Shapes | Sope FF

By yourlocalyoongistan

224K 12.1K 6.1K

A world where you get a specific colour and shape on your wrist when you were born that links you to your sou... More

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random sope rant
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This is illegal
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i d e a
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authors note and Q n A (open)
Yellow Square!
More to come? maybe?
shapes extras!


2.3K 153 18
By yourlocalyoongistan

Hoseok's POV:

Hoseok had been getting call after call after call from his dad. He had finally managed to get a phone of his own and all his contacts were able to be restored. He had tried to block his dad's number but he somehow managed to get a new  number to call him on.

The phone rang again and Hoseok screamed and threw it across the room, starting to have a panic attack. He was shaking and tears streamed down his face. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" he screamed as his phone rang again.  

"Hyung, hyung, oh my God, shhh! It's ok, its ok!" Namjoon started speaking, running into the bedroom as soon as he heard Hoseok scream. He pulled the older into a hug and rocked him.

The phone rang again and Hoseok just stopped screaming. He let silent tears fall down his cheeks and he sat there, staring at the lit up phone on the floor. Just feeling numb at this point. He let the torture continue as Namjoon held him. He didnt even acknowledge his presence.

Namjoon soon picked him up gently and took his phone, taking it and putting it in the kitchen as it continued to ring. He then brought them back upstairs to the bedroom.

This caused Hoseok to relax a little, his tears slowing. "I'm scared."

"I know, hyung. It'll be ok. He wont come for you."

"But he knows where we live. And if I stay here longer, dont you think your mom will get suspicious? It's already been a month."

"I know...hyung, it might be time you told someo-"

"No." Hoseok said sternly, cutting him off.

"Hyung. My mom is gonna get suspicious eventually. Then what? Where are you gonna go? Not to Yoongi's. His mom wont let you over there. Not to any of the maknaes because they dont know anything. What are you gonna do when my mom gets suspicious? You have to tell someone, hyung."

Hoseok didnt want to, but he knew Namjoon was right. "Fine. I'll go to the police tomorrow." He said quietly.


After school that day, Yoongi drove Hoseok to the police station. There, he told the police about his situation with his parents. He showed them his scars as some proof and the constant calls from his father.

The police took the case and easily arrested his father with the evidence, but his mother couldnt be taken until proper evidence was found.

Hoseok was happy that at least one of his parents were gone from his life.

After the police station, Yoongi brought Hoseok home and Hoseok was faced with the hard part: to tell Namjoon's mother the truth.

"M-Ms. Kim..." he started off quietly.

Namjoon's mother turned and smiled at him. "What's up?" She asked kindly.

"I have to tell you...why I'm here."

"Isnt it because your parents are on a business trip?" She asked, tilting her head a little.

Hoseok shook his head a little and looked down. "My parents kicked me out. I told them Yoongi hyung was my soulmate and they kicked me out. They abused me for years and they're still doing it." He explained quietly.

Namjoon's mother's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. "Hoseok, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say something? I couldve taken you in way earlier. Have you reported this?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry for hiding it."

Namjoon's mother pulled Hoseok into a hug which he happily returned. "Its ok, Hoseok. I know its a scary thing. I just want you to be safe, ok?"

Hoseok nodded a little "I will, Ms. Kim."

"Good. And don't worry, I support you fully. I'm glad you found your soulmate. No matter their gender."

Hoseok smiled and thanked her before pulling away and going upstairs, flopping on his own and Namjoon's shared bed next to the younger.

"How'd it go?"

"Great actually. She said I shouldve told her earlier. She also supports me. You should come out. Shes really supportive." Hoseok encouraged.

"You think so?" He asked hopefully.

Hoseok nodded. "She supported me when I told her about Yoongi hyung."

Namjoon nodded a little. "I'll tell her tomorrow. For now, im gonna do my homework then- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME SEOKJIN!?" Namjoon screamed as he gagged.

"Oh god, what now?" Hoseok asked with a laugh.

"He must be at Yoongi hyung's."

Hoseok shrugged a little before covering his nose and gagging. "Those two-"

"Jin hyung's lucky he can eat anything cause I feel like I might throw up." Namjoon said, his face literally looking green.

Hoseok just laughed lightly and rolled his eyes, patting Namjoon's back despite the smell from whatever Yoongi was doing.

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