A Million Miles Apart (Wish 4)

By pseudoannie

206K 12.6K 2.2K

(Complete) Sloane Calhoun built a career on her brains not her family name. When she meets her major crush... More

A Million Miles Apart
The Wish Series Family Tree
1 - Baseball
2 - Breach
3 - Meat
4 - A Wish
5 - Back in Boston
6 - An Invitation
7 - Whittled your way
8 - Excellent match
9 - Past stay in the past
10 - Tee off
11 - Dressed up
12 - Two minutes
13 - Gold digger
14 - Edward
15 - No shame
16 - Pipe dream
17 - Bad break
18 - A text
19 - Friends
20 - Dirt
21 - Macho pride
22 - Two left feet
23 - Favorite color
24 - Burgers
26 - Blue
27 - Trust
28 - Art
29 - Magic
30 - Wishes
31 - Deflect and evade
32 - An onion
33 - Missed calls
34 - Hot stove
35 - Trust me
36 - Wishes do come true
37 - Spring Training
38 - The Fountain
A Million Miles Apart

25 - Flames

4.6K 289 65
By pseudoannie

Ben had been less anxious for his first major league start. That was the jitters, but this was worse. Inviting Sloane to dinner had been a mistake, especially when he almost kissed her in the car. He had wanted to have sex with her since Tex tried, but kissing was different. He didn't have to like a woman to want sex. In the dark car lit only from the light by her door, he felt like he had the day Kimmy had knocked. The difference was neither of them were kids. If he started, he wasn't sure he'd be able to stop.

Spending an evening with her in a sexy dress might just kill him. He even suggested to Jett the two couples go together. Unfortunately, his best friend had an excuse about a new babysitter and needing to have their own car in case they had to leave early.

Hopefully she wasn't expecting a hired car. He didn't trust himself in the backseat with her and was safer driving. Ben checked the mirror one last time and cursed. It never occurred to him the cast would prevent him from tying his tie. Putting his tie in his pocket, he didn't want to be late.

He parked behind her house and approached her door. There were two doorbells, and he didn't know which she was. When Ted appeared, he knew he pressed the wrong one.

"Ben! I heard you were taking my sister out. Do I need to threaten you to treat her right?" Ben laughed nervously.

Ted pointed to the other door and Ben knocked. Thankfully, Ted disappeared behind his own door. When the door opened, she appeared like a vision. She was wearing a silver dress that glimmered in the light. His eyes swept the length of her, not lingering too long on the places the fabric clung to her curves.

She smiled. "Black tie typically means a tie."

He pulled his tie out of his pocket and dangled it in front of her. "I have a bum hand."

Sloane laughed as she took it from him and stepped closer. Her scent was intoxicating, and he rarely drank. Her fingers brushed his neck as she lifted his collar. She sent sensations straight to his groin, and he stiffened. To steady himself, he put his hand on her hip. The minute his eyes met hers, he felt her heat and moved his hand as her skin had scorched it.

Intent on her task, she didn't notice as he studied her face. She had on makeup, but it was natural and hardly noticeable. Angela had the tendency to cake it. Her lips were a pale color that made them even more inviting than in the dark car. He'd be lucky if he made it through the night without tasting them. As she turned his collar back, her knuckles brushed under his chin. He felt the heat rise in his checks as he felt her straighten the tie with a tug.

"No need to feel embarrassed. My father has my mother tie his all the time." She smiled and ran her hand over his shoulder. "Lint."

He cleared his throat, hoping it would clear his brain. "Ready."

She nodded and stepped away to get her bag. He froze when he saw the back of her dress. There was nothing but skin from her neck all the way down. Any lower and her butt would be showing. How could she be wearing underwear? He muted that pressing question. "Won't you be cold?"

She shook her head. "I have a wrap." She attempted to put it around her until he stepped forward and lifted it onto her shoulders. She smiled at him. "Thank you."

Why did he think he didn't like her? Ben was in danger of liking her too much. He followed her out and opened the car door for her. It reminded him of the morning when he watched her friend help her into the car. He offered her his hand.

"Have you been running?"

Did she remember too? He shook his head. "Doctor's orders, no running. They have banished me to the bike."

"I don't have time to work out, but when I do, I use the elliptical."

Now he had the image of her in short shorts. "And you play tennis."

She laughed. "My favorite partner has been on the other side of the world for years."

"This sounds like a story."

"Not really. I grew up with two other families and all the kids were close, like cousins. On one side was Sage, who is married to Mia's brother. On the other side were three brothers. The middle one and I made an impressive pair on the tennis court. I haven't seen him since before he finished college and went to Africa to teach. So tennis hasn't been fun without Jonathan. My sister and I play occasionally."

"Did you date him?" Why did he ask? It wasn't his business.

"Does holding hands at thirteen count? I dated someone else in high school. What about you? You must have had girls fighting over you."

"I dated a few girls, but my focus was always on the game." The one girl he loved, he never dated.

He pulled up in front of the hotel for valet parking. The parking attendant recognized him. He handed him his ticket. "Here you go, Mr. Lynch."

"Relax, kid. Just take care of my car."

"Sure thing, Benjy."

Sloane whispered as they walked away. "Another crazy fan."

He smiled and went to put his hand on the small of her back, but remembered it was skin. He pulled it back and made a fist. Spying his sister across the room, he relaxed his hand and pointed. She nodded and together they walked toward the other couple.

"Oh my God! Sloane, you look amazing! Doesn't she, Benjy?"

He nodded at his sister, not trusting his voice. Jett slapped him on his back and leaned into him. "You are a lucky man. Don't blow it."

Blow what? What was it he wanted? Did he want the thing he had the chance of screwing up? She glowed as she talked and laughed with Kenzie, who had never been more than polite to Angela. Standing with Jett, they drew the attention of the other guests and began to mingle with fans.

He never understood why people liked to touch him. Sloane never did. He was the one who grabbed her arm too tightly, and shook on their friendship, and held her hand at dinner. Her first unexpected touch was when she brushed the piece of lint off of his jacket.

He called her crazy, but she never asked him for anything, not even her hamburger. She even agreed to be his date and taught him to dance. He looked toward her and Kenzie, who were still sitting. Kenzie was talking, but Sloane's eyes were on him. If she liked him as a player, did that mean she liked him as a person — a man?

She smiled when their eyes met, which caught Kenzie's attention. She looked at him as she whispered in Sloane's ear. Whatever she said, Sloane was shaking her head. He mumbled his excuse to the group surrounding him and walked toward his date.

Just as he arrived at the table, he directed his attention to his sister. "What are you whispering about Kenzie?"

"Nothing." He knew when his sister was lying.

After sitting down next to Sloane, he turned to the women. "Sorry, we abandoned you. Why do people like to touch us?"

Sloane smiled. "And you call me crazy?"

"Maybe I misjudged you a little."

Kenzie cleared her throat. "A little!"

"Fine. A lot, but I have apologized and groveled."

"Did he grovel, and I missed it?" Kenzie looked at Sloane, who nodded.

"Kenze, are you causing trouble?" Jett sat down next to his wife.

"No, not me." She smiled innocently at her husband.

The servers carried large trays of salad, changing the focus away from him. The meal was enjoyable with two other couples, who were well to do enough to respect his and Jett's privacy. Kenzie carried the conversation as they discussed children. He and Sloane passed sideways glances as if sharing a private joke. She was easy to be around. With her, he didn't have to worry she might embarrass him. He cringed, remembering Angela telling the reporter they were engaged.

The opening of the silent auction and dancing followed dinner. He leaned into Sloane. "Do you want to view the auction?"

She smiled. "I brought a check."

It didn't surprise him she would want to contribute to the cause. "Let's hope we don't want the same item."

She winked. "I let you have the condo."

"I gave you a signed picture, so don't waste your money on my donations."

"Is there a signed picture of Jett?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

She laughed and bumped up against him. He felt fire where her breast grazed his arm. He was afraid when it was time to dance, he'd burst into flames.

This is for  Lissasysnop who asked to see her dress.  It is previewed in The Wish Series Video which is hiding at the end of The Boy of Summer.  It would make a good cover.

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