new girl. | bnha

By lolziez980

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Being the new girl in a school isn't easy. Especially coming in the top hero class. Born with her extinguishi... More

+part one
+part two
+part three
+part four

+part five

779 45 37
By lolziez980


hey hun..i might not be coming home for a long, long while. make sure you don't give Zachary a hard time for me okay? I love you with all my heart.

She looked at her phone with impossible confusion. What could he mean by that. She jumped when she got a call from an unknown number. She decided to answer.

"Hello?" "Is this Y/n?" "Yes, this is..who is this?" "Three days. You have three days." "What the hell? Three days till what?!" The call went dead. Y/n looked at her phone full of fear. Her heart started stuttering in and out her chest.

What the hell is going on..


On the way home, Y/n was way more vigilant than she ever was. All she can deduce is that someone is after her, her dad, or both of them. That doesn't inspire confidence in anyone, especially not a teenage girl not even able to control her quirk properly yet. She's basically a loose cannon and is just now grasping how to use her quirks properly. She dialed Combustion Man.

"Hello?" The dark skin hero answered. It sounded like he just woke up from a nap. "Kiyoshi, someone is after me." Y/n wasted no time giving him the rundown. "How do you know?" He questioned. Y/n heard rustling coming from the other side of the phone. "I got a text from my dad that was super weird and a random number called, telling me I had three days. They didn't specify what the three days meant." She sighed, looking around discreetly. She couldn't let whoever was watching her, if there was such a person, know that she was nervous or on edge.

"Needless to say," she continued. "I don't feel safe at all. Could you come over to my house?" There was a sound of the door shutting. "I'm on my way over there as we speak. Don't worry, kid. You won't get hurt." Kiyoshi affirmed. This is what he was dreading ever since he took her under his wing. "Get home as fast as you can." He shook the thoughts from his head then ended the call.

Y/n kept up her occupied look by texting Kirishima.


kiri im in a serious bind.
can i trust you with something?

are you okay? do you need anything?

no kiri at least not yet..i think someone is after me and i need you to know if i text you a bunch of exclamation points, then you need to get help bc im in serious danger.

promise me, please.

of course i'll be right there by your side whatever goes down!! i'll call you hold on

And not even five seconds passed for her phone to ring. She picked up.

The conversation lasted until Y/n got home. "Kiri...," she whisper yelled. "Holy shit, Kiri!" Y/n couldn't stop the knee jerk reaction to what she saw. There was a person standing on her lawn, just...staring. They didn't say anything or move. They stood there in all their disturbing glory, scars adorning their entire body it seemed. The only thing Y/n could pick out without a second thought were those intense turquoise eyes that shone through extremely lidded eyes. "Y/n? What's going on? Are you okay-" Kirishima's questions didn't make it to the girls ears as she slowly lowered her phone to her side.

Fear was consuming her very being. She didn't know what to do, how to do it, and if she even could. If he attacks, you're dead. She inhaled deeply. If you don't say something, you're dead. She looked at the unwelcome stranger. He started to slowly walk up to her. You're dead, you're dead, you- "Who are you?!" She assumed a fight stance as she shouted her question. The man chuckled. It left a sour taste in Y/n's mouth. He tucked his hands in his pockets, continuing to advance.

Does he think I'm a joke? "Why are you here? Answer me, now!" She stayed where she stood. The man looked down then back up at her, suddenly in front of her. "Three days." Was all he uttered before launching a kick to Y/n's side. Luckily, she was fast enough to block it and try to counterattack with a punch. The man backed away with ease. She saw him shake his head to something behind her. She was stuck not knowing if she should turn around or keep her focus on the foe in front of her. She was too late in her decision making. She felt herself get chopped in the right shoulder, making her attention shift. Her phone slipped from her hand.

"You're impossible." She turned back to find the intruder but he was nowhere to be found. She felt herself start to have a panic attack as she ran frantically into her home.

"Y/n?! Oh my—shit dude, I am so happy you're safe! I couldn't leave the house because I got a text saying if I did, then something bad would happen to you. Dad is perfectly fine, so don't worry about him...I can't believe you're here, I don't want to have a scare like that again." Zachary was quick to tackle Y/n with an impossibly tight hug, locking the doors in the process. "My shoulder, Z." Y/n winced in pain, or, well, numbness. Whoever chopped her must have known some type of pressure point to make her muscles relax. Zachary quickly took her to the living room to tend to her.

"Damnit! I got here a few seconds too late." Combustion Man cursed. He saw the villains get away but knew that making sure Y/n was okay was the first priority. He noticed her phone as he rushed to the door. He picked it up before knocking rapidly, "It's Kiyoshi! The villains are gone, open up. I need to know if she's okay." The locks on the door were quickly undone and the big hero was pulled inside.

"I'm so sorry, kid. Did they hurt you bad?" He was quick to her side just as Zachary was. "No. I'm fine. Just a pressure point that got hit, that's all." Y/n sighed, attempting to sit up causing alert from Zachary. "Thank goodness that's all that happened. I should've been-" "Kiyoshi, please don't. You live pretty far away so it's understandable that you didn't make it in time. But hey, I'm fine, see?" Y/n flashed a big smile. Kiyoshi forced one himself, but he knew he wouldn't let himself live this failure down.

"Hello? Hello!" Y/n gasped, almost snatching her phone from Kiyoshi. "Kiri! Hey, I'm so sorry, I got held up." She tried to cover up what really went down. "Y/ you think I'm stupid?" Kirishima replied, shocking the melanin infused girl. She had no words. "I'm coming over right now and you can't stop me. I'm worried fucking sick right now and you have the nerve to try and lie to me when you were clearly just attacked in some way? No. That doesn't fly with Kirishima Eijirou. No way it's manly to leave your friends when they need you most. I'll be there in ten." And with that, the call ended. All three people in the room were shocked by how much Kirishima cared.

"Remind me to thank him later." Kiyoshi said with a genuine small smile. "Are you sure you're not too shaken up right now? I can tell him to come by another time." Zachary asked, looking at Y/n's shoulder than her eyes. "If this is going to be my profession, then I'm going to need to get used to shaking it off than being shaken up. Besides, I know that I'll have my friends and family by my side." Y/n hugged Zachary, who couldn't stop the tears from escaping. Kiyoshi stayed with Y/n until Kirishima arrived.

"...and go ask him if y'all are as close as you try so hard to prove."

Those words rang through Uraraka's ears for a while now. "Is something wrong, Uraraka-San?" The girl jumped a bit as Midoriya reminded her of his existence. She nervously laughed, "Oh, it's nothing really!" Midoriya frowned at her. "You don't usually lie to me. What's going on? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, stopping his walking. Uraraka followed suit. "Do you have any feelings toward Y/n?" She just came right out and asked it. That one daunting thing that has been haunting her since the girl with type four natural hair joined the class.

Midoriya became bright red almost immediately. "W-w-what?! That is such a funny que..question," he gulped. "I mean, she's really pretty and funny and nice and Kirishima asked the same question not too long ago and oh my gosh I just keep on talking don't I? Hahaha!" He felt so embarrassed. Uraraka tried to hide her dejected look. There was a pause.

"I guess," Uraraka looked up. "I feel a connection with her." Midoriya gathered himself. "There's some things going on that we know and keep secret. The secrets that tie me and her together makes me more..inclined to have feelings, if that makes sense. But it's so much more than just 'feelings'." Is how he ended his explanation. It left Uraraka with even more questions but Midoriya was very adamant about not saying anything more. Deku... she thought.

Bakugo glared down at the text that found its way onto his phone screen. It was from Kirishima.

y/n is in something serious i think and im so fucking worried and scared and nervous and i don't know who else to turn to. dude if shit goes south, i can count on you to be there for us right?

If shit goes south? What shit? As much as he wanted to dislike her, Y/n wasn't one you could easily dislike. It was clear from when they went bowling that she was a super fun person to be around. Her high energy and quick comebacks and snarky, witty remarks were things that made her multidimensional. But wait, why was he even thinking about her like this? That curly haired having ass bitch holds no weight in his life, obviously.

But Kirishima is one of his closest, if not his only, true friend. There was no way he would leave him high and dry when the time came, even if he wouldn't verbally admit it. Bakugo may be an asshole, but he wasn't heartless. He gripped his phone and it was a wonder that the poor little device didn't break in half right then and there. He swallowed his pride and texted back,

What kind of question is that weird hair? Of course I'll be there. You're even stupider than that spark plug.

Kirishima was two minutes away from Y/n's house. He's been there a few times just to hang out. He loved Y/n! She was one of the most rocking chicks he's ever met. The way they just clicked when they met was something only the stars could have arranged. She helped a lot with Bakugo and keeping the class in high spirits, much like he tries to. It was only right that they became very close. He would even go as far as to say they're best friends.

His turned his attention to his buzzing phone. It was a text from Bakugo. He smiled a bit, opening it. "Yeah!" He fist pumped the air, very pleased at the response of his angry counterpart. He half expected the worst but knew that puffy hair Pomeranian would come through in the end. With the extra seratonin boost, he ran the rest of the way to Y/n's house.

He knocked their secret special knock. The door opened, revealing the girl herself. "Y/n!" He tackled her in a hug that was different from all the others they've had before. This one was tender, holding great relief that she was unharmed. Kirishima was so grateful she wasn't hurt in any way. "I'm so happy you're okay." He pulled back to look at her with tears almost brimming his eyes. "Kiri, please! You're gonna make me emotional, crazy person." Y/n wasn't used to someone caring so much that wasn't her family. She felt so awkward. But a good awkward.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sorry!" Kirishima got ahold of himself. Y/n invited him in, closing the door behind them. "Hey Z. Are you okay? I know that must've been uber scary." Kirishima cuffed hands with Zachary, standing in front of the older brother. "Yeah. I'm alright. Thank you for coming Kirishima. I'm very grateful." He said, smiling. "Ah, don't sweat it! Anything for this goofball." Kirishima waved it off, wrapping an arm around Y/n shoulders. He was mindful of her shoulder, hearing about it over the phone.

"Kirishima, is it?" The redhead turned his head to see Combustion Man in all his intimidating glory. If anyone was the manliest of them all, it was him. Kirishima looked up to him. "Oh! Combustion Man, sir! I didn't know you were still here!" He pitifully stuttered as he bowed to the man, bringing Y/n down with him. She squawked and the two laughed. "Calm down, Kiri. He won't bite." She joked, taking a seat on the couch. "She's right," his booming voice made Kirishima tense up. He didn't want to make himself look stupid in front of his idol. "I'm actually a pretty nice guy. Especially to those who're there for Y/n. Me and her father are friends so she's like a daughter to me."

That was such a good way of putting it. It was believable and doesn't raise suspicion of Y/n being his successor. "I didn't know that. That's really cool!" Kirishima beamed. "Kirishima, can I trust you to be there for Y/n if I can't?" Combustion Man asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Kirishima puffed out his chest. "Yes, sir!" Y/n laughed happily.

"The hero killer is out there and he's dangerous! We can't let him walk freely anymore!" Combustion Man shouted, slamming his fist on the conference table. "Kiyoshi, I know your kid has experienced some things but we can't try and-" "I bet if it was Midoriya, you would be in hysterics as well, All Might. These kids are special. We can't pick and choose who get to matter." Combustion Man personally snapped at All Might. "All I'm saying is getting angry isn't going to solve anything-" "And being indifferent is? We can't sit here and wait for the hero killer to slap us in the face with the killing of one of our kids, is that what you want-"

"Arguing is getting us nowhere gentlemen." Midnight crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair with a sigh. "I for one, agree with Kiyoshi. These kids are my responsibility and if the hero killer is out there, he isn't going to be taking any daycare prisoners." Aizawa stated. Principal Nezu hummed. "I understand how my comment was insensitive. I apologize. I just don't want any rash decisions being made and anyone else getting hurt." All Might sighed. "If they're targeting Y/n, then the people she loves the most aren't far behind. That includes our students." Combustion Man made clear his stance on the situation.

"Speaking of our students, did you know that she gave Shinsou a black eye? Wait, that isn't important right now. Has your officer friend gotten any leads on him?" Vlad King asked the number one pro hero. "Ah! He has. Here's the intel on the hero killer." All Might held up a flash drive. "That'll be handy in our pursuit." Nezu finally spoke. He beckoned All Might to hand him the drive. "All we can do in the meantime is keep training our students to be their best in the worst situations. As you said, Kiyoshi, these kids are special. They'll know what to do when the time comes." He stated. Combustion Man sighed.

"Did Y/n say anything about the man she saw? Anything descriptive at all?" Midnight asked. "She didn't want to say. I didn't want to push her to either." Midnight nodded in understanding at Combustion Man's response. "She's new to all this, but she isn't some little flower. And neither are the rest of the kids." Nezu said, pulling up the information on the flash drive. "We're going to move on the third day."

Y/n stared at her phone, gnawing on the inside of her mouth. In her hand was her phone, highlighting the number who called her not even twenty four hours ago. Does she call the number back? Does she let the hero's handle it? Does she let something bad happen to her dad? She almost threw her phone in frustration. "This is why you got chopped, Y/n. Make a decision and stick with it!" She whisper yelled, hitting her forehead with the phone. She took a deep breath, moving her thumb to call the number when-

"What are you doing, dumbass?" She yelped, nearly dropping her phone in the process. She looked to see the red eyed boy who was walking up to her. "I'm about to tell Santa that you've been a bad boy," She sarcastically deadpanned. "I'm trying to make a phone call if you couldn't tell by the literal phone in my hand." She huffed, shifting her gaze around. She was nervous as it is. She didn't need Bakugo irritating her. "Why are you even here?" She questioned. It was Bakugo's turn to jump a bit.

"Kirishima was looking for you and wanted to see if any of us could find you." Bakugo seamlessly lied. He wasn't going to admit he wanted to know what Kirishima was talking about yesterday and was genuinely worried. Never that.

"Oh, he could've just called. Tell him I'll be in the lunchroom after I'm done." Y/n said, looking back at her phone. "Hey, curly haired..girl, you know that if anything were to happen, you could come to any one of us, right?" Y/n looked up at Bakugo, very surprised. Bakugo's heart started stuttering out of time. Why the fuck would you say that you idiot- "Of course I do. Why do you ask?" She asked, leaning back against the wall. "I just wanted to know that's all. We all know about the hero killer so I just wanted to tell the people I could tolerate that they can go to any one if they need to. So it doesn't have to be me." He tried to justify his statement but, "You said 'us'. Meaning you included in the squad, Bakugo is there something you're not telling me?" He sighed.

"Kirishima told me about yesterday. Nothing in detail but that shit might go south so I had to clarify for my own sanity. You both can count on me, now shut the fuck up and go take your call or whatever the fuck." He shoved his hands in his pockets, quickly turning to face away from Y/n. She gently grabbed his arm to stop him from walking away. "Thank you." Was all she said before Bakugo tore away from her grip, grumbling and quickly walking away. As confused and flustered as she was, the redness that made its way onto his ears were as clear as day.

Y/n looked back down at her phone. With that newfound confidence, she dialed it with little to no hesitation.

Ringing, and ringing, and ringing, and-

No answer. A little disappointed, she started making her way to the cafeteria. Her phone buzzed, making her check it.

i knew you would try and contact me again.

It was the mysterious person who called her! They texted her, and they're typing and her heart is palpitating, is this what it is to start going into cardiac arres-

listen carefully y/n. don't try that stunt again or three days will turn to three minutes really quick. all you need to do is follow the instructions that will be sent on the third day and no one will get hurt.

let me see you before then.

why would you want that?

Y/n's heart was doing car crash tests against her rib cage.

if no one is truly going to get hurt, let me meet you before then to solidify the deal. i will come by myself. no one will know about it but us two.

also if im to die, j would want to know who'll be the cause. but no one will get hurt right? oha asa's cafe at 5pm tonight. this is the last text i'll send to this number.


"Y/n?" The girl turned to see Todoroki with wide eyes. "A..are you okay?" He carefully asked, shocked at the sight of hot tears falling from a shaking sun kissed girl. Y/n was petrified. As a hero, you are knowledgeable of many things. Your success rate in any situation, your own strength and weaknesses. Y/n knew nothing. "Todoroki..I don't know what I just did." She chocked out, frantically wiping her tears away. She sniffed, covering her mouth. A cracked noise came from her as she slowly made her way to the alarmed boy. She put her forehead to his shoulder and he instinctively went to wrap his arms around her.

"I don't know what happened'll be okay. Do you want to go tell a teacher?" He asked, rubbing circles around her back, doing his best to sooth her. "No! I can handle this myself. I kinda have no choice, haha." It was a pity laugh but joking is a way to cope for Y/n. "Can we just stay like this for a little longer? Thank you Todoroki. Even if you don't know what I'm thanking you for." Todoroki shook his head. "No, it's no problem."

"Ah, that was embarrassing," Y/n joked after a minute of being held by Todoroki. She was completely calmed down. "Thank you again. You're great." She smiled at him. Todoroki nodded, "You seemed distressed so I felt like I had to do something." He explained. "Like a true hero." Y/n smiled brightly. Todoroki let a light blush creep onto his cheeks. That was such a nice thing to say.

"Y/n! There you are." Kirishima jogged up to her. "Hey Todoroki. Your shirt is kinda wet, just thought you should know. But, Y/n, I have a question." He stated. "I'll be on my way. Text me if you need anything Y/n." Todoroki then went on his way. She waved at him.

"The thing with Combustion Man, is it true? Not that I don't believe him! It's just I think there's something more there that I'm not getting." He asked, twiddling his fingers together. "The truth is that there is something more there that you're not getting. I'll tell you on the third day, okay? Before then, let's go make that nachocano again! Last one to the cafeteria isn't manly!" Y/n pushed Kirishima and started running. Kirishima stared at her then laughed and followed exclaiming, "No fair!"

Yes, Y/n was going to tell Kirishima her secret. If something..permanent was to happen, she would want her best friend to know what made her so resolute in keeping it.


Teehee hi! Things are getting sooo juicy and I'm so hype for it! What did you think about the chapter? Are the longer chapters too much for you guys? I love reading you guy's comments, they seriously make my days! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share with everyone! Please excuse all grammar errors + proofread to the best of my ability! I think that is all, I love you all, and I will see you in the next update! Bye! Xx

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