The Vampire's chosen mate (Co...

By Karen290001

46.6K 3.9K 1.7K

"I found my mate and I think she just rejected me so... yeah happy me," I responded. I tried to keep my voice... More

Author's note
Family (1)
Best friend (2)
Mate (3)
Rejected? (4)
Gold digger (5)
Shock (7)
Bad news (8)
Brian freeze (9)
Hiding (10)
Bartender (11)
New POV (12)
New friend (13)
Home visits(14)
Conversations (15)
Confessions (16)
Second chance (17)
I like you (18)
Leaving (19)
In the dark (20)
Final glance (21)
Permission (22)
Traumatised (23)
Damien (24)
like my father (25)
Doesn't make sense (26)
Truth (27)
A new Sister (28)
Ellie (29)
Zhuhuri (32)
Back again(34)
Knocked out(35)
Darkness (36)
Clarity (37)
Beast (38)
Not alone anymore (39)
Damien was right (40)
Grief (41)
Chosen mate (42)
The Queen (43)
It was always going to be her (44)
Authors note again

Wedding (6)

1.5K 134 56
By Karen290001

AN: Don't forget to hit the vote button.



Despite my emotions telling me to go tell Destiny everything and win her heart, I actually left her behind. Yes, Damien talked some sense into me and I made the logical decision. I am to be king and I can't be making decisions based on emotions. Honestly, speaking Damien would make for a better king than I. He had all the traits of a king now that I think of it- kind, firm, logical, intelligent, understanding and so on. You name it and his got it. I mean I couldn't deny the logic that Damien used to argue with me so, I had no choice but to leave Destiny behind.

It was currently two weeks since that fateful day that I met my precious mate. And what an encounter that was. But I had to be strong and finish the task at hand. I couldn't let my emotions overtake my work ethic. I felt dead inside without her close to me. I hate this feeling so much that I wish I hadn't even met her. Then I would be happy. Ignorance is bliss after all. What was with my family and getting terrible mates? First my dad and now me. To be frank, I just wasn't sure if I still wanted her as my mate or not. Surely, I deserved better.

Damien and I had written our postcards and sent them to my family later that night. The task did cheer me up for some time. I addressed my postcard to mum and surprisingly, Damien had addressed his to Ellie. I was suspicious of this at first, but then after some thought it made sense. I can literally picture Ellie throwing a tantrum when we got back because we didn't address any post card to her.

My sister had this fancy book of hers with all her memories. The book was decorated with all kinds of glitter and stickers. It was not at all a pretty sight to behold. I was the more creative child after all. This book was where Ellie keeps all her slips, cards, tags and basically anything else that she feels is of importance. It's her book of memories. My sister is sentimental indeed. Thus before we left, She had kindly threatened us to write to her specifically. I just had forgotten about it.

Working as a postman had its perks. For one I got to learn every corner of the each village. I also made myself new friends. This was nice because I knew that they weren't simply being nice to be because of my precious title. One of the friends I had made back in Kena was called, Samuel. Samuel also worked at the post office. So, when I left for this village, Shepal, I had asked my friend Samuel to keep an eye on my beloved mate and inform me if anything suspicious occurred. Of course, I told him that she was just a girl I liked very much. I mean if I had to tell him that she was my mate, then I was going to have to spill the beans on everything else. His poor human brain would melt at the mere thought of me being a Vampire.

I couldn't and didn't want to see my mate yet. I hoped that some time apart would do us both some good. Hopefully, she would see her fault and apologise and I also needed to not give this woman so much power over me. So in the meantime, knowing how she was doing was going to keep me sane during our time off. That is until I finally get home and discuss things with my parents.

The plan I made was that at the end of every week my human friend or well... Samuel, would write me a report of what my mate had been up to. So far Destiny seemed fine according to Samuel's report from last week. He said that she had asked about me and was trying to reach me. The fact that she came to the post office to see me gave me hope for how our relationship would play out.

But I still couldn't see her yet. Especially not in this state at least. She already doesn't approve of the postman job. Which I can't entirely blame her for. From the looks of it, she would have to take care of me. I, as a postman would be benefiting from marrying her. I guess that means I am the gold digger?

Anyways so, I told Samuel to tell Destiny that I had gone on a trip to different village out of the kingdom on a special delivery. That excuse should buy me another month with her at least. The next time I see my mate I want to be able to tell her the whole truth of who I actually am. But only once I finish my journey.

Today is Wednesday and I had just received a letter from Samuel about my precious mate. I was very anxious to say the least because this could only mean one thing--something was wrong. And I would be lying if I said I hadn't already felt in my bones. Since this morning, I have had this uneasy feeling and now I knew exactly why. I refused to open the letter immediately and decided to rather do it after work. To say I was anxious the whole afternoon as I worked would be a grave understatement.


Somehow, I found myself sitting in a dimly lit bar that reeked of humans after work. I honestly don't know why I had come to this bar, considering I was a Vampire and couldn't really get drunk due to my rather fast metabolism. But I needed to read the letter alone. Damien would be at home so this was my next best choice. I know that the bar is still full of people, but I was still alone and unbothered. Just like I had wanted. Besides, I felt like I was going to need a drink after I read the contents of the letter.


I know I was to write to you only on Fridays but this is urgent. The Lady Destiny, your beloved is getting married to Sir John this Friday. Hence, I sent this message urgently because if you really love her like you said you do then you need to get here fast.



QOC: Did you really think Dimitri was going to marry his mate?Let me hear your thoughts on this chapter in the comment box.

Ps: Don't forget to hit the vote button.


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