The Rising of the Warrior Her...

By gechimniel

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Naofumi was miserable due to his lack of attack power. But what if due to a certain event in his life, that c... More

Chapter 2: Welcome to the City of Melromarc
Chapter 3: A day in Melromarc
Announcement Pls Read
Chapter 4: A Bitch, some Trash, and a Simp

Chapter 1: The Legend of the Four Cardinal Weapons

509 7 11
By gechimniel

A/N: Yo wassup, so yeah my first story (not really). Hope you like it, some more notes after the chapter, it's pretty important so yeah. 0_0 Enjoy.

I am Naofumi Iwatani, College student in the field of Medicine.

Right jab

A chop to the neck

Low kick

Axe kick


"Yes! Finally!"

And that... is my brother. Only a few years younger than me, but still a pain in the ass.

" Kenchi, be quiet, I'm trying to study, maybe you should try doing that too." I take a glance at him.

He pouts and crosses his arms together "But I finally beat the boss level! And its Winter break, there won't be school for months!"

I looked back to my computer, trying to regain focus "Yes yes congratulations, now would you stop acting like a child. You're in highschool now."

"..hmph" he walks back to his room with a pout.

Finally, peace and quiet. As I was saying, I'm Naofumi Iwatani, I have black hair, green eyes, and I'm 5"11' tall. Some call me Naofumi, close people call me Fumi, while others... they call m-

"Fumi! There's a package for you!" My mom calls out.

I sigh as I get up from my chair. "Ok mom who's it from?" I ask in curiosity. I wasn't expecting packages till the next week.

"It doesn't have a name, It just says 'from a good friend'." I freeze. This is not good I need to be quick.

"Mom, I'm gonna go check it upstairs" I take the package from her hand and run up to my room.

I start sweating in anticipation. What could be inside? This rectangular package could range from a variety of things that could ruin my life.

Slowly, with a pocket knife, I cut the packaging. I gently remove it to reveal.... a book? A book with the title of The Legend of the 4 cardinal weapons. A wave of relief washed over me. I sigh, glad that it was merely a book, but I still wonder who this 'good friend' is. Nevertheless I'm just glad that it was just a book, and I love a good book.

Time skip

"Fumi! Can you go buy some milk and while you're at it get some eggs."

"Sure mom give me a minute." I put aside my laptop, and my eyes land on a certain book. Ever since I got it, I always had a weird gut feeling when looking at it, but I just ignored it and put it off as hunger.

I grab my jacket, phone, and my trusty pocket karambit I made a while back which was inspired by a video game called GCGO. Why do I have a knife? Well, that's a story for another time, as Prof. Olive said in Bagmon, "There is a time and place for everything".

I give one last look at the book and thought that I might as well read it on the way. I grab it and leave for the door.

Time skip

The Sword Hero, A person of great power

The Spear Hero, A person of undying loyalty

The Bow Hero, A person of justice

The Shield Hero, A person of protection

These heroes were summoned to fight the waves and protect the world


Its empty, nothing comes after that. What kind of book is this? Is it some kind of journal?

I continue flipping the page nothing *fwip* nothing.

"Hey kid!"

I ignore the call and continue in my train of thought.

"Hey don't ignore me!"

I glance and see 2 men, around my height, in their early twenties.

"What do you want?" I stop getting ready for anything.

"You see kid, me and my buddy are kinda broke, whaddya say you lend us some money? Around.. everything ya got. "

"Make me." This is probably a good time to tell a story of why I have this knife with me. I guess you could count it as self defense, but there's a deeper and more personal reason to it.

Well you see, 3 years ago, my dad was murdered by some thugs while going back from work. The murderer was never found you see, and the cops gave up after a week of searching. Now, back then I trained in taekwando and reached brown belt. I was so mad that I trained so hard everyday in hopes of taking revenge. When I thought that I had enough training, I started making my own equipment, from homemade smokebombs, to things like my pocket knife, by this time, I was a red belt in Taekwando so I knew I was pretty formidable in hand to hand combat.

Every week I go out and find sompeople who need help from some thugs, robbers, and other random crime, hoping to find a clue to his killer. Around one year after that I got nothing, so I gave up, but the vigilante kind of life stuck to me, so I continued. I realized sometime after when a small group of yakuza followed me that I had made some enemies. I just barely made it out alive that fight, and I'm glad they didn't have some backup or that they didn't bring more people. After that, I realized that some could already know my real identity and come at me any time, so I was always prepared for situations such as these.

Now getting back to what was happening.

"Hey, kid's got some guts eh. How bout you give it to us and we don't kill you?" he pulls out a poket knife, threatening me.

"How about you leave" I take a fighting stance "and I don't kill you.

They stopped, then they roared in laughter "HAHAHA hey you hear that? He said, he said he'll kill us.. HAHAHA!" I growled and punched thug 1 in the gut taking the wind out of him, then I swept the other with a low kick making him fall.

"You'll pay for that you brat!" thug 1 stands straight and rushes at me whith his knife in attempt to stab me.

I dodge to the right and slap his knife a way from him. Then I delivered a kick to his back.

"Got you now!" thug 2 was behind me and punched me in the face, I just noticed that he was wearing brass knuckels.

I spat out some blood and mabe a tooth. He broke my jaw, damn that hurt. I got my knife and rushed at him. I could see the scared look on his face as I smirk. He tries putting his arms in front of him in an attempt to block it. But it was futile, I stabbed him in the stomach. I kept my knife as he fell down. I kicked him to be sure that he was down.

I look behind me to see thug 1 trying to escape, but I run at him and deliver an axe kick to his back. I kicked him in the gut a few more times.

"don't mess with me! Scram!" He gets up spitting blood, and does his best to run. I hope that served as a lesson for him not to try and rob rand-


'aughh... what the hell' I look down to see blood coming out of my stomach. I turn around and look up to see a grinning man with a black suit with a gun. 'Shit the yakuza!'

*bang**bang* one to my shoulder and another to my lungs. I look up again, and he's gone. I kneel in pain. I don't have achance to survive. I don't even know how I'm still concious right now.

'Damn it. Damn it! Damn it!' "AHHHHHHH" I let out a scream of frustration. Nobody... nobody heard it. I'm alone. 'hehe this must be how dad must've feltx

"*pant**pant*He...hehe... sorry mom... I... wasn't able to buy *cough cough* the.. groceries. Kenchi...*cough*.. you better study ya brat...*pant**pant* hehe.. urghh" blood fills my mouth again. I look around one last time, then my eyes land once again on the book. It was open, to the picture of the legendary shield. The wind blows making the pages flutter to the empty pages. I close my eyes awaiting for my death to come. 'I'm coming for you dad' I smile.

I feel warmth envelope me and I give in, give in, to death.

A/N: OK, cut! So you might ask why medicine, why does he have a brother, and other stuff. As for his course, I will play an important part later on, but for now it remains a dormant skill. And he has a brother cuz I can. If you have other questions just comment it and I'll get to it as quick as possible. 

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