Drama/ Jessa

By Average_is_writing

21.2K 451 155

When Josh and Nessa end things.. things get tricky... More

Possibly visiting?...
Family drama
One question
Yes or No?
Texts... 😬
end things?
The surprise
After the surprise
where is he?
Cameras help everything
I promise
Talked to me
Memory block
lots of visitors
Another trip to Canada...
Choices to be made
Regaining his memory?...


1.1K 20 6
By Average_is_writing

Nessa's POV
I remember Zeelis being the first place we went to eat when we first visited his family. I remember him being so silly there. There was also this little girl that walked up to him. She was like 5 and she walked up and she was so cute. She said "h-hey my big sister is a huge fan of you guys can I maybe get an autograph for her?" She asked. He was so sweet to her it melted my heart. That is when I realized that I wanted Josh to be the dad of my children. Which might not happen now.
Josh's POV
When I said Zeelis I was actually really excited but then I realized that Zeelis was the first date me and Nessa went to when we came to Canada. "Can I itch my neck or will it uncover them?" I whispered to Nessa. "Uh you should be fine. I can refresh them when we get back to the hotel." She whispered back. I nodded and then softly itched my neck. We finally made it to Zeelis and we all hopped out of the uber. We went in and they showed us to a table. We ate and then we asked for dessert. I asked for another glass of water too. The waitress brought back the dessert. She sat it on the table. Then when she went to give me my water a little kid bumped into her and the water dropped on my neck. I quickly looked at Nessa and then ran to the restroom. When I got in there I looked in the mirror and all the makeup was coming off. I wiped it all off because it felt so gross. Then I put my hood up and then walked back out. "No hoods on in the restaurant." A waiter told me. I went back to the table. "Guys we should leave." I said. "But we just got our dessert." Jaden said. "Well we can take it to the hotel." I said. "Josh don't be silly we are gonna eat it here." Anthony said. "Sir I told you no hood." The same waiter said. "I'm gonna run outside real quick." Nessa said. She waved me over under the table. "I am gonna go to the restroom." I said. "Didn't you just go?" Bryce asked. "Well yeah but that was just to dry myself off." I said. I quickly ran out the door. She had her purse. "I think I have some makeup with me. I brought it just in case." She said. I nodded and then we hid behind a Bush just incase a fan was around. She put the makeup on my neck and as she was doing it we were slowly staring into each others eyes. We slowly started leaning in but then we heard a noise so we quickly moved away from each other. We finished covering my neck and then she walked in first. I waited like 5 minutes and then walked in. We finished eating and then we left. We called an uber and they brought us back to the hotel. "We don't leave until 3 hours from now. Do you guys want to get in the pool?" Blake asked. "Uh I don't really want to get in." I said. Last night was a bad idea because yes I wanted to get in the pool but I couldn't because of my neck. "Yeah i don't want to either." Nessa said. "Ok I guess we will see you guys after w get out of the pool and get ready for dinner." Bryce said. We both nodded and walked to our room. "Bummer we can't swim." I said. "Yeah." She said. "Maybe we should just take like a little nap before we go." I said. "Yeah that sounds nice and it will help pass the time." She said. I nodded and we walked into the room. We layed on our separate beds and both fell asleep. I woke up 3 hours later and we leave for my house in an hour so I woke up Nessa. "Nessa we leave in an hour." I said. She slowly woke up. We both got ready then we went to the lobby. Bryce and Quinton were there and they said that the boys were on there way. Everybody came to the lobby and then we called an uber. The uber took us to my old house and we all said hi. "Josh!" Olivia yelled. Then she hugged me. She said hi to all the boys and slightly hugged Nessa. Then we all sat down. "So what did you guys eat for lunch?" My mom asked. "Uh we ate zeelis." I said. "No fair we ate McDonald's." Will said. "Well next time call me." I said. "Mom won't let me use her phone for calls." Will said. "So Anthony how are you and Avani?" My mom asked. "Good. We just had our 5 months." Anthony said. "Ooh that's amazing." She said. "What about you and Addison Bryce?" She asked. "We are good but we are not dating." He said. "Ok. What ever you say. You guys would be so cute." She said. He just laughed it off. "What about you Quinton. How are you and Cynthia?" She asked. "Good." He said. "You guys are so adorable." She said. Ugh what is she doing? "Jaden, you and Mads what's going on there?" She asked. "Oh we are kind of dating but just off of social media." He said. "Oh well I hope you guys stay together." She said. He smiled. "What about you Kio. Anyone special?" She asked. "Uh nope." He said. "Oh well I hope you find someone." She said. "What about you blake or Noah or Griffin?" She asked. "Nope." They all said. "Oh I'm sorry. What about you Josh?" She smiled at me. "Uh nope. Not really looking." I said. "Oh. At least one of you was loyal." She said. I looked at Nessa and she looked really upset. Everybody else looked at my mom shocked. "Who wants pie?" My dad asked to break the awkward silence. We all nodded and my dad brought out the pie. My mom went around asking if people wanted whipped cream. She of course skipped Nessa. I could tell Nessa was getting kind of mad and I was definently getting mad. I grabbed the can of whip cream and offered it to Nessa. She smiled at me and nodded yes. I put some whipcream on her pie and then put the can down. "I love your hair Nessa." Olivia said. "Thank you." Nessa said. My mom looked at Olivia like she was mad. That is when Nessa lost it. "I am just as much as a friend to Josh as any of them and I think you are being really rude." Nessa said. "Yeah Mom you are." I said. Then I said bye to them and left. We went back to the hotel room and I was just in such a bad mood so we all went to our rooms. "I don't think last night was just a one time thing." I said as I pushed her up against the door and started kissing her.⚠️ She smiled into the kiss and started kissing me back. I slowly guided us over to the bed and pushed her softly on it. I took off her shirt and she took off mine. Then I started kissing down her neck. I wrapped my arms around her and unclipped her bra. We made out for a while then I trailed my hand down her stomache. I looked at her for permission she slightly nodded and I took her pants off. I trailed my hand to her area and slowly started rubbing. She moaned loudly into my mouth. ⚠️
Bryce's POV
"Wait that couple is going at it again. Don't you hear them?" I laughed. "Yes what kind of people do it in a hotel?" Quinton said. Then I started thinking. "Wait a minute. Isn't that side Josh and Nessa's room?" I asked. "What I don't think so. Wait is it?" Quinton asked. "Wait no they wouldn't do that. Especially after what all happened today." I said.
Josh's POV
⚠️I pushed her over the edge and she cummed all over my fingers. I took my fingers out and licked them. She grinned at me then pushed me down so that she was on top. She started kissing down my stomache then she tugged on my waistband. I nodded and she pulled them off. Then she stuck her hand inside of my boxers. ⚠️
Bryce's POV
"Wait now that you say something. Doesn't that sound a lot like Josh?" Quinton asked. "Uh let me hear. I put my ear close to the wall. "Wait it actually does." I said. "Wait you don't think?" Quinton asked. "Well maybe. Maybe before any body wakes up tomorrow morning we can text them and say hey can we meet by our door. If they come out that door then we know that is was them." I said. "Yes that is a perfect plan." Quinton said.
Josh's POV
⚠️I was definently enjoying this and definitely missed this. She started pumping me. I was moaning a lot in her mouth. Then we both got fully naked and yeah did some more. ⚠️ Then we both fell asleep cuddled up. I woke up to a text from Bryce.
Bryce: yo meet up by our door. I think we just want to chill in my room.
Josh:ok we have to get ready though.
Bryce: ok.
*end of text*
I slowly woke up Nessa and then we both put clothes on. Then we covered up some hickies that were visible. There was so much on my chest and hers but we wore shirts that went pretty high. We both went out of the room and Bryce and Quinton were standing outside their door.
Bryce's POV
Oh my gosh it was them. I wonder if that was just a second time thing or if they are secretly back together.
Josh's POV
" ok let's go in the other boys should be here in no time." Bryce said. Me and Nessa nodded and then we walked into the room. Then all the boys showed up. We all sat on the beds. "Let's play truth or dare." Bryce said. "Ok." I said. Everybody else agreed. "Truth or dare Josh." Bryce said. "Uh truth." I said. "Have you and Nessa done anything after the breakup?" He asked. I didn't know what to say. I mean I know you can't lie in truth or dare but me and Nessa made a deal to keep it a secret. I looked at Nessa and she shook her head no. "Uh no." I said. "Are you sure?" Quinton asked. "Yes." I said. "Are you positive?" Bryce asked. "Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked. "Show us proof. Lift up your shirt Josh." Quinton said. "What why?" I asked. Oh no please don't make me lift my shirt. "So we can see that you aren't lieing." Bryce said. "Why are you guys questioning him? He already said they haven't." Anthony said. "Just lift up your shirt." Quinton said. "Yeah what do you have to be scared of if the answer was no?" Bryce said. I slightly lifted my shirt up but then quickly put it down. "See I lifted up my shirt and there was nothing there." "Come on lift it higher we didn't even get to see." Bryce said. Nessa looked at me nervous. She turned red and then motioned me to just do it because if I didn't they would think we did it anyways. I slowly lifted up my shirt and everybody looked surprised. Bryce and Quinton both stood up and jumped up and down. "We were right." They both said. I turned bright red. "Since when?" Jaden asked. "Uh the night before last night." I said. "How did it all happen?" Blake asked. "I don't feel comfortable talking about how it happened with us all in the room." I said. I didn't really want to tell them. Also I knew Nessa would be embarrassed since she was the one that caused it to happen. "Come on don't be a chicken." Bryce said. "Yeah come on tell us." Griffin said. "How about we change the topic." Nessa spoke up. "Ooh come on Nessa tell us how it happened." Bryce said. "No we are gonna go to bed." I said. "Oh so are we going to hear you again?" Bryce asked. "No that was just a two time thing." I said. "But why was it a two time thing?" Noah asked. "I guess recreating old memories." I said. Then Nessa looked at me shocked and we both walked out. "Come on let's move rooms so we can't be heard." I said. "Wait you want to do it again?" She asked. "Yes because you are looking hot right now." I said. She grinned and then we grabbed our bags. We went to the front desk and she gave us a new room. We still kept the other room so the boys wouldn't get suspicious. We made it to a new room that is far away from the boys rooms and then we went in. We sat our stuff down and then I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me.⚠️ "Babygirl I'm gonna go so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow." I said. She grinned and I walked us over to a bed. I slowly layed her down and got on top of her not breaking the kiss. She pulled my shirt over my head only breaking the kiss for a second. Then I took off her shirt. I also took off her bra. I started kissing down her neck and down her chest. Then I trailed them down her stomache. I took off her pants along with her underwear. I trailed my kisses down to her thighs where I teased her a little.
Nessa's POV
When josh started kissing my thigh I just wanted him inside of me right away. He started kissing my area teasing me even more. "Josh d-don't be a tease." I said. "Be patient babygirl." He said. Which gave me butterflies. He slowly stuck his tongue in and started moving it in circles. I instantly arched my back. I was moaning and Josh put his hand over my mouth which instantly made me want more. "J-Josh I'm so close." I said then he took out his tongue. "Why did you stop." I ask. "Because I can't let you end so quick." He smirked. Then he grabbed my face and started kissing me. As we were kissing I felt his hand trailing down my stomache. Oh no this is going to be a long night. He stuck one finger in and started moving it in circles really slow. All I wanted to feel was him inside of me so I wanted him to do this fast. I pulled away. "Josh faster." I said. He ignored me and pulled me back into a kiss. He started going faster which caused me to arch my back again. "You like that babygirl?" He asked. I nodded and I pulled him back into a kiss. Then he added another finger. He started going even faster. I was a moaning mess and I could feel myself getting close. I didn't want to tell him that because I didn't want him to stop. I think he could tell that I was close because he removed his fingers. I groaned in response and he smirked at me. Then I flipped us over. I pulled off his pants along with his underwear. I put my hands around him and started pumping as I was kissing him. I felt him getting close so I stopped. He groaned. "See doesn't feel nice does it?" I mocked. Then I trailed my mouth down his stomache and took him all in. I started going up and down and he was going crazy. I felt him getting close again so I stopped. He groaned again. I laughed. He got frustrated so he grabbed me and flipped us back over so that he was on top. "I'm gonna make you feel so good." He said. I grinned and he started kissing me. He teased me at first by putting his tip barely on my area I tried to lift up to feel something but he pushed my hips back down. Then he slowly entered me. He slowly started going up and down. Then once I was used to it I told him to go faster. Then he started going really fast. We were both moaning messes then we both finished. "Round 2 in the shower?" He asked. I bit my bottom lip and nodded and we both ran into the shower. We started the water and he looked so hot. He pushed me up against the shower wall and started pumping into me really fast. Once we were both done we both got out and as soon as I got out I fell to the ground.⚠️

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