Star Crossed Liars ✔

By ErynRaineStories

458K 13.9K 1.9K

Cover by @auroralust Available on Goodreads under this title. Every year, wolves of age from around the count... More

Star Crossed Liars: Intro
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Final Author's Note
My Stories

Chapter Thirty Six

7.9K 242 17
By ErynRaineStories

I hadn't seen Orion all day.

We had slept in separate rooms last night, in fact, we had slept in separate houses. Orion stayed firm in his bedroom while I had made my way to Val's house, spending the night with the three girls.

My last night as Althea Lavois.

I had woken up the next morning feeling only excitement. Val's house quickly turned into a pampering room. Gloria, Josephine and Florence had barged through the doorway before I had even woken up properly. My two bags were in their hands as they dragged me upstairs, three giggling girls following behind.

The initiation ceremony was first.

I wore no makeup other then lining the underneath of my eye with a dark kohl liner, taking the endless time to sweep my hair up into a mess of curls on top of my head, beads woven throughout. The sunk into my hair as the light caught them. Then jewellery, it was obvious that we were going all out. Earrings the size of an egg with a decorated chain pendant lying comfortably on my collarbone.  Silver bands lay on my wrists, being a comfortable weight against my skin.

We pulled out the dress, a small gasp escaping the mouth of the younger girls. I stripped out of what I was currently wearing, pulling the dress up and letting Gloria zip up the back. I adjusted the straps before grabbing the skirt and pulling it up, evening out the dress.

I felt Florence's head lean against my leg, "You look so pretty Althea, like a fairy princess!"

"The silver... really suits you" Josephine added quietly.

I smiled and thanked them, fiffling with the pleated material.

And now I was waiting. People filtered in and out of the room, but I knew that running around the room as if dressed in a pair of jeans was definitely a bad idea. Of course, excluding the fact that the dress was probably the heaviest thing I had ever worn, the weight already sucking out my energy and I was only sitting down. I looked out the window. Val's house looked out onto the forest, and I could slowly see an altar coming together. 

The mating ceremony.

Both Orion and I had decided that we had have initiation inside and mating outside, the idea of being traditional was, for some reason, quite appealing.  It was practically a backyard wedding, none of the houses having backyards cut off with fences, all joining together and leading out into the incoming forrest.

A delicate white altar with flowers climbing up the side. A long piece of white, dainty material lined the floor, leading out to be where I would walk.

I was secretly glad that the initiation ceremony was first. A chance to adjust and experience a proper ceremony first before doing the one that most little girls dreamed of having.

The door opened again,

"It's time to leave," Gloria whispered, "Are you ready?"

I took in a breath, shoving down the urge to fiddle with my hair, "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose."

She came over and helped me up out of my chair, holding my face in her hands. "It's nerve-wracking, becoming a Luna. But trust me Althea, it's something that you'll never regret."

I leaned into her touch, missing the motherly figure. "I know. It's quite an adjustment, going from a doctor to a Luna. But I know it will be fine - I'll have Orion."

Gloria smiled, red tinging her cheeks. "And me, and Daniel, the girls... plus, there is a reason that a pack has more than the Alpha making up the high family."

She was right, a voice of reason. "Alright, no time for moping, I have an initiation ceremony to attend."

I exited the room, Gloria fluffing the back of my skirt as I walked out into the hallway and towards the entrance of the house. A car was waiting out the front, knowing that there was no way I could shift, nor walk all the way to where the ceremony was happening. I pulled myself into the car, feeling like a suffocating bag of feathers, the entirety of the dress puffing up and leaving me almost no moving room. Gloria clambered into the car practically being pushed against the door because of the size of my skirt, flying over the seats.

"Everyone else is already at the venue and ready for your arrival. I'm going to take you to the entrance way where Orion is going to be waiting for you. Together, you'll walk down the aisle to where the elder will be waiting. Then the ceremony will happen; blah, blah, blah. Usually we have a massize party to celebrate, but we'll hold it later tonight after your mating ceremony, which isn't ideal but the only workable option."

I tuned out after that as she continued going on about minuscule details. It was obvious that she wanted everything to be perfect.

My only focus was on making sure that I didn't throw up.

We finally arrived at the hall, the soft sound of classical music caressing my ears as I stepped out of the car. Again, I reajusted the dress before following Gloria, who was making her way towards the entrance. She hurried me along, eventually just grabbing my hand and pulling me. 

It was a massive hall, practically the size of the lowest level of the pack house. While I knew that not every single pack member was in the room, It would be a fair majority. It was only fair, of course, that the pack themselves got to witness the proper initiation of their Alpha and Luna.

We rushed down the hallway before Gloria stopped in her tracks.

"Orion's just up there, I'm going to head into the room. Good luck," She whispered, pointing towards Orion who was standing diligently in front of a door before rushing back down the hallway and disappearing behind a corner.

I flexed my fingers and took a breath before continuing to walk.

Orion lifted up his head, gracing his nose into the air before turning in my direction. His stock face morphed into a smile, filling up his face and showing off the gentle sparke of his teeth. I hurried up my walking, taking my place at his side.

Orion reached down and grabbed my hand, bringing it up and pressing a gentle kiss against my knuckles.

"You look stunning," He complimented, his eyes staying strictly on my face.

He wore a white suit with delicate silver detailings, his hair gently combed back as to not fall into his face.

"As do you," I returned, "Are you ready?"

He sighed and brought my hand to his side, keeping on a strong hold. "I've been waiting eighteen years my love, my only regret is that you didn't have the preparation time that I did."

My heart fluttered, "You're mistaken Orion, I had all the time I needed."

Almost the moment that the words had left my mouth, the music became louder, and the door swung open, revealing the inside.

I didn't even want to guess how many people were currently seated and staring at me, though it was quite easy to say that it was probably a very high number. We began to walk, the carpet thick against my feet as the music blared in my ears. I spared a glance at Orion, his expression strong and quiet with the slightest glint in his eyes. I watched his mouth quirk upwards ever so slightly as he noticed my stare before I turned back and faced the front. 

An elderly man with a gracious hat stood behind the altar, a massive book laid out in front of him. We walked up two steps before we were standing right in front of him.

The music slowly got more and more quiet before stopping completely in a seamless transition.

"Members of Vindex, welcome to the Initiation of the son of our Alpha, Orion Westbrooke and his mate, Althea Lavois as our new Alpha and Luna. As the pack of Vindex, we-"

He droned on and on about Vindex's morals and story beginnings. Speaking of the first Alpha's leading all the way to now. I barely paid attention, staring at Orion instead, allowing every single detail to sink into my memory, properly focusing on him.

"Orion Westbrooke, do you, as our future Alpha, promise to protect the pack of Vindex, lead it with dignity and uphold the packs morals and expectations?"

Orion looked at him. I had never seen him more confident, more sure. "I will."

"And do you, Althea Lavois, as our future Luna, promise to protect the pack of Vindex, lead it with dignity and uphold the packs morals and expectations?"

My breath was caught in my throat. I hesitated for only a moment, "I will."

The elder passed over a golden vial, along with the smallest copper rod, unreasonably thin with a sharp, point edge.

"To signify this promise, please prick your finger and allow a droplet of blood to fall into the cup."

Orion went first, barely even flinching as he ran the edge along the top of his finger and hovering it over the edge. I watched as the ruby red liquid fell against the side. He then pass it over to me.

I gently digged the edge of the rod into my finger, letting it linger only fore a moment before pulling it back as a red sphere piled on the tip of my finger. I then turned it over and let it fall into the goblet, slowly swirling around the edges before settling on the bottom. I then placed it back with the elder.

"And with that, may I pronounce the new leaders of Vindex, Alpha Orion and Luna Althea!"

The room erupted into cheers, standing up as whistles and claps filled the room, accompanied by a much more jolly tune played by the group of musicians that were huddled in the corner.

Everyone slowly started to leave the room, Orion and I graciously following. I had no idea what was happening nor where we were going, but I just followed the crowd, deeming it much easier then to just find out. 

Orion pulled me too the side, letting my body lean against the wall while he towered over me.

"Hi Luna," He said with a grin,

I couldn't help but smile, "Hi Alpha."

He placed his head just below my ear, "I can't believe it happened. Like, actually happened."

"Don't get too excited, we still have a bit to go." I laughed, "We still have the mating ceremony,"

"Oh yes, I'm definitely ready for that." He agreed, nuzzling into my side.

"So, what's next?"

Orion straightened up. "We have about an hour and a half before the mating ceremony. In fact, it's probably best that we leave now. I don't even want to know how long it's going to take for you to get ready."

I groaned, "You're probably right."

As if his very words had summoned them; Lia, Ivy and Val came barreling down the hallway with panicked expressions, Gabe, Julian and and Colton walking behind them calmly. Someone grabbed my arm, dragging me away.

"Wee need to go!" Ivy screeched. "You have to get ready!- We, have to go get ready!"

The boys leaned against the wall where I just was, Orion now shifting so his back was against the wall too.

I started properly running, hoisting up my dress so the entirety of my ankles were on show. I turned around slightly and waved to Orion, who had a bittersweet look on his face.

"I'll see you later!" I shouted gleefully, my voice probably just a distant echo, suddenly leaving the hall and the four of us piling into the car.

The drive was short back to Val's house, the car filled with giggles and shrieks of joy. I was completely ready to get out of this dress, the weight of it almost driving me insane.

I fumbled out of the car, walking up into the house with the others at my side. I'd wanted bridesmaids for my mating ceremony, so all three of the girls and I had pooled our money together in order to buy three identical dressed;  a creamy, light pink colour with thin straps and an angular bottom. It was made out of a smooth, velvety material. It was both loose and body fitting.

As the girls had their hair done into a single, whispy braid, I was pulled behind a divider to put on my dress. It was just as I had remembered it, sliding on practically perfectly. I adjusted the sleeves, ensuring the sleeves weren't folding over each other. I fixed the skirt and the golden ornaments before walking out, letting the cape fly behind me in a dazzle as I walked.

I pulled the pins and baubles out of my hair, letting it just flow over my shoulders. Having it down certainly matched the aesthetic better then having my hair pulled up tightly once more into loops and buns. 

Not a moment was spent doing anything other than preparing, Gloria shoving a sanwhich down my throat with a bottle of water to make sure that I didn't faint. Hair, jewellery, dress adjustments. Everything that needed to be done was done, along with a mock practise of walking the aisle. 

When I was told it was time to go down, I still felt as if I had't done anything at all.

Including remembering how to breathe.

I suppose that wasn't that important. 

I took one last stare out the window, out into the open garden. It was fully set up now, the altar ready and every seat completely arranged.

People had started to arrive.

A mating ceremony didn't need to be public, so only those close to the family where in attendance. Orion had already arrive, standing at the top with Gabe, Julian and Colton standing my his side. He blew out an anxious breath, head turning from side to side as he tried to keep himself occupied.

It was only then when it hit me,

My parents weren't going to be here.

It hadn't even occurred to me, all the time spent preparing and I hadn't even realised that my parents weren't coming.

Did they even know?

I suppose if they did, it wouldn't be because of me. Or maybe they would have just naturally assumed. Regardless, they wouldn't be here.

I guess it was a good thing that Gloria loved taking photos so much.

I turned around, there was nothing that I could do about it now. 

"Darling, are you alright?" I heard Gloria ask.

I focused myself and turned around, placing a smile on my face. "Of course, just nerves."

She gave me a look of encouragement before passing me a massive bouquet of flowers, "Come on, let's do this."

We exited the room, the others all walking in front of me. Downstairs waited Florence and Josephine. Josie looked stylish in a simple dress, her hair pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck. Florence, however, was all dressed up in a tea length white dress with a red ribbon around her waist. In her hand was a small, woven basket filled to the brim with flower petals.

She gave me a toothy grin, "I'm your flower girl!"

She didn't even give me a chance to reply before she started skipping outside standing at the end of the aisle with a determined look on her face.

"She's very excited you know," Gloria giggled, 'Very honoured."

"She'll do a fine job," I replied with a smile. 

Suddenly, I heard music start to play. Once again, classical music - I would never be able to listen to classical music again, - started playing. Down walked Florence, scooping her hand into the basket and throwing the petals into the air as she walked. When she reached the end, Orion leaned down and gave her a hug before she then wandered off to sit next to her father in the front row.

The girls started walking, lining up on the opposite side as the boys.

And then it was my turn. 

It was almost as if I was in a trance, completely and utterly hypnotized as I made my way up towards Orion. By the look on his face, it seemed he was experiencing the same thing too. I took my place beside him, watching as his face took me in completely.

He was wearing a simple black suit with small gold detailing and a blindingly white tie.

The elder began to speak, but I couldn't hear a word. I felt myself mumbling a few 'I do's' and 'I promise' as he spoke.

"Finally I pronounce Althea Lavois and Orion Westbrooke fully mated underneath the eyes of the Moon Goddess!"

I tuned back in and a smile took over my face. Orion leaned forward and kissed me, letting his hand cup my face and my back arch as I felt the slow hum of happiness course through my body.

We were mated.

I grabbed onto his hand and walked back down the aisle in a gleeful run.

"Come on," Orion whispered in my ear, "I have something to show you!"

We ran along the grass, getting further and further away from the aisle. We pulled into another group of houses, each down on in a splendid glamour... and seemed to be completely empty.

Orion dragged me towards on in the middle, a large, traditional looking home with vines clumbering the poles and a wrap-around porch. 

He dragged me up the stairs as he fished around in his pocket, pulling out a pair of keys.

"I thought it was time we moved out of my parents house," He grinned, leaning in once more, "It was starting to get awkward living there, especially considering the fact that there was a lot I wanted to do but wouldn't with my mother in the other room."

The house inside was completely empty and undecorated, the wallsall the same shade of pale gray.

"I figured we can do it up to our own particular taste over the next few months." He said, looking up at the ceiling,

"We certainly can," I gaped in awe. I came to my senses, "You know, there is still one more thing we need to do, you know, to complete the process."

Orion toyed with the neckline of my dress, "Are you sure? I mean, don't you want to wait-"

"Oh no," I growled, "I definitely don't want to wait,"

I let my fingers slide into his hair as I pulled his face down to meet mine. The kiss lasted only a moment before Orion realised just how serious I was. I was pushed tighter against the walk, not an inch of space between us as he began to work his way of my jaw and down my neck.

He took his sweet time, taking pleasure in finding the spot and grinning at the small whimper I let loose. I knew that after all thid was over, I would definitley have mire then just a mark on my neck. His thumb carefully slid under the edge of the neckline, pulling the high neckline back just a smidge to give him more skin to roam. I felt his lips gently graze over a softer part of my neck and a loud moan escaped my mouth, my knees buckling as my head leaned back against the wall.

"Found it,"

He kept going, relentlessly sucking on the tender skin as a heat bloomed in my stomach. I played little attention to what escaped my mouth at that point, only caring about what Orion was doing.

Then I felt it.

His canines extended and pierced the skin. I felt a shot of pain, but only for a moment. An endless wave of pleasure ran down my body, causing my fingers to latch on to Prions hair, tugging harshly for a moment before I managed to pull myself together.

Orion pulled his teeth away, running his finger over the area before standing up straight.

He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me upwards, letting me in my drowsy state fall against him.

His gaze lingered on me for just a moment,

"Now come on love, we have a party to enjoy."


Good morning guys, how are we?

So... how was the chapter? Let me know <3

Anyway, guys drumroll I have a very exciting piece of information....... I have a release sate for ToB! The first chapter will be published September 6th, but remember that I'll upload a intro chapter onto my profile so you can save it to your library to be reminded when I start publishing.

I went to my message board the other day and was like, oop kinda considering accepting on of the offers to move my works onto their platform. Obviously, It was just a phase and I'm completely over it now, back to being desperate for Wattpad lmao but I'm kinda concerned because people were like as long as you finish publishing scl first like guys?? what kind of author do you take me for?? I would never leave ya'll high and dry like that dw but regardless, the moment has passed and I'm not gonna do that lol.

It's a long weekend so you already know that I'm going to be pumping out chapters to desperately try and finish ToB. I have a week left on my deadline and I'm not worried, but I'm worried? Anyway, gave myself a days break yesterday so I can really jump into it properly (also the fact that my eyes were going blurry wednesday night and I could barely see - kinda let me know I prob needed to go to bed early the next night)

Also, I think we may reach 9k on this story over the weekend!!! So again, thank you all for reading <3

Remember to vote and comment!

See you in the next chapter,


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