butterfly jar╰► kpop

By -keshis

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❝ angels, demons, & lipstick stains ❞ oneshots of your various fav ships: 3rd gen warning: very hideously wri... More

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533 16 35
By -keshis


the delinquent sorceress? she's a fairytale through and through; skin and stars and bones.







━ ❝ PARK

━ ❝ PARK

it's midday when she arrives.

sun in his eyes, jimin looks up, squinting. defeat sticks to his back, an ear of wheat in his mouth, and with a deep sigh, he stops farming, his hands sore and blistering. for a moment, he digs his spade into the ground, and watches the wagon pass.

there, a girl sits, chatting merrily and laughing with the wagon driver.

there's something odd about her, he thinks, even then, as a gentle puff of air ripples through her long electric hair. he can tell that she's a strange one. He just doesn't know how.

but she doesn't notice him, too caught up in conversation with the wagon driver.

it doesn't take long for the news to spread. it spreads like wildfire.

questions are asked. rumors are born. gossip breeds and transforms, the grapevine growing. there's someone new in their quaint little village, and it seems like she's here to stay.

jimin sighs, and continues his work.



"she's a witch!" jeongyeon tells him excitedly, grinning the next afternoon, and tossing him fresh red apples, as she settles down in the shade for lunch, and as the dutiful best friend, he joins her.

"can you believe it?"

"should we burn her?" jimin asks dryly. "grab the pitchforks while we still have the chance?"

"don't be silly!" jeongyeon says, folding her arms across her chest. "those things are outdated. go say hello."

"but who will take care of the vegetables?" he asks seriously, before jeongyeon throws her hands up in the air. "someone has to water the potatoes."

"you're never going to win farmer of the year with an attitude like that." jeongyeon tells him matter-of-fact. that's what she thinks. socializing had nothing to do with it, jimin knew, all that really mattered was excellent crops.

"so, how do you know she's a witch?" jimin changes the subject, taking a bite of the apple.

"jaehyun saw her flying earlier." leaning in conspiratorially, jeongyeon lowers her voice into a whisper. jimin is used to her dramatics, enjoys them sometimes, even, ignores them mostly.

half of them aren't true, he's certain, but then a little white lie can make this peaceful life he lives a little bit more exciting, and no harm is done, since the gossip jeongyeon spreads is never malicious. it's more mischievous than anything. and it keeps the other villagers on their toes, though he's certain they don't take her rumors too seriously either. "then taemin saw them flying together."

"really." jimin murmurs, absentmindedly. that was interesting, he supposed, mulling over yesterday's entrance. if she can fly, then why did she come in by wagon?

she was definitely odd.



she goes by the name of rosé.

jeongyeon tells him that she's a nice person and makes potions that can make napkins turn into butterflies. she's also really good at pumpkin soup. witchcraft runs through the family, and she misses having a pet fish. apparently she forgot to take it with her.

"how do you know these things?" he asks, eventually, taking a bite out of the bread she made.

"she works at my shop." jeongyeon grins. "but what she really wants to do is to make a rainbow."

he doesn't care that much about rainbows, but he could do with some rain.



he sees her flying from time to time. he looks up, pushing back his straw hat, chewing on his ear of wheat, and there she is - drifting on the cloudless blue sky. sometimes she waves at him. sometimes there are children. sometimes there are packages. there are never golden fishes.

he also sees her crashing into trees a lot.

"you're not a very good witch, are you?"

it's not meant to be the first thing he says to her, but there have been so many accidents lately, that he figures it is a good conversation starter as any.

"i'm not a good flyer, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad witch." she corrects with a smile, hardly batting an eye. if anything, she looks more delighted, teeth glinting and sweet and wolfishly mischievous. "you haven't seen my magic tricks."

jimin shrugs, knowing a trap when he sees one, and accepts her invitation anyway. "alright." he concedes. "tell me about them."

"i turned my sister into a toad once." rosé tells him proudly, smiling ruefully.

he looks at her intently, and figures she's probably telling the truth. what he can't understand is how that was a good thing. or anything but an accident. "okay..." he says slowly, uncertain if he should ask.

"but she got the guy of her dreams to kiss her." she shrugs, as if that was the end of that.

"ah." jimin comments, dry as he can be. now he knows her type. "so you're a meddler."

"only for those who really need it." rosé rolls her eyes, and just looks at him, like she's seconds away from laughing at him.

there's too much amusement on her face, from the glitter in her eyes to the soft curve of her cheek, eyes dancing at the slightly hint of a smile. "and only family get that treatment." her grin widens. "well, no. just my prissy sister."

"so you'll leave the trees alone?" jimin folds his arms across his chest, forgetting that tonight he was buying strawberries for jeongyeon. tonight they were making shortcake.

"i didn't say that." she grins, stepping forward, and the amusement increases tenfold, unfurling over her face in a haze of pink warmth.

"because you're very distracting." he tells her, grumbling with his trademark frown. jeongyeon says that when he tries to frown he's actually pouting, but that's not true. honestly, when he thinks about the trees, he gets slightly cross.

those trees didn't do anything. but time and time again, the amount of times he sees taemin running across the fields with a ladder is getting ridiculous.

"really?" rosé looks delighted, and there's peppermint in the air now, jimin can smell it clearly, he's certain that it wasn't there before. "that, i can fix."



rosé laughs later, when she pulls the hay out of his hair, twining her fingers around his slightly-too-wavy-hair.

she likes to laugh, jimin learns, as his thumb brushes her hips, and she shakes against him, the scent of her skin sweet and heady and pressing into the palm of his hand.

she sinks her teeth into his collarbone and tends to it with a kiss, hooking his calves with her ankles, pushing herself closer until there's no more space between them.

she bubbles with laughter, and somehow it's the sensation of ebullient magic that buzzes in the air and traces his skin that pushes him over the edge.

"this was fun." rosé grins, and he wonders if he's just been enchanted, before she shakes her molten sky hair and the thought disappears because it's so absurd and impossible, then she combs out the hay with her fingers.

jimin helps her find her clothes, scattered across the barn. her hair is dishevelled and messy, but still, it's a good look on her. "want to do it again sometime?"

"okay," jimin agrees, and feels her smile against his mouth, a distraction that he doesn't mind so much.

life goes on.

rosé keeps crashing into trees.

she also crashes into jimin's usual lunch with jeongyeon.

and the tumbling in the barn still happens.



once jeongyeon knows, and she knows instantly, it doesn't take the rest of the village to find out.

taemin finds it hilarious. it makes him even more intolerable than before, and even then, jimin had little patience for him.

"do you want matching hats?" he asks, obnoxious and succeeding spectacularly at making jimin's cheeks burn.

he hates that taemin is in charge of milk.

if he can get his own cow, he's certain he can avoid all this embarrassment. it's the teasing that he can't stand. it's the teasing that everyone else likes.

"farmers wear straw hats," jimin sourly states, glancing to the side rather than meeting taemin's too-big-for-his-face smirk. it makes his disdain more believable this way. "witches wear black hats."

the sad thing is, rosie doesn't wear pointy black hats at all.



it makes rosé laugh, when she hears how much she fails to live up to the folklore.

"i never said i was conventional." she grins, stretching like a cat, and there's the scent of peppermint in the air again. "does it really bother you?"

"maybe. a little bit." jimin admits, shrugging. he likes her just the way she is, but at the same time, he wishes that she'd have some of the traits that made her recognizably a witch, in spite of everything. "not as much as it used to."

she looks at him, head cocked to the side, and she looks amused, more than anything. "i could turn nasty if you like? eat all the children up and never look back."

his brows furrow. "that's not what i meant."

"i know." her naked shoulders rise and fall, and she can't help but bare her teeth at him. "well, i'll figure something out."



the sky turns green for a week. it stretches out into the horizon, and makes the clouds look even stranger than before. the sunsets are purple. eventually, it fades away, and life returns back to normal.

rosé can't figure out what went wrong.

a fish, jimin laments, would probably solve all her problems.

but then a fish, jimin realizes with dismay, would draw in cats. which would probably ruin his vegetable garden. not to mention the flowers that he's beginning to grow outside his windows. he pales at the thought. he doesn't want that.

but then, jimin thinks of all the stories he's heard about, and decides that perhaps it won't be so bad, if the fish can learn to live in enclosed boxes. and that way his fears will be avoided.

he has always wanted to see a talking witch's fish.



"i should take you flying one day." rosie muses, as she looks down on him, her legs swinging back and forth. "i think you'd like it."

"i thought we established that you aren't a good flyer." jimin states with an impassive face as they wait for taemin to come running back with the ladder. he holds her broom in hand, silently curious to how she always manages to keep it in such good condition when she has so many successful accidents crashing into trees.

"i didn't say right now." rosé replies instantly, and privately, jimin thinks she would sound more convincing if she wasn't so indignant.

"so when you successfully create a rainbow?" jimin asks, wry.

"perhaps." rosé agrees easily, and jimin realizes too late that he walked into that all by himself. "is that a promise?"

"we'll see." jimin sighs, and sits down to wait just as he sees the silhouette of a ladder in the distance.



"love potions? i can't make those for the life of me." rosé sighs, grimacing slightly as jeongyeon asks her, still swooning from the latest book she's read at the library. "my sister is really good at them though."

"oh." jeongyeon turns to look at jimin and her, glancing slowly, and then an even more delighted expression flickers on her face, and she points at them, flailing slightly. "so then, you two-"

"have a much sweeter thing." rosé grins; digging into jeongyeon's freshly baked apple pie with relish. "i wouldn't do that anyway. it's really not something I'd like to be talented at."

"huh. i guess you're right." jeongyeon considers it, and then agrees. "it sounded nice in theory, i guess. it's kind of scary, now that i think about it..."

"please just go away." jimin interrupts their picnic, head hung low as he digs deeper holes into the ground, trying to attend to his vegetables. "i want to work."

his only response is their laughter, floating like birds into the sunny horizon.



roseanne park leaves her marks, her magics, everywhere, it feels.

or maybe jimin gets accustomed to it, and it changes how he perceives the town. it's a sensation that he begins to recognize, a faint flicker like her fingertips scuttling up his spine, her kiss an imprint in glass, a twist of a grin always nearby. even when she's nowhere in sight.

it's not bad, jimin thinks, as he adjusts to walking into his slowly growing garden, and doesn't shiver any more now that the buds of flowers turn to him, or when he touches chalk marks left on the wall:

sometimes a message is formed in the shape of pictures, other times, it's the shadowy shape of capybara, trotting around him in circles, nudging his feet and snuffling his shoes, or something else entirely, like a dragon from his imagination that he once confided in her. something meant to amuse him.

it's not bad at all, just different.

except nothing's different. not really.

there's a witch in this sleepy little village now that goes by the name of rosé, but nothing has changed since she's arrived.

well. he's happier these days.

there is that.



it's through son seungwan that jimin learns that her fish yori, eggs have hatched. (data on whatever pollinated said fish is strictly classified). there are several of them, adorable scaly things, gasping and pouting aquamarine bubbles.

one of them is a fabled witch's koi fish. pretty ashy gills and yellow eyes. with the caveat of having one emerald crown.

"nothing's perfect." wendy smiles, tapping at the glass pane all the same. "but it'll do."

it's imperfectly perfect.

"he'll do just fine." the koi smiles back. just enough facial muscles to be recognized as a soft smile.

now, the fish is swirling around in the ziplock in his hands. it's lethargic and iridescent and so tiny. tinier than he's ever seen, jimin is sure. with luck, he'll be a proper witch's pet. knowing rosé, he probably won't. but that's okay too. "i think i'll call him hoesaegie."

hoesaegie., rosé tells him later, making the fish float and then spends the evening watching the it pout and summersault as they have dinner that night, is-not quite creative- an excellent name.

she does, to jimin's delight, make a promise that she will teach hoesaegie how to adapt to enclosement. and speak.

"c'mere." rosie says, taking hold of his hand, fingers lacing with his, "i promised you a rainbow, didn't i?"

"i wanted rain." jimin states, dry as the sun is bright, and there, clear to see, is a rainbow above them, and there's that feeling again, warm in his chest and unmistakably rosé.

"promises, promises." she grins carelessly, pulling him forward, broom and hoesaegie in tow. "i promised you a flying lesson."

"so you did." jimin nods, and lets her lead him into the rainbow sky.

and predictably, into a tree.


A/N -hoesaeg: grey in korean.
short soft one for the honey-voiced angels. feedback would be life changing 🪐

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