Demon and Human(ON HOLD)


53.8K 1.3K 255

Iruma and Ryuka were both sold to the demon Sullivan by their parents. And thus, was taken into the nether... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Side Chapter
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Side chapter
Chapter 10
Side chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Side Chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Please Read... hahaha
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
.give me ideas.
Side Chapter(P1)
20K p2
20k p3
✨A very special chapter✨
A day out

Chapter 7

1.8K 55 12


Third person's pov.

Suzuki Iruma and Suzuki Ryuka, One day their idiot parents sold them to a devil.

And suddenly started to attend the school for demons, Babyls.

HOWEVER... Humans are a rare existence in the netherworld.

If it somehow gets out that there human, they don't even want to know what will happen to them.

Opera opened the door of the carriage and prepared the tiny stairs so his masters can come down.

(A/N: Opera's gender is still unknown.... so... I'll just identify Opera as a guy for selfish purposes*wink*)

"IRUMA-SAMA AND RYUKA-SAMA HAS ARRIVED!!" Opera shouted making all the students look at the entrance and at the twins.

He then took out a carpet, flaps it, and placed it on the ground.

"Go ahead," Opera said looking over at the twins with his usual blank face.

"HOW DO YOU EXPECT US TO JUST "GO AHEAD"?!?!" The twins said and sweatdropped.

"Don't forget your bags! Oh and by the way... I bought a HellPhone just for you both!" Their grandfather said 

"Now you can call me anytime!- ara?? Iruma=kun??"

Sullivan said while looking around for his missing grandson.

"Thank you Ojii-chan! We'll make sure to call you!' Ryuka said while waving goodbye to Opera and her grandfather.

She then sped up her pace and caught up to Iruma and the rest of her friends.

"Let's go to class!!"

Ryuka's pov.

"It's time for a magic lesson!" Suzy-sensei said clapping her hands.

'If only you aren't a teacher I could've hugged you! Your so cute!!!' (It's my opinion! sush!)

"Now, everyone, hold your hands above the special seedling, and say- Quan-Quan"

The plant started to grown and a poof of smoke appeared and a cute demon flower pops out.

"OUI! The flower blooms!"

A flower that has 2 small eyes bloomed from Suzy-sensei's pot.

"Now, everyone, try and form your magic power yourself! The trick is to visualize it in your head, and it'll float to the surface by itself~ Do your best everyone!!" Suzy-sensei said while smiling at us.

'Iruma and I don't have that kind of magic, so we can't make that flower bloom, so, I guess, for now, we or I just go along with the atmosphere'

"The student council president... What? He never comes to the underclassman's building, so we've never seen him before" I heard Jazz said behind me and looked at where they are looking.

'Now, I can call grandpa and tell him or ask him how can we grow flowers when we don't have any magic here...'

I looked around and saw that everyone has a flower or... something in their pot, and only I and Iruma are the only ones who haven't done anything yet.

"Sorry, you won't be able to grow..."

"It would be nice if my flower was a warm color, maybe even fluffy!" Iruma said making me giggle.

"Maybe something wintry for me, I've always liked the cold..." We both looked at each other and placed our hands over it and say.


We both looked over at each other and laughed.

Then suddenly our ring glowed and so is our plant.

Iruma's phone rang and it was grandpa who was calling him, I moved over to him to hear their conversation.

"Heyo~ It's Ojii-chan! Yay! Our first phone call!!"

(I might change or go from Ojii-chan to Grandpa...either way they're the same just from different language/country)

"I actually forgot to tell you both something, You see, a while ago, I charged your rings with my magic right? So that's why you can now use magic"

I looked over at our plant and it was starting to grow bigger and bigger and was joining with each other.

"If you use it... It could be dangerous"


*time skip*

I was walking around the corners to return some supplies I borrowed from the old man who is a janitor to help clean up the fallen petals with Iruma.

The plant actually turned out to be a Sakura tree with white petals.

When I was about to turn to the corner I actually hit something...or someone.

The person I hit groaned and I knew whose voice it belongs.

I immediately went to the person and reached out my hand for him.

"I'm so sorry Kallego-sensei! I didn't see you!! I'm really sorry!" I said and then he reached out to my hand and I helped him up, he then dusted himself and looked at the fallen brooms and bucket.

"Why are you carrying it?"

"Iruma and I actually borrowed it, and since Iruma is helping the old janitor with the garbage I decided that I'll help with returning this"

"Be careful then next time, and also watch where you're going to avoid accidents.." Kallego-sensei said while looking at me and gave me the broom he was holding.

I took it from him and he started to walk away.

'Guess he's not that bad after all..'


I am back from the dead!!!! FINALLY!! SCHOOL IS DONE! Sorry for not updating... I was actually fighting with my grandparents and my mom, well mostly with my grandparents or either with my grandma since she doesn't treat me fairly unlike my brother...

Well, that's just how Filipino family is sometimes, so here I am, haven't gone out of my room for a month now, not speaking to her since whenever I hear her talking to him I get jealous and mad... 

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful year amidst this pandemic... Also, have a strong relationship with your parents and grandparents... Bye! see you in the next update!!!

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