You Decorated My Universe (St...

By toybonnicaFNAF

9.8K 327 103

Steven feels his life is just an ordinary until one night where everything changed. During the celebration of... More

You Decorated My Universe Playlist


587 23 4
By toybonnicaFNAF

I walked over to them, unready of what to say. My hands shivered in uneasiness as my body chilled to the bone. Connie has no idea that I'd be coming here at Jayhawk. How is she going to react? Commonly, a sudden surprise would be a high probability. What about the other one? Perhaps a dubious look, questioning who I am.

I made the first impression. "Hey, Connie."

She rapidly turned to look at me with her brow furrowed. Her expression shifted into a blankly surprised one, along with an open empty-worded mouth. "Steven! What are you doing here?"

Huh, I wasn't expecting that greeting from her. I thought she would be joyfully happy to see me, but no. She did it in a curiously odd way as if I suddenly came out of nowhere like she didn't want me to be here. "What, you don't wanna see me?"

"No, it's just you gave me a surprise. I didn't know you're gonna be here."

"The restaurant's closed for the day because my boss has gone out for a vacation in Nebraska," I told her as I held her hands. "So I decided to visit you here. I've missed you, Connie. I've been trying to reach you, but you weren't answering."

"Oh, about that," she pulled out her hands off of mine. She unzipped her bag and pulled out a brand new phone she's using. "I needed to get a new phone because I accidentally dropped it on top of the building. Plus, I barely use my phone because we were rushing to finish the thesis. Luckily, it's done and already submitted to our professor a few days ago."

"Is that so?" I said, tucking my lips as I looked to the side. "I was just, you know, worried that you haven't responded to my texts and calls."

She apologized. Later on, she gave me her new phone number.

The guy—Charlie—looked at me obliviously, peering behind Connie. Connie took a step back to pull Charlie to introduce himself.

Connie said, "Steven, this is Charlie, my co-partner and one of my friends here in Jayhawk." She turned her head to face Charlie. "Charlie, this is Steven, my boyfriend."

Charlie reached his hand for a handshake. He plastered a soft smile on his face as a warm and formal introduction. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I reached out my hand as well to shake his hand.

He checked his watch. "Hey, Connie, I have to get something from the library. I'll be right back."

"Okay, see you later."

Charlie left as soon as Connie replied.

Connie and I took a walkabout the Quadrangle, looking at students playing football, reading books in the grass, throwing disks, playing songs with a guitar, and so on. Watching them is so calming, at least for me. I never got to do that when I started working, plus, who am I going to play with? Pretty much, everybody surrounding my house is full of elders ages eighteen and above. It's pretty boring.

Connie opened a topic, "So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

Thankfully, she decided to talk about our last conversation. I've been eager to tell her regarding Pink being separated from me. "Oh, yeah. Glad you reminded me about it. Don't freak out, okay?"

She nodded as her response.

I lifted my shirt and showed her my body. She couldn't believe her eyes to what she witnessed. Her eyes widened along with a gasp and her shoulders slightly lifted.

"Holy cow! Where's your gem?" She asked in a worrying tone.

"Back home."

She held both of my shoulders as we sat down on a bench beside us. "Are you alright? Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine. He healed me."

Her head tilted as she raised a brow, questioning the male person I'm pertaining. "He?"

"Pink Steven," I said. "He kinda' formed after he got out of my body."

"How did that happen?"

I brought down my shirt as I topped my leg on the other as I uttered how it happened. "Well, it was during my birthday at the Long Night Pub while we were playing Truth or Dare. The dare was to make out anybody of us. Turned out, Thomas chose me and suddenly kissed me. It kinda' activated unusually. Heat, that's how I felt—burning-like hotness in my insides as it shifts to different colors from time to time."

"That's odd. Your gem doesn't activate when we kissed most of the time."

I faced her, "That's what I kept saying to myself. How is it possible that a sudden kiss could have such an impact?"

"Did the gems knew about Pink Steven coming out of your gem?"

"Yeah, last week."

"How did they take the news?"

I fixed my posture. I looked down on the grass sticking between my toes. "They didn't take it very well at first. Garnet insisted that it's a sudden reaction from a sudden feeling I wasn't expecting, causing my gem to react in an unusual way. In most cases, gems poof themselves if they experience some extreme emotion, just like what happened to me. Although I didn't poof, it got out of my body.

"They rushed in just to see me, and they were shocked when they saw Pink in existence. I told them I'm okay," I then sighed, "I do want my gem back. I'm not sure how long the healing spit would last, I might feel sick again."

"Do you tried to fuse with him back?" She suggested.

"Huh, I can't believe I never thought of that before."

Why didn't I think about that in the first place? It's such an easy method I do back then and yet I managed to forget of using it. It's been such a long time since I've fused and I've slightly failed to recall how it works nowadays. Fusing with Pink would bring me back to normal. I just need Pink to participate in it.

Immediately after, an announcement from the Intercom has spoken that there is a class officer program meeting at the gymnasium, and Connie is one of the officers.

Connie stood up. "Well, I have to go. I have to attend a meeting. Text me when you get home."

"I will."

We both shared a warm embrace. I looked at her in the eyes and caressed her face. I was attempting to kiss her when Charlie called him from behind.

"Connie, we have to go."

She, instead, stroked my curly hair and plastered a smile on her face. "Take care."

"You too," I replied.

She picked up her bag and sprinted over to Charlie as they both headed toward the gymnasium. I observed his movements, still, 'cause I'm that kind of protective boyfriend. He wrapped his arm around Connie's shoulder as they somewhat giggled to a joke, perhaps, or something else I couldn't confidently guess what they're trying to talk about. My lips slightly curved down as I watched them. I have a slight nerve on this guy, he's getting into me.

I began walking in the opposite direction, where the exit is as I lead myself back to the Dondai. I started the engine and drove my way back to Overland Park.


I got home carrying some groceries I bought from the supermarket when I arrived in my hometown. Luckily, Pink was already in front of the door ready to assist me. He grabbed one of the paper bags from the car as he sprinted toward the front door to open it. I closed the door by kicking it shut.

Pink went over to me with a letter on his hand. "Steven, for you."

"Who is it from?" I asked.


Hmph, who could it be? I opened the letter and pulled out a bunch of pictures of Connie and Charlie. One of which is them having fun at what seemed to be a joyful birthday party. His hand wrapped around hers tugging her toward him. They must be having a great time. However, I'm pretty much concerned with how she looked at him with a blush on her cheeks. I switched it over to another picture where the two are both cuddling in public.

Part of me felt it's a salty betrayal, and the other says that Charlie's just being friendly. But I highly doubt my other presumption, I never thought that it would be this close. I mean, his head laid on top of her shoulder and their hands in the same pocket?

The last photo struck me hard, causing my chest to feel hollow. They were caught kissing in public. So that's why she hasn't contacted me in a month. My eyes narrowed as I scanned the picture. My hands clenched, couldn't control the overpowering reaction lingering in my mind and my heart.

I picked up my phone and decided to call her.

"Hey, Steven, how are you?" Connie spoke.

I twitched an eye as I gritted my teeth. "You said Charlie was your friend, right?"

"Well, yeah, what about it?"

"I just received a letter full of pictures of you and Charlie from an anonymous sender," my voice slightly intensified. "Is something going on between you two? Because by the looks of these photos, I assume that you do."

"What photos?"

"Connie, get to the point."

She sighed. "No, Charlie and I are just very good friends."

"Really? Well, how would you explain that you two have kissed in public? You, what, get carried away by a sudden attraction? "

Connie replied after a slight groan, "Sorta' like that."

I looked at the other direction with a messed-up look as I parted my phone away from my ear, but I stopped when she added, "It wasn't my intent, Steven, really; it just happened. I didn't like it, to be honest."

I didn't respond after she followed. What else is there to say? The evidence is already in my hands, and looking at it still crushes me emotionally.

"Steven, listen to me," she said. "Nothing happened between me and Charlie, I promise. That was a kiss I didn't plan at all; it was just an accident. Our bond just got even closer because we always hang out most of the time, especially during our thesis. But, that's all, we didn't go further after that. I know you're probably jealous of how he sticks to me all the time, but don't be. You know I wouldn't replace you."

"You mean it?"

"Yeah! Why would I, anyway? Besides, I've known him for like three months now, unlike when I met you. You were thirteen at the time and I was, like, eleven—the odds are already spread out in neon light."

I sighed, "One chance, I will give you another chance, Connie. One chance and it will be over. I mean it."

"Okay, Strawberry. Just stop the complete arrogance, it's making you ugly."

I giggled, finally, as I plastered a soft smile. "Fine."

I ended the phone call. I threw the photos on the trash can as I lead myself to my bedroom to get changed. She better assured me that it would happen again. I don't know what to do if I found out that she's lying again.



I peered at my bedroom window and Bernadette's house was crowded with people. My curiosity suddenly activated: why are there a lot of people? Did something happen to her?

A few people left carrying some of her old home supplies, some of which—the newcomers—have bills clutched to their hands. Is she hosting a junk sale? I got up and wore my jersey to cover my topless body. I wore my flip flops and decided to check it out for myself. I got closer to the crowded people and proven that my guess was right. She is, indeed, hosting a junk sale.

I greeted after an unexpected yawn, "Hey, Bernadette. How's it going?"

"Doing fine," replied she, looking at me with narrowed eyes for the sun was partially shunned her glasses. "I was about to throw these items from the attic that I do not use anymore and thought 'Hey, why not do a junk sale? That way I can still earn money.' So I decided to sell these and so far, it's been pretty good."

"That's good to hear." I glanced at her home appliances and supplies and back to her. "I'm gonna buy one of these just for you."

I got closer to search for something I would still find it useable. "Some of these appliances still work, right?"

She nodded. "A few of those are still new. I just forgot to use it for like a century now, but hey, old means gold."

I continued to search until I stumbled upon a large frame with a nice artistic painting, inspired by early artworks. It looked extremely fascinating to my naked eye like I could find it superb like Vincent Van Gogh's masterpieces. "I think I'm gonna pick this. It looks nice."

Good thing, my wallet is inside my jersey's pocket. I pulled it out and took out thirty dollars. I paid it to Bernadette as I smiled. "Keep the change."

"That's so nice of you! Thanks, Steven."

"Don't mention it. You're such a good help, anyway. Why not return the favor?" I lifted the painting and dragged it back to the house. I opened the door and decided to call Pink, but there was no response. I heard him fixing the plumbing in the bathroom, he might be busy.

"Pink, I got this lovely painting from Bernadette."

I grabbed the hammer and nail underneath the kitchen sink and started banging on the wall. I grabbed the painting as I hung and adjusted it afterward.

"That's should do it."

I took a step back when I suddenly tripped on Pink's foot. I placed both of my arms on his chest clinging to his shirt as he caught my back. I opened my eyes only to see his face close to mine. My face turned completely red as sweat ran down my chin. His eyes looked concerned as I could feel his soft breathing tingling my skin. I shivered for no reason whatsoever, my lips quivered in awkwardness as my knee calves weaken. He was leaning too close to me, so much so that I couldn't bear to exhale for he might smell my morning breath.

I couldn't stop blushing, why won't I stop? This moment makes me feel weird but undeniably nervous.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a soft worrying tone.

I stood up, but my knee calves still feel weak. "Y-Yeah...I'm fine."

We stared a short period, but his stare begged me not to stop looking at it, or maybe that's just my interpretation? I fumbled over my words, couldn't even try to talk straight, trying to ask if the sink is running greatly.

He nodded.

I nodded as well in an awkward way. I just entered the room and closed the door behind me. Still, I'm blushing and I couldn't understand why it's taking it too long for it to go away. I bit my lip as I slapped myself to come out of my fantasy.

Steven, you have work. Don't let his face consume you.

I made a sharp inhale and exhaled heavily as I made my way to the bathroom.

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