Unalome [Junsol]


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In which way Junhui's dark life is enlightened by the appearance of Hansol. ••• "The unalome symbol is for t... More

Chapter 2: "Ayy, someone is getting defensive."
Chapter 3: "Call Doctor Jeon, now!"
Chapter 4: "I'm his brother, Lee Jihoon."
Chapter 5: "Nobody will love me as much as mummy and daddy do."
Chapter 6: "That's one hella rich friend."

Chapter 1: "Stop spouting craps Jeonghan hyung"

309 15 8


It was dark that night when Hansol walks home. After having supper with Joshua and Wonwoo, he declined Wonwoo's offer to send him home because he wanted to enjoy the calm and serene night walk. Also because he has been freaking out about the increase in his weight earlier this morning.

As he walks through the seemingly empty dark alleyways before reaching his apartment he heard strange noises behind the big garbage tank. Out of his own curiosity, Hansol peeked behind the tank only to see an unconscious male in a suit. The blonde male rushed to the stranger's side to examine his condition. There is blood seeping from his mouth, the stranger was probably out due to fatigue and exhaustion.

He watches the pale-faced stranger's chest moving up and down proving that he is still alive. The young male almost shrieks in shock when the stranger clenches his stomach with a contorted face as if he was in grave pain.

Panicked, Hansol quickly reaches for his phone to call the ambulance when the stranger holds his hand to stop him. The phone went out of Hansol's grip due to shock. His honey eyes met a pair of intimidating dark eyes gazing sharply at him.

"Are- Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly.

"Don't call the ambulance or police." The male said. His voice is low and deep. Hansol was worried when he realised that the male was probably been holding in his pain.

"This can't do, you need to go to the hospital." He said worriedly.

Growing up in a peaceful and loving household with four members, Hansol paid a lot of attention to other people's needs as he realises that not everyone is as lucky as him to be granted such an amazing father, a loving mother and an adorable little sister. The male learned to care about people around him a lot even strangers.

"No. I just need 30 minutes to get rid of this pain. You should get going." The stranger told him through gritted teeth. Hansol feels his heart aches for the person in front of him. The pain seems unbearable and he was adamant about taking the matter heads on blindly.

"But how can I leave—" Hansol did not manage to finish his words as the male once again went unconscious.

Hansol tried to search for his phone by patting his pockets and body but the result was no phone or any communication device on him. There's nothing on the stranger's body except for the empty pill case in his chest pocket. Hansol helps him to get rid of his outermost coat when he saw him sweating profusely.

Having no choice as he did not find any phone on the stranger, Hansol picked up his phone from the floor along with the stranger's coat in his bag before carefully cradled the male.

"I'll take you to my home. I live alone and it's too dangerous for you to be out here in these hours." He whispered.

The youngster helped the stranger to lean on his body to stand up. He was having a hard time supporting him due to the sizes difference as it can be pretty much established from his body frame which is far bigger and taller than Hansol.

"Please hang on for a while, my apartment is nearby." He said softly to the half-unconscious male.

Half-dragging half-pulling, it took Hansol almost 10 minutes to finally reaches his apartment. He was grateful that the friendly old guard who used to talk to him downstairs is not on duty and instead a straight-faced male was sitting there. It would get him into tons of trouble if the old man saw him carrying someone into his apartment building. Good thing the elevator was empty until he reaches his floor. God seems to be helping him too.

Settling the male on the sofa in the living room, the young male promptly moves to the kitchen where he put the first aid box. He reaches for a glass of water and checks his refrigerator for some porridge ingredients. Finding all the things he needed, Hansol rushed to the living room with the first-aid box and plain water.

He was shocked to the stranger already regained his consciousness and was sitting up on his own. His pale face looked confused and on the full alert. He looks like he's ready to attack Hansol when the male approaches. His sharp eyes were watching Hansol like an eagle.

"How are you feeling?"

Realising he was getting no response, Hansol shrugged before focusing on the first-aid box. He never really uses it before but he did learn basic first aid from his doctor friend.

"Please, have some water. You looked very pale." He says as he hands the stranger the glass. However, seeing the stranger's shaky hand, he kindly helped him to drink it.

"I don't have much knowledge of medicines but I can do some basic first aid. Will you let me help you?" He asked softly, sitting on the floor and look up to the stranger's calculating eyes. Their eyes met and Hansol swears he was thrown off guard by the mysterious whirlpool in those eyes.

The male looks like he was contemplating something before nodding in the end. Hansol smiled in appreciation before proceeding to check on his injuries and wounds that are visible to the eyes.

"Do you mind pulling up your sleeves while I'm going to get some clean cloth and water? These wounds might get infected if it's not cleaned up properly." He said before disappearing into one of the closed doors.

Junhui found himself unable to react to anything. He knows his antibody is working and he regained some strength, although it is not enough for him to walk around freely. He watches as the youngster who helped him earlier moving back and forth before sitting on the floor by his side, looking like a docile little bunny.

"I'm going to wash your elbow for a bit. This scratch is quite big and seems painful." The blonde male said to Junhui before carefully touching his arm.

Junhui cannot believe that he is letting a stranger, other than his personal doctor or the Divine's elites to touch him freely. However, he cannot see himself pushing the good-intentioned young male that seems to be keen on helping him.

He took the moment to admire the kind stranger's face. Blond hair, a shade lighter than Jeonghan's hair, beautifully structured face, thick eyebrows, a pair of big almond eyes with the most beautiful honey-caramel orbs, aquiline nose and thin lips forming a straight line on his beautiful face. He was a literal angel and in Junhui's eyes, the young male before him is even more gorgeous than the self-proclaimed angel he knew. (*Cough, Yoon Jeonghan)

His daydream was cut short when he felt a stinging sensation on his right elbow where the youngster was tending making him hissed in pain.


"Oh gosh, I'm really sorry." Hansol bowed his head a few times showing how sorry he is until the stranger's hand stopped him from bowing.

It took Hansol around 15 minutes to tend and bandages the numerous cuts and minor wounds on the stranger's body. He then went into his bedroom to his closet to find a clothes change. It would be uncomfortable to sleep in suits.

It was at this moment Hansol realised that he had been helping a total stranger that he has no idea where he came from, the reason to his injuries or even know his name. It finally gets to him that he has invited a stranger into his personal space and has been helping the latter to settle down and even thinking about letting the stranger sleep in the room across to his.

"Why am I helping a stranger? He could be a serial killer for God's sake." The youngster asks himself. "No no, don't think of anything bad and help him okay. People with good intentions will always be repaid with good things. That's what mom always said." He added to remind himself.

Pulling the largest sweatpants and sweatshirt he owned, the male hurriedly rushes to the living room.

"Umm, these are the biggest that I can find. Are you hungry?" He asked as he hands him the clothes which the other calmly accepts with a nod of appreciation.

Junhui was about to answer no when loud grumbling noises came from his stomach. The male duck his head in shame when he heard Hansol giggle.

"I'll cook some food for you. In the meantime, why don't you go change in that room? It's empty. If you're planning on showering, please avoid the bandaged parts."

"What is your name?" Junhui asked after the thoughts finally hit him that he did not even know this angel.

"Hansol. Chwe Hansol."

"Junhui. Wen Junhui." Seeing his helper smile in acknowledgement made Junhui feel content. It does not bother him the fact that he disclosed his real name to the young male.

Hansol did not waste any time as he scurried away to the kitchen, hiding his now crimson cheeks after he saw the soft smile from the newly known Junhui. He feels his heart beating fast and he feels slightly uncomfortable about it.

Plus, he does not know much about Junhui, though he can tell that the former is someone with money. The fact alone can be established by his expensive-looking suits and shoes. Someone Hansol cannot reach all in this life.

Junhui watches as Hansol disappears again with a soft smile on his face. He stayed still for a while before collecting his messy thoughts and regained his composure. Those elites of Divine will never let him off if they saw him losing his cool.

He then picked up the clothes Hansol prepared for him before disappearing behind the door Hansol told him before. Junhui almost face-palmed when he realises that he had forgotten his subordinates. Those people will probably cause chaos to Han Wooseok since he disappeared from Hypnus's radar for more than an hour.

Activating his in-ears, the male listened to Jeonghan's frantic voice, clearly losing his composure while he rants on and on about Junhui's injured condition.

"Stop spouting craps Jeonghan hyung. Those punches and falling wounds won't even leave scars on me." He replies to his noisy assistant.

"Boss! Where the hell are you? Damn it I didn't expect you to disappear after jumping from the third floor. We apologise, for being incompetent." The other voice, Jeonghan rapidly speaks up.

"Hyung you're so noisy. I told you Jun can handle himself pretty well." Another voice spoke nonchalantly.

"Jihoon that's rude!" Jeonghan scolds.

"Jun hyung, do you need us to pick you up?" Hypnus chimed in.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine and my light injuries have been treated. I just need you to do some background check-ups on this person. Can you, Chan?" Junhui asks tiredly.

"Done. His full name is Hansol Vernon Chwe, born on 18th February 1998, in New York. Moved to Korea when he was five years old, grew up in Hongdae. His mother is French-American and his father is Korean. He also has a younger sister who's currently studying overseas. He's the co-owner of Table&Tulip, a flower shop with a person named Joshua Hong." Dino replied fast.

"So that makes sense why he's so gorgeous..."

"Pardon me, but what?" Tartarus's deep voice came after Junhui's short comment.


"Oh, by the way, Joshua Hong is Jeonghan hyung's cousin," Chan added.

"Wait, I think I've met this Hansol guy before with Shua. But why are you doing a background check up on this kid?" Jeonghan questioned.

"He's the one who helped me. I'm at his apartment now. Chan, I want his full report on my table tomorrow. Until then, have a good rest people." Junhui responds tiredly, preparing to deactivate his in-ears.

"Wait Jun-ah, I need to talk to you."

"Sorry for making you worried Cheol hyung. Can I talk to you tomorrow?" The younger male knows that he had cause panic to the eldest whom he respected so much.

"Okay. Try to get enough rest tonight. Did your antibody deactivated the poison?" Seungcheol cannot help but ask. Truth is, rather than being angry at all of his younger members and their boss, he was very worried about them.

"Yes. I have Erebos's pills with me. That helps."

"Good night then."

"Good night boss." Jeonghan bids seemingly regained his composure and playfulness after works.

"Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Jihoon, my office, now." Knowing that Jeonghan and Jihoon will get an earful and maybe some beating from Seungcheol, Junhui chuckles as he deactivates the in-ears.

Quickly discharging his stained suits, washing up and get changed, Junhui went out of the room to see that Hansol was sitting at the small dining table with a bowl of hot porridge in front of him, his mind seems to be elsewhere.

"Oh, you're done." The younger said when he finally realises Junhui had joined him at the table, sending a soft smile to the male's direction.

"Umm, thank you for helping me." Junhui started, awkwardly rubbing his nape with the tip of his ears reddening.

Hansol hides his amusement at Junhui's awkwardness, clearly not used to thanking someone.

"No problem. I'm just doing what a normal person would do. Please, eat the porridge while it's still hot. You look pale Junhui-ssi."

Junhui nodded. His eyes brighten when he tastes the newly-made porridge. "It's delicious." He said.

Hansol was not expecting that from Junhui as his cheek bathed with crimson shade. "Thank you."

"How old are you?"

"22 years old. I was born in 1998, how about Junhui-ssi?"

"24, born in 1996."

"Ah, you're older." Hansol feels slightly awkward since the conversation moving too slow and awkward to his liking.

"Umm, are you okay with eating alone? I think I need to wash up and prepare to bed. I have to go out pretty early tomorrow for work." He inquires after a long silence between them.

Junhui raised his head from the bowl to face Hansol. There is no reaction on his face but he was hoping for Hansol to accompany him eating as foolish as it sounds.

"Yeah, sure. You should do your routines." He unwillingly responded with an awkward smile.

"Well then, just put the bowl in the sink, I'll clear it tomorrow. You can sleep in the room you used before, nobody is using it anyways. Anything just calls me." Hansol implored as he stood from the chair.

"Good night." He bid before walking away from the table, leaving Junhui to watching as he disappears behind the door.


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