Tormented love

By authorwmap

986 67 1

Friendships form in weird ways. Friendships also last in different varieties. The fact that Anna and Jakes f... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 21

18 2 0
By authorwmap

"What'd he say to you?" Jake was standing at the table across from Rohan, this was the first one on one match of the night. I found myself closer to him and his arm elegantly found its way around my waist.

Another swift movement and he had Rohan downing what I hoped was only beer. Although, it should've been Advil and water at this point.

"Tried apologizing." He stifled a small laugh and rolled his eyes. "I didn't accept his apology." He scrunched up his face and tossed the small air filled plastic ball across the table.

"Yeah and I don't see why you would." His arrogance tonight suffocated the life out of me. I only nodded my head. "Prom is in two days Anna." Was this his idea of asking me to prom because if so, my answer is a firm no. "Looks like I'll have to one up the rest of the coupled up guys before my time runs out." I smile as Rohan cheers when he finally hits a point on Jake. Jake seemed like he did not want to pick up that cup.

"That's it pal, drink up." He was loud and proud, it was embarrassing. The other party goers didn't seem to think so as they cheered for Rohan's one score. Everyone was drunk though, so there technically is an explanation.

"I'm going to get another drink and find Ally." Jake looked down at me finally and planted a warm kiss to my hair.

"Come back and find me in a little while." I nodded my head against his chest before he pulled away. Luckily my buzz had worn off the second I stepped out the door to talk to Zach earlier or I would have tripped when he pulled away.

Rounding the corner I found Ashley and Ally sitting on the bar top, drinking more kinky drinks. "Anna!" Ally yelled when she spotted me. "Did you talk to Zach?" Ashley face palmed herself and looked between the two of us.

"Tell me you didn't." She sighed. "You two hooked up didn't you?" Ally bounces off the bar and stumbles up to me as I brace her.

"Nope." Ally slurs. "Anna screwed Jake." A hiccup escaped immediately after.

"Ally!" I scolded. She shrugged her shoulders and blinked rapidly, trying to accomplish puppy eyes. Actually accomplished a drunk off her ass face. "I think we should get you home." She smirks.

"I'm sure Jake wouldn't mind taking us in his nice mustang." I laugh. If she were to vomit in his car he would throw her out of his window.

"I'll take you guys home." We looked to the door way and Zach was leaned against the frame. "I need to talk to you anyways." Ally frowned.

"I've spoken to you already we'll call a cab." I tried to shove past him.

"It's no trouble I can take you home love bug, I can."

"Zach." Before I could continue I heard a loud and curt laugh.

"Very unlikely Zachary. You're staying at Ally's right? I can take you. Ashley go find Amber." Jake ordered as he grabbed a pair of keys from the bar.

"Just like you to save the day. Could you possibly leave us the hell alone for a minimum of two minutes so I can explain?" Jake shoved Zach out of the door way in an attempt to let me walk through with Ally. My feet were frozen.

Zach regained his stance as he came toward Jake. I watched a gleaming Jake nearly growl at him before I placed myself and Ally between them. If she wasn't intoxicated, she wouldn't appreciate this. "Jake it's time to go." I was staring up at him, facing him. He was letting his eyes basically murder Zach as he stood in front of him, behind me. Breathing rapidly. "Jake!" His eyes snapped to mine and he took Ally from my own grip lifting her off the ground before pulling my hand to grip his shirt.

"Zach I don't have the time nor energy to fight with you." Jake spat. "Anna doesn't either."

We waited outside in his car on the other two for a few moments before Jake spoke. He was no longer ill or pestered, he was playful and loving. "Ally?" She groaned. "I suggest not puking in my seat." I giggled as Jake reached a hand across to hold my own. "I missed you A." I smiled at the precious boy who I too had missed as Ashley and Amber climbed into the back with Ally.

"I'm glad the two of you could make it." Ally slurred. I had not paid much attention to her tonight but as far as I could tell, tonight would be very interesting. "Ashley, this is Jake. He and Anna use to be bestfriends but they had sex tonight." My cheeks blushed, I could feel the heat. Jake only smiled.

"Ally, I know. Welcome, guy who's name I wasn't supposed to speak but now I assume it's okay?" She slyly stated yet ask as Amber chuckled.

"Okay. Enough about the two of us. What're we going to do with Ally?" When no one answers I assume they don't know what I mean. "She's drunk, beyond drunk and her father is at home."

"You guys could stay with me? I have a friend room and there is another guest room across the hall." Ally leaned over the middle console and looked over to Jake.

"That's a marvelous idea." She stayed. "Perhaps we should hurry before I puke in your car." Please Ally do not vomit in his car. He only laughed slightly before pulling toward the highway.

"You know Jake after you told Shawn about me and Rohan in your guest room, I promised myself I'd never return to your house." Amber chimed. Yeah and after Jake called me a whore I promised I'd never speak to him again.

"I'm sure there are other people in this car who promised themselves the same thing. You guys are already in my car. That's a small step in the right direction." He smiled. "I'm sure I could easily get along with everyone in this car, especially for Anna." He looked in the rear view to glance at Ally. She looked like she was getting sick. "As long as the middle one doesn't vomit in my car, so far she's my favorite. Looks like she has a lot of character." He was being sarcastic but it was good to know he'd try to get along with my bestfriend.

"Yeah, I'm great." Ally stated, she sounded uncomfortable and I knew it was because she was indeed getting sick. "But maybe we're almost at your house." I reached back to grab her hand.

"Like two minutes Ally." She sighed and rested her head on the back of my seat. Jake laughed as he hurriedly turned down the road to his house.

"She's going to puke in your car, no doubt." Ashley informed, Ally didn't respond. No sudden movements. She only looked up at me. "And if not your car, your house and I'm not talking about the toilet." Jake grimaced. "Way too shit faced."

Jake pulled into the driveway and parked in the garage before reaching through the back and pulling Ally out, rushing with her in his arms to his bathroom. The rest of us stood by laughing at a frantic Jake. I opened the door and let Ashley and Amber follow me inside. "You seem way too familiar with this place." Ashley stayed as she stepped into the house.

"This was my second home for thirteen years. Jake was literally my best friend and my moms house is maybe two minutes from here." She nodded her head as I lead her to the connected room to Jakes. The room where you could hear Ally vomited into the connected bathroom and Jake telling her it was okay.

"Okay gross." Ashley laughed as she took her shoes off. "Jakes father isn't going to be mad. There are four girls here." I shook my head.

"First of all one of them is me, Ambers been here before and you and Ally are my friends. Besides that Jake brought us here because one was wasted and you two are buzzed. He'll be proud if anything." Amber was already in the bed turning the tv on when Ashley climbed in beside her.

"You and Jakie boy get Ally tonight." Amber giggles. The bathroom door cracks open and Jake peers in. "We're dressed."

"Good." He opens the door completely. "And Ally's already in my bed. Anna your sleeping in the middle."

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