The guardian

By Rhys2624

136K 7.2K 602

Forth is an omega from the blood moon pack. He is treated as a lowly servant there. Although he has tried to... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19 M
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 (Full)
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 M
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 (End)
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 18

2.8K 145 2
By Rhys2624

Forth's pov:

Today is the day i would be officially introduced to the pack. I was really nervous.

It was already 6 o'clock in the evening. The party is going to start at 7.

I am sitting on the bed tapping my foot.

"Hey." I heard pha's voice.

I turned and saw him walking towards me. He came and sat beside me.

"Calm down it's going to be ok." He put his hand on my thigh.

"But what if they don't like me?" I asked nervously.

"They will love you. Stop worrying too much." He gently pecked my forehead.

I nodded slowly.

I felt a little better.

We sat there for the rest of the hour with pha's hand wrapped around my waist my head on his shoulder.

He suddenly straightened up. "Let's go. It's time. "

He smiled at me pulled my hand to stand.

We made our way to the ballroom hand in hand. When we got there, everyone had already arrived. From the looks of it they are all really excited.

We made our way towards the stage where mom and dad were standing.

"Nervous?" Mom smiled.

I nodded sheepishly.

"Everything's going to go great don't worry." Dad assured.

He walked onto the stage and took the mic.

"Hello everyone. Tonight we are gathered here to officially introduce my son's mate and our pack's future luna." He started.

There was a round of applause and cheering.

Dad signed us to come on stage. Pha squeezed my hand reassuringly and we made our way onto the stage.

" Meet Forth jaturapoom. Pha's mate and our future luna." He introduced me.

Another round of applause and cheering.

Dad then turned to me. Pha gently pushed me forward a little.

He extended his hand. I took it.

"I, David kongthanin, Alpha of the Red Fang pack accept you Forth Jaturapoom as a part of our pack." He announced loudly.

At that moment i could feel the connection between me and all the pack members. The packlink.

Ok let's do this. Kai said.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on spreading kai's mana to all of them.

I could hear gasps coming from the pack members.

Done. You did it smoothly. Good job. Kai said happily.

I opened my eyes and looked at dad who was staring at his wrist.

I looked at his wrist and there was a gold band on it. It looked like it was painted on his wrist.

I looked up at dad and smiled. I then looked around and saw that everyone else was also staring at their wrists wide eyed.

Dad stepped back a little and gave the mic to me.

"Nice to meet you everyone. You must be wondering what that gold band on your wrist is." I started.

All of their attention immediately focused on me. They were listening intently.

"It's like a protection charm. It will protect you whenever you are in danger. It will also enhance your current strength so you can protect yourselves better. So please don't panic. It's nothing dangerous. It's my charm for all of you so that everyone in the pack are safe at all times." I explained.

I could see smiles slowly appearing on their faces. The children were jumping up and down with excitement.

" Thank you Forth! We are glad to have you as a member of our pack!" I heard someone say.

There was a chorus of "Yes"s and another round of applause.

I smiled and gave the mic back to dad. He smiled proudly and pat me on the shoulder.

I went and stood beside pha who was also smiling brightly.

"You did great. I'm so proud of you." He whispered in my ear.

"Lets enjoy ourselves for the rest of the night everyone." He said.

With that they all started talking among themselves.

Dad walked upto me. We got off the stage and joined mom who was standing near the stage.

We looked around the room smiling.

I felt dad trying to reach me throught the packlink so i opened it for him. I also let pha and mom hear the conversation.

"was there any?" He asked.

"Three of them." I said.

"We can't drag them out now. That will cause panic to spread among the other pack members." Mom was anxious.

"After this how about we go down to the dungeon? I can teleport them there since they are in the packlink." I suggested.

"That's a good idea."Pha said.

" Ok. We'll take care of that later for now just enjoy." Dad cut off the link.

"You hungry?" Pha turned to me.

I nodded.

We went to tbe buffet and got some food.

We were eating while looking around when some kids approached me. They looked like they were around 6 years olds.

"P'Forth! P'Forth!" They called me all at once.

I chuckled. I knelt down to match their eye level. "Yes?"

"Thank you for the charm! it's so pretty!" one of the girls said.

"You're welcome. But don't try to walk into danger by yourself even if you have this ok? You should always be careful." I said gently.

"Yeeesss!" They said at the same time.

They all ran to their parents.

"You're already popular." Pha chuckled.

I smiled. I felt so happy. For the first time in my life people were looking at without any contempt or disgust.

We spent the rest of the party getting to know some of the pack memebers. They were all very kind.

They were all really surprised to find out I'm an omega though.

"No way! You look like an alpha!" They said.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their surprised expressions.

By  midnight everyone had already left to go to bed. The ones with children left a little early.

Dad, mom, pha and I headed straight for the dungeon. We went into one of the empty cells.

I concentrated on the packlink and found those three. I immediately dragged them herethrough the link.

They appeared infront of us. They looked really bewildered.

There was a man in his early twenties, a woman in her late twenties and a another man who was in his late thirties.

Any demons? I asked kai.

Hmm... No i can't smell even the faintest scent of a demon on them. He said.

"Alpha? Luna? Pha? Forth? What's going on?" The woman spoke up.

I could tell she was scared. Her heart was pounding. The other two were also the same.

"We brought you three here because we have discovered that you hold some malicious intent towards the other pack members." Dad said seriously.

"What? What are you talking about? Are you calling us traitors?" The man in his late thirties got angry immediately.

He's still scared though. Kai mumbled.

The heartbeats of the other two also increased. I could tell they were nervous.

"We never said that Dea. We haven't once said the word traitor. Why did you think we think you are traitors?" Mom spoke up.

Dea didn't say anything back.

Forth let's get this over with. I'm getting impatient. Kai said.

"So are you going to confess on your own or should i make you cough up everything?" I asked.

They all turned to me surprised expressions.

"C-confess what? W-we didn't do anything." The one in his early twenties stuttered.

"Didn't do anything? Who said anything about doing something Mike?" Pha frowned.

Mike closed his mouth and looked away.

Idiots. Obviously they won't say anything on their own. Try intimidating them a little. Kai suggested.

I released some mana and compressed it making the atmosphere around us heavier and more sinister.

The three flinched and stepped back a little.

Mom, dad and pha were confused since they won't feel anything. I made sure only these three could feel it.

"Talk." I hissed.

"We only hired some rouges to take a cub! That's it!" The woman dropped to the floor.

So they are the ones behind that kidnapping. Kai snarled.

"Why would you do that? He was an innocent child Mira!" Mom shouted.

"And wasn't that your brother's son? Why did you do that to your own nephew?" Dad turned to Dea.

"Because Father was going to leave all his money to him! Mike wouldn't get anything!" Dea yelled.

Ahh... So these two are married and this brat is their son huh? Kai realised.

"For money?! You were ready to kill your own family for the sake of money?!" Dad was boiling with rage.

I could feel mom and pha were also getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

"You guys never cared about money this much before! Why did you do that?!" Mom asked.

Wait... Could it be?

A demon's influence!! Kai yelled.

"Did you meet anyone who put this idea of money being so important in your head?" I asked before they could answer mom's question.

Mom, dad and pha seem to have realised what i mean.

"Rit didn't put the idea in my head! He gave me a reality check! I was oblivious all this time!" Dea shouted.

So it was Cain. Thank god it's him and not another demon. That means he was the only one influencing the ones in this pack. Kai said relieved.

Dad looked at me. I nodded.

" He didn't give you a reality check. He tried to turn you against the others. So that he could use you and get information about the weaknesses of the people in the pack." I stepped forward.

They frowned.

"That person that told you that wasn't Rit. It was someone else controlling him. Someone who wanted to destroy this pack." I continued.

Their eyes widened.

"But h-how is that possible?" Mira asked.

"We can't tell you that. But just know that person wasn't Rit. And don't listen to what he said. If you continue like this you're going to lose all the people you hold dear and be left with nothing." Dad said.

Their expressions changed to ones of guilt.

" I'll give you two choices. Continue on your way of thinking and be banned from the pack. Or you can change and we can forget this ever happened." Dad suggested.

They contemplated for a few minutes before Dea spoke up.

"We'll change. Please don't kick us out of the pack." He pleaded. The other two also nodded.

"As long as you don't try to harm anyone in the pack, we won't do anything to you. Remember this. The moment you try anything or even think about tryin something, we will know. And there won't be a second chance." Mom warned them.

They nodded eagerly.

I could feel their malicious intent disappearing. It was replaced with guilt and fear.

I looked at dad and nodded.

"Now that that's settled let's go to our rooms. It's quite late." Dad turned to them.

We all made our to our respective rooms.

After taling showers pha and i got into bed. I fell into a deep sleep a few minutes later.

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