Samurai |BNHA|

By akatsukislut

249K 13K 5.7K

Book II of Heroes Don't Exist "It's as they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself b... More

Susanoo Storage
Bonus Chapter
I'm Fine! [1]
Cant We All Just Get Along [2]
I promise [3]
In due Time [4]
A date [5]
Story Time [7]
Heroes Come Home [8]
Past-tense [10]
Apocalypse [11]
Ronin [12]
Dread [13]
Meeting [14]
Hero you Deserve [15]
Yakuza Raid [16]
First Step into Darkness [17]
Fucked up big time [18]
Soul Snare [19]
Gomen, Izanami [20]
Revelation [21]
Bring her Back... [22]
Shoto & Bakugou Vs Izanami [23]
Stage 4: HeartBreak [24]
Madness [25]
Villain [26]
Welcome to the Darkside [27]
Aftermath [28]
School Festival [29]
A Promise [30]
What I deserve [31]
Cutting Ties [32]
Endeavor [33]
Flaming trash [34]
A mission [35]
Suicide Forest [36]
Kirishima? [37]
Ronin vs She-Devil [38]
What the fuck is going on?! [39]
Crossover [40]
Parallel Worlds [41]
Farewell [42]
Mission: JailBreak [43]
Yep thats me [44]
All for One [45]
Confrontation [46]
Return [47]
Murderer! [48]
Seppuku [49]
Tell me [50]
You... [52]
Civil War [53]
Purgatory [54]
Todoroki brothers [55]
A mothers love...[56]
You've come far...[57]
Susanoo Smash [58]
Not Ok [59]
The End [60]
Time Skip
Time Skip II

Trial [51]

2.1K 130 37
By akatsukislut


"Let us begin."

Nezu started from his position at the lead podium causing everyone except for the defense to sit down. "Izanami Shi against Musutafu."

I looked over my shoulder briefly at the people whom had came to witness the trial. It was a private trial that didn't include many like the usual. Behind me was Aizawa and a few civilian representatives from each district in Musutafu as well as a few others like All Might. Majority of the actual heroes were hunting the other escapees and I couldn't hope but wonder if Dabi had made it out safe. I need to speak with him soon...

Nezu took a deep breath upon analyzing the files in front of him and offered me an apologetic look as the lead judge but I merely nodded. As hurt as I still was by how he had treated me lately, I still had to respect that he was only doing his job just as I had done mine.
This trial was inevitable as long as I existed and I knew it would come sooner or later. I just didn't think it would come at the wrong time... A war was approaching and everyone was to focused on giving me shit to see it.

"Musutafu." Nezu urged the civilian representative to the right of me to speak.

"Izanami Shi, a former well known rising hero whom betrayed hero society to apparently go undercover in the notorious villain organization, the league of villains on behalf of the hero administration's orders." The citizen paused, "Now we get it, it's the same as when the police department may send a cop to go undercover in a gang? However, being a small time undercover drug dealer and becoming an actual villain are two separate things. Izanami Shi has commited several unanswered felonies during her time undercover as the villain Ronin. Hundreds of criminals and villains get sent to Tartarus for much lesser crimes. She's broken out of Tartarus twice yet is still allows to roam free? The public demands justice! The administration must take responsibility and punish that girl once and for all!"

I remained silent, listening to the harsh comments and criticism from the other civilian representatives. "Miss Shi, how do you plead?" Nezu inquired.

"With all due respect, Your honor" I started sarcastically with a hint of annoyance towards the lead civilian rep. "The accusations made against me are very much over exaggerated. "I didn't just go around committing felonies without reason. I've stated before that anything I've ever did in the league was for the sake of my mission. In order to infiltrate the league of villains, I had to become a villain. I had no choice. How can you expect me to be a bad guy yet judge me when I do bad guy things."

"Even so, a criminal is still a criminal whether you're acting or not. Izanami Shi's mission was to infiltrate the league of villains not the Shie Hissaikai, another criminal organization!"

"In order to gain Shigaraki's trust I had to infiltrate the Shie Hissaikai and give him Overhaul. Shigaraki wanted to take down Overhaul just as badly as the heroes did, I saw it as hitting two birds with one stone." I countered.

"If that's the case why did you abduct the little girl?" The representative interrogated.

Because she's actually my sister and my mother was just using me to get to Eri.

"I needed to deliver Overhaul to Shigaraki without making him suspicious. Taking Eri was the only way to get him to lower his guard. Besides, I needed Eri to heal me with her quirk as I had gotten a near fatal injury during the raid. If I had not taken Eri and intervened, Nighteyes prophet would've came true and Overhaul would've escaped with Eri, killing
one of my classmates in the process. If I hadn't taken Eri, trust she would not have fallen into the heroes hands. If I truly wanted to harm the girl let alone anyone, she would've long been in the leagues hands and atleast half the people  in this room would be dead."

The civilian representative fumed causing me to cast the arrogant man a smirk as the administration looked at one another. 

"This is outrageous, just because you have that stupid hero label doesn't make you immune to justice! Has the administration forgotten that because of her, Musutafu is on 24 hour lock down whilst a bunch of other cold blooded murderers and criminals roam the city. Hell, with her record, she might as well be one of them, oh yeah...I forgot, SHE IS! Not only is she and the villain Dabi responsible for the recent jail break, last I checked, wasn't she Musutafu's most wanted jail escapee. If you can't even handle and keep your own heroes in check, I can't imagine allowing the public to give you the authority to handle the League of Villains! The administration was conceived with the purpose so that way society could be a better place, but so far it's gotten worse!"

It would've been worse if All for One had escaped.

"Enough." An Nezu silenced the civilian. "I understand your concern for the security of Musutafu and the administration is doing everything in its power to return things back to the way they were. The administration takes full responsibility for the actions of Izanami Shi and is willing to come to some sort of compromise. That being said," His beady eyes came in contact with mine for a split second before an apologetic look graced his features.
"What would you have us do..."

"Nezu?!" My breath hitched in shock at his betrayal. My eyes were wide before I masked my anger and hurt.

"Ever since All Mughts retirement, villains from every corner have come to the light and with the recent outbreak, there are rumors of some of the escapees gathering together for something big. Even if the supervillain All for One is dead, the league of villains is still at large! Who knows what they're planning now that half their members are free!"

"You wanna know what the villains are fucking planning?!" I interrupted, all of the attention now on me. My eyes snapped to the administration member I had talked to at the station. "You said you wanted to talk about this later, right? So let's talk about it." I inhaled a large breath, marching toward the center of the room and turning to face everyone with a glare.

"A war is coming. A war different from any other society has ever seen."

Whispers echoed throughout the room.
"L-lies, how do we even know you're telling the truth?!" A civilian representative commented. However, I kept my gaze solely on the administration on Nezu.

"At the end of spring, that's when the league will strike," I cast my gaze down in despair,"You have to prepare them, everyone must be ready."

"And do you have evidence?" An administration member spoke up with a stern tone causing my brows to furrow in slight frustration. "Evidence? Shouldn't my word be enough?!" I hissed. 

"Miss Shi, you do realize that you are speculating war? If news of a war that may or my not happen were to get out to the public, society would be thrown into chaos." Another administration member spoke up.

"And it still doesn't answer the question as to if you have anything that can back up this wild theory of a war? Japan hasn't had a war on such a scale since Hiroshima?! I mean come on, a war between heroes and villains? There are more heroes than villains, where would the league get the manpower, the technology? Shigaraki has proven himself to be nothing but an impulsive man child, he'd be foolish to pick a fight with us."

"I...I don't understand, what was the point of me going undercover in the league to get intel if you lot aren't even gonna listen to what I have to say! Do you seriously think that the league isn't gonna take this prison break to their advantage?!"

"Yes, the prison break that you and your no good partner in crime Dabi caused."  The representative inquired causing me to clench my fists in anger.

"So what are you just gonna fucking ignore this?! Are you seriously idiotic enough to think that Shigaraki's just gonna stay in hiding forever? Now that All for One and All Might are both gone, he's the only one next in fucking like to become the Symbol of Evil with no one capable enough to stop him. By the end of spring, he will have All for One, you can't let that happen!"

"And we won't. Trust that the administration has taken your intel into account and we have already made plans to handle the league once and for all. We will strike them before they strike us, preventing this war you speak of and ensuring the safety of every citizen in Japan."

The administration member nodded in reassurance toward the civilian representatives whom had a concerned look causing me to give the council an incredulous look. My gaze switched to Nezu and I gave him a pleading look, hoping just this once he'd listen to me.

"Nezu...please I've never asked you for anything but just this once could you please just listen to me!? This war is inevitable, you shouldn't be wasting your time and resources trying to prevent it, you need to prepare to face it!" I begged causing his brows to furrow in conflict as he looked from me to his fellow council members.

"There is no war. The administration will not allow it. I understand you are her caretaker Nezu but you can not make an exception for her. Are you going to take the advise of and impudent child over your closest colleagues."
A member countered.

"Yeah, just for us to end up going on lockdown and evacuating to only find out this war is just some crazy conspiracy?!" The representative added.

"Whether it's villain or hero, it is the hero administration's job to make sure people do not abuse their power and do as they please. People like her! You can't just let her roam free without an repercussions for her  former unnecessary actions. An example needs to be made." Another representative added causing my heart to wrench as Nezu seemed at war with himself.

"Specs..." I whispered, catching his attention.
"If not for me...then for U.A...for them...class A is in have to prepare them...everyone..."

Nezu was silent for a moment in thought before shutting his eyes briefly, a stern mask etching into his features. "I've come to a decision that will compromise both sides." He called out, causing the tension in the room to thicken. "On account of our informant Izanami Shi's intel, the students at U.A will be returning back to their workstudies for the proper training and preparation they need. Musutafu will also go under 24 hour surveillance whilst the heroes hunt down the escapees. Civilians will have a curfew and refugee shelters will be constructed in the worse case scenario. As for Izanami Shi, despite your mission, we can not let your crimes pass without some sort of consequence. However, we acknowledge that if it had not been for you, we would not have known of the leagues plans. The only thing I do wish is that I had been informed earlier of your involvement so that all of this could've been avoided but it can not be helped. My colleagues will be admonished for placing someone of your age in this predicament but for now, I am fully responsible for what is to be done with you..." Nezu sighed, giving me an apologetic look that made my heart fall to my feet.


"In order to appease the will do imprisonment until this war you speak of is won..."

"No..." I whispered in horror as Wraiths words resurfaced.

"At the end of the day, It doesn't matter what side you're on. You can win a battle but still lose the war. When all is said and done, everything will bottle down to one decision. A decision BOTH of you will have to make in order to determine who will win. My Izanami made the wrong decision...and she paid the price, society paid the price. This war can not be won without either of you but can also be lost with you. In the end, it's up to you."

I took a step toward the council but stiffened as  capture tape ensnared me and I'm forced to my knees with my hands behind my back.
"Please, Izanami...for your sake, don't fight."  Aizawa advised with an apologetic tone, his eyes activated and glowing, preventing me from using my powers.

"If I don't fight you all will die! You can't win this war without me!" I cried out but they wouldn't listen to me.

Why...why won't they listen...

"Coming from the one who started it." The civilian rep scoffed causing my glare to snap towards him but I shifted my attention back to the administration.

"If this war starts in 6 months time, we will end it the moment it starts.  In that case, your sentence should last around 6 months but due to your...history with Tartarus, it is clear that sending you there is pointless. So it pains me to send you to the place that was specifically created to hold the Reaper...your father..."

Gomen...Izanami... Nezu offered his most sincerest apology, feeling his heart constrict we what he was about to do was the most hardest thing he had ever done in his entire life. In all my years, I never thought I'd have to send her there...


Damn, I can't believe they're gonna lock our good sis up AGAIN but it seems she's getting sent to a different place created for her father. Talk about following in her dads footsteps. Thoughts on what Nezu did? I kind of feel bad for Nezu cause he's in a bad position. Nezu wasn't even involved with accepting Asuna's proposal for her to go undercover. Nezu runs U.A so he's not there at every waking moment. Anyways thoughts? What do you think is gonna happen? I wonder what purgatory is? Find out in the next chapter as the Civil was approaches!

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