The Last Spring [Editing is i...

By IreneEthrin

33.8K 2.2K 1.1K

Hyeyoon had always lived her life positively. She's cheerful, smart, and beautiful. Though she isn't the typ... More

Introduction ✔
Prolog ✔
1. Third Year of College ✔
2. Closer ✔
3. The Sunset ✔
4. The Sun Rises (First Time) ✔
5. Sweet and Sour ✔
6. His Rules ✔
7. Woman Instinct ✔
8. Emergency ✔
9. Ilsan ✔
10. Turn of Events ✔
11. Rain in November ✔
12. Flashback's Epilogue ✔
13. LT. Engineering & Construction ✓
14. Beijing, The Gala ✔
15. Attentive ✔
16. Welcome Back ✔
17. Dress Fitting ✔
18. The Solitaire Ring
20. The Engagement Party
21. Head of the Program Division, Kim Rowoon
22. Seoul Branch (1)
23. Seoul Branch (2) Locked
24. A Friendly Advice
25. The First Flight, Shanghai Airlines
26. Kempinski Hotel Xiamen
27. Xiamen Branch Office
28. Avoiding a Scene
29. The Candor
30. Upside Down
31. Splendid China Folk Villages
32. The Potala Palace
33. Couch Talk
34. Morning Flight
35. Overnight Flight
36. Assets and Investment
37. Final Report, the Near End of the Trip
38. The Long Night
39. The Last Day of the Trip
40. Confession
41. Facing the Truth
42. Making a Decision
43. Finding Its Way Back
44. One Big Step in Life

19. The Beauty Salon

454 39 6
By IreneEthrin

Saturday, April 2020

Jang Kiyong glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard. Ten minutes to eleven. He was driving to Hyeyoon's apartment. Today they had a plan of getting prepared together in a beauty salon he reserved for both of them before going to Youngdae and Jeein's engagement party.

Hyeyoon told him that she would like to have lunch at home before they go, thus she invited him to come. Kiyong couldn't hide his excitement as he heard Hyeyoon would cook today.

Kiyong pushed the call button on his steering wheel and called Hyeyoon.

"Hello," her soft voice rang in his entire cabin.

"Babe, I'm on my way to your place. Do you want some fruits or anything?" there was a sizzling sound from the other end and Kiyong smiled, he couldn't wait to taste her dish.

"Umm," the girl contemplating for a moment before sounded, "Can you stop by the supermarket near my apartment to get me some pear, apple, or anything? I don't have any fruit at home. You love fruits, I don't want to hear you nagging to me because there's no apple or banana here," she said jokingly. Earning a chuckle from Kiyong.

"Alright then, I'll get some for you," Kiyong nodded and he turned the steering wheel to change the lane. He was almost there. He stopped the car as the traffic light turned red.

"Okay, I'm almost done,"

Kiyong smiled upon hearing the cheerfulness in her voice, "Okay then, I'll be there soon," Kiyong focused on her reply which the girl returned with a low okay before hung the call. The guy then sped up once again when the light turned green and maneuvered the car to the supermarket located near her apartment blocks area.

He quickly parked his car and stormed to the store fast, grabbing some bananas, apples, and pears. He glanced once at the drink section and saw a fruit can drink Hyeyoon's favorite. Kiyong flashed his gorgeous smile and grabbed a few cans.

Kiyong then stepped fast with his long limbs toward the cashier when he suddenly bumped on someone. A clanking sound was heard as the latter dropped some of the groceries.

"I'm sorry," Kiyong quickly gathered the groceries and gave it to the person he bumped onto. A quite tall man, dressing in a turtle neck sweater with his damp hair helplessly fell on his forehead took the stuff.

"It's fine," he said shortly. Kiyong frowned as he seemed to recognize him somewhere.

Kiyong squinted his eyes, trying to recall his memories. Then he remembered him, "Ah," he exclaimed. Gained attention from the other guy as he raised his face to see Kiyong with his brows furrowed.

Kiyong quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry. Are you Marcelino Kim?" he said carefully. The guy in front of him frowned and tilted his head to the side, confused for a moment.

He hesitantly replied, "Yes," the guy called Marcelino straightened his long posture and raised an eyebrow, "Sorry, do we know each other?" his tone was rather flat and unfriendly. Slightly felt disturbed of being bumped and didn't expect an encounter with an acquaintance.

"Oh," Kiyong reached out his hand first and introduce himself, "I'm Jang Kiyong. The Manager of Planning Division from LT Engineering and Construction, we've met briefly at the first meeting in Beijing with Mr. Xu and CEO Park while discussing the building project of M.IT Company branch in Seoul," Kiyong smiled professionally toward the delegation. Though he won't surprised at all if the guy in front of him didn't recognize him since the meeting was so brief and this Marcelino Kim left first due to his other schedule.

Marcelino Kim recalling his vivid memory of that day which he barely paid attention to the detail. But yes, he remembered that meeting and the representatives of the construction company were a young man and the CEO.

Marcelino reached out to a handshake and nodded slightly.

"Are you finally staying permanently in Seoul? You moved to this area?" Kiyong asked again and Marcelino nodded.

"Yes, kind of," Marcelino replied shortly. He then accidentally landed his sight on the groceries Kiyong had in his basket. Fruits.

Kiyong glanced at his watch and politely excused for leaving. "Alright then, I'll take my leave first, see you later, Marcelino Kim,"

Regained back from his daze, the guy called Marcelino seemed uncomfortable with his name being called like that. He was about to correct him when he saw the guy seemed in a hurry. Marcelino nodded as Kiyong bid his goodbye and saw the guy rushed to the cashier.

* * *

Bell sound was heard.

Hyeyoon who had just finished setting the table for lunch rushed to the front door and replied loudly, "Wait a minute,"

She opened the door and saw Kiyong smiled in front of her door.

He showed her the bag full of fruits. "Wow, why did you buy this much?" Hyeyoon amazed to see the number of fruits Kiyong bought.

"For you, you can save and eat it later," he stepped inside and put on the slipper and walked to the dining room straight away. He hummed while smelling the food. "What did you make?" he asked and Hyeyoon smiled while back facing him. She quickly washed some of the fruits and put it on a bowl.

"Kimchi Jjigae and beef marinated with gochujang," Hyeyoon replied from behind. She put the bowl of fruits on the table and let Kiyong took his seat. She already prepared the rice and the soup. Hyeyoon let Kiyong had the first taste of the broth and anticipating his reaction.

"How is it?" she stared at him nervously. Kiyong devoured the taste and took another sip from his spoon once again, he smiled.

"Taste perfect," he complimented.

Hyeyoon sighed in relief. "Really?" she still seemed unsure. Hyeyoon then took the seat next to Kiyong and taste her dish. "Not bad," she commented.

"It tastes good," Kiyong then started eating with rice. "What's this?" he pointed at the dish in front of him.

Hyeyoon giggled and started to explain, "I don't know what it's called, but it was beef marinated with gochujang. Try some," she pulled the plate closer to Kiyong and the guy took a spoon of the dish.

He analyzed the visual at first and Hyeyoon gulped, waiting for the first critic she would get today, Kiyong was always a fair commentator of her works, though.

She nervously watched as Kiyong started feeding himself, and frowned.

"Why? Is it spicy?" Kiyong wasn't frenzied for spicy food but Hyeyoon knew he could take a few bites of spicy food.

"A little," he commented. Kiyong stared munching the dish and his face expression lighten. "It tastes great though," he took another bite and nodded in satisfaction. "I like this one, but if you could make it less spicy for me, babe. I don't want to go back and forth to the toilet after eating this," he said jokingly.

Hyeyoon chuckled and nodded. "Alright, I will make it less spicy next time,"

They enjoyed their lunch and talking about their plan for today. Yongdae and Jeein engagement party was held today in a hotel at 7 PM. And for the party, Kiyong already booked a beauty salon for them to get prepared. He even bought a set of couple outfit a day before. Hyeyoon was quite surprised when she heard it.

"What? I have a lot of dresses already, baby. Don't spend your money on things like that, please," Hyeyoon uttered a protest which could already be predicted by Kiyong when he decided to buy the outfit.

"Honey, it's fine. I love the dress and you'll love it, too," he reassured.

Their lunch finished fifteen minutes later. They were having a light conversation and all while having fruits Kiyong bought from the store. Kiyong stole glances for a few times at the girl's hand and hadn't found the ring on it. Kiyong brushed off the bad thought and disappointment that ready to emerge. He was the one who initiated the sudden proposal and he had to swallow the bitter taste of the hasty decision he ever made.

As it was too late to take everything back, now Kiyong had to deal with his patience once again as he had to wait until Hyeyoon gave him her answer. But judging by her attitude today, she seemed not bothered with the idea and there was also no changing mood or behavior so he assumed that Hyeyoon might still be considering her decision.

Kiyong tried to respect that and let her be. He wiped his heavy thoughts and joined Hyeyoon as the girl invited him to the couch and watching the television program while waiting for another hour before they leave for the place he reserved.

* * *

Kiyong drove his car throughout the traffic and heading to the beauty salon. As the party was held at the hotel not far from the place they booked, Kiyong didn't rush his time at all.

He glanced at the girl beside him. She was busy typing on her phone while giggling.

"Who?" Kiyong curiously asked and Hyeyoon turned to look at him once before back again with her phone.

"Jeein," he heard her reply. "She was deadly nervous and she can't stop trembling she said," Hyeyoon laughed while reading the texts between her and Jeein to Kiyong. "She wants me to go there A.S.A.P," the girl chuckled and locked her phone before slid it back to her purse.

Kiyong flashed a smile and pushed the power button of the audio. He adjusted the volume and the sound of the soft melody was heard.

He then remembered something, "I prepared a present for them, it was in the back seat. Are you okay with the present?"

Hyeyoon turned to see the backseat and saw a paper bag. She grabbed the paper bag and checked the present Kiyong bought and nodded a few times.

It was a couple of set pajamas and bathrobes. Hyeyoon giggled and put the present back to the back seat. "It's perfect," she smiled.

They then arrived at the beauty salon located near the Gangnam Subway Station. Hyeyoon got out the car and she linked her arm to Kiyong and let him led the way. He entered a beauty salon and the employee greeted them.

"Reservation under the name of Jang Kiyong, please," Kiyong stated at the receptionist and the girl immediately responded.

"Ah, yes sir. Please, this way," they then followed the staff as she headed to a chamber with few dressers with lights around the mirrors. The stylist then let Hyeyoon had her seat and waited for her stylist.

Kiyong lowered his back and whispered, "I forgot our outfit in my car. I'll be back," he said and Hyeyoon nodded. Not long after Kiyong left, a woman stylist entered the chamber and greeted Hyeyoon.

The stylist watched of her reflection in the mirror and started discussing the look Hyeyoon desired to have for tonight.

Hyeyoon smiled shyly at first. She wasn't used to going to a salon or get styling for the occasion. While discussing, Kiyong then back and brought the outfit. The stylist learned that Hyeyoon's dress was in a champagne color and light cream. She helped to decide the look and Hyeyoon nodded in approval.

* * *

Hyeyoon stepped out from the fitting chamber as the staff slid the curtain aside. Kiyong who already dressed up was waiting in front of the fitting room. He already wore the beige suit and a plain white shirt. His hair was combed backward and the fitted fabric suited him well.

Hyeyoon who suddenly forgot that she was the one who looked so stunning was now stared toward her boyfriend in awe. Kiyong then smiled and approaching Hyeyoon. He stood facing her and scanned her appearance from head to toe. The next second, a proud smile formed in his handsome face.

"Lovely," he sounded. He turned her body slightly so she could see her reflection in the mirror and Hyeyoon saw both of them in the matched outfit.

She amazed. The long dress somehow fitted her body well and the color defined her skin tone more. It was so classic yet beautiful at the same time. Kiyong lingered his hand around her waist and rubbed it slightly.

"You look so stunning, Love," he confessed and Hyeyoon couldn't hide her blushed cheek.

"You look gorgeous, too," Hyeyoon complimented and Kiyong felt so proud hearing it.

Both of them left the salon a few minutes later and Kiyong now driving his car at medium speed to the hotel where the party was held.


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