Because Why me?

By Trinniprincess

1.5K 105 38

when keyri's father gets a promotion in bradford it forces her and her family to move from london to bradford... More

The Boy Next Door
Waking up
First day
Beautiful Monster
Many Questions
Café chaos
Little White Paper
Caught your Eye
Not an update

Hey Beautiful

55 4 1
By Trinniprincess


Fair warning its been awhile since I last updated so sorry if it is a crappy chapter ok hope you enjoy

Keyri P.O.V




My alarm went. I opened my eyes and saw the time was 5:45. Wait 5:54, WHY IS MY ALARM WAKING ME UP AT 5:45. My mom must have set it to that time so i wont be late to school. I turned off the alarm clock, I got up and went to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and took a shower, After I got out I put on my undergarments. Then my black joggers, purple shirt with black long sleeves. I put on my purple uggs and my JCB perfume, then side braided my hair. You know the usual.

I grabbed my phone and went down downstairs. No one was down stairs. I looked at the time on my phone 6:15.

'O wow I only took 30 minutes.' I thought

Dad was at work, mom must still be asleep, and Tobi I think might be get ready for school I don't know.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some frying pans. I decided I would make breakfast. I went into the fridge and grabbed eggs, bacon, pancakes and juices.

I put the eggs in one pan, bacon in one, pancakes in another and started cooking. Soon the house was fulled with the beautiful aroma of food. I grabbed some glasses out of the cabinets and filled them with orange juice and apple juice.

I went to the table and plated them for three people. I started eating when I heard Tobi and mom coming down stairs.

"Oh sweetheart did you do all this?" She asked me all surprised looking at the food.

"yes mum" i said with a smile.

she came over to me and hugged me then said "thank you." Sweetly.

They sat down at the table with me and we all ate until it was time for us to go to school. I looked at the time and saw it was 7:39.

"Ok tobi its time to go." I said standing from the table picking up my plate and walking towards the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my jacket and backpack, tobi did the same.

"Ok bye mum love you." I said

"Bye,love you." Tobi said

"Ok bye my darlings love you too have a good day at school." My mum replied as we walked out the door.

We started walking to school when we heard that same roar of a motorcycle engine aproch us. I kept walking and looking forward, but then his motor cycle stopped in front of me. Really?!?

There in front of me was Zayn.

"Hey beautiful, you didnt call me last night." He said with a smirk.

"Hm. Yeah and?" I asked a little cocky.

He smirked a little harder. "Well feisty again this morning huh?".

"Well i was just wondering why you didnt call and get a real show instead off getting a little show last night." He said cockily.

I started blush but then I covered it up and acting like what he said didnt phase me.

"No I wasn't getting a show I was just trying to figure out why you were sneaking into your own house?"I said.

"Well that's on a need to know basis beautiful" He repiled.

"Ok? Well A that make no sense and B don't call me beautiful, Malik" I said a little annoyed.

"Well don't call me Malik." He said so childish.

"Well thats you name." I said.

"Well that's what you are." He said.

I was taken back alittle did he just said i was beautiful? He smirked at my reaction.

"Ok see you at school....Beautiful." He said then drove away.

What the.......?

"Ooooooo keyris got a crush keyris got a crush" Tobi said in a childish tone.

"No I don't and shut up" I said punching Tobi's arm.

"Ouch" I heard him say.

What was that about? Maybe I do slightly have a thing for him.....but he is bad news so I'm going to stay away...I hope.


Hope u enjoyed sorry its been a while u just had some major writers block

But anyway






Thx guys love yah


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