See You Again (Khun Edahn)

Autorstwa jusenri

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I'll hide my precious heart for you. Więcej



761 36 3
Autorstwa jusenri

At the Bull's front, the Ranker fight was in the state of unlifting apprehension.


"This is the Royal Enforcement Division Commander," the junior princess announced.

"Commander!" Ren.

Noticing the senior princess not backing away, she reminded her how their ranks as princesses both post below her ranking as Commander. "I request that Princess Yuri Jahad forfeit from this operation."

"Lady Yuri! It's Evan! Lady Yuri, please stop! It doesn't matter if you kill him, but Princess Sunflora will kill you first if you point any more fingers at him! And if it gets discovered that a princess helped Anak's daughter, things will get really complicated! If Princess Sunflora gets there before us, she definitely won't be idle about this. Kurudan is preparing. Didn't we bring him to use in a situation like this?! What I'm saying, Lady Yuri, is forget being overlooked or forgiven! I know you're super ultra powerful, but you'll get slaughtered on the spot! And by RED! This will not only be an issue in the Jahad Family, but also your Ha Family!" The transaction only dealt on the Ha Princess' line. At this, the length of Yuri's pause grew equivalent to the growing pains in her head.

"Damn! Being a princess sure is a bother," she put a hand at the side of her head. "Oy, rice ball, do whatever you want!"

"What?" Taken aback expressions occupied the facial palettes of the Regulars.

Picking up the Black March next to Endorsi, she started to exit the same way she entered. "Let's go back, Black March."

Amidst the opposition and pleas of the defeatedly crushed Regulars, Ren suddenly broke out in a hysterical mania.

"I was really surprised, Princess Yuri! Of course! There's no way Princess Yuri would defy the orders of King Jahad! You've made a wise choice, princess. Now, where were we?"

"Ren!" Sunflora yelled from the other line. "Take the Green April and move it out of there already! This is an order from your Commander!"

"Kurudan, take care of it." Yuri.

A large spherical pressure appeared from above, sending a sinking impact down the Jahad Ranker.

This... This is... Wave Controller! Dansulsa!

On the surface covering that very spot, the said Wave Controller was aiming his hammer downwards. Crashing it, the Regulars seemed like plastic bags being blown over by the wind. Ren's container had been squashed.

Twitching and laughing, he talked. "A Dansulsa... looks like you really got me. And like this, there isn't even any evidence... So... it seems like I can't even report this. You truly are a fearsome princess. But you really need to be aware of which sisters you're keeping close to you. Unfortunately, because of that mistake, I knew you brought some friends, princess. Princess, the person that you said you were seeking... it's an Irregular named Bam, right? I've sent the Bull."

Like the shadow during dawn, horror rose to Yuri, Shibisu, and Endorsi. Chuckling wasn't relenting in the assassin's relaying.

"Too bad. That boy's talent is a waste... Can't let an Irregular... live. That boy... won't be coming back alive, princess. You cannot stop it even if you kill me. As you may have already noticed... this body is merely one of my containers that I use... My true body is already somewhere... far away. I proceeded to leave as soon as the Commander notified me of your travelling. It was meant as an additional mission detail, though, and not as a change of course. I know my job as RED, princess. And... even if you hadn't brought her, after citing the Black March in my report, she would've already known... of your plans," Ren disclosed, then addressed Anak lastly. "Then, see you again, half... breed."

Sunflora, "Well, isn't my junior just the worst?"

"Evan," Yuri spoke. "I can't stand this anymore. I'll end this ridiculous test. I'll rip out the whole Testing Arena."

"My lady! P- Please stop, my lady!" Evan panicked.

"Stop what? This test was bullshit from the beginning. At the end of the day, even with that RED lackey gone, Flora will still crush this entire facility in the palm of her hands. Before that happens... I'll lift up the entire Testing Arena, and bring Bam myself."


"That's the end of the line, princess." Hansung. "If you interfere any further, Mr. Bam will automatically fail the test."

"Oh, you must be the Director of this test! Good," she acknowledged. "After I'm done with this, I'll come by to kill you, as well. So, wait there."

"No... you mustn't, my lady!" Evan admonished. "This guy's right! This test has been progressing according to the Guardian's plans all along! From that perverted RED guy to our intrusion! It was all merely a part of his plans! Even Princess Sunflora won't be able to assassinate Anak's daughter or Bam for the time being if they pass the Guardian's Test! That's why our role in this test ended as soon as that Rice Ball died! This is the end! From here on—Bam! It's a test that he must face! My lady, let's trust him. Allow him to pass the test with his own strength!"

Her Guide's effort speeding in her brain, she looked over to the rookie princess she had passed by. The master of the Black March inquired, "Oy, 'lil sis, do you think Bam will pass the test?"

"Bam will come back alive," Endorsi confidently reassured with a smirk. "Because I told him that I'd go out on a date with him when he comes back alive. He won't be able to die from such unfairness."

"Are you really a princess or is that all a lie? Flora is still here. You know her? Guardian's Test or nor, you're dead if she hears you," Yuri half-joked. "Oy, serf, take this!"

Catching the object the High Ranker threw, Shibisu's eyebrows furrowed, recognizing the four wings of Wolhaiksong previously belonging to Kurudan.

"When Bam comes back, give that to him, along with the message that once he becomes a Ranker, come to the 77th Floor. Tell him Urek Mazino is waiting. Got it?"

"Yes? Ah... yes!"

"And," she stopped her own words to step forward to where Anak lied pathetically, and reached for the Green April. "I'll be taking this with me. This is a weapon too heavy for you to carry. Once you can bear its burden, come looking for it with Bam, kid. Evan, we're returning! Guide the way!"

The turquoise lighthouse complemented the two men inside as the only woman watched them aimlessly.

"Hmph, so boring. Thought I'd see some fun for once... Well, no choice. Are you okay with Yuri collecting both the Black March and the Green April, Flora?" He tucked his game console back inside his pocket. "Still not picking a princess fight? Your kiddo tried so hard, too."

"As long as they're in proper hands, I'm fine. I'll just sabotage unnie's otome game for this. She's starting this new route, and it's for the most popular character in the game!" She optimistically said, but he knew her anger well. "As for Wolhaiksong, I'll go beat some guys up half-dead, torture them, or something. Don't stop me, by the way. I'm really angry, but the expensive lunch I'm planning to treat Ren will hopefully swallow this feeling in my gut. He got to play around a lot, anyway."

"Then we're going, too," Hachuling waved at Khun. "Thanks for the Lighthouse, Blue."

"Wait! You are a son of Khun, right?"

"Ah, are we... brothers?"

"No shit, Hachuling. Like, duh?" Sunflora pondered.

"Well, though it doesn't matter much. It's been long since I've left the sight of the Khun Family. Ever since I got these wings, that is," he explained, pulling the side of his shirt with the eight-winged tree badge. "Jealous?"

Khun's sly ambience resurfaced, "Why would I be jealous of a loser who ran away with wings? I'm a Khun. With this strong name on my back, I will conquer the Tower one day."

"Damn right, a Khun you are," The Defender could recognize who that disposition belonged to any day. "See you when you're throwing some spears, then!"

"Promising little bro!" The older Khun chanted before turning his back with the Hendo Lok Princess. The celebrated Commander's small back carrying RED's watchful eyes made the youngest feel as though her heavily imposing movements were the Tower's itself. "But before that, conquer your own Lighthouse first."

Then, solitude finally returned to him, together with his property.

"That ass! That was some crazy psycho. I hate to admit that I'm related to someone like that," the Regular complained tiredly. "What's someone like him doing with someone like Hendo Lok Sunflora? So her reputation of being perfectly disinterested in the Jahad Princesses' competition in favor of participating in active duty isn't just a legend. If rep really does mean anything as much as the truth, then she can easily collect all the 13 Month Series at her whim. Although I didn't feel her raw power, she's likely using a high-grade item to mask it. Her position in the Jahad Family and human presence alone are enough to believe that. I just met the strongest non-Irregular Ranker."

Below the Lighthouse, Hachuling and Sunflora navigated the clear green fields.

"Cute kid, huh?" The defected Khun commented, earning an endearing smile from his best friend.

"Hey, Hachuling, hack into that area with the Irregular," she administered.

"Oh, so that's where to," he went onto it immediately. "Remind me next time to remind you to remind me to bring your Carrier myself."

"Not happening!"

"I got it," the Scout exclaimed after just a few minutes, demonstrating his skills. "It was disturbingly difficult even for me, though."

The air breezed through the duo as the happenings between the Irregulars Bam and Rachel unfolded beyond the screen.

"Well, that's some spectacle," Hachuling closed his gadget.

"Let's go meet Hansung-oppa now," led Sunflora.

Barging into the Test Director's room uninvited, the famed Wave Controller glanced up, his red cup still attached to his mouth.

"Test Administrators are currently wanted. Are you two here to apply?" He jested.

"It's in my knowledge that you, Head of the Test Floor, offered your assistance in RED's mission to re-acquire the Green April and assassinate the fallen Anak Jahad's daughter. Your promise, you do know how it's expected to extend to the riddance of the Irregular named the Twenty-Fifth Bam, right, oppa?" The RED Commander instigated.

"Indeed. I did say I exist to eliminate the threats of the Tower," affirmed the Submerged Fish, the Last Examination taking after his namesake.

"As the RED Commander, I have duties to join the search party for the Twenty-Fifth Bam. I also want to attain permission for reinforcements," she elaborated for the other blonde.

"And those 'duties' were formal orders?" He questioned, a grin hanging on the bottom of his soft face.

"I'm RED Commander Sunflora Jahad from the Hendo Lok Family," she enunciated. "My father, the Great King Jahad, has entrusted me with the decree to function the Royal Enforcement Division remotely as its absolute commander. My orders, within the jurisdiction of the organization, are the law. You know that, oppa."

"I just missed that introduction of yours, my dongsaeng. Don't grow up too much, okay?" He then underlined her emphasis on the last three syllables before drowning it away with another leisurely sip, "But always looking down from your height... your neck must really hurt, Commander."

"I learn from watching," her holding gaze answered him. "How about you, Director, know from experience?"

Droplets of instant coffee kissed the rectangular table as the hands carrying their cup was put down rather harshly from the laughter of its owner. Similar hazy liquid building in his eyes.

"You always were such a good kid," Hansung wiped the tears threatening to fall from his imminent yellow lashes.

"So the search party?"

"Of course, you can."

Anticipating for the catch, the three found themselves inside the space of the fearsome Guardian itself.

"You, with the eyes of Jahad," it growled at the princess. "You've shamelessly pillaged my Floor enough. I won't allow more of your foul minions to pollute this Floor. Get out of here at once before I ban you."

Blinking at her own foresight, she showed herself in respect, "Certainly, Guardian of the 2nd Floor," the human beauty bowed. "I see. So this is how it is, Hansung-oppa. The crimson three eyes have been here."

Freed from the Guardian's interval, Sunflora and Hachuling were once again faced with Hansung.

"Well, treat me to jajangmyeon soon for this, oppa. Be sure to do it before you get locked up in jail," the female winked, already thinking of the instant noodles.

"Noted." I respect you, but that's annoying! "Still, aren't there better places to see and be at for the Master of the Rainbow Undecimber, Princess Hendo Lok Sunflora Jahad, who sits at the top of the Empire's corpses, the All-Great Commander? Surely, this one wasn't in any case, of your matter. Your boys are more than enough for a little backyard weeding, and you're not supposed to be doing chores, anyway. At least not of this caliber. When you feed off the despair of its people, do you persist on the need for the Tower's love? To a regular civilian, you might seem like the most spectacular jewel shining much too generously to be hidden in a treasure chest, and they go beyond worship—they begin dreaming of your presence. They go from 'She's Venus descending' to 'I can get close to a goddess.' But, that's all heresy. You're a member of the Jahad and 10 Families. Close, but no such holy being. You are RED, after all."

"I'll pretend you didn't just contradict yourself, and select only your isolated praises for my memory. Although they're but facts, I'll take them as your compliments. You're a Ranker, so you know... that we've  already... reached the top of the Tower. The only view from above is below. Plus, I'm the Great Wall of this Tower; everyone is supposed to look at me."

Exiting, cognizance surged over her, her black boots coming into a standstill.

"So, Evan and the others left us here already. How are we going to go home?" Her wide eyes twinkled in innocence at her partner, who chuckled at her cluelessness.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Maybe we really should ask the Guardian to kick us out."

"You, jerkface!" She despaired quite weakly.

"Your junior's mission is a sure success, but you also confirmed the intentions on your part, right?" The gusts of wind, which incited a much-needed fresh feeling, swept over his blue hair.

"Yeah. Now, I really want to go home after moderating at HQ in person," Her Highness yawned.

"Okay, so which home are we going to, Lord Bloodmadder's Floor or your floor? Definitely not Baek Ryun's?"

"My family's. I'll talk to Baek Ryun later."

"Then let's quickly find a way to get out of here."

"I'll call my personal Guide. Let's wait at the passage."

"Speaking of Guides, don't you think Evan should get a raise?"

"For sure! I think I gave him a heart attack today, too."


A/N: There will be more Edahn soon!

Czytaj Dalej

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