
By Dharmiebae

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Jolayemi Jabita, a soon-to-be-16 year old girl, who was definitely not a child has had it rough. She had been... More

The Prologue
Chapter 1: The New Dawn
Chapter 2: The New Girl
Chapter 3: The Other Twin
Chapter 4: The New Uniform
Chapter 5: The Weekends
Chapter 6: The Introductions
Chapter 8: The Project
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: The Shack
Chapter 11: The Confrontation
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: The Sleepover I
Chapter 14: The Sleepover II
Chapter 15: The Sleepover III
Chapter 16: The Outing
Chapter 17: The Controversy
Chapter 18: The Cry For Help
Chapter 19: The Truckload Of Regret
Chapter 21: The Consequences
Chapter 20: The Mistake
Chapter 22: The Celebration
Chapter 23: The Family Dinner
Chapter 24: The Move In
Chapter 25: The Presentation
Chapter 26: The Letter B
Chapter 29: The Big News
Chapter 27: The Uno Reverse Card
Chapter 28: The Study Session
Chapter 30: The House Guest
Chapter 31: The Talk
Chapter 32: The Fuck Up
Chapter 33: The History
Chapter 34: The Office Visit
Chapter 35: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 36: The Camping Trip
Chapter 37: The Flag
Chapter 38: The Indoor Games
Chapter 39: The Reconciliation
Chapter 40: The Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 41: The Lobby Fight
Chapter 42:The Relationship Problems
Chapter 43: The Confession
Chapter 44: The First Date
Chapter 45: The Birthday Present
Chapter 46: The Cabin
Chapter 47: The Christmas Eve
Chapter 48: The Pain
Chapter 49: The Miracle
Chapter 50: The Déjà Vu
Chapter 51: The Memories

Chapter 7: The Invitation

56 10 1
By Dharmiebae

It was Wednesday, and I slumped on my seat like a haunted and wild animal, my eyes were wide, as I glanced around, avoiding a set of people. I sighed, when I realized that I was out of danger,and rested my head on the table, before closing my eyes. God, who knew avoiding your friends took this kind of energy? But I had to say, though I successfully evaded all four of them, it hasn't been easy and it was taking quite a toll on me, if I was being honest.

Just then, I heard a chair scraped back as I sensed a presence, my back stiffened as I reluctantly brought my head up, to glance at the intruder, knowing fully well, it was the twins. I quickly formulated an excuse in my head, when Skyy's eyes met mine in an intense gaze. I stopped short, when I heard another chair scrape back, and eyes boring at the back of my head. I giggled awkwardly. "Hey guys", I gulped, standing up. I checked my wristwatch and gasped. "Listen, I really have to go to the-", I was interrupted.

"Nurses' office?", Skyy asked. "Or is it the ladies' this time. I mean, considering the amount of times you used that excuse, one would think you have a bladder problem or something, Starr pitched in. I blinked. Skyy glanced at Starr. "Oh Starr, I mean, she did say one time, that uh, she was observing this fast that made her unable to talk to anybody, whilst literally opening her mouth to tell that shitty excuse", Skyy arched an eyebrow. Starr crossed her arms. "Also, remember she was like 'gee, gotta go guys, I promised the lunch lady I'd help her with the dishes' and then zoomed out of there", Starr mirrored her sister, as both of them raised their eyebrows to stare at me, I sat down deflated, knowing I was caught.

I hated lying, and it showed by the stupid excuses I'd given them. They cornered me, not even giving me a chance to escape. "So, should we keep giving you back the lame excuses you've been giving us or would you fess up?", Skyy asked. "Why have you been avoiding us, Jola?", Starr asked, softly. I scoffed."Pfft, me avoiding you? Who said I was avoiding you?", I asked lamely. "That's what we wanna know. You changed seats, and whenever you see us, you go the other way and even when we finally caught up to you, you give these flimsy excuses about shit and whatnot. You haven't replied our texts or calls either", Skyy said. They stared at me, and I sighed, giving up.

"Maybe you've found friends and decided to ditch us?", Starr looked hurt. "I would never do that", I said. "Look, I love you both so much, that's why I've been avoiding you", I said, finally. They shared looks. "I love our friendship, and I wouldn't want for anything or anyone to come meddle with it, cause it means so much to me than you'll never know. And if there's one thing I'm scared of, its losing you guys", I finished. "Aw, you'd never lose-", Skyy said. "Wait, how does avoiding us, makes you think you're not gonna not lose us?", Starr asked.

"I know, I know it's stupid", I said. They nodded. "Its just that, you love Gabriel so much, and with what happened last time, with you reacting that way, I'm scared of losing you. At least, it shouldn't be for a boy", I mumbled. Starr sighed, before staring at me dead in the eyes. My eyes went to her forehead. "Jola, just cause he said he wants to be your friend, and me reacting childishly to that, doesn't mean you're gonna lose me", I breathe a sigh of relief. "Besides, you don't love him, and I don't think he does. And if you guys become friends, that means, you'll introduce me to him", she said. I nodded, and reflected on her words. He doesn't love me, he's just being kind, by offering friendship. I was just overreacting.

The bell rang, we had Music. Great, lucky me. Gabriel was my partner in music and for the first time, I was so not looking for it. I haven't talked to him since biology and I didn't plan on talking to him today either. I was happy when I realized he wasn't in class yet, and I hoped he'd skip it. I walked to my seat and sat down. I placed my head on the table, trying to gather my thoughts, so I would know what to say to him, if he did show up.

I glanced at Starr she was talking animatedly to Finn, the guy who had a huge crush on her. Starr was laughing her heart out cause of what the guy had said and Finn just looked at her like she was his world. Skyy wasn't kidding when she said Finn literally looked at Starr like a lost puppy. I wasn't cupid, but even I could tell that he loved her, his eyes appreciating her very being. Starr on the other hand, looked like she loved talking to the guy, but just for fun, and only saw him as a friend and nothing else.

I wanted to go talk to her, when I noticed Gabriel walking towards me out of the corner of my eye. Without wasting time, I placed my head on the table, and pretended to be asleep, maybe he wouldn't talk to me if he saw I was sleeping. I felt his presence, as his perfume engulfed me. I breathe in a load of air, filled with Gabriel Brown. "I know you aren't sleeping", he said. "You are not a very good actress", he added. I sighed and raised my head, looking at anywhere but him. "Hi", I said. "Knock knock", he bellowed. I looked at him, confused. "Knock knock", he repeated.

"Who's there", I indulged him. "Jola", he said. "Jola who?", I asked. "The one who's been avoiding me like the plague", he answered. I looked down. "I wasn't avoiding you", I said. "Yes, you were, and we both know it", he said. "The question is why?", he asked. "I've been busy", I said, where was the teacher when you needed them the most? He studied me, I ignored him. There's absolutely no way I was gonna fall for him, it was too dangerous. I glanced at Starr out of the corner of my eye, she was staring at us, trying to know what we were talking about, and just plain ignoring Finn, who looked so hurt, my heart ached for him. Mr Williams was nowhere in sight and I'm out of places to look out, based on me avoiding Gabriel's intense stare.

"How's Gabriella?", I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. "There she is", Gabriel said, looking at the entrance of the class, I trailed his eyesight. Gabriella was advancing towards us, with me in her gaze. I was definite happy for the distraction, as anything was better than this awkwardness. But I wasn't the only one admiring her, because, and I cannot stress this enough, Gabriella was beautiful. She ignored the stares and the catcalls she was receiving, but Gabriel didn't. She gave him a look I interpreted as 'calm down'. When the guys saw Gabriel's angry face, they removed their gazes as they were scared, shit even I was scared. It made me remember when I first saw him, frowning at every living thing, and I'd almost forgotten that side of him, cause when he was around me, he'd always smile.

Like the fool I was and without thinking, I touched his hand, hoping that will calm him down. He tensed even more, so did I, and I rushed to remove my hand but his hands gripped mine, as he refused to let go. Like I said, I was a fool, and I also looked like one with the way I smiled, heart beating rapidly, and butterflies flying around in my stomach. It was the first time I'd held a boy's hand, and it was warm and amazing, his hand engulfing mine.

Gabriella finally reached us, saw our clasped hands, and gave her brother a knowing look and I blushed, while removing his hand from mine. He frowned at me, and the butterflies reached my heart. I remembered my vow to use my head, instead of my heart when dealing with Gabriel. How far has that gotten you, Jolayemi? Gabriella had bent down, rested her elbows on the table, and then faced both me and Gabriel squarely. "Hey", I said. Like her brother when he smiled, she showed dimples, but it was only on one cheek. "Why have you been avoiding me?", she asked, scolding me with her eyes. I groaned as I made a mental note not to be a detective. "I haven't been avoiding you", I lied. "Yes, you have. Gabriel and I talked about it", she said. I blushed harder. They've been talking about me? What exactly have they been talking about that's gotta do with me? I glanced at him. "You've been talking about me?",I asked. He looked uncomfortable, and Gabriella answered. "Sure he has, and he can't shut up about you. Oh, Jola did this. Did you know that Jola said this today? Jola-", Gabriella said.

"Okay, that is enough talking, little sister", he glared at her. "Why are you even here?", he asked. Gabriella's eyes lit up with excitement as she couldn't contain her joy. Oh boy. "I want to invite you to my little brother's birthday on Saturday", she said, handing me an invitation. I opened my mouth as I stared at her in surprise. Was she really inviting to her brother's birthday? I opened mouth to gently turn her down.

"Before you say anything, can I just make it absolutely clear that you cannot say no, neither will you give shitty excuses. You have to make up for avoiding me", she said firmly. "Of course, she'll be there", Gabriel answered for me before I could open my mouth. A lightbulb shone on my head as I got an idea. "Sure, but on one condition", I said. Gabriella raised an eyebrow. "I'm bringing Skyy and Starr", I said, pleased with myself. It was a perfect opportunity to introduce Starr to Gabriel, and I didn't plan on wasting it.

I nodded. "Sure", I smiled. Gabriella squealed. "We're gonna have so much fun", she said, looking like she wanted to burst with happiness. I glanced at Gabriel, who shrugged at his sister, before patting her hair and giving her a look of admiration, which earned him a playful glare. "Aw, you guys are so cute", I said. Who knew Gabriel had this soft side to him? Gabriella scoffed. "I'm the cute one. Have you seen this guy, whew, so ugly", she said.

"Yeah, right", I scoffed. Did she just refer to the hottest guy I've ever seen as ugly? They both stared at me, eyes unblinking. I covered my mouth as I realized that I said that out. Could this day get any worse. Gabriella beamed. while Gabriel smirked. "No, no, I meant, ugly's an understatement to describe him", I tried to save myself. I slapped myself mentally. Really, Jola? Trying to save spilt milk?

Gabriel moved closer to me, before whispering. "Just admit you find me attractive", he said. "Of course not", I screamed, attracting more stares. They had the audacity to laugh at me as I blushed in embarrassment. Gabriel laughed loudly, making everyone including me, pause for a second. I was pretty sure jaws were wide open, as they couldn't remember when Gabriel laughed like that. What made me pause was because I had the grace to hear him laugh one more time, and I saved it in my memory and stored it for when I needed to hear it again.

Gabriel sobered up immediately when he realized everyone was looking at him, and fixed them with a deadly glare, they had to the away. I had more problems to deal with, as I looked at the one that mattered the most. Starr. She looked so hurt, on the verge of crying, and I tried to explain using my eyes that it wasn't what she was thinking but she bolted as she ran from class. I glanced at Skyy, who rolled her eyes at Starr, giving me a smile, before going after her sister.

I turned back to Gabriel. "Is anything wrong?", he asked, studying my face. I shook my head. "No", before fixing him a small smile. He nodded, and Gabriella sighed. "You guys would make a cute couple", she piqued. I chocked on pure air, and coughed, eyes turning red. Gabriel patted me on the back, before handing me his water bottle. I took a chug like my life depended on it, because it did. After making sure I wouldn't die of coughing, I glared at Gabriella, who blinked at me innocently. I glanced sideways at Gabriel, expecting to see disgust at the thought of both of us dating, but he was smirking.

I blessed the bell as it rang, rescuing me. I stood up quickly, packed my books, and bolted from the class with a quick goodbye. I ran to my locker. ignoring stares, I had much more to worry about. I turned my combinations before burying my head in it. What the hell just happened? With the way my heart was beating fast, I was surprised I didn't have an heart attack. One thing was sure, I was in deep shit.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here", a voice said. I brought my head out of my locker, only to see Blair flanked by her cohorts, as they stared at me with contempt. Jason hung back, looking at the drama unfolding. I was scared shit less, cause nobody was interfering as everyone hung back to look at what would happen. Some even brought out their phones to record, and I whimpered. Memories came flooding back, and I caressed my scar. "Blair", I said. I tried to bolt but a hand pulled me back and hit me on the lockers.

"And where the hell do you think you're going bitch?", Blair spat. I looked down. "I mean, not only did you cause that piece of shit you follow around like a lost puppy embarrass me, you have the nerve to talk to Gabriel?", she thundered. I gulped as I stared at the floor. She slapped me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you", she said. I looked up, and I saw the deadly stare she had, and I gulped but dare not look down again.

"How'd you do it?", she asked. I stared at her confused. She hit me on the stomach and I yelped in pain, as I doubled over. "When I ask you a question, you reply with an answer", she said, pulling me up by my hair and I groaned. "Do you understand?", she asked. I hesitated. She hit me again, and I screamed in pain. "Do you understand?", she repeated. "Yes", I replied softly. "Good. Now, answer my question. How the hell did you get Gabriel to talk to you?", she repeated.

I didn't know what to say. It was that same question I ask myself everyday. I wasn't attractive, I wasn't sexy, and I sure as hell wasn't beautiful, so why would Gabriel want to have anything to do with me? It was so confusing so how would I explain something I didn't quite understand myself? I saw Blair lift a hand up, and I closed my eyes as I anticipated the blow, but it never came. Instead, I heard a loud smack.

I looked up, Blair was hunched over. hands covering her face, as she looked surprised. Gabriella hovered around her, and her face was neither jovial nor friendly. This time, she looked even more scary than Gabriel. How the fuck was that possible? She looked like she wanted to kill Blair. A smack followed, followed by another, then another, as Gabriella kept smacking Blair across the face. She stopped.

"To answer your question, the reason why she got Gabriel's attention is because she's not a whore who sleeps around with guys old enough to be her father. She's not a disgusting creature like you, neither is she filthy. And its damn well because, and I want you to take a good look at her for this one", Gabriella paused, making sure she got everyone's attention. "Its damn well because she's worth it", she finished.

She stepped closer to Blair who whimpered. "If you do so much as to breathe the same air as her again, not to talk of, and God so help me, you hitting her ever again, I would end you in all possible ways I can, and trust me, there's a lot", Gabriella threatened. She moved impossible closer to Blair. "I keep my promises. always. And I take after my brother with my temper, so don't you dare me", she said.

She turned around, saw everybody either jaw wide, or just plain staring, recording the scene before them and she closed her eyes. "Everybody, scram", she screamed. I blinked, before I opened my eyes, the hallway was cleared, not before I saw Blair who looked at me with pure hatred, I was scared for my life. Gabriella turned to me. "Jola, are you okay?", she asked. Of course not, I wasn't okay. None of this was okay. I let the tears pour out in torrents.

"Ssh, its okay, Jola. You're with me now, you're safe. Nobody dare hurt you anymore", she wiped my tears. She patted my hair as I cried, not minding that I was soaking her shirt. We stayed like that for a few minutes, her patting my hair, offering me kind words, and me bawling my eyes out. Some minutes passed before I wiped my blotchy eyes. "I'm sorry I soaked your shirt", I said, glancing at the wide wet patch on her shoulder. She nodded. "I don't mind", she replied. "Thank you, Gabriella, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up", I said. She smiled. "You're welcome. Nobody should be treated like that", she piqued, sadness in her eyes as she remembered something. I nodded before opening my locker to take my books out.

"What are you doing?", she asked. "Going to class", I said. She shook her head. "No, you are not", she replied. I looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?", I asked. "You're gonna ditch school with me", she said. "What?", I bawled. I'd never ditch school in all my life, and just the thought was disturbing. She grabbed my hand. "Yeah, you're coming with me, and we are gonna have fun", she said. I stopped. "What if someone sees us? Won't we be in trouble?", I asked. She smirked, and my frown cleared. Oh. I'd forgotten who I was talking to.

She didn't reply, as she pulled my hands and tugged. I sighed as I let her drag me to the parking lot. "Where are we going?", I asked her. She ignored me as she pressed a car key. A car bleeped in reply, and my jaw dropped. Like I said, I didn't know anything about cars, but I just realized they had their own special beauty. This beaut was a sleek black car, I couldn't place a name on it, but I was so sure it was expensive as hell.

"Get in", she said. "Is this your car?", I asked. "No, this is Gabriel's. Mine's white", she said. "Seatbelt", she instructed. We eased out of the parking lot, into an unknown destination, at least to me. "Where are we going?", I asked again. "To have fun", she replied easily. "We would be back before school closes right?", I asked. She shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not", she replied vaguely. I sighed and settled in for the drive, after realizing she won't give me a straight answer.

I closed my eyes, as I reflected back yo the hallway. I didn't have the heart to tell my family. It'll break them and right now, that was the last thing they needed. Besides I don't think Blair round be a problem anymore My stomach hurt like hell, and I groaned. "We need to get you some ice for that", Gabriella said. I whipped my head. "You aren't gonna tell Gabriel about this, will you?", I asked. "Of course, I will. I can already imagine the things Gabriel would do to her when he hears about this", she said, eyes shining.

"Why? I mean, its not like we're that close or something", I said lamely, fixing her a sideway glance. Gabriella sighed. "Look, Gabriel doesn't have that much friends. He believes that making friends was such a waste of time. Bit he definitely sees you as one, and trust me, that is a huge deal", she said. "Why is he like that though?", I asked, hoping to get answers, to sooth my aching heart. Gabriella's eyes were sad, as she glanced at me. "Its not my place to tell, Jola. But one thing I'm gonna say I that Gabriel had been through he'll and back, and it has put him in a very bad place. He has darkness, his past isn't a happy one. He feels angry at everything and everyone, and takes it out on everything and everyone", she explained.

"But why does he smile and joke when he's with me?", I asked. Gabriella smiled. "Again, its not my place to say. But don't you see? Whenever he's around you, its like you make him forget, even for a minute, the darkness around him, you make him forget for a minute that he should be angry at everything. I see the way his eyes lights up whenever he's with you, its like you bring him peace", she said, and I stare at her in complete surprise. "And I don't think you know this, Jola, but you radiate happiness, you have this aura of joy around you, you're always happy and always sporting a smile on your face. You have this beautiful energy around you, and believe me, that's exactly what Gabriel needs right now", she said, letting out a deep breath.

I stared at her in silence, not knowing what to say. I wasn't always happy, no, far from it. Behind this happy façade is a girl that has been broken, multiple times, haunted, hurt and abandoned. I just didn't know how to explain this to her. "Okay, we are here", she said, pulling up to a pizzeria. "I figured we should eat something before having fun", she said. The bell jingled as we entered, and I breathe in a deep breath, inhaling the nice aroma and the homely atmosphere this place had. We took a seat, as a guy came to us with menus.

"Hey beautiful, can I get you anything?", he asked, staring at Gabriella. I guess he didn't notice me, and I didn't mind one bit. After all that happened, a little indifference was okay by me. "Yes. Jola and I would like Hawaiian pizza", Gabriella said, emphasizing my name. He got the message and nodded at me politely, before turning back to Gabriella and gave her a smile. Gabriella scoffed. "He's cute", I offered, when he left to get the food. "And rude", Gabriella added. I shrugged, a ping distracted me, it was her phone. She glanced at it, and smiled. "Its Gabriel. Its lunch, and he's wondering where I am", she offered. I took a sip of my water.

She typed quickly but was interrupted by a call. She rolled her eyes before picking the call. "Hello, my evil twin", she smiled. "Yes, I took it... No, don't you dare use that tone", she rolled her eyes. "If you'd allow me take Princess to school, I wouldn't have taken your car... I needed a timeout, so I went out", she said. Just then, the guy came with our pizza. and I glanced at his name tag. "Thanks, Collins", I said. He gave me a warm smile, before turning to Gabriella, who was still on the phone with Gabriel. He looked disappointed and I tapped him. "Put your digits on the cover", I whispered. He smiled, before writing it down and thanked me, I smiled in return.

"Yes, that's her, we're having a girls hangout... No, you aren't invited, like I said, its a girls hangout... Of course not, I'm not stupid, just call Alfred, he'll come pick you up... Okay, okay, goodbye.", she hung up. She rolled her eyes before turning to me. "Gabriel says hi", she informed me. I nodded. "Who's Princess?", I asked. "My car", she smiled. "Let's go find a table", she said. From where we sat, we could see the city, and it was cozy. My phone vibrated, it was a text.

Skyy: Where are you?
Me: Gabriella took me out
Skyy: I heard about what happened. You okay?
Me: Yeah, I'm fine. How's Starr?
Skyy: She's okay. She wants to talk
Me: Tell her I'm really sorry about earlier and when I see her, I'll explain everything.
Skyy: Alright. She also wants to know if you're okay
Me: Tell her I'm okay. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Gotta go. Xoxo.

I looked up. "Everything okay?", Gabriella asked. I nodded. "Yeah, just telling Skyy I'm okay", I replied. She took a bite of the pizza. "So, tell me, who are you really?", she asked. I frowned. "I don't really know much about you, and I'd like to get to know you", she explained. Oh. I smiled. "Let me start from the obvious then. Hi, I'm Jola, I'm 15, I'd be 16 by December. I have two siblings whom I adore. Um, I love reading, singing, and watching movies. Oh, I seldom go out, and I haven't been to any parties. Lame, I know", I said shyly.

Gabriella shook her head. "You'd be surprised how much cool you sound", she said. "So what about you? What's your story?", I asked, curious. "I'll start easy. I'm Gabriella, 17, my birthday's April 21st. I have two brothers that annoy the hell out of. I also have a-", she paused, looking sad. I sat up, curious about what she was thinking. She cleared her throat, and shook her head. "Uh, I love going out, though being indoors at times don't hurt, I love painting and I read also", she said. I nodded, reflecting on her hesitation. What did she want to say but stopped short?

"You done eating?", she asked. I beamed. "Not quite", I said, showing her where Collins had written his number. She smiled and rolled her eyes at me. "Really?", she asked. I shrugged. "He's cute", I replied. She shook her head. "I'm not ready for a relationship right now", she said, but I saw her tuck the number inside her pocket, but I didn't call her out on it. "Okay, who's ready for fun?", she squealed. "I am", I joined in her enthusiasm.

And fun I had. Gabriella kept true to her promise. We went to the park, rode all the rides, even the dangerous ones, then went to watch a movie, and I couldn't thank her enough when she dropped me off much later. "Thanks for today, Gabriella. I really enjoyed myself, and I had a great time.", I said, meaning every word. "You're welcome, and I had fun too. So does this mean we'll do it again sometime soon?", she asked. I laughed. "Say less", I replied, and she smiled. "Tell Gabriel I said hi", I said shyly. She gave me a knowing smile. "Sure", she replied, before zooming off.

Today was one of the best days of my life, I stopped short as Dare's angry eyes met my happy ones. My smile dropped as I stared at him. "Where the hell have you been?", he asked, J by his side as they stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

Shit, I had a lot of explaining to do.

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