Be my quarantine (Tristan Bla...

By Aimee0274

13.3K 401 29

The world suddenly plummeted into lockdown due to a pandemic known as the coronavirus or COVID-19. The only f... More

The start of something new
New Beginnings
1st YouTube video
POV ideas
Day in the life
Chill day
POV News
Graduation Day
Love and Hate Released
Exciting moves
Life in Dream LA
24 Hour Live
Hide and Seek
Life in Dream LA 2
Dream LA Prom 2020
New York Surprice
NYC then back to LA
Birthday Fun
Life in Dream LA 3

Moving Day

488 18 2
By Aimee0274

It was hard to keep it from the fans but it was finally moving day for me. I had everything packed and I just needed to put it in my jeep. I woke up at 9 and got dressed and put my make-up on. I loaded up my jeep and was ready to go at 11.

"Hey, when are you going to be here?" Tristan texted me at that very moment

"be there in 20 :)," I replied

"cool can't wait. See u in 20." He replied

I hugged my parent's goodbye and then I hit the road. 20 minutes later I pulled up outside of the house. It was so much bigger in person. I turned my engine off and got out. I noticed Tristan was already at the door. He ran to me smiling and I smiled too. We engulfed each other in a big hug. We pulled away and just looked at each other smiling.

"so cute," Chris said

We both come out of our world and turned to them all stood at the door. They all came out and hugged me and said hi.

"I can't believe we finally get to meet," Tristan said

"I know and I'm actually moving into the house. This is crazy." I replied

"you haven't seen crazy yet," Zach said

"I know and I'm looking forward to it," I replied smiling

"well welcome Beth. Tristan why don't you show her around the house and me and the others will start bringing your stuff in." Zach said

"yeah ok," Tristan replied

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We chatted and he showed me each room. I was given the top bunk in Darius, Chris and Bryan's room. Tristan was sad I couldn't be in the same room as him but we were ok with it.

After he had shown me about, we helped grabbed the final couple of boxes from my jeep and went in. Tristan helped me unpack my stuff. We chatted as we worked. They had cleared space in the closet for my clothes and I had some deck space for some stuff and some draws. We made my bed and after 1 hour had unpacked all my stuff.

We then all had some food and chatted all the boys wanting to get to know me. We made TikTok's and some of them had zoom calls and then it was time to go live. They had told the fans that a new member was joining today. I sat on the island in the kitchen talking to Heidi as they started their live. They had a seat for me between Tristan and Chris with my phone waiting to go live. 15 minutes into the live and it was finally time to introduce me to Dream LA.

"ok everyone it's finally time to introduce our new member. Some of you may already know her but for those who don't she has become a close friend to one of the guys and we are happy to have her join Dream LA. So, may I introduce you all to Beth prince." Zach said

I walked out onto the main floor and said hi to all of the live. Tristan had started my live so I went and sat down next to him.

"Hi everyone. So, this is my surprise I was keeping from you all. I have become part of Dream LA." I said to my live

All the boys dropped me @ in their chats and people started following me and joining my live.

"Hi everyone. I'm Beth and the friend Zach were talking about for the people that don't know is Tristan." I said

I went and said hi and posed for screenshots with everyone and we had a new group family picture for the fans. We went back to our own lives and then

"switch," Zach shouted

I went to Tristan's live and said hi. I chatted and then we switched again and I was on Dayne's live. I was then on Darius' live. Then it was my turn in the skybox

"and welcome our new girl to the house, Beth," Zach said

"hi everyone. If you're from Tristan account you probably already know me." I said

"how you feeling Beth," Zach asked me

"I'm great, so happy to be here and grow my TikTok more," I said

"am I dating one of the guys. No, I'm not but I am best friends with Tristan." I replied

"my favourite colour is green," I said

I danced in the skybox and then

"switch," Zach shouted

"bye guys," I said and went downstairs to Bryan's live. I then went to Tyler's and Chris' and then I was finally back at mine. I danced with Tristan and had so much more fun being there and live than I did being in my room.

"ok guys this is the last song on the evening. There will be a special vibe room on Beth's live with Tristan." Zach shouted

We left and went to my room and I set up my phone. Tristan said bye to his live and told everyone to go to mine. I put some music on and Tristan came and sat next to me. We answered some questions and I reached 1k on live which was crazy. We played never have I ever and answered questions for an extra 45 minutes and then I decided it was probably time we got off. I ended the live and just sight

"Wow, that was crazy," I said

"yeah, but fun right," Tristan replied

"yeah definitely. Bring on tomorrow." I said

"yep." He replied

We went and joined the others and watched some tv. We then all went off to bed. I was so shattered from the day that I was out like a light in my bunk. 

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