Ara Malfoy ( A HP fanfic)

By ChloesDiary

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Ara Malfoy is finally eleven which means she is officially at age to go to Hogwarts. As her father Draco Malf... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Four

621 11 0
By ChloesDiary

The first years huddled closely waiting for a name to be called into the podium.

"I'm so nervous," Ara whispered to Lucia.

"Hmmm... I'm not, I don't really mind what house I'm in," Lucia replied quietly.

The silence continued well the headmaster fiddled with a piece of rumpled paper, Ara guessed it was a list of all the first years.

'You will be a Slytherin, I promise."

Her fathers words ringed in her head, she hoped it was true, the relief she would feel when she would become a Slytherin and enjoy her time at Hogwarts for the next years of her life.

"Rupert Noble!" The headmaster called, a boy with messy ginger hair and a face full of freckles walked onto the podium next to Hagrid.

Hagrid ushered the boy into the chair, where he then placed the sorting hat onto his head.

The boy closed his hazel eyes.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat announced.

Rupert grinned and hopped of the chair, he sat on the Gryffindor table.

"Lucia Lovegood!" The headmaster shouted whilst staring at his list.

"Good luck!" Ara told her friend whilst patting her slender shoulder.

Lucia sat down on the old, worn out chair and smiled anxiously, what house suited her the most she thought but she didn't actually know and she also had no preference. She felt the hat on her head and closed her eyes.

"Hmmm.. where to put you?" The hat questioned himself.

Lucias eyes still tightly closed.


Lucia opened her blue eyes and smiled whilst hopping out of the chair and to her house table. She was quite happy with what the sorting hat had assigned her to.

"Theo Woodnor!" The headmaster read out.

A short boy jogged onto the podium and say himself in the chair, clearly keen to be sorted into a house, Ara thought. The sorting hat was carefully placed onto his ruffled hair.

"Hmm a bit of Gryffindor and a bit of Slytherin.. what to do, what to do," The sorting hat muttered.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat bellowed, an echo spreading through the large hall.

The boy jumped up and ran towards his table excitedly.

More names were called "HUFFLEPUFF! SLYTHERIN! RAVENCLAW! GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat carried on as the evening continued.

"Ara Malfoy!"

This was it! She would finally find out what house she was destined to be in.

Ara walked steadily to the platform, Hagrid raised his eyebrows as another Malfoy were to be at Hogwarts again.

"Right sit down," Hagrid said in his gruff voice.

The old hat was placed upon her blonde head, she took a deep breath.

"Hmm.. another Malfoy, very interesting," He grumbled, "What to do with you," he questioned himself.


Ara could feel the relief slowly drift from her body.

She slowly started to get out of the chair.


A gasp escaped every first year, Aras eyes widened with shock. What happened! Ara thought as she looked at Hagrid in disbelief.


"What's happening!" Ara demanded, whilst trying to remove the dusty old hat from her head, "Get off me!" She screamed grabbing at the edges. The hat stucked to her head like glue.


"No!" Ara said, "How is this possible!"

The headmaster stood up, "It seems you have traits  of every house!"  He announced, "How peculiar...Meet me in my office after the sorting ceremony has finished!"

Ara nodded and ran off the podium to the back of the huddle in horror.

How had this happened? Was it an accident? Which house was she in? All these thoughts ran through the young girls mind.

I hope you enjoyed this interesting chapter!
Remember you can always let me know any ideas for this story!
Stay safe!

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