By badroommate

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BOOK TWO of the Falling for a Muller series -(-)- he should be grieving. she should be moving on with her li... More

author's note


2.8K 166 25
By badroommate


I touched up my lipstick after several rounds of cappuccinos and glanced over my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

My blouse and slacks were slightly rumpled now but I still looked fresh otherwise. That was probably thanks to all the caffeine I'd consumed today.

We took a two-hour break at the hotel after visiting more clients but I knew we'd be heading out any minute now. I was genuinely impressed with how suave and convincing James could be when it came to collecting donations.

A knock at my hotel door drew me away from the bathroom vanity. I opened the door to find James standing there, his suit jacket open and hair loose. He looked me over with a deep breath. My lady bits tingled as a blush diffused across my face. I'd never been like this around anyone.

If I thought my attraction to Jarrod was intense, this was another thing entirely. But it really had nothing to do with James and everything to do with my sex deprivation. I was just desperate. For all his holy hotness, he probably had a small dick he couldn't use well.

After this dinner with Joan, I intended to find a man to give me some release. I didn't care where I had to go to find him or who he was. Just something to take the edge off my attraction to him.

"Let's go," James finally said. "Our ride is waiting."

Grabbing my clutch from the counter, I sauntered out of the room after him. My heels were short but somehow more difficult to walk in than my favorite stilettos.

Maybe I'd pull those out for tonight. They'd been retired for way too long.

"Did you look over those records?" he asked while holding the elevator door for me.

As I stepped into the elevator, I took my time appreciating the hug of his shirt over his shoulders and the way his slacks fit snugly around his muscular legs. Nodding, I pinched the skin between my index finger and thumb.

"I did. I was going to wait for Joan, but I'm guessing you want to know now?"


"Well, Landrum isn't the one who has been using that credit card. It's a decoy. He seems to be covering his tracks, knowing someone would be examining his finances."

"How do you know this?"

"He gets coffee at the same time every weekday and has for the last several years. Well, he took a Monday off a few weeks ago, according to his office, and the charge was still there. And I checked the FCID system. He opened another debit account a month ago. Your financial people probably wouldn't think to check FCID because they only track credit cards." The elevator stopped and we walked out to the lobby. "I'm willing to bet Landrum has been siphoning money into that account."

"Maybe it's a savings for his kid."

I shrugged. "Could be. Either way, it's worth investigating."

James peered down at me for several seconds. Biting my cheek to keep from smiling, I kept my gaze trained forward.

"How'd you find out about the coffee?" he asked.

"I know how easy it is for someone to scam the police by using routine as an alibi. I've seen it happen a dozen times for credit fraud."

He hummed and nodded. We didn't speak again until we were in the rideshare.

"Will it just be the three of us?" I asked him.

The street crawled by around us as our driver maneuvered through the evening traffic. A siren wailed in the distance. For a moment, I felt suspended in the chaos of the city.

"Her assistant usually joins," he replied.

"Oh, I see."

He cleared his throat. "So, what do you think of the city?"

"Well, I can't say I've seen much of it."

"Fair enough."

"How long do these dinners usually last?"

His green eyes flashed to me, stunning me with their raw intensity. It seemed like his entire being was wrapped up in those eyes. Every emotion, thought, and conviction emitted from them. He was terrifying and alluring, reeling in my attention and trapping it.

"A few hours," James said.

I withheld my groan.

"We do have a meeting in the morning, don't forget."

"If you're insinuating that I would miss the meeting due to my extracurricular activities, rest assured I'll be there. I've never been late to a professional meeting in my life, Mr. Muller."

He looked out the window and remained quiet.

We arrived at the restaurant twenty minutes later. I realized we could have walked and made better time, but I wasn't going to complain. Joan had chosen a swanky tapas bar.

We found her and her assistant seated at a high-top table near the bar. I noticed James unbutton the top of his shirt and tug at the collar.

"Nervous?" I asked, nudging him.

He briefly glanced at me through his side eye. "Never."

"Mhmm, okay."

"James and Leah," Joan spoke affectionately as we neared the table. "Don't you two look charming tonight?"

"Joan," James greeted with a nod, lightly pecking her cheek.

I offered a hand and Joan kissed the back of it. Her eyes hazily met mine. A chill shot down my spine that reminded me far too much of Anne.

"Meet my assistant, Danielle."

I reached for the much younger woman's slender hand. Her glossy, black hair was cut short at the shoulders, and her dress cut steeply down her chest. She raked her eyes up and down my body before settling on my face. There was a smug tilt to her painted mouth.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Charming, indeed." Danielle sent her boss a tight-lipped smile.

I looked at James. He appeared to be fixated on the drink menu.

"And how are you, Mr. Muller?" Danielle asked.

"The same as always, Danny."

She smiled. "Of course. Your assistant is new, though."

My blood seemed to get hotter and hotter in my veins. I could feel the slow, enraged push of my pulse through my wrists. I'd dealt with plenty of women like Danielle in my time. Whether she was envious of me or simply enjoyed belittling other women, she was the same as the others.

I decided I wouldn't let people push me around after Jarrod. I'd be strong for myself.

"I'm not his assistant," I asserted, burning my gaze into the slender woman. "I mean, I am technically, but I am far over-qualified."

She arched a brow. James set his menu aside, suddenly interested in the conversation.

Clearing her throat, Joan said, "Care to elaborate, Leah? I was under the assumption you were."

"I graduated at the top of my class, worked my ass off to get into banking, and managed a bank for several years. An assistant wouldn't know that this Landrum guy is siphoning money on the side."

I bit my cheek to keep from charging on. I wanted these people to beg for it. They needed to understand that I wasn't just some girl tottering around after James. While I may be his assistant, I could do a lot more than schedule meetings and take notes.

He clasped his hands and sent a chilling look at me. A look that meant he was surprised but that I needed to subdue myself.

"Leah's experience in banking has been very beneficial in your scenario," he told Joan. "She believes Landrum is using a credit system outside the FCID to siphon money."

Joan glanced at Danielle, who sat stoically poised and annoyed in her seat. "Consider me very interested. Leah, please tell me why you believe this."

I smiled despite myself.


It was nearly midnight when the dinner drew to an end. James and I stepped out of the bar. The biting airbrushed at my face as we moved to the curbside, cooling the alcohol flush on my cheeks. I swayed a little but immediately righted myself.

"That went well."

I swallowed a smile and looked over at my companion. "Did it?"

He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "You impress me, Leah Harris. That is a rare occurrence."

"Then you don't get out enough, Mr. Muller."

"You don't know how to accept a compliment, do you?"

"No. I'm afraid we are at maximum capacity at the moment. Please try again later."

"Jesus, Leah."

Propping my hands on my hips, I stared up at him. "What?"

"I don't know how to talk to you."

"Because I'm funny?"

"Because you're you."

"Then I guess you better invest in a new assistant." I stuck my tongue out at him.

For a minute, I didn't hear anything. The next, a car pulled up and James gently lifted me into the backseat. He joined me on the other side. His low voice rattled off an address to the driver and the car lurched from under me. I looked at the way his profile was outlined by the city lights. His sharp nose and broad chin magnified, the flatness of his forehead and cheeks made soft.

I blinked and he was suddenly facing me. The breath slid out of my lungs. He inhaled deeply and looked away.

The jolting of the seat forced me awake. I flinched, reaching out, and found my arms pinned to my sides. My eyes flashed up. James' face looked squarely ahead and just inches away.

I looked away and saw the hotel lobby bobbing around me. Holding my breath, I pushed my face into his chest and closed my eyes. I stayed that way until we reached my room.

"Where's your room key?" James grumbled.

"My back pocket?" I withheld a burp.

"You're in a dress."

My tongue rubbed dryly against the roof of my mouth. I thought hard about where I'd put the key when I left the room.

"Oh, fuck it," he swore.

I bobbed in his impeccably strong arms until a door clicked open and I was greeted by a cold gust of air.

"Where are we?" I shivered.

"My room. You took too long."

My mind spun out for a moment. I was in James' room. Oh my God. The strong arms were soon replaced with a soft bed. James shoved a pillow under my head. I groaned at the simple comfort of a good bed.

"Enough of that," he hissed. "Sleep tight, Leah. And know one thing. You were right. You're more than an assistant to me."

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