My Black Clover Yaoi Shots

By Nnnn55554444

19.3K 337 241

Yaoi OTP and male reader one-shots for black Clover More

request please
Asta X male reader ("just checking your my idiot")
zenon X male reader ( "done playing dead")
yami X male reader (detention in the teacher lounge)
scenario: meeting them
meeting zenon
4 uses of electricity+1 (luck X magna)
"yeah I'm fine" Asta X yandere langris pt.1
"yeah I'm fine" part 2
Yeah I'm fine pt3
"my muse" rill X asta
clover sorcerer (prologue)
"hey pretty boy" finral X yami
"ha-ha" yami x asta
"imitation is the highest form of flattery" luck X rill X (mystery)
(Leopold's family) Leopold x asta
'every compliment' William x patri
" looking sloppy" langris X yuno part 1
"yes yuno" Klaus X yuno
"safe my angle" yandere yuno x asta
"a kiss on the cheek " luck x magna
apolgy note (not a chapter and im not discounting it so dont worry )
"leopolds detective agency"Zora x asta part 1
"damn luck" magna x male reader
"a scarred love" yami x william

"you never split the party" Asta X Leopold X yuno

1.2K 17 9
By Nnnn55554444

In honour of my first request I would like to thank margarettefujoshi for the first request of this book so this is in your honour.
Trigger warning: mentions of violence
Alternative universe fantasy dnd style
Background info Asta a paladin and yuno a wind mage get separate from the other member of the party Leopold because he was an idiot and got hurt we join are heroes them in the fluff angst part of the story.
FUN FACT im a complete nerd
"Word" = outloud speech
'word' = characters thought
Asta pov

I Cut through the next bandit as we walk back though the cave as yuno, behind me, holds Leopold to his chest like cradling a treasure box, which makes sense with how precious Leopold is to us.let me explain how we got here we were given a quest by the quild to exterminate some bandits who were causing trouble and had taken base in cave so of course the idiot (Leopold) ran straight on into the cave as we ran after him as we shouted at him "idiot you never split the party " but somehow he must have gotten ahed of us because we come to a split in the tunnel but thinking it would be worse to split up again.

we go down the left which led us start a fight with twenty bandits and took to long so turning around we run in the opposite direction thinking about how he would have been fighting him if ou went this way. So going back to split that when we heard it there was crying and it sounded like Leopold we bolt down the tunnel thinking about all the worst outcomes. Well what we saw was surprising leo was sat there crying holding his ankle surrounded by the dead bodies of a lot of bandits. "Hey Leo what wrong did you get cut are you bleeding is anything wrong"

And in what I thought was the saddest scene ever was lepold beautiful amazing face covered in tears as he gave a low sob as he replied "after I delt with the bandits I tripped on a rock and I think I s.s.sprained my ankle" and im not ashamed to say I let out a little chuckel as yuno leand close to Leo's face and kissed him on the head as he said "you are an idiot" which led to are current position where he had cried so much he passed out as me and yuno finished of the last bandits as Leo slept peacefully.

Time skip

And here we are now with Leo sat in bed like a prince asking for whatever he wants and us fetching it for him and if we say no he gives us the puppy eyes and then loves when we lay in bed with him sandwich in the middle snoring like a puppy "you know I think we spoil him to much " yuno said "yeah but you know that we love his face when he being spolied because he spoils us just by being here" I say as I kiss his cheek "yeah I know but if he rushes off next time well make it so he won't be able to next time if you get me" yuno says smugly with a wink

Lepold pov
'mental note run off next time'

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