The Professors (Reader x Char...

By lslytherinl

181K 5K 2.7K

Y/n is a mutant with a bad history, but what happens when you make friends with a waitress and a professor ju... More

1.1 First Class
1.2 Moira
1.3 Erik
1.4 Cerebro
1.5 Recruiting
1.6 Russia
1.7 Home
1.8 Rage and Serenity
1.9 Powers
1.10 Changes
1.11 Cuba
1.12 I Love You
2.01 Days of Future Past
2.02 Prison Break
2.03 Charles?
2.04 Chess
2.05 Paris
2.06 Spine
2.07 DC
2.08 A Better Path
2.09 The School
2.10 Erik?
2.11 Nightmares
3.1 Apocalypse
3.2 Moira...again
3.3 You're Back
3.5 Rescue Mission
3.6 Earlier in Cairo
3.7 The Fight
3.8 Abracadabra

3.4 Stryker

3.2K 107 26
By lslytherinl

I wake up on damp, cool metal floor. I stand up, looking around at everyone who is here. Hank is next and I help him to his feet. Everyone else begins to wake up and look around.

"What? - What? What's wrong with you? Is that going to happen to all of us?" Peter freaks a bit after seeing Hank.

"No, I just left my meds in the house." Hank in Beast form rolls his eyes.

"What happened? Where we are?" Moira finally wakes up.

"Hey. Hey!" Raven yells at the men watching us.

"Hello, Mystique." He speaks through a com, the one that took us.

"Major Stryker." She replies.

"Colonel Stryker. I wouldn't get too close to the wall if I were you. It may create some...discomfort." Stryker chuckles maliciously.

"I'm Moira MacTaggert. I'm a senior officer at the CIA." Moira tries.

"I know who you are, agent MacTaggert." Stryker seems annoyed.

"You cannot keep me here in this..." She argues.

"Actually, I can. A psychic event just destroyed every nuke from here to Moscow. That event emanated from exactly where we found you. At the home of the world's most powerful psychic. So, you're going to tell me. Where is Charles Xavier?" He pressures.

"It's not him you should be worried about. There's someone else. Someone more powerful." I argue back, remembering my nightmares of Apocalypse.

"If you let us out of here, we can help you." Raven beckons.

"Do you really expect me to believe that? You can put on any face that you want, but I know who you are. What you are." Stryker insults her.

"Hey, Y/n. Mm." Hank approaches and whispers. "What did you mean when you said someone more powerful than Charles?"

"The visions Hank. Apocalypse is here." I say and I can see his eyes go wide. He didn't know the name but he knew how those visions haunt me and Charles. He was with me when the terror ensued. Stryker looks at us and almost turns away. I try to use my purple energy to open the door but it won't work.

"There's no use Psycho." He evilly comments then walks away from us. We all sigh and sit down in silence.

"You know him? Magneto." Peter comes up to Raven and me.

"I used to. I'm not so sure anymore." Raven sighs.

"Yes, we know him. We know Erik." I answer.

"What was he like? Was they say he was? Was he a...bad guy? I remember breaking you two out of the pentagon but, I know that doesn't mean everything." Peter tries with me.

"No, Peter. Erik is not always the bad guy. Erik is good, just...broken." I sigh and Peter looks like he pressured me into saying to much.

"Why do you care so much? Did you see his speech on TV or something?" Raven fires at him.

"Yeah, but..." Peter sighs and hesitated continuing until I hear his thought.

"Oh my god." I breathe out and everyone turns.

"He's my father." Peter finishes as we all gasp a little.

"What?" Raven asks.

"He and my mom, they..." Peter awkwardly begins.

"Yeah, I know. But...Are you sure?" Raven asks, now interested.

"Yeah. Yeah. yeah. He left my mom before I was born. I met him 10 years back, but I didn't know it was him. By the time I figured it out, it was too late, you know. Then, this week I saw him on TV again. And, I came to their house looking for him. But, by the time I got there... Late again. You know, for a guy who moves as fast as me, I always seem to be too late." Peter sighs. I put my hand on his.

"Let's hope not this time. You won't be late this time." I smile at him and he smiles back. I suddenly remember what fell out of Charles's pocket, and is in mine right now. I take out the small black box as Hank turns to me.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" He asks me, very alert.

"Charles...this fell out of his pocket." I sigh and try to open it. It looks like it could contain a ring but I don't want to get my hopes up.

"I'll take that." Hank grabs it from me and walks away.

"Hank! Give it!" I shout like a child. I walk over to him but he won't budge. Eventually Raven pries it out of his furry hands. She opens it and gasps.

"Y/n, Charles was going to propose." She smiles widely and I laugh of joy.

"R-Really?" I ask going towards the box.

"No, you can't see it. You can't see the ring until he does it." She closes it. Raven then runs over to me and hugs me. "Congratulations, my best friend." She hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Raven." I hug back and we release quickly. "You have to come Raven. Be my maid of honor." I say then my smile fades. "I-if there's a wedding. If the world isn't destroyed. If Charles lives." I start to get very upset.

"Of course I'll do that." She wipes a tear from my eye. "I always rooted for you two." Raven grins, but I cannot he happy right now. My emotions have shifted towards anger. I give her a weak smile then turn my voice and body upwards.

"You know, you have to let us out!" I shout at the operating room, but no ones there. "Let us out or we break out! And when I get out of here I will personally kill each and every one of you!" I shout even louder, causing me to get looks from everyone in the room. The soldiers enter the room and one speaks to us.

"I'd like to see you try." The soldier laughs.

'This is a message. A message to every man, woman and mutant.' I hear in my brain. Charles. It seems like everyone else can hear it though. 'You have lost your way. But I have returned. The day of reckoning, it is here. All your buildings... All your buildings and temples... ... will fall. The dawn of a new era will emerge. For there is nothing you can do...- Y/n- ... to stop what is coming. Y/n, if you can hear me, focus on my voice.' I hear Charles speak directly to me. 'Cairo. Find us. Y/n, find us. Cairo. Find us. Y/n, I love you.' He tells me.

'I love you too Charles' I project back, hoping he can hear.

'This message is for one reason alone. Those with the greatest power. Protect those without. That's my message to the world.' Charles says then ends the connection.

"That was Charles doing that without Cerebro." Hank gasps.

"Sir, what was that voice?" A soldier asks.

"I know that voice. It's Xavier, isn't it? What's going on?" Stryker questions.

"We don't know!" Raven shouts.

"We don't know, bro!" Peter agrees.

'Cairo. Charles sent me his own message. They are in Cairo.' I project to everyone there. We all look at each other and nod. I turn to look at Stryker above us. No one will prevent me from getting to Charles.

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