Rush [Sokka - Book Three]

By -hxppygirlhxdley-

23.6K 985 1.1K

"nothing about this is right. you were with me, and now you're gone. gone like the rush of a river to an ocea... More

Extended Summary + Playlist
⚝Chapter One⚝
⚝Chapter Two⚝
⚝Chapter Three⚝
⚝Chapter Four⚝
⚝Chapter Five⚝
⚝Chapter Six⚝
⚝Chapter Seven⚝
⚝Chapter Eight⚝
⚝Chapter Nine⚝
⚝Chapter Ten⚝
⚝Chapter Eleven⚝
⚝Chapter Twelve⚝
⚝Chapter Thirteen⚝
⚝Chapter Fourteen⚝
⚝Chapter Fifteen⚝
⚝Chapter Sixteen⚝
⚝Chapter Seventeen⚝
⚝Chapter Nineteen⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty One⚝
⚝Chapter Twenty Two⚝
⚝Alternate Ending⚝

⚝Chapter Eighteen⚝

666 35 18
By -hxppygirlhxdley-

"There they are," Bato said, his eye pressed against the telescope. "The Great Gates of Azulon."

Konno squinted her eyes, trying to peer through the dense fog. It was so dense that she couldn't even see the water around them. Katara stood next to her, also trying to see through the thick fog. She must've been struggling, too, because she said, "I don't see any gates."

"Katara, you and the swampbenders need to whip up a fog cover around us," Hakoda said behind them. 

"We'll sneak by the statues just like we sneaked by that Fire Navy blockade," Tho said, a grin working its way onto his face.

Konno backed up slightly as Katara and the swampbenders jumped into position. They spread their hands apart, and fog rose up above them. This fog was a little different than the fog that shrouded the gates; it was manmade and was only made for one reason, to protect them from being seen by the Fire Nation. 

"Keep it up," Hakoda said approvingly. "We're almost through."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded around them. Smoke emitted from the statue in front of them, rising above the fog. Konno's eyes widened when she saw a net being engulfed in flames. The net slowly rose out of the water, the fire spreading through it. Their boat had to stop quickly in front of the nets before they got set on fire. Fire Nation jet skis were raining down on them from each side.

"Everyone, below deck," Hakoda said, ushering the force below. Sokka grabbed onto Konno's hand and pulled her down below. "Let's hope your invention works."

Sokka pulled Konno toward the control panel, where the Mechanist was already sitting. Hakoda, Bato, and Pipsqueak followed them. 

"What's your invention?" Konno asked him. 

"Just you wait." Sokka couldn't keep the grin from off of his face as he said, "Mechanist, hit it."

The Mechanist slammed his hand down on the red button that shone against his face. He had a gleam in his eyes as the boat shuddered underneath them. The water that was about level with the middle of the boat suddenly rose above them. 

"You really outdone yourself this time, son," Hakoda said proudly.

"Yeah. Congratulations, Sokka," Toph said from behind them. Konno glanced at her to see a look of discomfort on her face. A hint of green crept up her cheeks. "You managed to invent a worst way of travel than flying."

Toph started to gag. The green in her cheeks had gotten darker. "Helmet?" the Duke asked her. Toph accepted it gratefully before vomiting.

Konno looked away from Toph before she ended up vomiting herself. Just the sound could make Konno blow. She focused on the feeling of Sokka's hand in hers, trying to ignore Toph. It wouldn't be that hard; she had been doing that for the past few days. They hadn't really said a word to each other after they argued together. 

"Well, I just came up with the idea, but the Mechanist did all the work," Sokka said sheepishly. 

"Don't sell yourself short, my boy. It was your idea to use waterbending to make the subs sink and float," the Mechanist said.

"Then, why did he press the button if Katara and the others are doing this?" Konno whispered to Sokka. 

"It looks way cooler like that," Sokka whispered back to her. 

"Of course it does."

"Brilliant, though your original designs were a bit difficult to decipher," the Mechanist continued. "Unfortunately, there is one problem I couldn't fix. The subs have a limited air supply. Before we land on the beaches, we'll need to resurface."

"How long will that be?" Bato asked.

"In about thirty minutes. Less if someone takes up more air than the others."

"Why are you looking at me?" Sokka asked loudly to the Mechanist. "I take small breaths."

"Sure, you do," the Mechanist said with a roll of his eyes. He turned back to the face the control panel and said, "You people may go now."

Konno and Sokka headed over to the side of the sub, where there weren't many people around. They sat down on the cool metal ground. "Can you believe we are this close to ending the war?" Konno asked him.

"No," he said truthfully. "I never imagined we would be the ones to end it, either. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would become a hero like this."

"And never in a million years did I ever expect to get a boyfriend that I actually like," Konno said, laughing. 

"Well, I'm glad that you like me," he said with a roll of his eyes.

"What I mean is that, back home, I would've been put into an arranged marriage," she explained. "It probably would've been with Navrek because he proposed to me and all, but I didn't have feelings for him like I have for you."

Konno shouldn't have spoken about home. In a rush, all the feelings of homesickness and anxiety crashed over her head. She had no idea what was going on, but it didn't feel good at all. She was probably afraid of the invasion because she didn't want to lose anyone today. That had to be it.

Thirty minutes went by very quickly. Her and Sokka were chatting about everything they could think of, and he kept making her laugh hard. The Mechanist would shoot them looks every time he heard her laugh, so they had to be quiet about it. He was probably worried that their air supply would dissipate quicker with them talking and laughing, but it didn't. It was almost like something wanted them to have more time together before the Invasion began. 

A minute before, they were below the water. Now they were above the water, peeking out of the door. When the coast was clear, they all piled out of the submarine and onto the top of the sub. They all needed to stretch their legs and let the sub get more air for the rest of the journey.

"So, this is it, huh?" Aang asked.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know the Avatar's alive?" Sokka asked Aang, a small smile on his face.

"I'm ready," Aang said with a nod. 

Sokka grasped his arm, wishing him luck. Konno joined in on the hug. She hadn't known these people for a lifetime, but it felt like she had. She loved them like they were her family. She couldn't ever imagine life without them now. 

"I hope you kick some serious Fire Lord butt, Twinkle Toes," Toph said. She stood on the opposite side of the group hug, away from Konno. 

"Everyone listen up," Hakoda said, his voice carrying easily across the water. Konno turned to face Hakoda who was addressing the entire force from the submarine's entrance. "The next time we resurface, it'll be on the beaches. So stay alert and fight smart. Now break time's over, back in the sub."

Konno glanced around at each of her friends. She didn't want to ever forget how good they were to her in her darkest times. She couldn't ever repay them for what they did for her.

Sokka took her hand and pulled her toward the entrance to the submarine. "Our lives are going to change forever in the next few minutes," he whispered to her. His grip on her tightened, almost like he was nervous for the future. "If it all goes according to plan, we will win this war. If it doesn't . . . I don't even want to think about that."

"If it doesn't go according to plan, we'll try again," Konno told him. "We'll keep trying until we win."

The two of them stopped at the landing of the stairs on the submarine. Sokka faced Konno and said, "You're right. Of course you're right."

"Get out of my way," Toph said behind them. "Seriously. You two are worse than this cursed submarine."

Before Konno could even move, Toph shoved them apart from each other. She stalked away from them. 

"What was that about?" Sokka asked Konno with a frown.

"We still haven't spoken to each other since the day that Aang had those nightmares," she explained. "I still think it's because I'm your girlfriend. Did you tell her that you love me?"

"Yeah. I told all three of them before I told you because I was tired of them interrupting me."

"That might be why," Konno said, nodding. "I'm telling you, she has feelings for you."

"I don't," he said firmly. "I only love you." Sokka wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. "Besides, I don't think I would ever get feelings for her. She's too young for me. She's also like a sister to me."

Right before he kissed her, Hakoda interrupted them, saying, "Sokka, go tell your sister to get ready."

Sokka sighed and pulled away from Konno. He stuck his head through the entrance of the submarine and said, "Katara, what are you doing? It's time to submerge."

Konno could vaguely hear Katara reply, but she couldn't tell what she said. Sokka stepped back into the submarine, shutting the door behind him. The two of them went back down into the submarine just as Hakoda was saying, "Everyone who isn't an earthbender, be prepared."

"We're nearing the gates," Sokka whispered to Konno. 

"Everyone in position. Earthbenders, into your tanks," Hakoda said. Toph and the other earthbender soldiers descended a ladder to their positions. "This is going to be a rough ride."

The closer they got to the gates, the more Konno could hear the alarm. A shiver traveled down her back. She couldn't believe they were about to try to end the war. She had lived her whole life dealing with the war and now they were going to end it. It was a hundred years in the making, and she was ready to do it. 

"Ready the torpedo," Hakoda said, his voice low. Even with his voice quiet, she could hear the excited and scared tremor in his voice. "Launch!"

Everyone waited with bated breath. This was it. This was their only chance. In the silence, Konno could feel the water rush around them, keeping them safe. Of course it would. It wouldn't try to hurt anyone; it only wanted what was best for her. The depths of her soul craved to join the water again. Her fear of drowning slowly dissipated away from her heart. The Girl had protected her for so long from that fear. Now it didn't have to. Never again.

Konno didn't have to fear who she was. She was the Ocean Spirit. Even when she wasn't afraid of the water, she was still wary of what it could do. Many of the fishers had drowned, and she didn't want to experience that herself. When she came close, the fear overtook her like she didn't have a mind of her own. It created such a fearful creature out of her, but she was ready to live now. She didn't want to drown in her fears any longer. She wasn't that person anymore. 

Suddenly, the submarine stopped moving. Konno shook her head, her eyes clearing up. They were foggy with the memories and the fears that had always plagued her heart. Glancing out the window, she realized they had landed on shore. Her mind had pulled her back to it, and she had lost time because of it.

"Konno, when we get out there, I want you to wait with Katara," Sokka said quickly. He was pulling her toward the entrance to the submarine. "I don't want you to fight with any of us. Okay?"

"Okay," Konno said to him. "But, what about you? How will I know if you're okay?"

"I can't promise that I will be fine," he said. Their feet touched the warm sand of the beach, and he faced her. His brow was creased as he gazed at her. "I have no idea what's going to happen out there, but you know how I feel about you. That's all I ever wanted."

Konno's heart constricted. She hadn't told him how she felt yet. That was the one fear that didn't dissipate from her heart. It rose up in her throat like a hurricane. His eyes seemed to be the calm of the storm in her heart, so she kept her gaze on them.

"Sokka, I -"

"Come on, Sokka!" Hakoda shouted. "It's time."

"I love you, Konno." He swiftly kissed her. "I'll see you soon."

And just like that, Sokka ran away from her. He joined the Water Tribe soldiers. All of them emitted a battle cry before rushing out to attack. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he led a team of Water Tribe warriors. He looked so sure of himself while fighting the Fire Nation soldiers, and, deep down, she knew that he would be okay. 

A hand on her shoulder pulled her gaze away from Sokka. She turned toward the person and saw Katara, who had a concerned look on her face. "They'll be fine," Konno said, drawing Katara into a hug. "You know Sokka. He wouldn't let a silly Fire Nation soldier kill him."

"You're right," Katara said, letting out a shaky breath. "Dad's the best warrior I know, too."

Konno nodded, pulling away from the embrace. She took her own shaky breath and glanced back at the battle. Her eyes couldn't find Sokka in the fray. Her heart hammered against her chest. The last time she had to watch someone she loved go off to war, he died. She didn't want a repeat of events.

"So, what are we supposed to do while we wait?" Konno asked, frowning. "And what are we waiting on, anyway?"

"I'm not sure," Katara answered. She glanced at the battle, too. "I know I'm here to heal anyone who gets hurt and help in any way I can."

"Sokka forbade me from fighting."

"He only did that to protect you," Katara said quickly.

Konno smiled. "I know. Besides, I'm too scared to fight. That last time I did, it didn't work out well."

"I don't blame you," Katara said with a shrug. "When you're out on the battlefield, it's either you or them. And you pray to any spirit who will listen that it will be them to die instead of you." Her eyes sharpened as she spotted something. "That's why I hated when Dad went off to war. I was always afraid that I would become an orphan at such a young age."

Konno's eyes caught something running toward them. Relief flooded through her veins when she realized it was Sokka and Hakoda running back to them. She threw herself into Sokka's arms and said, "What are you guys doing back here?"

"Sokka has a brilliant idea," Hakoda said, sounding so very proud of his son. Konno was proud of Sokka, too.

She pulled away from his hug but kept her arm secured around his waist. Konno didn't want to let go of him ever again. "We're going to take out some battlements up close and personal," Sokka said with a nod. "We need to get going. Now."

He pulled Konno over to Appa and helped her into the saddle. Katara jumped onto Appa's head while Hakoda joined Konno in the saddle. Sokka wrapped his arm around Appa's horn, hanging off of it like a forest monkey. 

"Yip yip!" Katara yelled.

Appa rose off of the ground with a loud roar. He flew through the air toward a few battlements that were shooting spears at the warriors down below. Sokka unsheathed his sword and sliced off a projectile from a battlement. Konno had never seen this side of Sokka before. He was more concentrated and disciplined. He would become a great leader.

"You two take out that battlement," Hakoda said once Appa landed. He pointed to the other battlement and said, "I've got this one. Watch each other's backs."

"What about me?" Konno asked them. "I'm not staying here while you three go off to war."

"You can come with me," Hakoda said before Katara and Sokka could say anything. "Sokka has Katara, and I'll have you to watch my back.

Sokka helped Katara off of Appa, and she ran toward the battlement on the right with Hakoda. She was nervous to be alone with Hakoda. What if he started asking her questions? She didn't know how to answer any of them. 

She shook her head. Right now, she didn't need to be thinking about that. She needed to be on her guard just in case something happened. Konno grabbed her knife from her bag, holding it in her hand tightly. If she had to, she would use it. She just hoped it wouldn't have to come to that.

 Hakoda climbed onto the roof, offering a hand to Konno. She gratefully took it and was pulled onto the roof. They crouched on the roof, staring into a hole in the ceiling. "When I jump down there, I will distract the guard while you make the catapult explode," he whispered to her. 


She had no idea how to do that, but she definitely did not tell him that. Eventually, she would figure it out. Hopefully. 

Hakoda suddenly jumped into the battlement, right onto the guard's back. He proceeded to wrap his arm around the guard's neck, stifling all oxygen from getting anywhere else. The guard landed softly onto the ground, and Hakoda looked back up at her. 

"You can jump down now," he said to her. "We can figure this thing out together."

Konno jumped through the hole in the roof. She landed on her feet, nearly falling down because of the impact. That definitely would've been embarrassing in front of Sokka's father, so she stayed on her feet instead. 

"We need to disable the catapult so they won't be able to shoot any more spears at our troops," Hakoda said, slowly walking around the catapult. 

"Do you know how to do that?" she asked him.

"Not really."

This reminded her of Sokka a lot. He always had a plan for the beginning of things, but he never planned far enough ahead for stuff like this. She peered closely at the catapult, tapping it with it with her knife. Her back was toward Hakoda and the front of the building, which probably wasn't a good idea. Someone could walk in on her and she wouldn't know it.

"Konno, watch out!" Hakoda yelled. He launched himself forward just as she whirled around. She was right. A guard had snuck up behind her, ready to attack her. "I got him! You get the catapult!"

Konno faced the catapult, her mind racing. She had no idea what to do. There was a little opening in the catapult right in front of her, so she quickly stabbed her knife into it. Nothing happened, which was very bad. She couldn't really pull her knife out of it, either. 

Fire filled the battlement as the Fire Nation solider threw a blast at her. She dodged it. It flew toward her knife, lighting up everything on the inside. It flashed red before exploding. She flew backward with the force of the explosion. She slammed into the door, blasting it open. Climbing onto her feet, she saw Hakoda stumbling toward her, holding his side.

"You're hurt!" Konno said. She wrapped her arm around his waist as he fell against her. The two of them staggered outside, but he collapsed to the ground. "Hakoda!"

"Dad?" Katara yelled.

"Dad!" Sokka shouted.

The two of them ran toward Konno and Hakoda. Katara held a capsule of water in her hands as she skidded to a stop in front of her father. 

"I'm so sorry," Konno said, her eyes pricking with tears. She couldn't believe that it was her fault that Hakoda got hurt. "I didn't mean for him to get hurt."

"It - it wasn't your fault," Hakoda said. His voice was tight because of the pain. He held tightly to his side, but Katara had to pry his hands apart to start healing him.

Sokka wrapped his arm around Konno and whispered, "Stop blaming yourself, okay?"

"Okay," she whispered back. She still felt bad for letting Hakoda get hurt.

"How does that feel, Dad?" Katara asked him. 

"A . . . a little better," Hakoda said. His face wasn't as pinched as before, and his voice sounded better. He sat up with Katara's help. "I need . . . to get back . . . to the troops." 

Hakoda groaned in agony. Konno couldn't believe that she let him get hurt. He was only protecting her. This was just like with Navrek. He died to protect her. What was wrong with her? She couldn't even take care of herself. She had to have other people take care of her, and she hated that. 

"You're hurt. Badly," Katara said gently. "You can't fight anymore."

"Everyone's counting on me," Hakoda said, wincing from the pain, "to lead this mission, Katara. I won't let them down."

"Can't you heal him any faster?" Sokka asked. His grip on Konno tightened when he saw his father collapse to the ground again. 

"I'm doing everything I can," Katara told him.

"Sokka," Konno said quickly. "You know the Invasion plan like the back of your hand." He turned toward her with a serious look on his face. "You can lead the troops."

"You're right," he said slowly. "I'll do it."

"Don't be crazy, Sokka," Katara said, sounding a little upset. Konno knew that she was afraid of Sokka going off on his own, but this was something he needed to do. He had let down himself by messing up the meeting, so now it was his time to shine. 

"Maybe I am a little crazy, but the eclipse is about to start and we need to be up that volcano by the time it does."

"You can do this," Hakoda said from his spot on the ground. He smiled softly at his son, pure adoration on his face. "I'm proud of you, son."

"I still think you're crazy," Katara said slowly, "but I'm proud of you too."

"You've got this," Konno said, wrapping her arms around Sokka. He held onto her for a moment, his arms tight around her waist. "I am so proud of you, Sokka. You have come so far from the first time I met you." Her eyes grew watery, so she wiped at them, pulling away from his embrace. "Those firebenders won't see you coming."

"I'll see you soon," Sokka whispered to her. "I love you."

No words would come out of her mouth. She couldn't say it back to him. Fear choked her again. He pulled away from their embrace and ran over to Appa. Before jumping high into the sky, Sokka glanced back at the three of them. Konno prayed to Yue to keep him safe. 

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