
By RoseTee3

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Jasmine and Mason are the best of friends. They've been through thick and thin together. When Mason sees an... More



153 24 25
By RoseTee3


“Hey Mom!” I shouted and watched her jump slightly.

“MASON! Boy! You almost gave me a heart attack!” I had snuck into the kitchen. She was washing out a pot and daydreaming. I kissed her cheek then took a seat at the table.

“Sorry...maybe,” I laughed. She threw her dish towel at me and shook her head.

“When did you get here and why didn't you call me? I would've picked you up.”

I shook my head at her. “This morning and I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well you certainly did that. How are you, baby?”

“I'm pretty good, Mom. Business is good. We're working on an ad for a computer company and an ad for two beverage companies.”

“That's great! I'm so proud of you. And besides business?” She arched her eyebrow and grinned. I knew where this was going.



“Don't start.”

“Well have you tried?” I felt myself getting warm. Every time I thought of her, my body ignited. My thoughts became scattered and I lost focus. I couldn't think of her without getting sad.

“No.” I balled my hand into a fist to keep from exploding. I wasn't angry at my mom, I was angry at myself...and at Jasmine. She wouldn't talk to me. I'd tried that night and it fell on deaf ears. She wouldn't listen, wouldn't give me the chance.

“Well are you going to?” I sat pondering my mother's question? Should I try? She'd made it clear that she wanted me out of her life. I respected her wishes and cut all contact with her. I still spoke to her mom and she still spoke to mine so anything I needed to know, I found out from them.

I knew she'd stayed with pansy ass Lance and just thinking about it made my blood boil. There was nothing wrong with the guy, he just wasn't me. I had no doubt he'd fall in love with her. Jasmine was the best so that wasn't an issue. The issue is that I should be the one loving her. I should be the one touching her, kissing her, fu--STOP!

“Mom, I tried earlier. She shut me down and walked out of my life.”

“She asks about you.”


“Yeah. She may be mad or hurt or whatever, but she hasn't stopped caring. She asks about you.” That threw me for a loop. Rationally, I know feelings don't just go away, but I didn't think she kept tabs on me. A few months ago, I moved to Seattle to expand my company. It made it easier to stay away from Jasmine. Before I left, I wrote her a letter and put it in her mailbox.

<Letter> To my best friend, I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you. I could try to use this letter to explain, but I won't waste the space on that. What happened on the ship wasn't what it looked like. Anyway, I'll be in Seattle by the time you read this. I'll do what you want and leave you be, but I couldn't let 15 years of friendship die, especially on such a sour note. I love you. Not just as my friend, but so much more. I wish I hadn't been such a coward once my feelings changed, but I didn't want to lose what we had. Looking back, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't have stopped that day in your room. When I watched you dancing, when I touched you, when I kissed you. Right now, I see your face. You rolling your eyes when you let me get my way. Your beautiful eyes, your full mouth, the blush when we'd touch. It's all committed to memory. I wish you the best and I'll cherish our intimate moments. We'll always have the Captain's dinner! You'll forever be my Jassy. I love you. Your Masey-poo. <>

I didn't know if she'd read the letter or not. I was surprised when I got a text the next day.

I wish you the best. Maybe one day...

I didn't reply and I hadn't contacted her. I thought about her every single day. Seattle may have caused her to be out of sight, but she was never off my mind.

“Baby, what happened on the ship? When you left the dinner and we talked to Jasmine, she was excited about you. What happened? What changed?”

We never told them what happened. Neither of us wanted to talk about it. We were both angry and hurt. Every time I think of that night, my heart hurts.

“Okay Mom. Here it is.”



My mom called and asked me to come over. I stepped through the door and she's sitting on the deck in the backyard. The breeze was blowing lightly and the scent of Jasmine hit my nose. It made me smile as I remembered running through the yard with her and my dad. She turns to me as I walk up the steps.

“Hello my beauty. Come sit with an old woman.” I kissed her cheek and sat on the bench swing with her.

I laughed, “Old? Where? Not you!”

She swatted my arm and then put her arm around me. Pulling me into her, she kissed my forehead. I placed my head on her shoulder and looked out into the sky. I sunk into her and our breathing synced up.

“What you doing out here, Mom?”

“Just sitting, cruising memory lane. Missing your father.” I grabbed mom's hand and gave it a squeeze. She reciprocated and I heard her suck in a breath. I looked up and her eyes were watery. She wiped at them before the tears could fall.

“Oh Mommy. Are you okay?”

“Yes sweetheart. These are happy tears. Your father was such a good man and he loved me so much. And when you came along, oh, that man loved you! When I was pregnant with you, he would sing to my stomach every night.”

“Oh God no!” We both cracked up! My father was a horrible singer. Couldn't hold a note even if it was strapped to his hand! What I wouldn't give to hear him now.

“The day I met him was the best day of my life. He was in the quad with his fraternity and they were stepping and chanting. His eyes found mine and I thought Zeus had struck me with a lightning bolt! I walked off to class before they finished. When my class was done, I walked out to him standing outside the building. He smiled so big and wide. His teeth looked so white in contrast to his dark skin. I didn't know it until later that evening, but it was that smile that made me fall for him.”

I pulled my legs up and lay my head in her lap. She stroked my hair and continued.

“We talked as we walked to the cafeteria. That was the beginning of our friendship. He didn't ask me out until three weeks later. He took me to listen to music. The band played "Groove with You" by The Isley Brothers and he took me to the dance floor. Wrapped in his arms, I felt so safe and cherished. He kissed me right there on the dance floor. God, I loved that man! There was no turning back after that. We were each other's and never looked back.”

She began humming the song and I just laid there. I pictured all the times I saw him dancing with her to that song over the years.

“I want that for you. I want a great love for you. For you to be with someone that makes you smile from ear to ear and holds you captive. Someone that makes you feel free. I see so much of your dad in Mason.” I tensed at the mention of his name.


“Jasmine, I need you to tell me what happened.”

“It doesn't matter. It's the past.”

“It's definitely your present. I know you're with Lance, and that's fine, but I know you aren't happy. At least you're not as happy as you could be.” I shifted and sat upright. My mom looked at me and lifted a hand to my cheek. “I'm not saying Mason will bring you that happiness. Well,
actually I am.” She chuckled at this and I couldn't help but smile. “I just know I'd never seen you happier than that last night on the ship. Then the next morning, the chill between you two could've fixed global warming. What happened?”

“Mom, Lance is a great guy. He does make me happy. We're good together.”

“And you're over Mason? You don't have any feelings for him anymore?” I stiffened and rubbed my hands up and down my thighs. I hated that my mother knew me so well sometimes. I hadn't said Mason's name since that day. If I asked anything about him, I’d just say "he" or "your son" if I'm talking to Mama Lisa. The sound of his name made my heart flutter and hurt at the same time.

“Okay Mom. Here it goes.”

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