Kidnapped ♡ h.s

By narryshippings

230K 4.7K 3.5K

"He gets me the fifty grand, you can go home. If not, you're stuck here with me." EDITING ! Cover art by @Har... More

Before You Read ♡
Authors Note
Thirteen *
Twenty-Eight *
Forty-Two *


3.8K 105 127
By narryshippings


"Don't worry, love. That's only the start of the teasing." He winks before taking two of his fingers and making a "v" with them around his mouth before sliding his tongue slowly around them.

My breath catches in the back of my throat.

"Harry." I smack his hand away from his mouth as he laughs and walks off into the living room.

I sigh to myself and stare up at the ceiling.

Why, God, why?


As you can imagine, Harry has been cracking jokes at me for the past five days. In all of my seventeen years of living, I've never wanted to punch someone square in the mouth so badly. Although he's still got his attitude every now an then, he'll still find the time to embarrass me about the whole situation that happened of couple days ago.

He's done nothing but push my buttons. He acts like a 7th grader in the middle school whenever sex is brought up. Immature and obnoxious.

I could be minding my business, cleaning and doing chores and he'll come out of nowhere pulling a knock-knock joke on me. And they're not even good!

I can't lie and say I haven't considered having sexual relations with Harry, but it would be so wrong. First of all, he's my kidnapper and I'm not one to let myself catch Stockholm Syndrome. I refuse to let that happen, it literally would just not work. Usually I'm not one to catch feelings after hooking up with someone, but things happen. With Harry in the picture, who knows what could happen.

And who's to say that's something Harry would actually want with me? He seems like the one and done type of guy. A heartbreaker. Something I just want to avoid at all cost.

Eventually the boys caught on to Harry's jokes and why he was making them and now they won't stop teasing me about it. The amount of embarrassment that I feel daily should be illegal.

"Oh hey, Dawn!" I hear Niall shout from The couch as I walk past to clean up empty beer bottles.

"What is it now, Niall?" I huff already knowing what's about to leave his mouth.

"Why is masturbation just like procrastination?" He giggles loudly as if he is the funniest person on earth.

"Niall!" I whine loudly. "Can you quit it already?"

"Come on, it's a good one!" He laughs while smacking his knee.

I sigh loudly. "I don't know, Niall. Why?"

"It's all good until you realize you're only screwing yourself!" Niall rolls over in laughter as I stare at him in disbelief.

"That was fucking horrible." Zayn comments from the other end of the room, smoking a blunt by himself.

"Fuck off, Niall." I grunt lowly as I walk out the living room and into the kitchen where I find Harry on the phone.

Even though it's only been a couple of days, I got used to Harry's inappropriate jokes towards me. But for some odd reason, he hasn't shot one at me all day and it's already 3pm. He's been on the phone all day with a frustrated expression.

I chose not to question him when he was in a state like this, I didn't want to trigger another episode of anger from him. So I walked past him and tossed the empty bottles in the recycling bin. I felt his stare on my back as I walked out, when I turned to look at him, my eyes locked with his.

His large hand was holding his phone against his ear, he was only humming in response to the other person on the other end of the line. He seemed distracted and irritated at the same time. His lips were pressed together into a harsh line, his brows were furrowed together creating a harsh line to crease his forehead. His hair was slightly wet from his shower he took not too long ago, he looked so unbelievably hot.

I tore my eyes away and continued my way out of the kitchen and back into the living room where Niall and Zayn were hanging around. It smelled harshly of marijuana in here. I noticed Niall was smoking as well as Louis who I guess just showed up. Is this really what they do all day?

"Well hello, Dawn. Fingers are out of the gutter I see?" Louis comments as he sits next to Niall on the couch. I roll my eyes.

"Dawn, oh my ducking god!" Niall shouts out of nowhere.

"Ducking?" I cross my arms over my chest and raise my brow at him.

"I was pretending that Siri had autocorrected me, so instead of saying "fucking" I said "ducking"." He explains quickly.

"Okay... but why?" I ask confused. Is Niall always this way when he's high? I don't think I've ever seen him high, honestly.

"Never mind that! I have one more joke!" I he says excitedly.

"No! No more jokes! You're all being annoying." I huff in annoyance. I was ready to walk away until Niall called out to me again.

"Why was the guitar teacher arrested?" He says loudly as I start walking up the stairs.

"Enough Niall!" I call back and continue my way up the staircase.

"Because he was fingering a minor!" He laughs loudly along with Louis' immature ass.

"Niall where the fuck do you come up with these?" I hear Zayn say as I continue to walk towards my room.

I close my door behind me to drown out the laughter from the three 7th graders in the living room. I needed to get away from their horrible jokes, I've had enough for one day.

Next thing I know, there's a quit knock on my door.

"No, Niall. No more jokes!" I yell as I burry my face into my pillow.

"Uh, I'm not Niall." I hear the familiar voice speak as my door opens. I lift my head to reveal the curly headed man that started this whole joke thing. I didn't expect to see Harry in here, especially since he's been on the phone all day most likely dealing with problems from his work.

"It's your fault he's cracking all those jokes." I say earning a smirk from him.

"I didn't tell them, they just caught on." He defends himself.

"Still your fault." I roll over onto my stomach. "Did you need something?" I asked changing the subject.

He stares at me for a moment. Almost as if he's debating on bringing up whatever it is he's got in mind. I can tell what he wants to bring up, it's obvious. His facial expressions show it all.

"I could feel your sexual tension, Dawn."


Heyyyyy here's another update!

I just have to say, I LOVE when y'all leave comments on random parts bc y'all be having me cracking tf up 😂 keep em cominggggg

Anywho, we got a little nouis moment going on !! Ahgjfisfoskr

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE!!

narryshippings <3

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