She's Gone (sequel to she's y...

By giigglez1D

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this is the sequal to She's Yours so if you haven't read that, read that first. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

352 23 8
By giigglez1D

"Come on Owen you can do it!" I screamed from the sidelines, watching Owen run down the soccer field with the ball about to score. I kept constantly checking my phone for the time though, because I had to get to my own rehearsals soon.

"That's my boy!" I screamed as he tricked out the goalie and scored. His whole team paraded him with hugs and love as that was the winning goal of the game. The coach sat down and had a quick talk to the boys, and then Owen came running to me.

"Did you see that dad?! I scored! That's the third goal I've made all season! Coach says I got lots of potential." He smiled widely.

"You and your sister have got a lot of talent bud." I patted him on the back, walking to the car.

"I can either drop you off to hang out with uncle Harry or you can come with me to the studio. Your choice?" I asked Owen while climbing into the car.

"I think I want to come with you dad. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. We are all so busy, and it's hard without mom. I wish I remembered her." Owen sighed. He is jealous of the memories Bella and I have of her. He was only 3 when she passed, and he doesn't remember anything. He just knows what we tell him, the amazing things we tell him.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked, looking at him through my rear view mirror.

"Well I remember one thing. But I don't want to. I remember you and mommy kissing and then Gram took us out of the room. We were in the hospital." I knew he was talking about right when she died, and even then, she was still so positive.

"Your mom and I had many stories, and many adventures. You'll hear all of them 50 times from me eventually, I promise." I pulled into the parking lot of the studio. "Let's go bud. Luke got you a pizza for your win." When I said that, he ran inside.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Again." I sighed. I looked around and Luke wasn't there, and Owen was sad.

"Um, Luke got a call and had to go. He dropped off your pizza though Owen." Cal said with a sad face.

"Is Uncle Lukey okay?" Michael and Calum both nodded. The three of us wrote a new song together, and then we were done for the day. We can only do so much when all of us aren't there. Next stop was my moms house to get Bella. Bella has been practicing with her new competition team with Ava, and so far she loves it. She likes it because it gave her a challenge, and she is rarely challenged.

"Hey mom?" I called out, entering the house with Owen behind me.

"In the kitchen Hun!" I didn't realize that it was already 9pm. Bella's class just got out, so she's probably making dinner, and I'm starving.

"Hi mom." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello my sweet boy." She said to me. "Owen baby!" She picked up Owen and slobbered his face with kisses.

"Ugh Gram." He wiped his face in disgust. He left the room, joining Bella in the living room, who was doing her homework.

"How are you?" My mom asked me, making tacos for dinner. We never had tacos much as a kid, but they were Bryar's favorite, so Bella always asked for them.

"I'm hanging in there. Thank you for helping with Bella and her competition team. It means a lot that you are. I would be devastated if she couldn't do it because of me." My eyes saddened.

"Anything to help. Lauren was never into the dance so I'm glad I get to experience all of this with my granddaughter. Help me set the table, dinner is done." I set the table and we all sat down and ate dinner. Harry and Lauren were there too, like one big, almost happy family. We are just missing someone. My mom always leaves the chair where Bryar sat, open. It doesn't feel right when it's not there, or when someone else is sitting in it.

"Bella, what did you do today?" My mom asked. When I was a kid, we always took the time to tell each other how our day went.

"Well, I woke up, and scratched the eye crusties out of my eye, then I blinked a few times. I got out of bed and--"

"Bella, not your whole life story." Harry cut her off.

"Fine, fine. I went to school, got the highest grade in my class on the spelling test. I got all the questions right on my times tables test. Then I went home and changed for dance. I learned my solo for the competition this weekend, and a group dance, and I got a duet with Ava. So I was dancing all day. Then I came here." She smiled.

"That's awesome Belly Bell. What types of dances are the ones you're doing?" I asked.

"My solo is a lyrical piece to the song angel. It's about having a guardian angel. My duet with Ava is jazz. I'm good and she's evil. Then the group dance is about all of us being famous one day. It's a jazzy contemporary piece." She smiled.

"Wow, where's your competition this weekend?" I was hoping it wasn't too far, and maybe I could make it.


"Shit Bella that's like a few hour flight. I don't think I can make this one." I looked up at her, and her hazel eyes fell, tears pricking in the corners of them.

"It's my first competition." She choked, holding back tears.

"I know, I've just got so much going on here. I'll try, but don't get your hopes up." There was a bit of awkward silence before my mom broke it.

"Owen, how was your day?" She asked him.

"Well I went to school, then I had a soccer game. I scored the winning goal, and dad was there to see it!" He smiled widely again.

"Daddy you can go to Owen's soccer games, and practices, but you can't go to my dance rehearsals or my competitions?" Bella was now very offended. "It's like you love Owen more. I always get shoved with Gram while Owen gets all of your attention." Bella stood up and ran from the table crying. I followed behind her. She locked herself in the bathroom.

"Bella, open the door please." I begged. No answer. "Bella, come on. I love you and Owen equally. It's just your activities take up much more time than his does. It's easier to balance mine and his since the times don't clash. Your schedule and mine clash all the time. I can't be super dad all the time." I said through the door. I heard the click of it unlocking and she peeked her head out of the crack of the door.

"I'm listening." She said with attitude. One thing for sure, is that Bella got her mothers attitude. But I loved it, because Bryar wouldn't deal with any of my shit that I gave her.

"I love you Bella. Please don't feel like that ever." She came out of the bathroom and wrapped her little fragile arms around me, squeezing as tight as she could.

"I love you daddy. I just miss you that's all." She cried into my shirt.

"Let's go home huh? It's late and you've got school in the morning. She nodded, and then hopped onto my back for a piggy back ride.

"Let's go Owen. Thank you mom, I'll see you tomorrow around the same time." I went around the table, giving her, Harry and Lauren kisses and walking out. When we got home, Bella and Owen got ready for bed. I tucked them both in and they nodded off to sleep.

I walked passed my room and looked in it. I can hardly sleep in that room, not with all the memories of Bryar and I haunting it. So I slept on the couch as normal. I was almost asleep when my phone went off. I look at the contact, and it was Luke. What could Luke want at this hour.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Hey Ash." Luke sniffled, sounding like he was crying.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, very concerned. Luke doesn't cry, so something has got to be up.

"No, actually. Remember Harmony, Bryar's friend." He asked.

"How do I forget her." I laughed, that girl was so crazy, and fun to be around.

"Well she paid me a visit today. I thought she just wanted to.. ya know.. just fuck. But now, she had to tell me something. Something very important." He started breathing heavily.

"Luke what'd she say?"

"Ashton how did you react when you found out you had a kid?"


END OF CHAPTER 2! Well since none of you read the authors note anyway, ill just end it here lolol.

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