A Realization | kurooxkenma (...

By katekkb

48.8K 1.4K 1.1K

When Kenma gets seriously hurt during a volleyball game at nationals, Kuroo is quick to rescue him. ~A fanfi... More

2. the recovery
3. that weird feeling
4. a bet
5. ramen date
6. a panic
7. the truth
8. a realization
9. Kuroo's new power
10. the long walk
11. unnatural feelings
12. distant
13. dinner
14. operation: kagehina
15. good mornings
16. separation
17. anxiety
18. a journey pt.1
19. a journey pt.2

1. a big mistake

7.4K 143 189
By katekkb

Nekoma vs Nobehi - Nationals

Kenma's POV

"Okay guys, I need to remind you of Nobehi's behaviour. They're all snakes, every single one of them. They'll make fun of us, hurt us on purpose, and they even like to fake kindness to win the heart of the referee. Do NOT under any circumstances let them fool you. This game can not be swept away from us by some immature brats. Keep your eyes open and remember to think." Kuroo stated. The team nodded and listened as our coach started to talk.

"Nice speech." I whispered to Kuroo. Our coach let us practice a little longer and I pulled Kuroo aside. "So what's your experience with Nobehi exactly? You seem to hate them." I wondered. "That's cause I do, kitten." Kuroo teased. I rolled my eyes. "Answer my question Kuro." "I've had a bad experience with them. I've also seen them play. They aren't that bad in regards of their athleticism, but that's not their strong suit. Their 'skill' is getting on their opponents nerves and throwing them off their game. It's aggravating as hell, but kinda smart." Kuroo explained.

"How is that smart?" I asked him, making him smirk. "I see how you think it wouldn't be, but like I said earlier, they act kind and apologize like it's some sort of accident whenever their rude. The fans and the refs think they're super kind and Nobehi wins everyone over, while we're on the opposite side wanting to rip our eyes out of our heads." Kuroo shook his head. "I get it. So how are we supposed to beat them?" I questioned. "Either we try to ignore their idiocy, or just try to push through is my best guess." Kuroo shrugged.

Our coach called us back as the referees blew a whistle. We had a team discussion of ideas and ways to overcome the challenges we were about to face. This game won't necessarily be hard, but we're definitely not going to have much fun.

Set 2 - Score: Nekoma- 23, Nobehi- 19
Time out

Nobehi's POV

"I'm done with number five! He's reading us all like a book and he's the reason we're going to lose today. They already have the first set, we need to do something about him." "What if we take him out?"

Kuroo's POV

This game was slightly better than I thought it would be. So far, we had claimed the first set and we were definitely planning on winning the second. I've got to thank Kenma though. He really is the heart of this team and we'd be nowhere without him. I admire the shit out of Kenma too, it might seem like he's quiet and fragile but that guy has a big understanding and analyzation of this game that you can't find anywhere else. Not to mention the fact that he's one of my best friends. We need him here, or we've got a big problem.

It was our serve. I threw the ball in the air and ran after it, spiking into Nobehi's side, which I thought had gone in an empty space- but I eventually realized I had made an incorrect judgement. Their libero had caught up to the ball and saved it from hitting the ground with his foot, making his teammates race for the ball. It happened so fast, their setter jumped sideways to set the ball for their striker, and just as I thought everything would play out okay- Kenma was striked straight in the face by the volleyball.

Everything stopped. I was filled with so much anger as I watched Kenma fall to the ground and lay there with no movement. I ran up to him as I heard Nobehi apologize over and over again, but I couldn't think straight. "Kenma, KENMA, can you hear me?" I said as I grabbed his arms and shook him slightly. A medic ran straight onto the court. Kenma's eyes fluttered open and I sighed in relief. "We need to get him off of the court." The medic stated. "I'll get up." Kenma mumbled and attempted to stand. "No, you could have a concussion." I refused. As I said that, Kenma's eyes suddenly closed and I felt helpless, I had to get him out of here somehow. So I quickly picked him up, bridal style, and walked off of the court and out of the gym.

I know I should've let the medic take care of him from now on, so I can go back and support the team. But I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was too important. I had to rely on my teammates to pull through with this one. The medic walked next to me as I carried Kenma to the nurses office which was luckily just down the hall. Kenma stayed unconscious in my arms and stayed that way for the next couple of hours. He stayed that way even when I sat next to him in an ambulance. And even when I waited for him to open his eyes at the local hospital.

It made me so nervous. Watching him sleep was a normal thing for me, cause we have a lot of sleepovers. But this was way different. I leaned my head against the hospital chair and watched over him, for what seemed like so long. I had gotten news that Nekoma won against Nobehi, and that meant we'd be moving to the next round. I was happy and all, but all I wanted was Kenma to be okay right now.

I heard knocking at the room door, I turned around and saw Shoyo with Lev at the door, waving at me. Seeing their friendly faces made me feel slightly happier, knowing that Kenma was great friends with Shoyo. "I came as soon as I heard." Shoyo stated. "Me too!" Lev announced, while getting scolded by the short red-head beside him. I nodded and let them inside. "How is he?" Shoyo wondered, as we all sat around Kenma. "He's fine." I shrugged. "I heard how it happened, Lev told me that you had to carry him to the nurses room! You were like a superhero!" Shoyo said. "Uh yeah, we had to get him off the court." I blushed and scratched the back of my neck.

"But you didn't even go back and play the rest of the game?" Shoyo pointed out. I sat up and shot my head towards Shoyo and gave him a dirty look. He reacted quickly by showing fear in his eyes and looking straight away. "I-it's getting hot in here, Lev, do you want to come get a snack with me?" Shoyo stuttered as he stood up. "Yeah why not." Lev said. "We'll be back!" Shoyo rushed out the door, Lev waved and closed it behind him. I sighed and looked back over to Kenma. I knew I was too rough on Shoyo but, damn, did he really have to point out the obvious like that?

I threw my head in my hands out of pure exhaustion from today. After all, I had played a whole set and almost another of volleyball, I haven't eaten anything since this morning, and then I've also had keep my eyes on Kenma this whole time. Maybe just... just five minutes of a power nap could help... and just as my eyes started to close, I heard Kenma's monitor start to beep slightly faster. My held shot upwards as I watched Kenma's eyes flutter open once again. I wanted to stand up and hug him, but I had to keep my cool. I watched him observe the room and then eventually look over to me.

"Morning kitten." I smirked. Kenma ignored my teasing and tried to sit up. "Hey, whoa whoa whoa." I stood up and carefully pushed him back down. "Why are we in a hospital Kuro?" He wondered. "Nobehi spiked you in the face, then you fell and probably got a concussion because you hit your head on the ground really hard." I said while standing over him. "Oh." He looked away. "Yeah, it sucks, but we beat them." I smiled. Kenma looked over at me and smiled along with me. Oh god he looked so cute, all helpless and whatever. I just wanted to squeeze his cheeks and give him a big hug.

"If it wasn't for Lev, you guys wouldn't have won." Hinata said while walking back in the room with Lev. I glared at him as he passed me a muffin. "Oh, did Lev get the winning point?" Kenma asked. "Are you kidding me? I got the last like SEVEN points!" Lev laughed. Kenma furrowed his eyebrows. "It ended in a deuce! Yamamoto and I were practically sweating our balls off!" Lev laughed out of joy. "If Kuroo was there it would've been way easier I bet!" Hinata smiled. "Kuro, why weren't you there?" Kenma looked straight at me with suspicion. "I- uh."

Kenma's POV

"Oh, didn't Kuroo tell you? He had to carry you out of there like your own personal saviour!" Shoyo jumped up and down. I felt butterflies in my stomach as Kuroo turned red after Shoyo said those words. "You didn't help them finish the game?" I said to Kuroo, making sure to have a slight attitude, even though I thought it was so cute how he did that for me. "I- uh- you needed to get help??" He rushed. "You do realize that it's Nationals right?" I reminded him. "You do realize that you're my best friend and I was worried right?" Kuroo shot back. I was taken back by his remark and nodded, so that I didn't bother him any longer.

"Oh, no kitten I didn't mean to be rude." Kuroo sighed and squatted beside my bed. I looked over at Shoyo and Lev to see if they were listening, but they were having their own wild conversation. "Stop calling me that." I stared at him. "Never." He smirked, but then frowned immediately after. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm sorry that you have to be in a hospital right now, you might not be able to play for a bit." He sighed. "You're just saying that cause you need me to win." I smiled, to try and cheer him up. "You're exactly right, what Nobehi High did was completely inconsiderate and irresponsible. It was a big mistake, and it might've ruined our chances at winning Nationals."

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