infront of them became wild when the band performers in their cars passed by the street waving to their fans.

"Ooppss!" Kristine almost fell and grabbed Benjamin by his arm.

"Let's get out of here," he tightened his grasp on Kristine's hand and led her way to the parking.

"Do you need to go home now?" Benjamin asked Kristine when they reached the car.

"Why?" she asked innocently.

"Well, we can grab something to eat. like, uhmm... midnight snack and we drive to Antipolo. Have you been there yet?" he suggested.

"Oh, you mean overlooking Metro Manila? Been there once before but that was like many, many years ago".

"Ok. Let's go?" he asked as he turned the engine on.

Kristine smiled back at him and nodded. She took her phone out and began texting her Aunt Emily.


It was a short drive from the concert's venue to Antipolo. They found a perfect spot along the highway overlooking Metro Manila's skyline.  There were other cars parked as well along the road. Benjamin passed by a hamburger joint to take out food. He parked wherein the trunk was facing the skyline. Kristine prepared their food and sat on the trunk. Benjamin turned the radio on and played some soft music.

Kristine handed Benjamin his burger meal and softdrinks. "Ketchup?" she offered him.

"Thanks!"he took the ketchup from her and put some on his burger.

It was a clear night. Soft breeze of the wind, stars in the sky and the moon gazing back at them. Perfect, thought Kristine.

"Where are your parents?" Benjamin asked cutting the silence.

"My parents separated when I was 12," she informed him. "Yours?"

"They died in a plane crash shortly after I graduated. That's why I had to take over our lighting business. I had to learn everything from scratch", he narrated with a sad tone on his voice.

"Im sorry to hear that."

Benjamin looked away. "Life. You can never tell what's going to happen next, right? Everything and anything is possible. One day, all your loved ones are with you. Next thing you knew, you're all by yourself."

Kristine puts her burger down and wiped her mouth. She let out a heavy sigh. " Yup. I agree. 100% and 1."

Benjamin then focused his gaze on her. "Have you fell in love before?" he asked in surprise.

"Oh, that?!" she laughed.

"Yeah..that," he replied.

Kristine sighed deeply. "Well, I did," she began. "We were high school sweethearts. We were so in love with each other. Or so I thought. I was supposed to take up Mass Communications in college but he insisted I'd take Business Management with him instead. So we can have a business together when we finish and for our future," Kristine stopped as tears flowed down her cheeks. She thought she was over him. It was the first time she talked about it after so many years.

"Then what happened?" Benjamin asked offering Kristine his handkerchief.

"Thanks," Kristine said as she wiped her tears. "He got another girl pregnant." And she wept silently. She had no plans of talking about it with anyone, especially Benjamin. But here she was pouring her heart out. "No more forever. No more future. He made me believe we have a chance. He made me believe in love. He was my everything. He was my life, my universe."

Benjamin moved closer to Kristine and put his arms around her. "Maybe he is not worth it. Maybe there is someone out there meant for you. Meant to love you the way you loved him or even more.," he comforted Kristine.

"I dont know. I dont believe in love anymore," she sighed deeply.

"Someday, someone will touch that heart again. And when that day comes, you wouldn't even know that you're in love again. It will come, no rush. And when that time comes, it will erase all the tears on your eyes. It will make you forget the pain and heartache. And it will make you smile again," he assured her while looking straight into her eyes.

They sat in silence. "A shooting star!' exclaimed Kristine.

"Make a wish!" Benjamin said as he held Kristine's hand.

Kristine closed her eyes. She didnt know Benjamin was all eyes on her. When she opened her eyes, Benjamin was standing infront of her.

"May I have this dance?" Benjamin offered his hand and Kristine gladly took it. He guided her arms on his shoulders and pulled her closer to him. Kristine leaned on his broad shoulders and closed her eyes. She could smell his after-shave cream and his perfume does not hurt her nose, either. She can stay this way forever. Her lips formed a smile when she heard Benjamin started singing softly in her ears.

"Tomorrow morning if you wake up..." and Benjamin swayed slowly as he sings. Kristine's heart skipped a beat. She wanted to feel this moment forever. Benjamin looked down on her face and Kristine's eyes locked on his. He slowly bend down and kissed Kristine. As their lips touch, she felt home. It was a warm and soothing kiss. A kiss she never felt before. The kiss that could seal her doubts on Benjamin.

However, Kristine felt a little uncomfortable. She knows Benjamin is still her boss. And he does not say anything to her. Nothing at all. She moved back a bit and pretended to look at her watch. It was 2:30am. "Shall we go?"

"Okay," Benjamin let go of Kristine and closed the trunk. He opened the passenger door for Kristine.

"Thanks," she got in and puts on her seatbelt.

Benjamin started the car and held Kristine's hand while driving. They never spoke until they reached Kristine's house.

"I will see you on Monday," Benjamin squeezed Kristine's hand one more time.

"Take care," she beamed as she closed the door.


It's a busy week for Kristine. Back to back meetings of Benjamin over Skype and Zoom, last minute revisions of presentations, organizing travels and itineraries and scheduling  appointments. Benjamin never smiles even if Kristine tries her best to make a busy day easy for both of them. Maybe he's just the serious type during work hours, she thought.

Beep. The phone connecting to Benjamin's office rang on Kristine's table.

Kristine picked up the phone. "Sir?"

"Can you order 2 large bouquets of white tulips? 2 dozens each," Benjamin said.

"To be delivered today, Sir?" Kristine asked while jotting down notes.

"Yes, we'll bring it to Greenfields later," and he hang up.

We'll bring it later, we? Ok. Kristine sighed and it's going to be a long day again for her.

After work, Benjamin as usual picked her up at the building's lobby. Kristine has the 2 bouquets in her arms. Benjamin motioned her to put in the back seat.

They arrived at the cemetery half an hour later. Kristine followed Benjamin behind. Benjamin has the flowers and a guitar backpack hanging on his left shoulder. Benjamin stopped in front of a mausoleum. He unlocked the gate, placed the flowers infront of the grave and lit candles. He then sat infront of the graves and started strumming his guitar to a tune that Kristine has never heard of. She stood by the gate giving Benjamin his space. Kristine tried to read the names on the grave. It's Benjamin's parents. She could feel the pain from the song that Benjamin's playing on his guitar. Hmmm, talented, she smiled covertly.

Benjamin turned around and looked for her. He saw her and he extended his hand. Kristine walked towards him and took his hand. He assisted her as she sat down. Benjamin went back on strumming his guitar. He felt so at peace as Kristine watched him play. His eyes were closed and he was mouthing some words that Kristine couldn't hear. She sat in silence, observing Benjamin how he sway with his music.

"It's a song I composed when my parents died," Benjamin spoke as if reading Kristine's mind.

"Nice melody. What's the title?" she asked.


Kristine felt a deeper meaning for that one-word title. She felt the pain and longing of Benjamin for his parents. "Oh," was all she said.

"Today's their 12th death anniversary but it seems like it only happened yesterday. I miss them so much," Benjamin bowed down and buried his face on his guitar. "This is where I go every time I feel alone. Every time I need someone who fully understand and love me." He looked up and Kristine blinked an eye. Is he crying? She sat in silence again not knowing what to do. She isnt prepared for this. All she can do is sit there in silence for him.

Benjamin wiped the tears away, puts back his guitar in the backpack and said his prayers silently. He then stood up and offered his hand to Kristine. She took his hand and they left the mausoleum hand in hand.

Benjamin brought her home again for the nth time. This time, he parked the car and turned the engine off. He looked at Kristine without unlocking the doors. "Thanks again," he said.

Kristine smiled. "Anytime, Sir," she replied while looking outside the window. Her Aunt Emily might be waiting for her now.

Benjamin reached out for her hand. He held it tight. Kristine looked at him. Okay, what's next, she asked herself. She could feel butterflies and stars all over them. Is he going to say something? Is he going to kiss me? Right now, at this time?

"Good night," said Benjamin as he unlocked the doors. Kristine let go of his grip and got out of the car.

"Good night," she whispered as she walked away. She didnt turn back as Benjamin drove off.

Kristine entered the house and saw her Aunt Emily sitting in the couch at the living room watching tv. "Hey, you okay?" she called on Kristine.

"I guess," replied Kristine. She took a seat on the opposite couch.

"Benjamin?" Aunt Emily inquired.

"He's giving me mixed signals. I dont know what he wants. If he likes me or not. I dont know. It's just so weird to feel this."

Aunt Emily sat beside her. "You've been there before, right? With James. You should know by now."

James was Kristine's first love. " I know but this time it's different. It feels different," she argued with Aunt Emily. "He does not say anything. Nothing at all. We'd hold hands; we go out. Well, not the typical 'go-out' but ....arrghh! I dont like this!!!"

Aunt Emily laughed. "What's up with that?!"

"Why are you laughing at me?" Kristine cried out loud.

"Well, you dont have to feel that way, Miss. Just FYI. Maybe he's not into words. Maybe he is still contemplating. Or maybe, he's not just into you," said Aunt Emily with a loud shriek.

Kristine's face dropped. "You think so?" she asked with all seriuosness.

Aunt Emily felt the sincerity and disappointment in Kristine's question. "Look, if he does not like you, he wont ask you out to go to the concert with him. Or to go to his parent's grave or bring you home which obviously is out of his way, right? So just continue being that 'friend' to him who is always there to give him a hand. Let us always hope for the best but never expect. Never so you wont get hurt and broken again. OK?"

Kristine hugged her Aunt Emily as tight she could. "Thank you. Love you!"

"Go rest now. You still have work tomorrow," Aunt Emily said.


"Sir, coffee," said Kristine as she peeped into Benjamin's office the following day. She realized what Aunt Emily has told her the night before. Hope but not expect. To avoid being hurt and broken. But be that friend for him.

Benjamin looked up from writing. "With a smile?" he asked as he took the sticky note with a huge grin from his mug.

"Uhmm, yes Sir." Kristine said blatantly.

Benjamin raised his brows on her. "And what is your explanation this time?"

"Oh.." Kristine fixed her hair. "Well, we all need to smile, sometimes. It does not cost a thing. It lifts up heavy burdens. It can heal a broken heart. It can change the world."

Benjamin nodded in agreement. "Thanks," was all he said.

Kristine left the office feeling happy and disappointed again. She felt she is walking on water. She decided not to think about it anymore and to just let it pass. She would stay as  his personal assistant slash friend. That is all she could be for him, right now.

Days passed and Kristine's feelings for Benjamin halted for awhile. She made it a point that she handles it professionally. Whenever she is with him, she acts as if she feels nothing. Whenever they are together, she feels like in cloud 9.  But as always, she puts her feelings behind. She is as scared as hell to fall in love again. She does not want to ask. Or should she? She could not do it. Well, she's a girl. Not the norms of the society. She will try to hide her feelings as much as she can. And if nothing works, she is prepared for it. Or is she?


One afternoon, while everyone was busy in their workplace, someone came in the office looking for Benjamin.

"Excuse me," a soft voice interrupted the whole team. "May I know if Benjamin Acosta is around?"

Everyone turned their faces on Kristine. Kristine stood up & greeted the woman. She was taller than her, about 2-3inches taller, slender, sophisticated and a Julia Roberts look-a-like on first glance. "May I help you, Ma'am?" Kristine asked.

"Im looking for Mr. Acosta. Is he around?" the woman said as she puts away her glasses in her purse. "Im Lauren, by the way. Lauren " and she extended her hand for a hand shake.

Kristine took her hand and shook it firmly. "Kristine Ocampo. Sir Benjamin's personal assistant. He is in a meeting right now. I can let you wait in his office if that is fine with you."

"Awesome!" said Lauren. And she followed Kristine to Benjamin's office.

A few minutes later, Benjamin emerged from the conference room. "Sir," Kristine called. "Somebody's waiting for you in your office."

"Who?" Benjamin asked as he handed her a pile of folders.

"Lauren?" she answered.

Benjamin's face turned pale. "Thanks," and he went to his office.

Lea looked at Kristine. She held her by the arm. And even if Kristine hasn't said anything to her, she knows what's going on between her boss and her friend.

"Lauren?? Like, THE Lauren Mendoza?!" they heard from their office mates whispers.

"Yes, that's her!" replied one of the girls who was busy printing out pamphlets. "Sir Benjamin's ex gf".

Kristine held her breath. Lea gasped. Both girls looked at each other. Little did Kristine know, tears began to flood her face.

"SSShhhh..ex-gf, right?" Lea assured Kristine.

Kristine sobbed. She wiped the tears away. Then the phone rang. She calmly answered the phone. "Yes, Sir?" she paused. "Noted, Sir."

Minutes later, Benjamin and Lauren got out of the office. Lauren waved goodbye at them and held onto Benjamin's arm. All eyes were on them which then moved to Kristine's side.

"What?" she asked them.

Everybody returned to their stations and pretended nothing has happened.


Kristine has accepted the fact that Benjamin has no intentions of pursuing her. He could just be one of the girls. Or even one of those who is head over heels in love with him. But she remained to be a friend. Besides, she worked in his company as a personal assistant, nothing more nothing else. Whatever happens outside of the workplace was beyond her control. Especially her feelings towards him.

"With a rain?" Benjamin intrigued by the sticky note on his coffee mug one sunny day. "I dont think it is raining outside,"

Kristine sighed. "It rains when the clouds could not handle the weight anymore. And tears fall..." she stopped trying to hold back her tears, "tears fall when you can no longer handle the hurt."

Benjamin puts down his mug. "Are you okay?"

Kristine couldnt hold back her tears. "No, Im not okay. I dont think I am going to be ok."

Benjamin looked puzzled. "What is it about?"

"Nothing. You would not understand anyway," she sobbed.

"Try me," he insisted.

Kristine wiped the tears away from her face. She looked atBenjamin straight into his eyes. "With all the smiles you gave me, I never thought you could cause me so much tears. Do you even care? Do you care for me? Or not enough? What I feel for you does not even have a name or a label. What I know is that I have fallen for you. But you have given me mixed signals. Because you're too conceited to admit what you truly feel and with that, you made me as one of your options. My only mistake was making you a priority.Yes, I have fallen in love with you. And that was my biggest mistake." Kristine stormed out of Benjamin's office leaving him astounded.

Kristine was met by Lea halfway to their table.

"Everything ok?" Lea asked in a whisper.

"Im going home. Im having a migraine attack," said Kristine as she gathered her stuff from her table and put everything inside her purse. She dashed off without saying goodbye to Lea.


It has been a week and Kristine did not go to work. She sent a medical certificate to HR on Monday because of her migraines but the certificate was good for only 2 days. It was already Thursday. She wondered who took over while she was gone. Lea would text her every now and then to update her of Benjamin.

"HR called and said you are on leave," Lea informed Kristine over a phone call one Friday morning. "I have been doing all your work!"

Kristine laughed. She could not imagine how Benjamin and Lea handled each other. "I dont know. Maybe I will just send a resignation letter?"

"You silly girl! Rule #1. Do not fall in love with the boss!"

Kristine sighed heavily. "I tried! You know that."

"I know," Lea replied sadly. "By the way, just to let you know, Sir Benjamin sent an email to HR about your status in the company. That you can come back anytime."

Kristine got the shock of her life. "What?! How?!"

"He just happens to be the owner and the CEO not just of the company but of the whole building," Lea replied matter-of-factly.

Kristine's face turned white. She felt numb. "OMG!"

"OMG, really!" And both girls laughed out loud.

Kristine heard a loud knock from her bedroom door. She opened the door while holding the phone on her other hand. It was her Aunt Emily holding a big brown envelope.

"I have a surprise," Aunt Emily mouthed.

Kristine nodded. "Lei, talk to you later. See you soon. Pls keep an eye on him for me!" she giggled as she ended their conversation.

"What is that?!" Kristine asked Aunt Emily as soon as she puts the phone down.

"Open it!" said Aunt Emily as she handed her the envelope.

Kristine carefully tore the upper portion of the envelope. It's a bunch of papers. Her papers for Canada has finally arrived.

"Surprise!" shouted Aunt Emily. "I was talking to your mom last night and she cant wait to see you. Finally!!! The long wait is over."

Kristine could not say a word. She does not know if she is happy she'll see and be able to be with her mother after so many years of waiting or she is sad because she hasnt spoken with Benjamin ever since she walked out from his office.

Benjamin tried to reach her. He did everything. He sent emails & text messages. But no replies from Kristine.  He called her but would always end up on her voicemails which she never returned any of his calls. He came to their house but it was Aunt Emily who faced him and told him she was asleep. But she wasnt. She was up in her room trying to distract herself from Benjamin's presence downstairs. But she was not distracted at all.

"Are you not happy?" questioned Aunt Emily.

Kristine stared at the documents. "I am." Then tears slowly fell down her face.

"You gotta talk to him before you leave." advised Aunt Emily. She hugged her tight and left the room.

Kristine buried her face on her bed. She cant talk to him not because she hates him but because she loves him she does not want to say goodbye to him. And this is making everything worse.


Kristine became busy the next few days preparing her stuff to bring to Canada. She purchased 2 large luggages. Her mom has instructed her not to bring too many clothings because they will do some shopping once she gets there. She packed her star stuff toy which she got from her dad when she was 6. She also dod not forget to pack her little teddy which she got on her 1st birthday. She looked around her room. It felt so surreal. She will surely miss every corner of her room in her Aunt Emily's house.

The dreadful day for Kristine has arrived. Her flight to Canada is at 8pm. It was 8 in the morning. Twelve hours left and it's all goodbye to Benjamin.

"I will miss you, Kaye!" said Lea on the other line. "Do not, and i dare you, dont you ever forget me!!"

Kristine's eyes were filled with tears again. She has been crying almost every single day since she got her papers. "Silly you! Of course I wont!"

"You take care of yourself."

"How is he?" she bravely asked Lea about Benjamin.

"Well, you know him. He does not show any emotions whatsoever. Still the professional boss as he could be."

"He does not like me, I know," Kristine whispered.

"Maybe he does. Just that he does not know how to show it?!" Lea assured her. "Well, gotta go. I will call you later when you're at the airport. Ciao for now!" Then she hang up.

Aunt Emily and Kristine ate their breakfast in silence. It is going to be hard for both of them. Kristine is like a sister and a daughter to her Aunt Emily. "I will miss your pancakes," Kristine finally blurted out.

Aunt Emily started weeping. "You would not taste any pancake as good as mine's!"

"Of course!!! Yours is the best!!" Kristine exclaimed and gave her Aunt Emily a big hug. "I will miss you".

"I will miss you more!" cried Aunt Emily. "Enough with the drama! Ha ha ha! Let's get ready and I dont want you to be late."


Aunt Emily and Kristine arrived at the airport just in time. Traffic was not so bad so they have enough time to spend the last few hours together.

"Got everything with you? Passport? Documents? All in your purse?" inquired Aunt Emily as she parked the car.

"Yes Ma'am!" Kristine answered.

"Let's go!" And Aunt Emily helped Kristine with her luggages.

The airport was packed with people. Travellers here and there as well as spectators. The check in counters for Kristine's flight is still closed so they decided to grab a snack at one of the airport's cafe.

Aunt Emily took her phone from her purse. "Yes?! Ok. See yah!" was all Kristine heard.

"Who was that?!" Kristine asked.

"Nobody," winked Aunt Emily.

They finished their snack and stayed in the airport's waiting area until the check in counters opened. Kristine went to the counter and checked in. She went back to Aunt Emily and gave her a sad smile.

"Hey, cheer up!" said Aunt Emily.

Kristine slouched back on of the chairs at the waiting area. "Im leaving. Im leaving... him." And she began to cry with her face down in between her hands.

Aunt Emily gave her a pat on the back. "You'll be okay."

"Kristine?" a familiar voice said. Kristine know that voice by heart. She looked up and saw Benjamin infront of them.

"Hi, Benj!" said Aunt Emily as she started to walk away from them. "I forgot something in the car. Be right back" and she dozed off.

Kristine wiped the tears away. "What are you doing here?" she asked him.

Benjamin sat beside her. "To say sorry. For everything."

And....?! she thought. Say it! Say it! Her mind was shouting. Just say it, please.

Flight 826 to Toronto now boarding. The overhead announcement made Kristine's head spin.

Benjamin got up and helped Kristine with her belongings. "Is this goodbye?"

Kristine stood face to face with Benjamin. She can again smell his perfume. "I guess..." And tears flooded her face again for the nth time.

Benjamin pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "You take care..." he said softly.

Kristine started singing almost in a whisper "coz im leaving on a jet plane..dont know when i'll be back again..." She stopped as she choked on the next few lines of the song. "Bye..." And she turned around and walked to the gate.

She thought she heard Benjamin called her name or was she just dreaming. It does not and wont change a thing. There were too many people in the airport and the noise everywhere was deafening she didnt look back.  She was standing in qeue when she felt her phone vibrated.

A text message from Benjamin. "I love you," it said.

Kristine smiled and cried at the same time. Her body froze and her heart just melted away. She was next in line at the boarding gate. This is now or never.

Kristine got out of the qeue and walked back out of the boarding gate. Her mom and her Aunt Emily would understand. Her visa does not expire soon. She can always come to Canada anytime. But this time, this she does not want to miss for a lifetime.


Benjamin was looking outside his office's window a day after Kristine left. He did not notice someone came into his office and placed his coffee mug on the table.

He turned around to see the mug with a heart. He looked up and smiled.

"Coffee, Sir?" Kristine smiled back.

Benjamin got up and went to Kristine. "I love you. I cant promise you a perfect relationship but i will give my best to make it perfect for you. I cant promise you an easy road along the way without arguments or fights or differences. But i can promise you that as long as you're here with me, by my side, we can make it together."

Kristine kissed Benjamin. A soft lingering kiss that she has wanted to do eversince. "Im back."

Benjamin pulled her closer. "I love you, Kristine."

"I love you, too Benj".


The End.

02 Sept 2020

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