(Abused and Neglected)Uchiha...

By SupremeUchiha

110K 895 751

An Uchiha in Remnant, the son of ????, found and adopted by the Rose, Xiao long, and Branwen family. More

The Birth of Hatred
Updated Bio
Welcome to Beacon
Never Change
Know Pain
New Story
A Curse or A Blessing
Curse Mark Awakening
Curse Mark Awakening Pt. 2
Full Power of The Curse? And Meeting Someone New
Menma Bio
Flash Back Part 1
Fall Aftermath
Onto The Rest
Friend or Foe?
Old Rivals
Accepting Myself
Flash Back Part 2
I Am Sorry
The New Book
New Comers
Quick Update

Safe With Me

2.9K 30 14
By SupremeUchiha

As Y/n and his team went to the infirmary to get Simon, Ozpin informed the teachers of their absence and they understood, so they let them go. When they walked in they saw him awake eating food.

Simon: "Oh hi." He said happily as he saw Y/n and his team.

Killua: "So how are you feeling Simon?" He asked as he walked to him.

Simon: "Fine mister uhh."

Killua: "It's Killua, just call me Killua, and this is Menma." He said as he pointed to the black haired male. "And as you already know this is Y/n." He pointed to the other male who waved.

Time Skip

As team (Team Name) was walking through Beacon, they was laughing at how Simon reacted to the academy, how big it was and how it was amazing. It was now lunch time and they were all hungry.

Y/n: "Simon are you hungry?" He asked as the kid shook his head.

Simon: "Yeah, maybe next could you guys show me at how strong you are and teach me how to be strong just like you guys." The team looked at each other and shrugged.

Menma: "I mean I guess we do have Prof. Goodwitch class next, so we could go there next and show him." Y/n and Killua nodded.

As they headed off people were starring at Simon making him uncomfortable as he became closer to Y/n.

Y/n: "Alright Simon, just come up and get the food you want." He said as the child came up and amazed at how the food look compared to the food he was used to be fed.

When they got there food and sat down, team Jnpr came to their table.

Jaune: "Sup guy's, who is the little guy?" He asked pointing to child.

Menma: "Wait you don't know Killua, our team leader." He said as Killua got annoyed making them laugh.

Killua: "I'm not that short." He said.

Y/n: "His name is Simon, he's staying with us." He said as Nora picked him up.

Nora: "Aww he is so cute, we are going to be the best of friends." She said as she was swinging him around.

Ren: "Nora stop your going to make him sick." He told her as she stopped.

Pyrrah: "Why is he staying with you, did something happen?" She asked as the fox child became saddened.

Y/n: "It's better to not talk about it." He said as the other team understood.

Jaune: "Well will see you guy's later." They then left.

Weiss: "Hey Y/n can I talk to you for a second?" She asked as she walked up to him.

He nodded his head and followed her outside of the lunch room.

Weiss: "So about you and Ruby and Yang, they keep talking about you, about how they can find away to get you to forgive them, so tell me as they're teammates why do they want you to forgive them?" Y/n turned away from her.

Y/n: "As a team it's always good to have good chemistry, so when it comes to serious situations you could trust them, but given it to the wrong person it can end bad, so it's best to not talk about it, for the sake of you and your teams lives." He said as he began to go back inside.

Weiss: "Wait can you at least talk to them?" He stopped and thought about it.

Y/n: "I'll think about it later." He said as he left her.

When she sat back with her team, Ruby and Yang rushed to her.

Ruby: "So what did he say?" She asked curiously.

Weiss: "He said that he'll think about it." She said while pushing her away.

Time Skip

As they were in Goodwitch class, Simon was amazed at how the students were fighting, how they used their semblance, and their weapons.

Simon: "Hey can you guy's show me how you fight?"

Y/n: "Sure."

Simon: "How about you and Menma, that would awesome right?" He said as Killua thought of an idea.

Killua: "Yeah it would be awesome, right guys?" Menma than face palm.

Menma: "Fine it's just a sparring match, let's just wait until they are done."

As the match was done Glynda asked the students who liked to have a match.

Menma: "I would... with Y/n." He said as the class started whispering to each other.

Glynda: "Fine, come to arena." She said as they walked on the arena.

As the room darken a bit and light shine on the two Uchiha that was standing across from each other with their eyes closed waiting for the match to start.


They both opened their eyes with the sharingan activated as they bolted towards each other and connected in the air at the same time.

When they landed, Y/n was trying to hit him but he was dodging all of Y/n attacks. Menma countered by side stepping and punching him in the stomach sending back a little. Y/n quickly recovered and dashed toward him with a couple clones. As each clone was attacking Menma, Y/n sent a fireball his way. He tried to fire one back but he was to late, as the fireball hit him and exploded, creating a smoke screen. Menma then ran out of the smoke and hit   Y/n with his hand covered in a black cloak with claws. As Y/n was recovering and Menma trying to gain some stamina, they stood there deciding the next move.

Y/n: "Let's finish this." He said as he charge his chidori.

Menma: "Yeah." He said as he charge his dark ball.

They leaped towards each other and was about to connect but Glynda redirects them to the wall with her semblance.

The class: "Aww." They said in disappointment.

Glynda: "Are you two trying to destroy half the school!" They yelled at the two boys as they are trying to recover.

Y/n had his hand stuck in the wall as Menma was laying by the massive hole in the wall.

Y/n: "Sorry won't happen again." He said as Glynda pulled him out the wall and fixed the damage they caused.

You're right it wont happen again muhahahaha. Or will it. You all will see why in the next two chapters.

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