Darkness unleashed

By Foolscap2122

3.7K 142 152

A creeping darkness begins to spill into Sanjo City and pulling all timelines into one, from ancient Rome to... More

A creeping darkness
A looming darkness
Where did you come from??
Anyone else gonna fall from the sky
Darkness In Sanjo
Enemies all around
Aeon's Attack!
"Not Again"
Time's up
To Zeta Point We Go!
Alpha Droid Madness!
Peace and Quiet????
Fight or Flight Pt 1
Fight Or Flight Pt 2
A Medical Emergency
The Caverns
The Finale

Creature Chase

205 10 0
By Foolscap2122

Weeks later Max was strolling about in the downtown core of Sanjo City when he heard about ancient objects randomly turning up in everyday places which was odd he stopped and looked at the tv in the tv station window

"Apparently the weapons from ancient japan have some how mysteriously found their way into our streets in pristine condition researchers all over have no idea how this is happening " said the news reporter women as images of the fairly new yet ancient like designed looking weapons popped up on the screen and showed an interview with a researcher

"We're just as bewildered as the public these weapons were made during the ancient japan timeline and were not modern day so the answer as to how they got here is a difficult one"said the researcher before it cut back to the news woman

"another story is brought to us by a civilian who claims to have seen a demon? We will bring you more after the break"said the news reporter woman before the channel went to ad break

" woah those weapons look exactly like the ones in ancient Japan from first hand experience especially after seeing one up close "thought Max thinking back to when they acted as bodyguards for Tokugawa and assisted Hanzo plus helping defeat Takeda's army "But how did they end up here ". Max heard the channel start again

" And we're back with the citizen who claims he saw a demon, excuse me sir can you explain what you saw exactly "asked a reporter

" The thing was massive it had wings and long claws, long pointy ears, sharp teeth, pale glowing eyes and scaly black skin it stood taller than any man it was terrifying " said the man who looked quite shaken

"Sir were you able to capture any proof of this creature " asked the reporter

"Yes, I caught a picture of it on my phone "said the man as he clicked through his phone to find the image he found it and showed the camera, the description met the image perfectly

"Yeesh talk about attention seeker, he's probably trying to start up another panic or something like those other people when those four alien creatures summoned that massive black bird thing"said a passerby to their friend

" Yeah, some people really are that desperate "said the other person

" That creature is terrifying" muttered another " How is he still alive" whispered another " What even is that"asked another "I bet that's edited " said another aloud

"Sir where is the creature now" asked the reporter

" That  ... thing flew off with its huge bat wings and then vanished through a portal it just vanished after that" said the man pointing to the sky above a building indicating the creature flew that way

"You heard it here folks, keep your eyes opened for this creature if seen please take extreme caution do not approach it we'll bring you the latest on this creature "said the reporter before it cut to boring stuff

Max was shocked " The creature shares a slight resemblance with the dark pterosaur " thought Max " Does this creature and the ancient objects link or is it just one big coincidence"

he walked away from the shop window and down the street "I bet it's all just a hoax to get attention " thought Max trying to reassure himself that nothing like what happened three years ago was ever going to happen again

He walked through a park area, he didn't notice that it wasn't as populated as usual until he tripped over something that sent him forward he stumbled a little before balancing himself

He looked to see what tripped him only to see an odd stone peeking up out of the dirt, curiously Max yanked on it and wiggled it around trying to free it of the solid earth he eventually pried it up and dusted it off a tad he noticed an odd thing with the stone it was shaped weirdly he noticed engravings as well but not just any engravings

"Is ... is this the lighting stone " asked Max bewildered as he stared at the stone in his hand which had the lightning sign engraved in its front and a silver chip at it's flat base, Max was shocked he then immediately hid the stone in his hoodie pocket before getting down on all fours and trying to pry more soil away to see if there was any more

He spent a good twenty minutes digging with his bare hands before he discovered the other stones and their center piece Max picked them all up, put them in his hoodie and ran as fast as he could home

"Dad needs to see these he needs to know"thought Max as he raced home

When he arrived he ran through the front door slamming it behind him Aki poked her head out from the kitchen confused as to why Max was in such a hurry "Max, sweetie what's the matter you seem distressed "asked Aki worriedly walking to her son "I'm ... fine mom don't worry I'm just a bit worn out from running all the way home where's dad" panted Max looking to his mother and hugging her gently being careful not to harm her.

"Your father's in his office he just got home "said Aki as she wrapped her arms around her son, the hug was slightly awkward due to the bump on Aki's stomach, it was a little difficult to hug anyone since she was seven months pregnant, she gently released her son from the hug, Max looked at his mother with a smile

He then looked at his mother's womb ", Can't wait to meet you lil bro or sis" said Max smiling and gently touching it he felt a kick which surprised him " Heh your siblings been quite the feisty one today reminds me of you Max " teased Aki smiling looking down at the womb and gently rubbing it she smiled Max chuckled

Max afterward went to his father's office he had almost forgotten about the stone plates he knocked on the door as he opened it "Hey dad you in here "asked Max curiously

"NYA Oh Max you startled me " yelped Spike almost jumping out of his skin  Max looked confused " How come you were so scared it was just me so what gives "asked Max confused by his father's reaction "Oh I've just been reading up more about that demon like creature that poor man saw and the ancient objects that keep popping up everywhere and I guess I spooked myself with that demon thing"chuckled Spike turning around in his chair to look at his son

Max laughed a bit "Um dad, I need to show you something"said Max quietly as he reached his hands into his hoodies pocket and pulled out the stone plates.

He set them out on the desk infront of his father's chair "Wait, are those the stone plates but I thought they were destroyed when you fought Spectre and his goons" questioned Spike picking up the stones and examining them

"So did I, but it seems like they weren't I wonder if the cosmos stones weren't destroyed I mean if the stone plates weren't what are the odds the cosmos stones survived "asked Max concerned " Max this is both interesting and concerning, I'll speak with Dr. Owen about this"said Spike concerned

"Ok"said Max as he began to walk out

"Max wait" called Spike

"Yeah what is it dad"asked Max stopping and turning around

"Do not go looking for those cosmos stones if they are around and be more careful when your out I don't want you getting hurt by that demon thing got it" said Spike sternly

"Ok, I will dad" said Max as he walked out of the room he went down the hallway and up the stairs where he went down the hallway to his bedroom he opened the door and shut it behind him before flopping out onto his bed he gazed up at the bare ceiling watching the ceiling fan spin his gaze soon turned to the window

Max started out of his window for about a half hour before he heard his phone buzz like crazy he fumbled around trying to find it he soon found it and  answered " Hello " said Max curiously

"Max! You need to come to the main plaza NOW something happened and you need to see it bring your dad but make sure your mom doesn't catch you guys leaving I don't think she'll want to see this" said Zoe in a harsh panic

"Yeesh one my ears two I'm on my way "said Max as he shot up from his bed he ran as fast as he could down the hallway back down the stairs and to his father's office again where he explained to his father what Zoe had told him, Spike immediately got up and rushed out of the house giving the excuse that Reese had called him from the D-Lab

Max followed his father they both hopped into their car and drove to the main  plaza where they saw many many police vehicles, an ambulance, caution tape and a SWAT unit "MAX " called a high voice from the loud sirens and shouting " MAX OVER HERE"shouted the voice again, Max noticed the pink haired girl hopping about frantically and waving her arms

"ZOE"called Max as he and his father rushed over "What happened "asked Spike looking at Zoe before looking to the massive crowd of officers, hazmat and caution tape surrounding an area

"That demon thing was back " said Zoe 'it attacked someone and then left something behind "

"So, it is real"thought Max as he looked over to where he saw a younger male being carried out on a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance he then noticed claw marks in a building

"Woah, those are huge what'd it do scale the building and dissapear " asked Spike as he noticed the claw marks

"Pretty much, right after the guy was attacked it tore off like a bat out of hell but it did leave behind this weird gooey substance and a shard or two of a gem " said Zoe " How do you know of those"asked Max

" I was walking beside the man when that thing attacked him I watched it drop those items and the goo before taking off " said Zoe as she turned her phone on to show the two men pictures of what the shards look like and the goo

" This is all so strange "mumbled Spike

"What is dad "asked Max looking at his father in curiosity

" I mean all these ancient weapons showing up, the stone plates, then this creature attacking someone it makes no sense and also that creature shares a striking resemblance with that dark bird thing from three years ago "said Spike placing his hand on his chin

" But that's mainly color wise the dark pterosaur didn't really target anybody specifically aside from the Space Pirates  remember " said Zoe

" Point there " said Max

"Another thing I would like to add is what do you mean stone plates "questioned Zoe looking to Spike

" Max found them and brought them home today " said Spike

" Wait, you ... you found our stone plates from three years ago but I thought they were destroyed when Seth flew into the dark pterosaur and destroyed the cosmos stones " asked Zoe

" Yeah surprisingly I literally stumbled upon them in the park "said Max

" Were ... Paris or Chomp's cards maybe I don't know with them" asked Zoe nervously

"I'm sorry Zoe but no" said Max sadly

Zoe sighed solemnly before they heard a high pitch shriek they looked to see that creature again "IT'S BACK" screamed someone "RUN FOR YOUR LIFES" shouted another "MAX ZOE WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW"shouted Spike sternly "Right" said Zoe and Max

The three ran for the car as fast as possible which was slightly difficult for all the people running around in a panic "MAX" cried Zoe as she was hit hard and was knocked to the hard asphalt ground "ZOE" yelped Max as he rushed back to help her so she wouldn't be trampled he pulled her to her feet and got into the car, Zoe quickly hopped into the back

"STEP ON IT DAD" shrieked Max as the creature's gaze fixed on them before bellowing a loud screech

Spike slammed his foot on the gas and put the car in drive he tore off doing more than 75 clicks an hour down an empty road he looked in the rearview mirror and saw the creature wasn't chasing them, Spike sighed in relief he started to slow the car down before realizing something was wrong, he looked in the mirror again and noticed the creature

In a panic he slammed his foot on the gas again he heard the tires screech as the car took off again " WOAH"yelped Max and Zoe as they were pressed back into the seats at the sudden jolt of speed

Max glance behind them to see the creature he panicked "Dad faster it's gaining " said Max hitting his hands on the dashboard " I'm going as fast as I can"said Spike "Come on just a little more " thought Spike he then noticed the road turned "HANG ON"he said as he grabbed the hand brake and slowed the car he drifted around the corner smoothly

They continued on and took the long way home to make sure they weren't being followed anymore as soon as they reached the house they rushed inside, Aki looked up from her book in the living room " Spike what's wrong, Max Zoe did something happen " asked Aki nervously and worriedly " N...*sigh* yes well I didn't want to worry you for no reason my sweet love but Zoe called Max and said we should go take a look at something but that creature showed up and chased everyone and us for a bit we lost it and were all safe and sound "said Spike walking to his wife and holding her shoulders gently and gazing into her worried eyes

"Spike, you don't need to hide anything from me after what we went through three years ago I won't get as scared as I am when I watch you and our son come home looking like he just ran a marathon and had a panic attack while doing so " said Aki looking to her husband

Spike pulled his wife into a gentle hug being careful not to accidentally hurt the baby inside her, Aki rested her head on Spikes chest as she also embraced him

Meanwhile Max and Zoe had rushed into Max's room Max showed her the stone plates " see told ya" said Max

" I didn't doubt you but it is still weird how they survived that explosion " said Zoe looking to Max before picking up the grass stone and fiddling with it

"Zoe, I'm scared of what's next to come " said Max looking to the pink haired girl

" As am I Max, for all we know a whole army of those creatures could appear, or the space pirates return or something worse "said Zoe

" Yeah, I didn't plan on sleeping tonight and that was really comforting"said Max

" Heh, I'm just kidding Max there's no way the Space Pirates or an army of those creatures would show up"chuckled Zoe

" Heh, I guess your right " laughed Max

The two joked around for a few hours unknown to them a new evil was approaching and something was about to change very very soon.

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