Taken By Force and Kept For L...

By ValerieRosez

32K 1K 41

Charlotte was your typical average 17 year old, that was until her 18th birthday and as her and her family ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 22

425 20 1
By ValerieRosez


He waits until he thinks she is out of earshot before speaking. "Dude... she's gonna pop... and soon..." his forehead wrinkles and his eyes are filled with worry.

"I know... I don't understand... Annie was not this big..." a dark shadow passes over his eyes with the mere mention of her name. "Sorry." I say immediately.

"No worries. But how are we going to do this?" He asks me and I untie the crate still on the horse. "Do you want to trade them?" He asks temporary side tracked, I pick up the cage and chickens cluck in protest.

"Yeah, I was hoping to get maybe 2 good winter coats and a thick blanket." He nod his head and ties the rope of my horse to his stall, he sells a variety of things, some livestock, fruits and veggies, but I know his main way of trade is metal work.

"Follow me." He says and I do as he told me. "Firstly, how the hell are you going to leave the house unnoticed with a baby?" He weaves through the crowd.

"Well depending on when the birth happens and the time we have until... the deed... if it's possible, I'd like to leave during the night. After everyone has gone to sleep." I lose sight of him but still hear his voice.

"Secondly, how is Molly going to hold the baby, guide the horse amidst being in pain?" I use his voice to find him stopped by an older looking man. "Hey Carl. Listen... do you have a nice winter coat for a man and woman?" The older man nods and pulls two fluffy jackets off a rack of clothes.

"Yes yes. Nice jackets." He places the two on a table and I instinctively run my hands over them. They are soft and very warm, just keeping my hand dead still for a while, the warmth was there almost instantly.

"A Rooster and Hen?" I ask hoping he will say yes.

"Show." I put the cage on the table. He stares at them carefully studying them and weighing his options. "Yes is good." I say my thanks and scoop the jackets into my arms.

"I don't know Shane... I don't know what to do but all I know is both me and Molly have no doubt in our minds that we need to leave." He nods and leads the way back to his stall.

"Thirdly, where are we going to meet?" I scratch my chin and think.

"The cave?" His eyebrows shoot up and I explain. "It's the only place I can think of."

"The cave won't work... finally and I think the most crucial question: how will I know? When she has given birth I mean..."

I run my hand through my hair. "Is there some kind of safehouse? Somewhere?" He scratches his beard and tugs on it in thought.

"Hey... maybe. Hang on one moment." Before I say anything he's gone into the crowd.

I look at the metal work he has and I must say he is good. The intricate designs on various types of jewelry is breathtaking. The horse shoes he makes are also just the best ones I've ever seen and used. But I think the most impressive thing in his stall is the wall where his handmade knives hang, each have a different purpose.

I'm lost in thought when I hear a groan. I jerk my head to the sound and see Molly leaning against the table.

I rush to her. "Are you okay? What happened?" I lift her face and see she is very pale. "Baby? What's wrong?" She shivers and my concern grows with every second that passes.

"I don't feel... so good..." she begins to tumble and I try to keep her upright but she's a deadweight. I fall with her but I take the brunt of the force, it hits the wind out of my lungs. I touch her cheek lightly but she doesn't respond.

"Molly? Molly!" I begin to panic and I begin to shake her softly, I then see Shane smiling in the distance. "SHANE!!" I scream out, his smile instantly drops when he sees me and Molly on the ground, he rushes to me.

"What happened?" He asks as he takes her vital signs, confusion and concern all over his face.

"I-I don't know. I was looking at your stuff and heard a groan. When I turned around there she was. I asked her if she was okay but then she fell." His eyes dart from her eyes to her belly to her legs.

"David... how... no wait... let me think..." he looks around and his eyes land on someone. "Jeff!" He shouts and a guy with black hair and blue eyes comes closer.

"Shane? What's-" he stops when he sees Molly on the ground. "How long has she been down?" He questions and I quickly answer.

"A few minutes. Please, what's wrong with her." The thought of losing her is too much for me to bare. Tears leak out my eyes and run down.

He takes her pulse and feels her breathing against his hand. "Fast pulse and slow breathing... how far along is she?"

"Um... I think about 7 months... or just past the 7, hell I don't know. What is wrong with her?" He continues to examine her.

His hands hover over the jacket, he looks over to me awaiting approval, I nod and he opens the coat. When it is open and we see the inside I think we all gasp at the sight.


Blood soaked through her jeans. Now I go into flat out panic fearing for her life as well as our child's.

"We need to get her to my cabin... I'll be able to treat her there..." I hesitate for a moment. "If we don't. She will die. Here. In front of us."

I wiggle myself free and look to him. "Which way?" I ask and he points towards the woods. "Can my horse come?"

"I was hoping that you ride the horse and support her until we get there. But we need to go... now." I scurry off the ground and jump onto the horse, the two men place my beautiful unconscious Molly in my arms.

My eyes land on Shane. "Please... come as soon as you can Shane..." he nods his head and then I notice the pile of baby clothes scattered on the ground. "Bring them with... please..." I croak out.

"I will. Now get going." He says to me and Jeff unties the rope and begins leading the horse away from the market.

I'm hoping that this is a beginning of a bright and happy future, and not the end of one I hold dear to me.

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