Life As A Royal Princess (BTR...

By katelynchin

28K 246 36

Katelyn is living with her adopted family somewhere in a small town and she's dating BTR's Kendall! They met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 29

296 4 1
By katelynchin

Katelyn's POV
I'm in William and Catherine's room. Wills stresses that love is the key is to control my powers. "Okay Wills, I will keep that in mind," I say. "Good. And one more thing we have to tell you," Wills says. I wonder what it is?

"Before you and Kendall got together, you are destined to marry Prince Jett," Catherine says. Excuse me? I had a marriage arrangement before Kendall and I got together? This is so not cool! "Wills, I love Kendall. He is the love of my life, without him my life will be broken into pieces," I say. "I know sis, I really do. You are going to marry with love. Just like how I married Catherine-love," Will says smiling at his wife. I can see the love in their eyes.

After a long silence, Kate asks me to change into my birthday ball dress. "Put them on sweetie," Kate says as she hands me over the dress. I go inside to the dressing room and put the dress on. Wow, I look just like mum! A princess and the future Queen of the U.K.

As I step out of the dressing room, Kate and William look at me with awe! "My Katelyn, look how much you have grown!" Wills says. I can't help but blush. "Thanks bro! I really owe it you three," I say. "No sis! You didn't owe us anything, all these hard work and effort are worth it to yourself," he says.

A knock is heard, Kate goes over to open the door. "Kendall, c'mon in!" Kate opens the door. "Hi Kate, is Princess Katelyn here?" Kendall asks. "Yes she is, right this way. Katelyn, sweetie you have a visitor," Kate informs me that I have a visitor. "Kendall!" I exclaim as I walk over to my boyfriend. "Hey Princess Katelyn! You look beautiful!" Kendall says as he puts his arm around me.

William gives me a signal and I know exactly what to do. "Kendall, can you wait here please? You can have a chat with Catherine. William and I have some royal business to take care of," I say. "Okay," Kendall nods his head. His kisses my cheek before I head towards the door and Kate gives me a hug.

As I reach the stair case, I unfreeze the frozen things back there. "I knew you can do it," William giving me a pat on the back. "And you better hurry to get your hair done. The ball is going to start very soon," he says.

I kiss my brother's cheek before I head to my room and I put on the white sandals designed by LK Bennet. Someone is knocking at my door, I get up from my seat and walk over to open it. It's Charlotte, she's all ready for the ball. "Princess, it's time for you to make your entrance," Charlotte says.

"I'll be there, thanks Charlotte," I say as I walk over to the ball room staircase to wait for the announcement. "All hail Princess Katelyn!" Charlotte announces . I curtsy and gracefully walk down the stairs. The guests are talking among themselves.

"She's beautiful!"

"Just like her mother, Lady Di,"

"Absolutely stunning!"

I reach at the end of the staircase, Kate standing arm in arm with William. He walks over to me. "Katelyn," William says as he grabs my hand to lead the first dance. "William," I crusty to him as he leads me to the centre of the ball room.

The music starts to play, William and I are dancing to the beat. He accidentally steps on. "Ouch!" Wills says " Sorry sis, I guess I'm not a good dancer myself. You certainly out beat me sis!" I can't help but smile, " Well without the Princess lessons you three gave me over the Summer holidays, I might be a bad dancer like you Wills," I joke.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see it's Kendall! William and I bow to each other and heads over to join Kate. Kendall and I dance to the beat until we decide to have the dance outside at the Garden.

We stop by the fountain. "Why me?" Kendall asks. "Because you're the one who sees me when I'm invisible. You know being a Princess is so much fun and I don't..." Kendall cuts me off with a kiss. As my right foot "pops", the fountain lights are turned on! How romantic.

After a moment we pull back and without second thought Kendall and I share a kiss. "Happy one year relationship anniversary Princess," Kendall says. "Happy one year anniversary, my handsome prince!" I say.

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