pretty setters squad

By WillowRando

122K 3.4K 3.4K

this is just another pretty setters squad chatfic since I love them and have so many ideas in mind that I hav... More

a group chat?!
iwaoi child?!
congratulations kageyama!
////////////////////// idk
miya atsumu
telling them part 1
telling them part 2
telling them part 3 and daisuga
captains chat
iwaoi/ kinda sad stuff
the truth
the truth part 2
After everything
every ones reaction
the child?!
the child part 2
not an update
Kageyama is the milk god
New stories
character QnA (and me)
harus crush?!
rap battles of haikyuu part 1
yandere rap battle part 2
random thought/not a chapter
final rap battle/ the end

the child final

1.8K 59 23
By WillowRando

Tobios pov

I just woke up today I am bringing haru to afternoon practice with me so I have to get him dressed.

"Wake up haru" I say gently he starts to wake up and stretches a bit "good morning mama" I let him call me mama cause he is more comfortable with it "let's get you dressed you have daycare and then I will pick you up and take you to practice with me" I say and he smiles "YAY i get to see mama play volleyball!" he says excitedly "your also gonna meet more of my family" I say and his eyes shine brightly "REALLY?!" he almost screams and I nod "but that's only if you get up and get dressed" I say and he jumps off the bed and wobbles to his closet I walk over and open the doors pulling out a outfit. Its a plain green t-shirt with a green flannel over shirt and some jeans, I lay them on the bed and pick haru up to give him a bath.

Timeskip to afternoon practice

Sugas pov

Kageyama just texted me saying he picked up haru and is on his way over here.
"Where's kageyama?" someone asks
"He just texted me that he's on his way" I say then daichi says "ok but tell him to hurry aoba johsai will be here in half an hour" I nod and a few moments later Kageyama is here "hi everyone" he says and everyone starts asking him where he's been and he says "I had to go get someone he will be watching us practice today" and everyone but me is confused "who? And did you ask coach for permission?" daichi asks "yes I have permission from the coach and this is who" he says and then a small boy who looks about 3-4 walks in he has blond hair and dark blue eyes that shimmer in the light sort of like kageyamas. "Who is this?" kiyoko asks and before kageyama can say anything I but in "my grandson that's who!!" and I run up to him "hi there I am sugawara" I say and he smiles "hi I'm haru miya!!" he exclaims he is to cute! Everyone is still to shocked to comprehend what is happening so after calming everyone down we explain.

"So your telling us that you adopted this Child with Miya and now your a mom?!" daichi says and kageyama nods then explains how he doesn't have a family and really thought of us as family and daichi starts crying for the first time " of course I'll be the grand dad everyone needs one!" he says and kageyama smiles "thank you" he says and starts crying a bit "mama why are you crying?" haru asks "is mama sad?" he asks again and starts tearing up a bit "nonono baby mamas not sad mamas happy! See when you get very happy sometimes you cry years of joy." tobio said and haru smiled "so mamas not sad?" ha asks "no I'm not sad" tobio says back and a large amount of awwws could be heard throughout the gym and then there was a large knock at the door. We opened it and in came aoba johsai "OK WHERE IS HE?!" Oikawa screamed "Oikawa san calm down" yahaba said "who are you even looking for shittykawa" iwa said "hey language iwaizumi san!!" kageyama said and everyone looked his way to see him holding the child "who is that?!" kindaichi asked
"My adopted son" kageyama said casually and all of aoba johsai had their jaws dropped except Oikawa and yahaba.

"YOU ADOPTED A KID?!" iwaizumi screamed "yup" kageyama said again in a calm tone, Oikawa and yahaba walk up to them and to say hi "hi there you must be haru." yahaba says sweetly and I noticed kyotani blush a bit at how sweet his voice was "yup! I'm haru who are you?" my beautiful grandchild asks "I'm yahaba and this is Oikawa" yahaba answers "OH mama told me about you guys! He talks about how awesome you all are and how you both play the coolest position in volleyball!" haru says happily "you have raised him well tobio!" Oikawa says and everyone starts laughing just Then semi and shirabu come through the doors with all the other setters.

Kageyamas pov (cause I got bored of sugas -_-)

We all started laughing at oikawa sans comment when the large gym doors opened and all the remaining setters came in including moniwa and konegawa! "Where is the adorable child?!" semi San said and me Suga Oikawa and yahaba started laughing "has right here" I say and semi and moniwa start squealing like girls "he is so cute" moniwa says

"I thought only semi and shirabu were gonna crash our practice match" Suga said to which Akaashi responded "it was only gonna be them but me and Kenma got a day off practice today and decided to come here to see your kid, we also texted moniwa and konegawa about it and they were more then happy to come since they also had practice off today."

"me and shirabu just ditched practice cause tendou thought it would be a good idea to give goshiki "the talk" during practice and we didn't want to have to go through that again" semi said shuddering "why did they decided to give it to him today anyway?" shirabu questioned "they found out he has a boyfriend" semi said and shirabu showed the smallest hint of shock before returning to his resting bitch face.

"Well now that that's done let's got on with the practice match and then you can all spend the rest of the day with kurasuno,aoba johsais" coach said and everyone cheered I had asked the setters to watch haru while I played.

In the end kurasuno won and right after haru jumped on me with as much energy as hinata. "Mama that was so cool!" he said got off of me, I stood up and Oikawa came up to us "uncle Oikawa that serve was amazing too!" he said with a spark in his eyes. "Well I can defiantly see the resemblance between your personalities" suga pointed out And we all laughed a bit then went to get changed and hang out a bit.

We were all walking to ukais store for meat buns it was a friday so I asked if anyone wanted to stay the night at my place and everyone agreed so after meat buns we all walked to my house.

When we arrived I unlocked the door and we all walked into the nice living room. I saw a note on the fridge and went I grab it, it read

Dear tobio

I have some work to finish so I will be spending the night at my boyfriends place I left some money on the table you can order whatever you and haru want for dinner or just have leftovers your choice goodnight love you

From miwa

Once I finished reading the note I texted my sister

Kageyama siblings privet chat

Tobio: hi sis I have my friends over today they came to visit haru and we decided to make it a sleepover

Miwa: ok sure just don't mess the place up and don't break anything ok?

Tobio: I know thx sis

Miwa: np lil bro

I turn off my phone and ask everyone what kind on pizza they want,there a many different answers so I'm the end we just decided to do one cheese pizza and one pepperoni one.

I order the pizza and go into the living room to see everyone playing with haru, I smile at this cause haru was really shy with the kids at his daycare and didn't like talking to new people but he got along with everyone just fine. "Mama can we call papa?" haru asks and I say "sure" then go to my room to grab my laptop.

I set up the laptop and call Atsumu who of course picks up right away, "hi babe hi kiddo" atsumu says then Osamu comes into the screen "oh hi tobio and hello squirt" he says to us.
Atsumu had already explained everything to his family who were more then happy to have haru as a new member of their family which was relieving.

"Hi papa hi uncle samu, look mamas family came over for a sleepover today" haru says and moves away to show everyone

"Oh Hi everyone" Atsumu says and waves at them, "hi miya Chan how are you?" oikawa asks "I'm good I was just looking for a part time job" He says". "Oh if your looking for a part time job I would suggest look for one that relates to the career you wan to have in the future" sugawara says

"Well i want to become a professional volleyball player and there is an opening at a sports store so maybe I will apply there" Atsumu says and I say " That's a great idea babe" "thanks hon" he says back then we hear someone call his name in the background. "I gotta go I am helping my mom with dinner tonight bye everyone" he says and we all say bye before cutting the phone.

After we eat I check the time and see it's 8pm "ok haru it's time for bed" I say standing up "but I don't wanna" he says and pouts I swear he is becoming more and more like Atsumu everyday.

"I wanna play more please mama" he says giving me puppy eyes "you know that only works on your dad right?" I say "come on haru you can play more in the morning" I say and he sighs in defeat "Ok but can all of you read me a story tonight?" he asks and I look at everyone to see if they're ok with it "sure" semi San says and we all get up and go to haru s room to put him to bed.

After I change haru and put him in his bed I ask him which story he wants to read "we played a fun game today where one person starts the story and everyone continues it it was so much fun can you do that?" he asks "sure" I reply and begin the story

"Long ago in a small cottage lived a nice old lady with 3 children" I say then point to Suga telling him to continue "the children were all boys one named Alexander one named aronn and one named Hercules" Suga said then pointed to Oikawa "all the boys had a unique gift, Alexander was given the gift of knowledge Hercules was given the gift of strength and aronn was given the gift of deception" he said then pointed to shirabu "one day the three sons went out to pick some berries for the old lady but when they returned they found she had become sick" shirabu said and pointed to yahaba "the three boys needed to find some medicine but they were very poor so they couldn't afford any" yahaba said and pointed to moniwa

"so instead they hatched a plan to get the medication for the old lady" moniwa said and pointed to semi "Alexander being the smartest made the perfect plan to get the medication that would defiantly work" he said and pointed to konegawa "at the time the fastest way to earn money was by arm wrestling but since they were to young to enter they would have aronn trick the workers into letting Hercules participate" he said then pointed back to me " with every match Hercules won they would get more money the harder the match the more money they got" I say and point to Kenma a "they all agreed to the plan and got started by going to the arm wrestling area" he said and pointed to Akaashi "Hercules won many matches and they bought the medication for the old lady" he said then pointed to Suga "the old lady got better in time and they all lived happily ever after" he said and when we looked back at haru he was sound asleep.

We all went back to the living area and decided to just go to sleep so after we cleaned up and they set their futons down we all went to sleep.

A/N it's finally done after so long TwT I'm so sorry this took so long I have been busy so....anyway thank you for reading

Bye have a wonderful day

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