๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ - ๐˜ซ.๐˜ฑ...

By elhotchner

467K 13.4K 31.2K

โHow'd you get kicked out of Beauxbatons?โž โI didn't, I got kicked out of Franceโž ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—”๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐—•... More

I. ๐ˆ๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐๐ฎ๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง
II. โEvans annoyed you already?โž
III. โBecause 'hottest boy alive' is too long of a nicknameโž
IV. โI don't break rules, Sir, I abolish themโž
V. โClearly you haven't met my sisterโž
VI. โDear sisterโž
VII. โDrop dead gorgeousโž
VIII. โAre you my fuck buddy? Are you a future boyfriend?โž
IX. โHe wouldn't hurt a hair on her head!โž
X. โIt was a pretty good bad idea, wasn't it though?โž
XI. โMy mother's dead?โž
XII. โShe isn't my sister!โž
XIII. โFuck you, Rosier!โž
XIV. โStill your girl?โž
XV. โLost, slut?โž
XVII. โForever, Rosieโž
XVIII. โAdore, I need a bad ideaโž
FINAL. โYou'll always be a Blackโž
SEQUEL. โAdore Rosierโž

XVI. โActually, I'm a Riddleโž

9.4K 329 688
By elhotchner

❝Actually, I'm a Riddle❞

Rosalyn Adore Black



"They are mourning, Uncle Xavier grew up here, it only makes sense for them to grieve as well, he wasn't just our Uncle, he was the countries" Bellatrix speaks, offering her sister a pair of black sunglasses.

Rosalyn puts them on, the family look almost like a cult, the four sisters in high neck black pleated dresses, their hairs pulled back in low ponytails, short black silk gloves up to their wrists and sunglasses on their nose, each with a black lace parasol over their heads.

Regulus, Sirius and Evan all match in three piece suits, Sirius' wild curls pulled into a tight bun, Evan has a thick pair of sunglasses on as well - hiding his black eye.

"Nervous, Adore?" Sirius questions, she glances at the taller man.

"Father wouldn't make a scene here, not with Uncle Orion running for minister so soon especially, its the wake I'm worried for - he could pull me and Evan a way in a second, that I am panicking for" Rosalyn admits, a small smile on her face.

"Nobody will argue with it, we're all on the same side" Evan re-assures, as the group of teens continue to walk through.

Rosalyn scoffs, "One thing you need to know about me and my family Rosier, they is no sides, your either family or not" She speaks.

The train pulls into Hogsmeade station, the four sisters collapse their parasol's, "Miss Black's, Mr Black's, Mrs and Mr Rosier" The train conductors pulls down his hat, pressing it against his chest.

"Thank you, you may continue" Evan nods at the man, holding Rosalyn's waist as she boards the train.

Entering the compartment, "The blinds will be shut and the reporters in the next carriages have been ordered not to enter, as well as silencing charms been casted. Can I get you any drinks whilst you ride?" He offers.

"Double vodka and coke" Rosalyn orders.

"Rosie baby maybe not so early" Evan glances at his fiancée, who turns to him with a raised brow.

"Did I stutter?"

"A bottle of fire whiskey as well, three glasses with ice" Sirius orders, nodding at his cousin.

"I'll have a glass of champagne, my sisters the same, thank you" Bellatrix nods at the conductor, who bows before leaving the compartment.

As the door shuts the blinds fall down, as the sisters take off their sunglasses and gloves, Rosalyn sighs, "Merlin this is gonna be a shit show" she mutters.

The drinks appear on the table, Sirius dishes out firewhiskey to Evan and Regulus, the sisters take their own drinks, as they all glance to Sirius.

"Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, raise a glass to the dead, to Uncle Xavier may we forever tell his story" Sirius speaks, as the teens raise their glasses.

"You never know do you?" Rosalyn whispers, as they look towards her, "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story" She continues, taking a large gulp of her drink.

"Adore, it's okay" Regulus reaches over, placing his hand on her knee.

"We're gonna die aren't we" Rosalyn mutters.


"No soon, a war is coming, Merlin! My father is brewing this war, people are gonna die, we are gonna die for a cause that sometimes I question is worth dying for" She rants, running a hand through her ponytail.

"Nobody will die, dear sister, we are the highest of all, merlin the monarchy couldn't bring us down! This war that's coming it is just sister, don't let stupid fears plague your judgment" Bellatrix speaks, a frown on her face.

"Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, who cares what side we're on? We're family and we'll all end up dead" Sirius shrugs his shoulders taking a swig of his drink.

"Yep, gonna be a long day" Evan mutters, stroking a circular motion on Rosalyn's thigh.


As the train ride comes to an end, so does Rosalyn's fourth vodka. The sisters pull on their gloves and glasses, opening their parasols as they exist the carriage.

Instantly paparazzi snap the teens, Rosalyn grips onto Evan's arm, slightly staggering down the steps.

"Merlin! Give us a minute to get off the damn train" Sirius grumbles, at the other side of Rosalyn.

"Adore how does it feel to be an illegitimate Black!?"

"Bellatrix is it true you were almost expelled for threatening to use an unforgivable curse?!"

"Evan how do you feel about Ophelia Flint's remarks about your fiancée?!"

The paparazzi yell at the teens as they shoot photos, Rosalyn curses under her breathe, making her way into the 1st class lounge. As the door shuts behind them, Rosalyn pulls her parasol down, "what in Merlin's name has that bitch Ophelia said now?" She growls.

"Rosalyn!" Her eyes snap to Cygnus, as she bows her head quickly.

"Father" She whispers.

"Hurry up. Your late" Cygnus orders, instructing the teens to grab the portkey.

Her stomach pulls and stretches, as sick dives until her throat only to be swallowed again, her heels shoes find the ground - at the Great Black Cemetery.

"Shit" She mutters under her breathe, pulling up her parasol and taking Evan's arm.

"That bitch Ophelia? Yeah she's still my auntie remember" Evan hisses, as Rosalyn sighs.

"Sorry" She mutters, following his lead down to the casket, he squeezes her hand reassuringly.

Rosalyn takes her seat on the second row, in between Evan and Sirius, as the pastor begins to speak Rosalyn's mind begins to wander.

How much longer could she play this charade? As the loyal servant of her father, the best spell caster of her generation and she was on the opposite side.

"Bullshit" Sirius shakes his head, Rosalyn looks up, to see Orion at the stand.

"In his latest years, I got closer to Uncle Xavier, we never agreed politically until this time, he didn't think I had it in him to be Minister. He was always brutally honest, wether you wanted to hear it or not, he told me he voted for Alexander Nott on my last election, a few weeks before he passed he told me that this time I deserved his vote - I wish he had the chance to vote for me" Orion continues, as Rosalyn scoffs.

Soon the funeral passes, paparazzi shoot as many pictures as they can at the stumbling Rosalyn Riddle-to-be-Rosier, with Evan at her side. The photographers got lucky, with photos of the drunken brother and cousin trio, Sirius, Regulus and Rosalyn smoking as they walked to the Black Mansion.

Entering her family home, Rosalyn pulls Evan up the spiralling stairs, leading him up towards the main hall, "Rosie, baby, where are you taking me? I'm pretty sure we've walked past four bathrooms" Evan chuckles.

Rosalyn laughs, opening the wooden door, she leads Evan into her bedroom chamber, the door slamming shut behind him. His eyes widen slightly, of course, he was from money but Black money was much more.

Immediately Rosalyn presses Evan against the wall, her lips attacking his in a hungry kiss, Evan is slow to kiss back, tasting the tobacco and vodka on her breathe, "Rosie" he whispers pulling away, that doesn't stop the brunette as she makes her way down his neck, tugging at his shirt.

"Rosie baby, stop!" He raises his voice, as Rosalyn flinches back.

"Don't be stupid, Ev-"

"Rosie! I'm not going to fuck you for the first time whilst your drunk and grieving" Evan speaks, watching as the brunette gulps, nodding her head.

"You don't want me" She whispers, turning away from the blonde Slytherin, Evan sighs grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him.

"When I fuck you for the first time your gonna be sober, your gonna be yearning for me and begging for me, I'm gonna wanna remember every second of that night Rosie, I don't want this to be our first time, not like this, Rosie" Evan speaks, bringing her hand up to place a kiss against it.

"That's all it is? Nothing more?" Rosalyn whispers, wiping a tear from his face.

Evan chuckles, shaking his head as he places a hand against Rosalyn's cheek, "My sweet baby, I want you, I want all of you, I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if not" Evan speaks, as Rosalyn smiles.


As much as the couple wished, Evan and Rosalyn couldn't avoid their parents forever, "Rosalyn, Evan, a word" The dark lord instructs.

The couple lace their hands together, making their way into the drawing room of The Black Mansion. "Father, Lord and Lady Rosier" Rosalyn bows.

"I see, Evan has already given you a ring" Lord Voldemort observes.

"Of course, Father, it's official is it not? A Black and Rosier alliance makes more sense then an alliance with Malfoy's and Goyle's, lets be honest for a second who ever thought those alliances was worth it must've been severely intoxicated" Rosalyn shrugs her shoulders, her deep eyes staring at her fathers blood toned.

"Watch who your speaking too!" Lord Rosier spits, as Rosalyn raises an eyebrow at him.

"Your tone, Alistair? Drop it, that's my daughter and you will treat her with the respect you do me" The dark lord speaks, Alistair bows his head in understanding.

"With all due respect, Mr Rosier, your stupid if you believe that our marriage won't help to shape the way this war is formed, for starters lets discuss The Malfoy's and Goyle's, both betrayed Grindelwald at the last second, they are penniless! A mockery of The Sacred 28 and all purebloods, so why should we save them with an alliance?" Rosalyn begins, she pulls out a black leather seat and takes it, along with a glass of firwehiskey - chugging it down.

"The Black Family is the most powerful family in pure blood Britain, the public either love us or hate us, whilst you Rosier's have the best in both, you may not have as much power but you have the wealth, the respectability, the public adore you! So why waste it on betrayers and bitches like Malfoy and Goyle when we could create the best alliance in history? A Rosier and Black child? Unstoppable" She continues, a smirk on her lips.

"Merlin your a Black through and through!" Lord Rosier shakes his head, as Rosalyn rolls her eyes.

"Actually, I'm a Riddle" She replies, standing up and taking a step closer to him, "Well, until I'm a Rosier" she lifts her hand to reveal the ring on her finger.

"And your okay with this?!" Lord Rosier turns to The Dark Lord.

"The two will marry, Alistair, now the wake is desiring our appearance" Lord Voldemort speaks, leaving the room a moment later.

As the door slams shut, Evan turns to Rosalyn, shaking his head, "What in the hell was that?" He spits.

"That? Oh, honey, that was me setting out future in stone, you saw the way your father looked at me! Along with the shit Ophelia's spreading you think he wants you to marry me? No, but convincing my father is easier and what he wants goes, you know why? Because this is my family, my home, my legacy - now get on board or walk the plank because you will not ruin this for me" Rosalyn hisses, exiting the room quickly.


"Mrs Rosier! Can I have moment for the article in the daily prophet?" Rosalyn turns to the man, a smile bright on his face.

"Sure, just call me Rosalyn, I'm technically not a Rosier, yet" She laughs, taking a seat opposite the man.

"Of course, Rosalyn, I'm Emmett Blanks, lovely to meet you" He offers a hand to shake, Rosalyn takes it, looking up at the curly haired man.

"The pleasure is mine" She nods, taking a champagne flute from one of the waitresses passing by.

"So, Rosalyn, you've had quite an identity crisis  in the last few weeks, from Rosalyn Black, to Rosalyn Riddle, to a soon-to-be Malfoy, to now your place as a soon-to-be Rosier, all whilst starting a new school - many rumours fly around you, Rosalyn, as heir to The Black Fortune and now both Riddle and Rosier Fortune, the world wants to know how you got away from a pureblood marriage arranged by the Sacred 28 in this age? It hasn't been done since your fiancée's great grandmother" Emmett asks, his notepad and pen scribbling away as he does so.

Rosalyn chuckles, taking another sip of her champagne, "My betrothal to Lucius Malfoy was nothing more then a poor attempt by the Malfoy's to try and re-gain their place in our society, they have fallen from grace at a speed not seen since Forsyth Pennybale in the 1800's!" She lets out another laugh.

"You don't think the Malfoy's hold as much power as they used too?" Emmett quizzes.

"Of course they don't! They needed an alliance to save them from bankruptcy, to get them power, to get them respectability, to gain them a place back in The Sacred 28! Only one family has enough power and control for that, of course, The Black's" Rosalyn begins, pausing to take a sip of her drink, "Now, I can't talk on Abraxas and Ariana however, Lucius is a mockery of a wizard in himself! He laid his hands on me in an attempt to persuade me to be his wife, whilst I was in the loving arms of my incredible fiancée, he thinks himself so highly that he would hit The Dark Lord's daughter! I know his father is dying from Dragon Pox, but surely that's not an excuse!" She continues, wiping a stray tear from her face.

"Hold on, your saying that Abraxas Malfoy is dying and his son hit you?" Emmett's eyes widen, as Rosalyn gasps.

"Oops, I shouldn't have said anything" She places her hand over her mouth.

"Don't fret, Mrs Rosier! I won't leak your name" Emmett gives her a smile, watching as the young witch stands, a laugh escaping her lips.

"Honey, I want my name in this article - not my fiancee's, if the Malfoy's are gonna fall publicly I want them to know who did it" She smirks, pausing for a second before turning to him again.

"Oh, and call me Rosalyn"

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