Warrior Queen

By ElizabethHale524

20.8K 595 47

Katherine is a twenty-years-old werewolf with dreams of becoming a pack warrior. Until she got kidnapped by... More

1. Katherine
2. Two years later
3. Alex
4. The King
7.Palace Tour
8. New Beginning
9.Accident or Not
10. Kidnapped
11.The Enemy
12.Artemis The Moon Goddess
13. News
14. Klaus
The characters Zodiac sign/ extra information


1.4K 48 1
By ElizabethHale524


If you have any questions don't be shy ask.



As dad pulls the car up to the house, I hear
loud music and laughter coming from the backyard .

It sounds like a party is in full swing, but despite my homecoming, I know it's not for me .

" it's the new years eve. " my dad says, squeezing my shoulder. " and what's better way to start the new year than with you returning home. "

It feels strange to be celebrating a holiday again. The past two years, the didn't even register with me.

I smile and nod. " Its good to be back. "

I'm trying to put on a brave face, but inside I'm nervous wreck.
I already ran out of one party because it was too much to handle. . . What if it happens again?
Sensing my anxiety, riley wraps her arms around me from the back seat.

" we'll walk in together, " she says, comforting me. " if it gets too much, just say the word, and I'll cover for you while you escape. "

We got out of the car and walk around the house to the backyard, where a blazing bonfire is the centerpiece of a rowdy, open-air party.

The entire pack is gathered here, drinking and celebrating.

Boys are wrestling in the grass, pups are running wild, and couples are dancing under the moonlight.

As terrified as I was to return, I feel so much better from seeing that things haven't really changed at all.

" I've missed this. " I say, suddenly feeling sentimental. " I. . . I never thought I'd see this place again. "

" well, your home now. And no one will ever take you away from us again, " my dad says, giving me a hug.
" I'll go find your mother and your sister. They'll be happy to see you. "

As he disappears into the crowded party, I shoot Riley a look.

" I somehow doubt they'll be happy to see me"
I say, starting to feel nervous again.

" I know you've had your differences with them, but they're your family, " riley responds, reproachfully.

"when you were taken, it wasn't just your dad who was devastated. You're mum was a wreck too."

I want to believe Riley, but if my mum was so distraught, why didn't she come with dad to see me?
If she felt so much concern for me, why wasn't she waiting for me when I got here?

No, my mother has always despised me, deep down. She had me at a very young age, when my father got her pregnant.
I think she resents me for ruining her chances at finding her destined mate.
I think she resents dad too, but he much better than any destined mate.
Of course, when Natalia was born, mom finally had someone who she could live vicariously through, so popular, pretty, and perfect.

Meanwhile, I've been nothing but a disappointment.

The girl who got in fights.

Who played in the mud.

Who wanted to be a warrior.

Well, now that nat is mated to the alpha, with a pup on the way, my mom's living her dream.

What did I do? I got fucking kidnapped.

" Katherine, you have that look in your eye,"
Riley says, sternly. " promise me that you'll at least give them a chance. "

"fine, but I'm only doing it for my dad's sake."
I say, with a sigh .

The truth is, I really would like to reconnect with my mom, and sister. I just don't know if they'll feel the same.


I'm tackled out of nowhere by a giant of a men.
My wolf starts to get defensive until I see who it is.

"james, gett off of me, you oversized pup, " I say, laughing as he pins me to the ground.

" I just can't believe you're really here, " he says, actually looking a little Misty-eyed. " we all thought you were gone for good. "

The rest of my old squad comes running up, and they dogpile me as Riley steps out of the way.

I'm really feeling the love. I can't believe how much I missed all of these goons.

" the squad is reunited! " James yells, howling.
He helps me to my feet, and I suddenly realize that something is different.

Dwayne. . . . Adam. . . . Shane..

They all have mating marks.

" you're all mated? " I ask, in disbelief then I see James's mark.

" even you? "

" hey, I take offense to that tone, " he says, smirking. " I'm total mating material. "

I can't believe how many of my friends are mated now. My life may have put a hold for the past two years, but everyone else' kept going on without me.

" well, I'm still single as fuck, so don't feel too bad about it , " Riley says, exasperated.

" and on that note, I see that they're opening a new bottle of wine by the fire, so if you'll excuse me for a minute. "

James and I laugh as riley runs off toward the bonfire.

" she definitely hasn't changed. You can always count on that, " James says, shaking his head.

"thank the goddess for that, " I say in agreement.

Though my reunion with james and the others is happy one, I realize there's one member of our old squad that I still haven't seen.

" where's Xavier? " I ask, craning my neck to look around the party. Saying his name gives me butterflies for some reason.

" I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Probably with your sister, " James says.

" he may be the alpha now, but she's got him on short leash, " adds, placing his hands around his neck like a collar and pretending to choke himself.

My butterflies disappear in an instant. I almost forgot that Natalia is mated to Xavier. I might need to join the riley for that bottle of wine.

" I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you though, "
James says.

" you were the only one who could ever keep up with him during training. I'm sure if you talk to him, he'd let you rejoin the squad and become a pack warrior. "

Become a pack warrior. . . .

For the first time since getting home, I'm actually thinking about what the future holds for me, and it's exciting.

I've lost so much, but maybe I haven't lost this my dream of becoming a pack warrior.

As I stare into the flames of the dancing bonfire and think about getting back into training, somehow ice-cold cuts through the warmth i'm feeling my mother, walking towards me with dad.

She rigid and reserved when she approaches me.
No hug.  No tear. no emotion.
This is the reunion I expected, but not the one I hoped for.

" you're looking well, " my mom says, without a hint of sentiment. " I'm glad the goddess brought you back to us safely."

My wolf starts pacing around inside me as my anxiety kicks in.
Why do I always let mom have this effect on me?

Dad looks nervous, too, scratching the back of his hand as he waits to see how I'll respond.

" I wouldn't to be here if it wasn't for the goddess. truthfully, I should be dead, " I say, starting her straight in the eyes. 

" I prayed for death every day that the hunters had me in captivity. Death would've been a sweet release. But I guess the goddess has other plans other plans for me. "

My blunt words rattle my mother out of her stiff posture.

" must we discuss this at the party? " she asks uncomfortably.

" of course, wouldn't want my kidnapping to inconvenience you, " I say bitterly .

" you couldn't even be bothered to come to see me with dad when you found out I was alive. "

" Katherine, please. . . . " my dad says, trying to intervene, but it's too late.

A lot has changed in two years, but the rift between my mother and me is exactly the same.

" this isn't fair, Katherine , " my mom replies, her tone shifting defensively.
" you're sister needs me. I couldn't just leave her here alone. "

" Natalia has a mate, mom. I needed you. Not just yesterday. Not just today.

" I've always needed you, but you've only ever been there for her. Why is that? " I say, feeling heated.

Years of unresolved feelings are bubbling to the surface, and I can't stop then from boiling over.

Other pack members are staring as I confront my mother.

" why are you always so cold with me? " I shout at her .

" so I'm a bad mother now? Is that it? " she shouts back. " I gave up everything for you, and you're nothing but ungrateful! "

There it it. The real reason she can't stand me .

" Katherine, I command you to stop this at once! A pregnant Natalia pushes through the crowd and stands next to mom .

" you will not speak to our mother this way ! "

My sister hasn't seen me for two years. We wasn't even sure if I was still alive. And yet
These are her first words to me. . . .

" you command me?  Nat has always thought the world revolves around her, but who the hell does she thinks she is ?

" yes, as your luna, I command you to stop making a scene, " she says, smugly.

" I'm your sister, not your subject, " I say, in disbelief.

" what's going on over here? " asks a gruff voice.

My body stiffens as Xavier's scent hits me. Firewood and clover. It's oddly intoxicating.

As the crowd parts for the alpha, I find myself staring directly into his eyes and his eyes and him into mine.

" mate. " the word escapes my lips before I can process it .

Oh my goddess. He can't be. This isn't happening.

My wolf suddenly starts clawing at my mind, ripping it to pieces it wants out

" NO! I don't want to shift. " I say, in pain.

Its not just my wolf that's taking over. . .
It's something else. Pure rage.

I hold my head in my hands, panting heavily. I want to scream. I want to erupt with anger.

What's happening to me ?

My gaze turns to Natalia and her eyes grow wide.

All I see is red.

All hell is breaking loose.

My fangs extend from my mouth as I snarl at Natalia.

My claws are ready to tear her into her flesh.

All I see is red.

I want blood. I want to smell it. Taste it. No,
I don't just want it, I need it. It's like some sort of carnal desire.

At first, my wolf instinctively wanted to fight Natalia for Xavier. He's my destined mate after all. She's just an imposter.

No what am I doing , she is carrying a baby, why can't I stop this?

But now, I can barely even sense my wolf. Something else was taken over. A rage .

I don't feel in control of my own body.
I'm just along for the ride.

Something deep inside me wants to harm Natalia and I can't stop it, I don't even understand where it's coming from.

Xavier stands in front of Natalia blocking her from me, but I won't be stopped.

I hear screams and shouting, my squad, maybe even my dad's voice, but everything is muffled.
I'm focused only on one thing.

My feet starts moving of their own accord as I charge at Natalia. Xavier swips his claw at me, but I dodge him and circle around behind.

Crouched down on all fours, I feel myself start to shift even further. Patches of fur are sprouting out of my skin. My bones are cracking.

Drool drips off my tongue as I look at my terrified target. Everyone else is just blur.

I lurch forward, puncing on Natalia, but Xavier's claws connect with my ribs in midair.
I fly back and hit the ground hard, clutching my wound.

As Xavier walks towards me, he looks absolutely furious. Even though he's supposed to be my mate, there's no desire in his eyes.

My body fights itself to get up, but the last thing I remember Xavier knocking me down
And all I see is darkness.

Waking up in a cell was not how I envisioned starting off the new year. This was not the homecoming that I expected.

I should be drinking hot cocoa with my family .
I should be snuggled up to the fire with my mate.

Instead, I'm shackled by silver chains in a dungeon.

He chains immediately remind me of my time with the hunters.I try to repress the memories,
But they come flooding back in an instant.

The torture

The taunting and abuse

The endless experiments

The silver burns my wrists and ankles as I struggle against my restraints.

My wolf is howling inside and it makes me want to scream.

It seems as though my healing ability isn't working again.

I still don't understand how this works, but it's becoming clear that it's somehow conditional.

The last time I didn't heal immediately, I was killing all those Hunters. This time, I tried to hurt Natalia.

Maybe I can't heal if I'm hurting someone ?

I can't process this right now. My head is throbbing and my side is still wounded from where Xavier clawed me .

My own mate clawed me .

Last night is still blur, but I know I tried to attack Natalia. Even though she's a spiteful bitch, she's still my sister.

How could I attack her like that?

I don't know why I did it, I just know that I couldn't control myself .

I have to wonder if this is because of the hunters . . . .

What did they do to me with all those experiments? Curt always said I was his best specimen.

Maybe they created a monster. . . . And that monster is me .

My arms start to go numb from the awkward position in which they're hanging. I've been here all night and no one has come to check on me.

What must the pack think after seeing me go berserk? I wonder what my fate will be .

I suddenly remember Artemis telling me that her sister, fate, interfered with Artemis's plans before. I wonder if this is all her doing ?

Goddess, why did you bring me back here ?
You said to find my mate. Well, I fucking found him and he's mated to my sister and he probably wants me dead.

This whole thing feels like a sick joke .

I hear the creaking of my cell door opening at the top of the stairs. Probably Xavier, here to execute me, his destined mate .

Instead, I see my dad running down the stairs and my eyes well up with tears. He throws his arms around me, fighting back his own tears .

" dad don't. . . the silver. You'll get burned, " j say, choking back sobs.

" I don't care , " he says, stroking my hair.
" my little warrior. . . I'm so sorry I can't stand to see you like this. "

" whats gonna happen to be me? " I ask.
" has Xavier said anything? "

Not only did I attach my sister, I attached the luna, and she's pregnant with the alpha's heir.
It doesn't get much worse than that.

" I'm arguing in your defense, " he says as his yellow eyes meet mine.

" you just found out that you were mated and your wolf instinctively tried to claim that mate. Everyone can see that it's a normal defensive reaction for a she-wolf. "

I know that it's much more than that and I think he does too. My reaction was anything but normal. I'm just glad dad is on my side.

" how's Natalia? " I ask, suddenly feeling guilty.

" your mother is taking care of her. She is shaken, but she is fine and so is the baby. "

"dad, why is this happening? I asks as tears fall down my face. " I didn't want any of this.
I just wanted to come home."

"i know, little warrior, I know, " he says kissing me on the forehead. " I love you. Don't lose hope. Everything will work out. "

Despite my dad's comforting words, the pained. Expression on his face doesn't give me hope.

Goddess. . . Artemis. . . Please. If you're listening. . . . Give me strength.

Dad managed to get Xavier to agree to a pack meeting, where he'd announce my punishment .

I know I won't get off lightly, but maybe being his destined mate will at least soften the blow .

Riley let me come over to shower at her place and prepare for the tribunal. Her face looks puffy and red, like she's been crying all night .

" I can't lose you again. " she says, as I pull on a fresh T-shirt and jeans, " you've only just got back. "

"no matter what happens, you'll never lose me , " I say, sitting next to her on the bed.

" you'll always be my best friend. "

Why am I reassuring her? I'm the one on the trail.

Maybe the goddess really did give me a little bit of strength.

" this is all just fucked, " riley says, says her sadness turning into anger" he's your mate, you has every right to claim him."

"i don't think Xavier or Natalia will see it that way, " I say, slumping down on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

" I'm the interloper, not her. Everyone probably wishes that i'd just stayed with the hunters. "

" don't say that ! " riley shouts, swatting me with her hand. " you've been through so much. Everyone knows that. Xavier should take that into account."

I hear a soft knock on the door, as James opens it and comes in. I half expect him to put me in chains, but he gives me the biggest hug instead.

" I requested to be the one to escort you to the tribunal, " he says, finally letting go.

I'm touched by James words. Maybe there are still a few people left fighting for me.

" are you ready?" he asks hesitantly.

I take a deep breath and nod. " let's do this. "

I don't know what fate or Artemis have in store for me, but I'm about to find out.

I hold my head high as the crowd parts and I walk toward Xavier and Natalia at the front of the pack. She's surrounded by several guards, which I suppose is fair .

Dad stands off to the side with mom, though she refuses to even look at me.

When I stop in front of Xavier, i keep my eyes definitely locked with his. I don't care if he's my mate or my alpha; I won't act like a submissive bitch.

My old squad stands grimly behind Xavier with the rest of the warriors, and James shoots me an encouraging smile .

A low growl escapes Xavier's lips as he speaks.

" Katherine Thomas, you stand here before your alpha and your pack, to answer your crimes, "

There's no emotion in my mate's voice destined or not, he has no love for me.

" you've attached your luna, who is pregnant with my son, " Xavier says coldly .

"this can, however be attributed to you're wolf's instincts to claim your mate. It's natural for she-wolves to claim what i theirs, as determined by the goddess. "

I feel a massive wave of relief. Maybe Xavier actually does care for me in some way?

" but I'm not yours, " he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

My relief instantly turns into fear.

" you're hereby banished from the crescent moon pack, forever. If you return, it will mean your death. " Xavier 's voice sounds distant and muffled.

And I see Natalia on the other hand smirking as if she is enjoying me being rejected by my soulmate MY soulmate.

I've been tortured and tested for years and yet,
I've never felt pain like what I'm feeling right now .

It's like my heart has just been ripped from my chest.

My mating bond is broken .

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