Ultradimension Neptunia: Big...

By CobaltGemini

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After so many adventures to other worlds, Big Neptune, along with Uzume, decides to head back home to the Ult... More

Chapter 1: Returning Home
Chapter 3: First-Time Gamer
Chapter 4: Adventures in Art
Chapter 5: Out into the World
Chapter 6: Bravery
Chapter 7: From Bad to Worse
Chapter 8: A Tricky Situation
Chapter 9: Meeting at Long Last
Chapter 10: A Second Chance
Chapter 11: Orange vs. Iris
Chapter 12: Double the Nep! Part 1
Chapter 13: What if...? (Returning Home)
Chapter 14: Double the Nep! Part 2
Chapter 15: The Great Dogoo Escapade
Chapter 16: The Lost Friend
Chapter 17: Catty in Lastation
Chapter 18: Little Friends
Chapter 19: The Decision
Ultradimension: Big Nep and Smolgear Hiatus Notice

Chapter 2: Meeting Nepgear

356 8 0
By CobaltGemini

"Little... sister...?" Neptune repeated, completely in disbelief. "...Nepgear..."

The little girl looked back up at Neptune, her innocent eyes filled with curiosity and uncertainty. "Nep...tune..." Her eyes were still filled with tears from before.

"Yeah. You know, you can call me anything you like! Nep, Neptuna, Nep-Nep, Nepper," The older girl responded, though the kid still seemed confused. "...Or maybe, just, big sis!"

"Big... sis..." Nepgear said in consideration. "Big sis. Big sis!"

"Yeah, big sis! Now come on, give your big sis a hug!"

Neptune held out her arms, but Nepgear scrambled deeper into her mother's embrace.

"Uh, did I scare you?" Neptune questioned.

"Now, now, sweetie, it's okay. She won't hurt you. Go on, give your sister a hug!" Merci encouraged.

"...Okay," Nepgear said. She let go of Merci and slowly approached Neptune. As she reached her older sister, she wrapped her arms around her, and Neptune did the same.

"There you go. Ooh, I love you already!" Neptune exclaimed.

"Big sis...?" Nepgear said.


"Your pillows are soft. And squishy."

"Uh, yeah. My pillows. Hey, um, what pillows?"

"These ones," Nepgear replied, pulling her tiny hand back, and pushing down on Neptune's boob.

"Oh! Now I get it!"

"Nepgear, sweetie, you that's inappro-" Merci started.

"I mean, I am pretty well-developed," Neptune responded. "Don't you think so, mom?"

"...priate..." Merci slowly finished. "Oh, dear... Please, don't say things like that to your sister. Don't encourage her. We don't want her getting the wrong idea."

"Oh, what's the harm? I know, that one day, she'll have a great set all her own."


Umio and Uzume were simply just taking this all in, Umio deep in thought about what this could mean, and Uzume in awe. But then, Uzume's expression turned to one of bliss, and she exclaimed, in a high-pitched, girly voice, "SHE'S... SO... CUTE!"

Merci was startled by the sudden shift in pitch from her guest's voice, while Nepgear pulled away from her sister, the adult woman just staring at the redhead in confusion. Neptune and Umio, however, were familiar with this, and just gave a "yeah, we know" look.

"She's just the most adorable thing ever!" Uzume continued on her cute ramage. "She like a... Smolgear! I could just gobble her up!"

"Uzume," Umio finally interjected, "you're doing it again."

"Oh, uh," Uzume cleared her throat, as her voice returned to normal. "Sorry, that was just- uh." She put her gaze back onto the little Nepgear. "Arg, I DON'T CARE!" She screamed as her voice became high-pitched again, "She's just too cute! Come here!"

Uzume reached down, and lifted the little girl off the ground and into a huge bear hug, as said girl screamed in surprise.

"NO! Put me down! Put me down!" Nepgear complained.

"Uzume, please, she's not comfortable with this," Merci told her.

"I, oh..." Uzume put Nepgear back down, "Sorry, I..." she cleared her throat again. "Sorry, just got caught up in... the moment," she explained.

"That's alright, I understand. Also, please, don't be so loud. Not only is it rude to my tenants, but loud sounds also tend to scare poor Nepgear."

"Oh, yeah. I've got quite the vocal cords. But I'll keep quiet, don't worry."

"Quite the vocal cords. That's an understatement."

"Hey, what did you mean by that!?" Uzume said in a mock offended tone.

"So, anyway, I know you plan to tour the... 'dimension', but again, I assume you're planning on staying?" Merci asked.

"Well, with a surprise like this, I'd think we'd stay for at least a bit," Uzume said. "I mean... there's a little Gearsy!" Uzume stopped herself at that. "Little Gearsy... little... Lil' Gearsy! That's what I'll call her!"

"Okay then. Anyways, we should get you someplace to sleep," Merci informed them, "I have a guest room you and Umio can stay in, as for Neptune..." she sighed. "...I'm sorry, after a while, I decided to move your stuff out of your room."

Looking around, outside of the bookcase, Neptune did see that none of her old things were in there, not even her bed. Instead, there was a smaller bed (definitely for Nepgear), a nightstand, and a box of toys. In her closet, she could see that her old clothes (not that any of them would fit her anymore) were replaced with little kid's clothing.

"I still have it all, don't worry, and we can move some of it back in here," Neptune's mom said, "But we'll need to rearrange some stuff in here to make them fit. You don't mind sharing a room with Nepgear, do you?"

"Of course not, anything to hang out with my adorable little sister!" Neptune replied, hugging the little Nepgear again.

Nepgear looked up at her big sister. She had a shy expression first, but then gave her a big, happy smile, causing Neptune to squee in delight.

Uzume, trying to move things along, if only to simply avoid letting herself have another outburst, said, "so, I could help with the furniture. I know Nepsy probably really wants to hang with Lil' Gearsy, and I don't mind helping. I'm pretty strong."

"Hm, very well," Merci responded, "but you will be helping out later, correct, Neptune?"

Neptune sighed. "Yes, mom... Now, come here, you," as the older girl squeezed her sister again.

Leaving Merci's daughters to their playtime, Merci led Uzume and Umio to the storage room, where Neptune's old bed and such were, well, stored.

"So," Umio spoke up, hoping to start some new conversion, "are you married? Neptune and Nepgear do have a father, yes?"

"Yes, I was married but we got divorced a long time ago," Merci replied. "Neptune was really young when we separated, I bet she doesn't even remember who he was. Not that it matters, he was just some deadbeat, anyways. Probably went off to Leanbox, to do who knows what."

"So, wait... What about Nepgear?" Uzume asked.

"Well," Merci sighed. "I've had so many boyfriends, I don't know which one would be her father..."

Uzume and Umio got sweat drops from the... implications of what their host just said. "...So, they're more like half-sisters..." Umio finally replied.

"Well, none of that matters," Merci exclaimed, "I love my daughters more than anything in the world. And I'm so happy that Neptune has rejoined our little family. And of course, you are welcome here anytime, as well."

"Thanks," Uzume replied. "So, you mentioned that you met with the CPU here in this Planeptune, right? What was she like?"

"Oh, well, she was pretty relaxed, a slow speaker. When I came to her asking about Neptune, she simply said that she was fine, but wasn't exactly sure where she was, just saying she was home. It was very frustrating, but well... at least she seemed caring."

Uzume thought about how the other Neptune said she was friends with the CPU here. She figured that Plutia must've mistaken Merci's daughter for her friend. That was kind of depressing to think about...

But more importantly, she wasn't seeing any signs of why Neptune was so nervous to talk about her. Plutia sounded really nice. So what was the big deal?

"I suppose it is nice to live under such a good-hearted goddess," Umio chimed in.

"Yeah, I mean, I know this'll sound biased, but..." Merci took a deep breath. "Lastation's CPU works too hard, and I'd prefer a more relaxed environment, especially for Nepgear. Lowee's is a half-pint, and she seems to have some issues with that. I don't trust her judgment. And Leanbox... their CPU just doesn't seem like the kind of role model I want my little one to have. Now, I have heard some scary things about Lady Iris Heart, but she seems nice enough. Planeptune is where I grew up, and I can't imagine a better place to raise my children, or a better goddess to watch over us."

Now this caught Uzume's attention! Disregarding the praise Merci gave her goddess, it sounded like Plutia, or Iris Heart, from the sounds of it, could be a lot more fierce than she appeared. Maybe she was like her and Neptune, where they changed a lot when they transformed. Perhaps this fight she wanted would be better than she thought.

"N-now don't let my opinions affect what you think about the other nations," Merci added quickly, "I know you wanted to tour this world, and I don't want to ruin your experience!"

"No, that's quite alright," Umio replied. "In fact, it sounds very similar to our own world in some ways. So, what was it like when Nepgear was born?"

"Oh, that... It was a few months after Neptune disappeared. I was just starting to believe she might have died, and my goddess hadn't helped much in that regard. Of course, now that I know she's alive, I'm happy to have been wrong!" she quickly noted. "Anyways... soon after, I found out I was pregnant with Nepgear. It was... honestly a very confusing time. But I decided that it was best to take a second chance as a mother with my sweet little Nepgear."

"Ah, that's sweet," Uzume replied, pulling herself out of her thought process of this world's Planeptune CPU.

"Well, it's honestly been harder than trying to raise Neptune. With her, all I had to worry about was her interest in bugs. With Nepgear, she's always trying to take apart something. And she never gets the hint! I know she's young, but... I don't know how she could be this smart already. I mean, she's capable of taking machines apart, and she's five! At the very least, having to put everything back together myself has made me quite tech-savvy. My approval ratings with my tenants have gone up since I have been able to make basic repairs by myself."

"Yes, that is quite a useful skill," Umio replied. "It would seem that Neptune has taken quite a shine to the young Nepgear, so, we'll likely be in Planeptune for quite a while as the sisters start bonding together."

"It's definitely nice to have someone for my little girl to play with," Mercury replied. "I hope they become very close, though..." she trailed off.

"Everything, okay?" Uzume asked.

"Yes, I'm just worried, they're so different. Worried they might not get along."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Neptune is super friendly." Uzume looked around the storage room. "So, where is this bed?"

"Over here, I believe," Merci pointed to a box of bed frame pieces, sitting on top of a covered mattress. "It should be easy to put back together, though it's heavy-"

"No problem," Uzume replied as she attempted to lift the box... and FAILURE! "Huh, seems I don't have my goddess strength. Eh, now I just have more reason to find the Memory!"

"Well, I certainly wish you luc-" Merci started before being interrupted by sudden screaming.

Nepgear ran into the room, and latched onto her mom.

"Hey, you okay, Lil' Gearsy?" Uzume asked.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Merci continued.

"Bi- bi- big sis's book fairy is MEAN!" Nepgear spouted. "She said naughty words and made fun of me!"

Behind her, Neptune popped up. "So... yeah, Croirsty wasn't really nice to Nepgear..."

"Not my fault she's such a stupid brat," the dark tome replied.

"Hey, stop that! Or else, I..." Neptune trailed off.

"You don't-"

"I'll keep her in my room for you," Merci interrupted Croire, addressing Neptune. "If she won't behave, I'll stuff her in my desk drawers, if you don't mind."

Neptune thought about this. "Hm, I don't like leaving my Nep-Note behind, but..." she looked at her little sister. "Alright, I'll just have to get my specimens the old-fashioned way, for now. I'd rather let my little sister keep her innocence, then let it be ruined by a meanie like Croisty!'

"Meanie!" Nepgear echoed.

"F*** you two!" Coire said.

Neptune quickly handed her mother the Nep-Note. Then, she left her daughters with Uzume and Umio while she locked Coire away.

"So, that happened," Uzume exclaimed.

"Nepgear, please, promise you'll never say those words," Umio told the little girl.

"Yes, mister fishy," Nepgear replied.

"So, Neptune, can you help me with your bed?" Uzume asked.

"Sure..." the purple woman said. Neptune figured it would be a while before she saw Croire again. Hopefully, she'll learn her lesson by then.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Meanwhile, in the Ultradimension Planeptune Basilicom...

Within the confines of the building, the CPU of Planeptune, Plutia, was hanging out with her best friend, Noire, CPU of Lastation, and the child CPU, Peashy.

Plutia had light purple hair styled into a long braid with a pink bow at the end, and magenta eyes. She wore a white choker, and a pajama-like teal dress mixed with pink, white, and light orange colors, and matching thigh-high socks and bear slippers.

Noire (of the Ultradimension) had long black hair styled into twin tails with blue ribbons, and red eyes. She had a dark gray top with another blue ribbon revealing her mid-riff, detached sleeves open on the arms and held together with black straps and buckles, and a black pleated skirt with blue highlights. She also had blue knee socks and dark gray boots.

Peashy had short strawberry-blond hair with large red baubles in it, and cerulean blue eyes. She wore a short one-piece jumpsuit with a bee motif with star designs on the sleeves and lower part, and large red shoes.

"Plutia, you really should be a little more proactive in your work," Noire told her friend. "Not napping all the time, or... making plushies."

"But, Noire..." Plutia said in her slurred, sleepy tone of voice, "Making plushies is so fun...! Look..." She held up a Noire plushie she was working on. Probably the fifth one she's made... in a month.

"Come on, Ploot just wants to play!" Peashy replied.

Noire looked down at the five-year-old goddess. "You don't get it, do you? Us goddesses have a duty to our people!"

"Aw, you're no fun~."

"Yeah... here..." Plutia handed her the new plushie. Not that Noire needed another one.

"Plutia, come on... I just want to help you-" Noire started.

"Come on, Noire... let's sleep..." Plutia leaned against Noire as she closed her eyes. Noire just sighed.

"Excuse me, ladies, I have something to- Of course, why am I not surprised," a new voice spoke up. The Ultradimension version of Histoire had arrived to speak with the goddesses, only to find Plutia asleep.

Ultra Histoire, who was indeed smaller than her Hyperdimension counterpart, had mid-length blond hair tied into twin tails with teal ribbons and a purple and with headdress. She wore a purple gown with orange designs on it and a teal ribbon. She also had white stockings and purple shoes with pink circles.

"Noire, could you wake Plutia up, please," the small tome asked.

"...Come on, Plutia, get up!" Noire began shaking her friend, and pushed her off.

"Mm... mm... sleepy time..." Plutia mumbled.

"GET UP!" Noire shouted. "Histoire needs to talk to us!"

Plutia slowly woke back up, and rubbed her eyes.

"Good, now that everyone is up," Histoire began, "I just got a message from my counterpart."

"Is Neppy coming over...!" Plutia said, suddenly excited.

"As far as I am aware, no. But, some of Neptune's friends have come to visit."

"Neptune's friends?" Noire asked. "Why are they coming to visit?"

"It would seem they enjoy traveling to other dimensions," Histoire explained. "And they have yet to come here."

"Okay, so why is this important. Are they going to come to see Plutia?"

"At some point, but... it would seem one of these visitors is a CPU. At least, she is in her home dimension. But she's planning to find a CPU Memory, and then come to... challenge Plutia."

"Huh... But why does she want to fight me?" Plutia asked.

"I don't know, all I know is that this goddess's name is Orange Heart," Histoire replied.

"What about her friend?" Peashy asked. "Is she fun? Is she like Neptuna?"

"It would seem Neptune requested that information is to be kept secret for now," Histoire explained. "Though I don't know-"

"Ooh! I love surprises~," Plutia exclaimed. "Like unwrapping a present. So much fun~!"

"Yeah, but these are people. You can't unwrap them, Plutia," Noire replied.

"Oh, I sure can~!"

Everyone went quiet at that. They all knew what she really meant by that, and that her "Sadie" side, as Neptune put it, was showing. Well, except for Peashy, who was too young to understand what she meant, and was just confused.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Author's Note, Jacob: I don't have much to say here. As my co-writer explained in the last chapter, these two chapters took forever to finish.

What I will say is the the "pillows" joke is one I came up with, based on actual experience. Long story short, when I was a kid, I'd get bored in church, and sleep on my mom. Take that as you will.

The unwrapping joke is mine too. It just made sense, considering who Plutia is.

Author's Note, Savannah: I utterly and completely forgot the joke Jacob and I made about one of the girls unwrapping people. Honestly, it feels like something a monster from Stranger Things would do...which leads me to believe that Croire might have one of the demogorgons as a pet. Or several.

Also, the joke about the pillows and such was hilarious to me. Jacob had to explain it to me a bit, but I laughed really hard once I got it. Never put two Autistics in a virtual room together. Hilarity ensues.

Also, I have my own experience with lady parts being slept on. My friend was sleeping on my shoulder and his head slipped. I had to put it back on my shoulder without waking him up and I felt so awkward!

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