Love... What Bullshit!!!

By Navya_Mishra

1.1M 95.8K 9.8K

Two unknown people... Both incomplete in their own ways!!! Will they be able to complete each other?? Fill i... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18:
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35:
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Hang in there...
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
New Story Alert: The Fall...

Part 97

7.3K 703 69
By Navya_Mishra

Warning: This part gets a bit steamy along the middle! I really do hope that we don't have anyone under the age of 12 out here. Hope u like the chapter!


The month passed on in a blur and before they knew it was only a week left for the Hotel Launch, i.e., the elder Malhotra's wedding anniversary.

Nandini: Aliya, I have seriously no time for any of this. I trust u and Mukti completely, as long as it fits, I m fine with anything u make for me.

Aliya: Come on Nandini... At least gimme an idea of what sort of a thing u like to wear.

Nandini: Ok Fine... How about something that has a bit of an Indian touch but is truly formal and gives proper party looks! I think u can work on well with that, now I have candidates waiting for me, I'll talk to u later, okay?

Aliya: But Nandini I-

Nandini: Bye Aliya!
Nandini told her before disconnecting the call as she smiled softly towards the line of waiting candidates for the interviews that were planned for the day. She walked straight into the room nodding at the members from the recruitment team who had been on that work since the morning.

She was currently at the hotel, which was now completely ready and sparkling. All the work was done including the furniture, the accessories, and all the stuff that was needed for the hotel to get a kick start. Nandini had contacted a hiring company at the start of the month, so the entire staff of the hotel came in from them, including the waiters, housekeeping staff, kitchen staff, etc. What was left for her was just the heads and the front desk. Having done with the selections for the heads, she was now looking for people on the front desks of each of the different sections of the hotel.

Nandini: How is it going?

The middle-aged man, who was appointed for the job looked over at his two colleagues and then turned towards Nandini before speaking up,
"Quite well Ma'am. We have the 15 best candidates waiting outside. There were quite a few good ones, now u can get on with them and make the final selections."

Nandini: Great... I don't want to delay it further. Let's get onto it immediately.

The men nodded at her as they got up and left the room. Nandini walked around the desk and took a seat at the head chair when her phone rang again. She pulled it out of her jacket, to find an incoming call from Cabir.
Nandini: Where are you?

Cabir: Hello to you too Ma'am!

Nandini rolled her eyes at him, checking the time and spoke up again,
Nandini: U were supposed to be here an hour back Cabir. Why is it that I m the only one here who takes work seriously?

Cabir: It is so because u somehow manage to sustain Manik's arguments, while the rest can't so we end up doing as he says which mostly is something entirely different than what u want. I really don't know where your compatibility goes when it comes to work.

Nandini: Cabir... Just get here Man, I need to leave as soon as I can to check up on the event management team. The party will seriously suck, if I end up leaving everything on them.
Nandini said groaning in frustration while Cabir chuckled.

Cabir: Well, it may not suck for others but I know u r not going to be satisfied until u step in.

Just as Nandini was about to argue with him, there was a knock at the door as the first candidate peeped in. Nandini nodded at him, letting him inside the room as she muttered to Cabir.
Nandini: I have to start with the interviews. Get here soon! Bye...

Cabir: Right... Bye!
Cabir replied simply disconnecting the call as Nandini kept her phone aside and gave a soft formal smile, moving her hand forward for a shake.

Nandini: Hi... Please take a seat!

The interviews began with candidates moving in and out one after the other as Nandini grilled them up on all their skills. About an hour later, she was still in the middle of an interview when the door opened without warning making her look up to find Cabir walking in leisurely. She glared at him for the distrubance, only for him to give her a cheeky smile as he walked to her side and took a seat. Nandini ignored his presence and completed with the candidate. Sending him away a few minutes later, she turned towards Cabir with her eyes raised,
Nandini: Thank u for gracing me with ur presence Cabir... Now if u allow me, can I leave u to complete the last two candidates left.

Cabir smiled at her and nodded as nandini sighed and got up to leave.
Cabir: I have special orders from your dear husband to inform u that he is looking forward to your supposed date tonight, provided that he has been complaining about the fact that u have been just too busy to have dinner with him the entire week.

Nandini smiled at their silliness and nodded,
Nandini: I know... I m looking forward for it too, I m so glad its Saturday today and that I m finally taking a day off tmrw.

Cabir: Good for u... U have literally been working nonstop for the entire month. And the coming week too is going to be insane. Take as much rest as u can tmrw! Manik was surprised that u even thought of taking a break, but he couldn't have been happier.

Nandini smiled with a nod as she collected her stuff before giving him a brief hug as she walked out.
Nandini: I'll see u later! Bye...

Cabir: Take care and enjoy ur weekend.

Walking out of the hotel, Nandini couldn't help but let her eyes wander around in a hope that she doesn't come across anything that needs to be completed. Getting into the car, she drove to her next stop of the day, that was the event management company.

Later that day, Nandini drove into the parking lot of the RM Heights at around 7 in the evening. Manik had asked her to come there, so that they could drive to the hill together and maybe pick up some food on their way. Having a broad smile on her face, she locked her car when she noticed the unusual amount of people in the parking lot. Looking at her watch again, a frown came up on her face, finding it weird that the employees were leaving. The end time of the final shift was 9 pm, and she couldn't think of any reason as too why they were given an early off. She walked towards the guard and asked him.

Nandini: Why is everyone leaving so soon?

The guard was startled by her sudden appearance as he stood straighter.
Guard: We have been ordered to vacate the building within 15 minutes Ma'am.

Nandini's frown deepened at his words as she inquired ahead,
Nandini: Ordered? By who?

Guard: By Mr. Malhotra!

Nandini: Manik?

Guard: Yes Ma'am...
The guard nodded, now looking uncomfortable making Nandini sigh. She looked all around her to find everyone literally rushing to their cars before turning back towards the guard.

Nandini: Follow the orders just as u are told, but I want the security detail to be intact. No compromise on the security should be made. Just don't let anyone move upstairs form the main floor.

The guard nodded at her before getting onto work as Nandini walked towards the lift. She reached the top floor only to find it completely empty. Walking straight towards Manik's cabin, she moved to open the door only to stop in her tracks as she heard a loud noise of something shattering from inside.

"I said I want the Building VACATED!!!!!"

Her entire body stiffened as she heard the angry voice shouting, which without any doubt belonged to her husband. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement as she had always known him to be a very calm and collected person, never had she ever seen him this angry.

Gathering some courage, she softly opened up the door and walked in only to have her eyes broaden at the mess that was around her. The entire cabin was trashed, with the file cabinet lying broken on the floor with it's entire content scattered all around, everything that should belong to manik's table was thrown carelessly on the floor, even his laptop was lying broken at a side.

Turning her gaze to the person in front of her, she sucked in a breath as her eyes came into contact with his blazing angry ones. The chocolate brown orbs that she loved so much, were now surrounded by red due to anger. Trying to read his face, she came out with nothing but a blank expression as he continued to stare at her. Nandini's eyes involuntarily moved down his face, as she let them roam all through his body hoping not to spot any injuries.

Finding him spotless, she sighed in relief before looking up to meet his eyes again, as she took a small step ahead,
Nandini: Manik...

Manik remained unfaced at her advancement or her voice, so she took it as an approval and walked closer to him before standing right in front of him. She noticed his fists clenched by his side and softly moved her hand forward, holding onto his as she opened up his tight grip before entwining their hands together.
Nandini: Manik... Calm down!

Cautiously, not wanting to agitate him further, she moved her other hand to his face, caressing his cheek trying to calm him up as she saw him close his eyes for a few moments before a pained expression flashed through his face along with a groan escaping his mouth. Her entire body stiffened at his groan, as she attempted to move her hand away but before she could even realize what happened, she found herself being pulled into him as his hand moved behind her head holding onto her hair and his lips came crashing down on hers. He kissed her with a new found desperation that Nandini had never witnessed before, it was as if she was the oxygen that he needed at that point of time to survive.

Nandini stood still in front of him, worry filling up her head as he kissed her with everything that he had in him. Soon she found herself responding, but even then she let him take the lead, not being able to get off the warning bell that was ringing in her head. Manik turned her around, making the table dig into her back, as he kept on kissing her. She moved her fingers through his hair in a soothing way, hoping that it would calm him down a little.

She was completely out of breath when manik broke the kiss, but instead of moving away he immediately latched his lips onto her neck, kissing, sucking and biting on her soft warm skin.

Nandini held onto him tightly, ignoring the pain from the desk on her back when she heard his hurried voice,
Manik: Who else is in the building?

Not knowing where he was going with this, Nandini simply replied in low breathless voice,
Nandini: No one except us and the security downstairs.

He hummed right over her collar bone as his hands wrapped around Nandini's thighs picking her up to sit on the table. Nandini gasped at the sudden move only to be shut by his mouth crashing onto hers all over again. He pulled her closer, making her gasp into the kiss as she felt their cores brush against each other. She felt his hands under the hem of her skirt, as he hurried tried to pull it up, making her realize his intention.

Her eyes opened up in shock as she tried to break the kiss, pushing him away. Putting all her effort, she pushed his shoulders only for him to simply break the kiss as he glanced at her, his eyes now completely dark filled up with haze, though his face was still ticked.

Nandini: Manik... What are u doing? What happened?
Nandini finally asked, breathing hard trying to control the little fear of the unknown that was bubbling in her head. Something had happened, and she needed to know what it was.

Manik: I need you.. Now!
Manik spoke in a hurried husky voice making her eyes broaden further as her body reacted to him almost instantly, even though her head was far far away.

Nandini: But-

Manik: Please Nandini...
Manik muttered, shutting her effectively as he kissed her again. One of his arms tightened around her waist as he lifted her up slightly pulling her skirt up to bundle around her waist, and hugged her tight making their cores connect all over again. A gasp left Nandini's mouth, all thoughts rushing out of her head as she hands moved to wrap around his neck. And suddenly all that mattered was the two of them, wrapped into each other, not caring about anything in the world.

She heard the buckle of his belt, when she felt her underwear getting disintegrated. Manik lost himself into her as she held onto him, supporting him up letting him take her along with him.

Manik: You are Mine!

Nandini: Yes... Yours!

Manik: I will Never let you Go... Nothing will happen to u. U are mine! Mine!
Manik spoke through strained teeth, Nandini's mind woke up at his words again as she recognized his pain.

Oh Manik.. What happened?

She thought to herself as the two of them reached their high before falling down together, calling out each others names out loud. Nandini sagged onto him, with his face burried into her neck. Taking a few moments to gather her thoughts she sighed softly, keeping her hand right over his heart.
Nandini: Relax!! I m here, U r here! Nothing is changing here...

Manik stirred out of his daze as he moved slightly away and looked at her face. Nandini's eyes scanned his, trying to read him in but was again stabbed with a wave of disappointment when she fould his eyes blank. She cupped his face, pulling him closer as she kissed his forehead. She finally got a reaction from him, when he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He moved away from her, helping her down the table as Nandini pulled her skirt down, still looking at him.

Manik: I m sorry... I...- I shouldn't have- I'm-

Nandini: Shh... No need to say anything!
Nandini said shutting him up as straightened herself up. Manik's face remained stolid as he saw her trying to read him through. Finally having had enough of the silence Nandini sighed out loud and held his hand.

Nandini: Please tell me what happened!

Manik remained silent simply gazing at her, but his eyes seemed far away, something else was going on in his head and she was sure of it was nothing that he would like. And within seconds, she felt him close off with the same anger blazing clearly in his eyes.
"I have to sort this out!", he muttered to himself as he moved away from her.

The finality in his voice alerted Nandini as she saw him pick up his car keys. He moved straight to the door, moving out of the cabin, leaving nandini stunded. She picked up her bag as she rushed outside behind him,

She saw him entering the lift and ran towards him, "MANIK... Wait! MANIK..."

Manik ignored her voice as he moved in. By the time she reached the lift, he was already gone. Groaning in frustration, Nandini buzzed up the other elevator, which opened up almost immediately much to her relief. Getting inside, tapping her foot impateintly she tried calling him but got no answer. By the time she reached the parking lot, Manik was already in the car racing away as the security opened up the exit for him.
"Ugh... MANIK!!!"

Getting into her car, she raced after him shaking her head at his behaviour, but still she couldn't fight off the part of her head that was scared for his wellbeing. Moving her eyes all around the road in front of her, she easily spotted his car as he drove much above his usual speed. Pressing down on the accelarator, she raced after him, praying to god that nothing happens to him and also hoped that wherever he was going, he wouldn't do anything stupid out of anger.

Hardly 5 minutes later, his destination seemed clear to her as he drove towards the Malhotra Mansion. Confused out of her mind, Nandini pressed onto the speed even more and before she knew they were both pulling into the Malhotra Mansion.

Nyonika and Harsh, who were sitting casually in their balcony heard the tiers screeching and jumped on their feet to watch the two cars pulling up in the front. Manik got down the car, snapping the door close with too much force as he walked towards the entrance. Watching his furious expression from earlier, nandini knew that whatever was going on in his head was no where near anything that his parents would like. Getting off her seatbelt, nandini opened up the door and called him out as she ran towards him.
Nandini: MANIK Stop!! What are u doing here? What is happening...

Manik didn't stop at her questions and continued walking inside.
Manik: Nandini move aside...

Nandini: NO.. U Stop! TALK TO ME... What is all this?

Manik: Nandini, I said MOVE Aside! I need to Finsih this off for once and for all!
He told her, his steps not halting for even a second as the two of them entered the house just as Nyonika and Hrash rushed down the stairs, having heard their shouts.

Harsh: Finish what??

Manik ignored his question and walked closer to him, moving Nandini out of his way.
Manik: I need to talk to You!

Harsh's eyes widened at his tone, taking in his mood as Nyonika and he glanced at each other while Nandini came closer standing a step behind him, too shocked to say anything. If there was anything that she knew about Manik since the very beginning then it was the fact that he loved his family more than any freaking thing in the world, and to watch him being rude to the same family was no less than a shock to her.

First to her in the office and now, to his parents!

Nandini: Manik-

Manik: Not now Nandini, not now!
He spoke without even turning to look at her, his attention focused on his dad.

Manik: Which one of you invited Sanjay to the inaugural?

Both Harsh and Nyonika were confused by the question, while Nandini's eyes broadened in horror at the name. And suddenly everything seemed clear to her, this was about the only person whom Manik hated with every single cell in his body. The person responsible for his sister's death, her Husband.

Harsh: Umn... I did! Why?

Manik groaned, moving both his hands through his hair as he shouted in frustration.
Manik: Urghhh.....

Both nyonika and harsh were shocked by this, while Nandini took a step closer to him.
Nandini: Ma-

Manik: NO... Stay out of this Nandini!
Manik snapped at her, without thinking twice.

Harsh: Manik... That is not the way u r going to talk to her!
Harsh spoke up sternly, standing up for nandini, though both Manik and Nandini were too much into their heads to even think about it.

Manik turned his attention back to his parents as he spoke up,
Manik: Why the hell did u invite that Man?

Harsh: Why not? He is one of the trustees. He is family!

Manik: He Is Not Family To Me...
Manik spoke up, his voice as calm as the night, innunsiating each word for them loud and clear.

Manik: And for your information, he is no longer a genuine trustee of the company. I took all his rights a long time back, all he holds is just his name in the company file!

Both of them seemed shocked at his words, as Nyonika spoke up in a very soft voice,
Nyonika: He is Family Manik, u agree to it or not... He will always be family! He was your sister's Husband.

Manik: Was Mom... Was!!! He was my sister's husband. The sister who has been died for 7 Years now.

A gasp left Nandini's mouth as nyonika's eyes broadened at his words, before welling up in tears. Nandini noticed Harsh closing off in front of her, his face getting blank, just the way she had often seen Manik when he is controlling his anger.

Harsh: Died or not. She was our daughter and she was married to him.


Nandini: MANIK!
Nandini shouted out loud, pushing him to a side, getting his out of his angry daze, stopping him from going any further. Both Nyonika and Harsh had their eyes as wide as saucers, taking in his words.

Nandini: Stop it... Just stop it!
Nandini spoke sternly, trying not to look at Harsh and Nyonika as she concentrated on Manik.

She saw his anger subsiding, as he took in the expressions on his parents faces, as guilt and pain took over his face. His eyes turned and landed on her, as all his anger slipped away.

Nyonika: It's not the truth right? Whatever you said, it's not the truth right?

Nyonika asked, her voice no more than a whisper as tears flowed freely down her face. Manik moved his eyes off Nandini, looking at his mother and immediately hated himself for being the reason behind her tears. Both Harsh and Nyonika took their answer from his silence as Nyonika sagged against Harsh, letting him hold her up.

Manik's face hardened once again as closed his eyes for a minute. Nandini knew that he was breaking inside, but she was conflicted as to whom she should be supporting, a brother whi was still mourning for his sister's death even after 7 years, or the parents who were just a second away from knowing that their daughter had actually commited suicide.

Manik opened up his eyes as he looked straight at his father and spoke up again, this time in a much softer, though equally stern tone.

Manik: Anything from the company that used to go to him, has being going to a charity named on Di. I did it a long time back, behind your back. He is just a name sake trustee in the company, but not anymore. I want him out! I want him far far away from my family.

Even though everything that he was saying was necessary, Nandini knew this was not a time to have this talk, so she again tried to interrupt him.
Nandini: Manik plz let talk later, this-

Manik: Especially You!! You will never be in any contact with him, personal or professional, Nandini. Never! Especially You!
Manik spoke much more sternly making Nandini gulp as she remembered his words from the office, I will never let you go, You Are Mine.

Manik: He is nothing to Us.
He said in a whisper, before turning towards his parents and continuing,  Manik: Any one of Us... Get that straight!

And with that he turned away and started to walk towards the door.

Nyonika: Manik...
Nyonika called out softly, making Nandini snap out of her thoughts as she saw Manik walking back outside. His errant and dangerous driving from a few minutes back came to her mind as she spoke up loudly.

Nandini: Manik Malhotra, don't you Dare take a step out of this house! Because be sure as Hell that I'm not going to be following u out there while u race down the streets putting both our lives in danger.

Manik stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her, his face blank while Nandini somehow managed to stand on her ground. Staring at her for a few minutes, Manik took in her serious face and sighed as he turned and took the stairs, walking straight up to their room as Nandini heard him slam the door shut.

All the energy left Nandini's body, after the busy day that she had followed by all the car chasing and shouting. She turned softly to face harsh and nyonika to have them looking at her expectantly.

She couldn't stop the helpless expression that came on her came and let her tears fall by.
Nandini: I m sorry!

Nyonika: Do u know anything in this matter?
Nyonika asked her softly, getting a small hesitant nod from her.

Nyonika: Can u explain what was he saying?

Nandini took a deep breath at it as she took a few steps closer to Nyonika and held her hands,
Nandini: I m sorry Mom, but I'd rather not.

She saw the hurt clear on Nyonika's face and continued softly,
Nandini: There is a reason why Manik chose to hide this from the two of you all these years. And I m sure he would have never said all that he did today, if not for his sudden rage.

Nandini gave her a soft look before walking past her towards the stairs. She was half way up when she heard Harsh's voice.

Harsh: Nandini!!

She turned to face him and waited as he spoke,
Harsh: Just one question! Was his extreme reaction justified? His rage!

Nandini's face changed into one of determination as she spoke up,
Nandini: 110% justified. It was long due!

Harsh closed his eyes for a second, understanding the meaning behind her words before his face hardened and he opened up his eyes nodding at Nandini.

Harsh: Go to him my child... Good night!

Nandini: Good night Dad.

Finally completed! God, that was a long one.

Manik's famous anger from the show. His possessiveness!

Hope u all liked it...

Apologies to all those who were complaining about not being able to find this chapter, there was some error and the part unpublished a few minutes after I posted it.

Lot's of love,

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