peter parker x starks daughter

By maysbooksssss

294K 5.1K 7.5K

peter parker had a special life he was your neighborhood Spider-Man who worked with tony stark and the avenge... More

Monday at Midtown High
the new avenger
broken rules
Broken Rules #2
i don't like this
so what now
pool party
"fake dating"
How do you know when your in love?
Coffee Shop
Big announcement
Night Time
1:30 AM
The Escape
Bad Dreams
Peter, I'm scared...
Peter's great idea
The Date
New mission
Future Plans
How could you ?
Prove It
Never in a million years
Night Night Sweetie
Sunshine State
Florida Beaches
Street Race
Car Crash
The First Time
Is this what's best for her?
The party after the party
Morning sickness
Test Time
Why is it always me
Are you trying to flirt with me kiddo?
The princess has arrived
Kitten. Chair. Now.
Kitten we need to talk
Fresh Starts
All Alone
Where is he
Peter's gone
Crazy Theory
I know where Peter is
Peter, Oh my god!
Don't be weird
Only one way to know
Drinking contest with Thor

Coffee Sale

1.9K 26 35
By maysbooksssss

The car ride home from the movies was silent. Nobody knew what to say or what to do. As superheros they were all use to being put into difficult life or death situations, but now that it involved me they all seemed hesitant to make a move. I know each and every one of them would die for me and I would do the same for them, however, the masked man was right. We had two tough options and no one could decide which was best. In my mind I think splitting the work load would be fine and just I should train harder. I know that some of them won't agree with me but we don't have a better option. That night none of us slept very well, Peter and I tossed and turned all night long and I heard the constant footsteps of the Avengers outside my door checking on us throughout the night. Peter held me tighter then he ever has before, but it still provided little reassurance. Dad decided to call the trip short, we fly out tomorrow afternoon. I feel bad for everyone, I feel like I ruined their vacation. I hope they don't get mad at me tomorrow. I didn't shut my eyes til around 4am when I heard my dad talking outside. I knew the Masked Man has our location so I have no doubt that he knows our hotel too. However, I highly doubt he would make a move tonight.

Mystery dude POV

"Boss I don't think it will be ready in time." Luther, my right hand man, said to me. He was sitting across from me at my desk. I looked down at the formula's in my hands and threw them across the room.

"I don't care Luther they will be ready by the time I ask for them. I don't give a damn who says otherwise." I shouted at him as I stood up and paced around my room.

"Aiden, man calm down. We are gonna get her. It's just gonna take a little longer." He said crossing his arms over his chest. He is the only man on the Earth that would get away with talking to me like that. He's been there for me through millions of problems and not once has he let me down. That is the only reason he gets the pleasure of using my name. No one besides him and her could say it.

"I need her Luther. Not later, Now." I said sitting down and pouring us both a shot of whiskey. I downed it while running my hand through my messy hair.

"I know Aids but we can't rush this kind of thing." He reasoned from his seat.

"How many times have I told you not to use that stupid nickname?" I looked up at him and he chuckled causing a small smile to break out on my face as well. "How much longer til it's done?"

"Should be about a week."

"If it isn't done in a week I'll lose it Luther." I stated and he simply nodded then dismissed himself, leaving me alone with my thoughts of her.

"Y/n Stark. What are you doing to me?" I said out loud. This girl has been on my mind for years and she probably doesn't even remember me. Ever since I saw her in that store years ago I've wanted her. She was untouchable, but I needed her. From that day forward she became my life. I watched her (as creepy as it sounds) grow up and become the beautiful girl she is today. I've waited for so long for a chance to claim her. Then preppy boy Peter showed up and swept her off her feet the minute he saw her. The little bastard had everything I have been after. I think once I saw them together something in me snapped. I became obsessed with her. I had to be everywhere she was and hear everything she said. Luther tried to stop me many times but I couldn't help it. She was the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the thoughts of us together put me to sleep at night. In just a few days she will be mine. I will make sure of that. Come to think of the little video message might have been stupid because now they know something or someone is coming for her but I couldn't help it. I saw her reaction to my video and when Peter grabbed her it made my blood boil. A knock interrupted my thoughts and I yelled for them to come in.

"Boss it's done." Some assistant said to me. A smirk broke on to my face at the thought.

"I was informed it wouldn't be completed til the following week what happened?" I asked him analyzing the bottle he handed me.

"The calculations were off. The formula is correct it just didn't need as long to settle as we thought." He said pushing some files my way.

"What do you mean your formulas were off? If this doesn't work I will kill you all with no second thoughts." I said towering over him. He immediately shrunk down a few inches and began rambling about how he made sure the formula was correct before even considering bringing it to me.

"That will be all for now you are dismissed." I waved him off with my hand and he quickly ran out my office door closing it behind him.

I looked down at the bottle in amazement. This tiny thing will give me everything I have ever wanted. Now comes the hard put, actually putting it into use. I feel like my little threat has put them so far on edge Y/n won't have her normal easy going rules. She probably won't want to be going out and putting herself in danger. I need something to draw her out of the tower and away from everyone's watch. I know her like the back of my hand and I know for a fact if her favorite little coffee shop was having a sale on her favorite drinks she would stop by. Now that I had my idea it shouldn't be too hard to set things into motion. Seems like I'll be seeing my angel sooner then I thought.


-------3 days later-------

The past few days have been a nightmare. I am not allowed anywhere outside of the tower or sometimes even my room. I miss fresh air. Dad has moved my training times and locations to keep me hidden away from everything. It is super annoying. I am fully aware of the danger I am in, but it's not like I am a little puppy who can't defend themselves. I have powers now, I can fight now. To make things even worse my favorite coffee store decided now was the time to have a big blowout sale on almost 90% of their menu. I love that place and the workers and the fact that I am missing this makes me so mad. Tonight I am going to get my blended sweet coffee drink with a nice warm cookie to go with it. I need to see Leila and Liam anyways. I can't have my favorite old people lose their minds over not seeing me. It currently 1am and the store closes in an hour so I need to make this quick. I slip on my hoodie and start to make my great escape to the store. 

Aiden's POV

It's been three days and my plan hasn't worked yet. I picked up this stupid job at this coffee place to make sure I could slip it into her drink and even tho I have grown a liking to the owners of the store it still pisses me off that she hasn't made an appearance yet. I have one hour til this sale is over and the shop closes for the night and if this didn't work to lure her out I don't know what would. As I am about to give up the door chimes and I look up to she a shorter girl walking into the store with a big hoodie covering her face. Sighing I looked down at the cash register and repeated the stupid line I have been saying for the past three days.

"Welcome, what can I get for you today ma'am?" I spit out growing a hatred for these words.

"Oh Y/n my my we haven't seen you in such a long time." Leila gasped out setting her broom to the side and rushing over to give the girl a hug. At the mention of her name my head pops up and I stare at the event happening in front of me. She pulled her hoodie down and I see her beautiful hair fall down and around her shoulders. It worked! It really worked! I smile as she bends down and gives the old lady a hug.

" I know I am so sorry Leila. I was on a vacation and then this crazy man threatened me and my family so dad's been on locked down with me. Is it okay if I stay awhile and catch up with you and Liam?" She asked the older lady. She was so gentle with her and it made me adore her so much more.

"Of course dear, I will always keep the shop opened later for you why don't you go order and I'll finish up here and we can talk as long as you like. I will get Lian from the back and maybe Aiden can join us is that alright?" Leila asked and at the mention of my name I looked up and Y/n looked at me, making eye contact for a split second before she looked away and nodded. She then walked over to me and flashed me that smile I have dreamed about for so long.

"Hi Aiden I am Y/n."

"Hi Y/n what can I get for you?" I asked her calmly, even tho inside I was freaking out.


Hiiiii guys. I have missed you guys so much it's crazy, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and the little twist I have been adding in. To me the story seems to be getting better and better I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned. Anyways I have been thinking about starting a new book not related to this one tho. I have an idea in my head but I wanted to see if you guys had any ideas for new books so if you do please comment them so I can take them into consideration. But, if I do write a new book would any of you guys read it just curious?  Comment if you would thank you and love you all.

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