Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no...

By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

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The event of this story is few years after the incident in Inazuma Eleven Go Galaxy. It's about Endou Kaminar... More

Let's go! Raimon Eleven!!
The Match! Raimon vs Kaiou!!
Let's Play Together Again!
Soccer Festival! The Wind Returns!!
Our First Match! Tengawara Jr. High!!
The Wild! Nosei Jr. High!!
Fighting All-Girls Team!
It's Time! Raimon Move Up!!
For Real?! The Hard Training!!
Final Match! Teikoku Academy!!
The Strongest Hero! Kaminari's Keshin!!
The Nationals Tournament!
Hakuren's Blizzard! New Power!!
The Strongest Defense!
Breaking Through! Inazuma Break!!
Hard Clash! Another Tough Challenge!!
Raimon VS Gassan Kunimitsu!
The Genius Playmaker!
Heat Up! Match on the Hot Field!!
The Semi-Final Match!
Clash! Raimon vs Arakumo!!
Blow Everything! Sunshine Break!!
The Finals of Soccer Festival!
Intense Clash! Raimon vs Kidokawa Seishuu!!
The Beginning of New Reign!
Special! Camping Trip!!
Bad or Worse! Shinsei Inazuma Japan!!
The FFI Vision 3! Begin!!
Kai's Desicion!
Fierce Opponent! Storm Wolf!!
Burst! Yamata no Orochi!!
The Impregnable Defense!
Ryuu no Hoko!
The Warrior of Ocean!
Wolf's Determination! With Fire and Ice!!
The Practice Match! Inazuma Japan vs Resistance Japan!!
Breaking Our Limit!
Fierce Challenge! Malaya Beast!!
Final Play! The Representative of Asia District!!
It's Break Time!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 1!
Shinsei Inazuma Japan vs Inazuma Legend Japan: Part 2!
Reserve Players for Inazuma Japan!
To the World Stage!
The Group League Starts!
The Fight Continues! Awaken Soul!!
Clash! Japan VS America!!

Reunion with Friends!

298 7 0
By Kaitou_Mighty_ZX

After the match in the group league, teams have get their points. Some lose, draw and win their match. Inazuma Japan won their match against The Viking, putting them at the top of the list due the result of the match between Spark Master and Unite Unicorn.

At Summer Bay Complex...

The players and managers are watching the match between Russia and America, the same day as their match against Scotland, in the main briefing room.

"The match is now has gotten intense! America makes an attack on them while Russia are trying to keep them from scoring the goal!"

It shows Peter and George are moving up while dodging the players and passing the ball between them. As soon as they get close, George pass the ball to Peter and he kick the ball. The ball went into the goal.

"Goal!! Unite Unicorn scores again! What an amazing play between America's double ace, Peter and George!"

They high-five with each other. The referee blows the whistle, ending the match.

"And now the match is over! By the score of 3-2, Unite Unicorn wins the match! Japan and America are in the same point after Inazuma Japan win against The Viking!"

Kotaro: Wow...

Nami: Unite Unicorn is more powerful than I thought...

Haruki: It's obvious. After all, the coach of America's team is Ichinose Kazuya, the magician of the field.

Kenjito: First, a tough team with strong offensive, and now we have to deal with a team led by a genius player. Then, I'll handle the defense.

Isamu: Says the one that didn't get to play in the first match.

Kenjito: What was that?!

Ren and Riko smiles when they saw Unite Unicorn won the match. Kaminari stay quiet the whole time even when watching the match before think about what he talk with Fisher after their first match.


Kaminari: Yggdrasil? Aren't they the company that send funding the different small companies, helping people, and more good things.

Fisher: They were, but not anymore. Ever since the previous chairman of Yggdrasil passed away, the current chairman seems what to do what he wanted. Also, they trying to control soccer due known as the famous sports and reaching world level. The chairman says that soccer fit for business.

Kaminari: Using soccer for ecomonic evolution, huh? You're saying the reason two of your players use dirty methods during the match?

Fisher: Yeah. Players that work for Yggdrasil are called Seed, player that ordered to change to flow of the match and put the scores for who win or lose.

Kaminari: That's match fixing. Those guys are underestimating soccer.

Fisher: But taking them down won't be easy. Remember, Russia is the home of Yggdrasil, so it does make sense if Spark Master works for them.

Kaminari: Easy for you to say. I watch the match of many different potential teams that will reach this far, and I saw not a single player in Spark Master ever trying to use dirty method.

Fisher: I would say the same, but something's off with that team.

Kaminari: Fine, I'll be more careful. But... if what you say is true, there might be teams that against them.

Fisher: That's right. Our team one of the those who's against Yggdrasil rule but we get infiltrated by them. Yggdrasil also planning on using FFI to their use.

Kaminari: In other word, if there's a team that doesn't work for Yggdrasil won this whole tournament, they can be stopped.

Fisher: That's right.

It makes Kaminari scratch the back of his head before sigh.

Kaminari: Tch. When we finally able to play soccer freely...

Fisher: But I won't be worry about America's team. They one of those who against Yggdrasil, and clean team. I'm sure that they'll play fair and square.

Kaminari: Well, we'll see about that.

(Flashback End)

Kaminari(In mind): Why company like Yggdrasil do things like these? They've been helping some many people before...

Nami: Nii-chan? Nii-chan!

Kaminari: Geez... *turn to Nami* What?

Nami: You've been quiet the whole time, so I'm worried.

Kaminari: Just because I'm quiet that doesn't mean you have to worry about me much.

Nami: *deadpan look* Nii-chan, you're too dense sometimes...

Kaminari: Who are you calling me dense?

(Time Skip)

The players went to the field as they practicing for the next match in their group. The managers are watching them play while doing some checking at the players status. Tsukasa didn't practice with the others because his right leg is still hurt.

Asuka: Everyone is doing their best.

Riko: Yeah.

Asuka: I wonder which team we'll be fighting against next.

Riko: *look at the tablet* Both Russia and America is strong. We already fought with Scotland, so it'll be between these two teams.

Riko: I see.

Tsukasa: *sigh* I can't believe I won't be playing in the next match.

Asuka: I can't be help, you're right leg isn't in the right condition to play.

Tsukasa: That kinda break my spirit to play...

They doing some blocking, stealing, passing and offensing practice. Sasagi and Kirishima doing their best in blocking dozens of ball that being shot from the cannon. Everyone are doing their best even in this practice.

Kariya: Guys!

The players stop practicing and look at Kariya who is waving at them near the bench.

Kariya: Come here, the team who'll be fighting us in the next match has been decided!

They all went to Kariya to listen about more detail.

Kariya: Our next opponent will be the representative of America, Unite Unicorn.

Kaminari: Oh? Fight between the winners, huh?

Kariya: As you know, Unite Unicorn are famous for their adaption and speed in their play. They won't be like the match against The Viking.

Isamu: Heh. They won't be beating us when I'm here!

Todoroki: You didn't even score during our previous match.

Isamu: Shut up!

Kariya: Minato, Junya.

Kiroto/Sasagi: Yes, sir!

Kariya: Coach Hakuryuu has decides that you two will be playing in the next match as starters.

Kiroto: Understood, sir!

Sasagi: We'll be using me as the goalkeeper in the next match? But Akai have awaken his Soul, isn't make him more than enough to be the goalkeeper?

Kariya: What's wrong with that? Don't you want to play?

Sasagi: N-No, sir.

Kariya: Then don't ask something like that. Coach wants to see your abilities so make sure you do your best in that match.

Sasagi: Yes, sir!

Kariya: Now, go and continue your practice!

IJ Players(Except Tsukasa): Yes, sir!

As Kariya left, the players went to the field except for Ren. Suiryuu stops and look at Ren.

Suiryuu: Ren, is there something wrong? Our practice has started.

Ren: *turn around* Actually, how about we go and spy on Unite Unicorn?

Suiryuu: Spy on them? *snaps* Oh, I understand what you're saying.

Ren: Let's go!

Suiryuu: But just the two of us is no fun. Hmm... *turn to others* Captain, Kirishima!

Kaminari: *turn right* Huh?

Kirishima: What is it?

Suiryuu: Ren said we should go and spy on America's team! Let's go!

Kaminari and Kirishima look at each before they decides to follow them.

(Time Skip)

They change into their tracksuit and ride on the bus to get to where Unite Unicorn are staying. Even Riko herself are following them.

Ren(In mind): *glare at Riko* Geez, why does this devil woman have to follow us?

Riko: Achoo!

She rub her nose as Suiryuu look at her.

Suiryuu: What's wrong? Are you cold?

Riko: N-No, I'm fine. I feels like someone is talking bad about me. I'm sure it someone close.

Ren: Achoo!

Kirishima: Hey, are you okay?

Ren: Y-Yeah, just a breeze.

Kaminari(In mind): Why do I feel like this won't getting bad about this two?

Albert: Okay, everybody, we're getting closer to Unite Unicorn's place!

Suiryuu: By the way...

It shows Albert is wearing ninja outfit with wooden sword at his back and he's holding wooden shuriken in ninja style.

Suiryuu: *sweatdrop* What are you wearing?

Albert: We're going to spy them, aren't we? So it's obvious that we have to wear like a Japanese ninja. I've been watching many ninja movies, so I know how they move! And I saw them jump off from the buildings and still alive!

Ren: Those aren't real ninja...

At Star Alley Complex...

After an hour of driving, they arrived at the place where Unite Unicorn are staying. They walk out from the bus and walk through the streets. As they get close to the stadium where they're practicing, Albert are moving in ninja style while the others walking casually.

Kaminari: *sweatdrop* Hey, can someone do something about him?

Ren: *sweatdrop* I don't think so...

Suiryuu/Kirishima: Yeah...

Riko: Whatever, we've arrived here.

As Albert gets near the fence, he take out a goggles as he going to spy them. It shows Peter and George are practicing with two more players while Ichinose is watching them. Ichinose now has longer hair at the sides. He's wearing blue-black jacket with white shirt inside, long grey jeans pants and dark shoes.

Albert: It's look they are practicing. I wonder how'll they play in the matches.

Ren: Hey, Peter! George!

Riko: We came to spy you guys!

Albert: Eh?! What happened to the stelf ninja style spying?!

Kaminari: No one said we came here to spy like that.

Peter: *turn around* Huh? Oh! If isn't it Ren and Riko, huh?!

George: Hello!

They entered the field as they greeted. Albert change back into his usual suit as they talk with the others.

Peter: Hey buddy, it's been a while since I saw you two!

George: Yeah.

Riko: Well, that was few months ago.

Ren: Yup.

George: I actually suprised when you didn't get selected in the selection for Inazuma Japan.

Ren: Yeah, I was suprised too when I already practiced so much but didn't get selected.

Peter: But you lucky enough when there's an empty seat in reserve players for you!

Ren keep talking with Peter and George about the FFI.

Kirishima: Hey, Riko-san. How did you two know them?

Riko: It's when Uncle Ichirouta bring us to America. That time he's playing for a team in America and we get to see him play. After that, we meet with them.

Kirishima: I see.

Suiryuu: How long will they chattering?

They keep going on going until Peter stops them and turn to their teammates.

Peter: That's right, here's our teammates.

It shows a field player and a goalkeeper in the team.

Peter: This is Drake and Jack. Drake is our forward and Jack is our main goalkeeper.

Drake: Hello.

Jack: Nice to meet you guys.

While they're talking, Kaminari stay away from them as Ichinose went to him.

Ichinose: Look how much you've grown. And being a captain just like your father.

Kaminari: Don't lump me with that old man.

Ichinose: Haha! Really hard like always! By the way, how's your mother and your sister?

Kaminari: They're fine. Nami is also in the team, but she hasn't playing yet.

Ichinose: I see. Anyway... *look down* How's Natsumi-san's cooking? Able to survive it?

Kaminari: *sweatdrop* Just barely. *sigh* It's like living in a hell of food...

Ichinose: At least you two able to handle it... Right, why don't we have a small match?

Kaminari: Huh?

Ichinose: I'd like to see how better you've get.

Kaminari: Tch. You're so troublesome.

After setting the small goalposts at each sides in a small area of the field, they went to their positions. Inazuma Japan players still wearing their tracksuit but Kirishima wear his keeper gloves while Unite Unicorn players in their jersey.

Albert: It's a mini-game between Japan and America. This winner of this mini-game will be decide on who will score the first goal. There's no need of using any hissatsu techniques.

Ichinose: Now, show what Japan can do.

He blow the whistle. Drake give the ball to Peter as they move up. Suiryuu went ahead to block them him but Peter smirk as he pass the ball to George as they keep moving up.

Peter: Hehe, that was easy!

George: The next one is...

Ren: Me!

He run ahead as he slides and steal the ball from George.

Ren: Right, I got it!

George: Oh? Not bad.

Ren: Just because I'm not selected as main members that doesn't mean I didn't grow!

He run ahead really fast and able to get past Peter and Drake.

Drake: He's fast!

Peter: Faster than before!

Ren: It's mine!

He kick the ball but Jack jumps and catch the ball. He land before hold it up with one hand.

Jack: That was a nice shoot, but it's not enough.

Ren: Tch! That was close in!

Jack: Show me more! *kick the ball* Peter!

Peter: Okay!

He jumps and get near the ball.

Peter: And shoot!

He kick the ball toward the goal. Kirishima smiles as he run toward the side and punch the ball upward.

George: A loose ball, huh?

Kaminari: No one said it's a loose ball.

He jumps and heading at the ball as it went toward Suiryuu as he gets it.

Suiryuu: All right!

He change to kick position but Drake and Peter are in his way.

Drake/Peter: I won't let you!

Suiryuu: Hmph. Too naive.

He do a light kick making the ball get past them and Ren run ahead.

Jack: George, stop him!

George: Leave it to me!

As the ball went close to Ren, he enter kick position but the ball suddenly get past him without he touching the ball.

George: A fient?

The ball keep rolling until it reachs Kaminari and he kick the ball hard sending it ito the goal before Jack could grab it.

Albert: Goal! And Japan wins!

Riko: That's really good.

Ichinose blows the whistle. The players shake hands with each other.

George: I can't believe we lose with a simple feint like that.

Peter: Japan's players are really suprising.

Drake: I'm really looking forward on playing on a match against you guys.

Jack: Me too.

Suiryuu: Yeah!

Ren: I'm really wanted to fight you guys this time!

Ichinose: That's the spirit. The match will be in three days, I hope that all of you give your best in the match. Japan and America are rivaled after all.

Albert: *look at Riko* You and your brother make good friends in America.

Riko: *nod* Yeah. *look up* I hope the match will be amazing.

???: Ichinose Kazuya, I've been looking for you.

They all turn to the hallway and saw a man in soldier like suits with a serious exspression.

Ichinose: Is there something I can help you?

Kevin: I'm Kevin Bolde, and I'll be taking your position as the coach of Unite Unicorn.

It makes everyone suprised.

Ichinose: What are you saying?!

Kevin: You've been convicted for using the funding for the team for you own use. Arrest him now.

Two soldier went Ichinose and grab him as they hand cuffed him.

Ichinose: Hey, wait! I won't do such things!

George: That's right! Coach wouldn't never do something like that!

Peter: He won't using those funding for his own use!

Kevin: *take out a paper* Then what is this?

He opens the paper and shows that thousands of money was transferred into Ichinose's account making they disbelief.

Drake: Just that won't prove anything! Coach Ichinose cares more about this team than money!

Jack: Yeah! You can't just say like he really did it!

Kevin: You want or not, this is the rule. He's going back until this case is solved, take him away!

Ichinose: Wait, there might be a mistake here! I can't just leave my team! Hey!

They take Ichinose away as the IJ players and Riko also felt disbelief. Ichinose would never do something like that. He cares about his team more than money so there's no reason for them to arrest him like that. When Kaminari look at the man, he realise something.

Kaminari(In mind): This could it be the work of Yggdrasil. They maybe training to take control of America team so they can destroy those who against them.

Kevin: From now on, I'll be the coach of this team! *smirk* We'll do things in my way!

(Time Skip)

After that, they return back to their camp. They told them what happened to America team and about Ichinose. Even they doesn't seem to believe that he would do a crime like that.

Shinji: I don't believe that he do something like that!

Riko: We did too, but...

Ren: That Kevin has a proof that he did it. But there's no way he would do that!

Suiryuu: Yeah, he's one of Raimon Eleven in the past! He wouldn't do something like that!

Kirishima: What is going on in this tournament? First, Kishibe got hurt on purpose, and now, Ichinose-san got arrested. *turn to Kaminari* Captain, what do you think about this?

Kaminari: Just leave it. That's their problem, all we can do is to fight fair and square against them. However, their new coach...

He think of Kevin, who taken the place as coach of Unite Unicorn after Ichinose got arrested.

Kaminari: He said that he'll make the team do in his own way. Something is going to happen in our match.

(Kaminari & Nami's Room)

While Kaminari just sleep like he always does, Nami seems to be unable to sleep. She keep moving on her bed while thinking about the tournament and why she get chosen in the team.

Nami(In mind): Why would Coach pick me? I'm not close with the level of anyone here, and not still far from Nii-chan's level.

She take a glance at Kaminari before she sits up and change into her player jersey.

Nami(In mind): Coach have a reason for me to be picked, so I'll have to do my best in this tournament and prove my strength here.


Nami is dribbling the ball up and then kick the ball into the goal. She do it again but then she bouncing twice before jumps into the air and kick the ball as engulf in pink-white energy. The ball burst in high speed before start bouncing around but then lose power and went out of bound instead of into the goal.

Nami: *panting* Still no good...

She look at her hands before start clenching and look ahead.

Nami(In mind): Buttobi Penguin isn't strong enough for world-level, I'll make a technique fit for world-level! I will definitely succeed making one!

She take another ball before dribble ahead. As she about to kick it, a ball went past her and went into the goal.

Nami: Eh? H-Huh?

???: You're getting better, but that isn't going to be enough.

Nami turned around and saw Kaminari as he walk toward her.

Kaminari: You need more power in that jumping.

Nami: Nii-chan? I thought you were sleeping.

Kaminari: I am. Just when I awake for a second, I saw you're not in the room. Here is the only place I can think where you would be.

Nami: Sorry, for practicing this late.

Kaminari: Don't worry, you still have a lot more to improve. I'll help you.

Nami: Eh? Really?

Kaminari: Of course, what kind of older brother I am if I wouldn't help you.

Nami: Nii-chan! Thank you!

Kaminari: Now then, continue with the training.

Nami: Right!

As they continue to practice, Riko, who also doesn't sleep well, saw them. She stand at the hallway before taking out a picture. It was a picture of herself and Ren when they kids.

Riko(In mind): Older siblings that supports their younger siblings... huh?

(Time Skip)

The Day of the Match...

At Steel Fortress Stadium...

The stadium is made by full steel and look like a fortress, almost like Teikoku Stadium. The stadium are packed with crowds and cheering loudly as the players walk out from the hallway.

Max: "Now, the second matches in the Group A is about to begin! Today, it'll be Japan's Inazuma Japan vs America's Unite Unicorn!"

Keita: "Japan and America has a history of rivalry, they must be fated to fight each other in this match!"

Max: "Currently, the coach of America, Ichinose Kazuya, isn't here with the team. And replace with a new coach, Kevin Bolde."

(Unite Unicorn Bench)

The players are preparing for the match. It shows there's four new players in the team while the others don't feel comfortable with them.

Kyle: I never expect that we'll be fighting along with them.

Drake: Yeah.

Peter: All we can do is to play the way always do.

George: That's right.

(Inazuma Japan Bench)

The players went to Hakuryuu as he's about to announce the starting members.

Hakuryuu: We'll go with most main members, but Minato and Junya will be playing in this match.

IJ Players: Yes, sir!

Hakuryuu: Also... *turn to Ren* You get your wish, you'll be playing as starters too.

Ren: Yes, sir!

Hakuryuu: Katsuragi, you'll be benched.

Isamu: Huh?! Why me?!

Todoroki: Serve you right.

Isamu: You...!

???: Don't give us that crap!

It makes them turn to the opposing team.

(Unite Unicorn Bench)

Drake: What do you mean giving the captain armband?

Peter: The captain of this team is George!

One of the Seeds in Unite Unicorn, Eugene Bars, hold out his hand.

Kevin: Give Eugene the armband.

George: What do you mean? I'm the captain of this team!

Eugene: That is before, it's now.

George: Tch!

He take off his armband and give it to Eugene as he wear it.

Kevin: Also, we'll be changing goalkeeper.

Jack: Huh?! I've been the goalkeeper for Unite Unicorn this whole time!

Kevin: I won't use someone weak as you.

Jack: What was that?!

Kevin: Go to the field and play. *smirk* And win this match.



Inazuma Japan:
2. Arashi Kotaro(DF)
3. Yukimura Nanae(DF)
4. Okami Kiba(DF)
5. Kazami Haruki(MF)
6. Gouenji Homura(MF)
8. Suiryuu(FW)
9. Yoshi Kai(MF)
10. Endou Kaminari(FW/Captain)
12. Kazemaru Ren(MF)
15. Minato Kiroto(FW)
18. Junya Sasagi(GK)

Unite Unicorn:
2. Sarah Hughes(DF)
3. Joshua Bear(DF)
4. Daniel Joel(DF)
5. Eve Simson(DF)
9. Geogre Renson(MF)
10. Peter Halt(MF)
11. Drake Skies(FW)
17. Eugene Bars(MF/Captain)
18. Alichia(DF)
19. Anton(MF)
20. Joe(GK)

Max: "Both teams are now on the field. Which team will the goddess of victory smile upon to today?"

Keita: "With Japan's ball, the match starts!"

As the whistle blown, Kaminari pass the ball to Kiroto as they move forward. Drake and Peter went to block him but Kiroto back pass the ball to Suiryuu.

Max: "Inazuma Japan make a quick attack!"

Eugene: Block their path! Don't let their forwards shoot!

Anton, Alichia and George went ahead. Eugene stops Suiryuu as Anton mark on Kiroto and Alichia mark on Kaminari.

Suiryuu: Tch!

Eugene: You guys are no match for us.

Suiryuu: What?

Eugene: Just because you able to win the last match...

He instantly steal the ball from Suiryuu.

Eugene: You guys are nothing!

Keita: "Eugene quickly steals the ball from Suiryuu! America makes a counterattack!"

George: Over here!

Eugene: Not happening!

George: What?

Eugene: We don't need those who weak!

Peter: Hey, we're in the same team!

Eugene: Right now, I'm the captain! I won't listen to any of you!

He pass the ball to Alichia as they moving up. Then she pass the ball to Anton. Japan players tries to block them but Anton back pass the ball to Eugene.

Homura: No way!

Nanae: When did he went this far?!

Eugene: Here I go!

He jumps and thrust the ball into the ground with his legs as a huge cannon appear.

Eugene: Carronade Hou!

His right leg sparks and he kick at the back of the cannon as it blast the ball out like a cannonball.

Sasagi: I'll stop it!

He clench his right fist as it engulf in blue energy as he pull back. He push his hand forward as a holographic drill appear.

Sasagi: Drill Smasher!

The drill hits the ball. Sasagi tried to block it but he get pushed back until the ball breaks the drill and push him into the goalpost.

Max: "Goal!! The first one to score is Unite Unicorn!"

Keita: "They score minutes after the match starts! Goalkeeper Junya are unable to block the shot!"

(Inazuma Japan) 0 - 1 (Unite Unicorn)

Sasagi: *punch the ground* Damn it! Right in my debut match... I...!

The Seeds talk with each other.

Eugene: I knew it. Japan isn't that strong opponent.

He look up at the VIP spectator area where the person who control Yggdrasil is watching.

Anton: We'll be the one who destroy them.

Alichia(In mind): Being a Seed is okay, but... is this really fine?

Kiroto look from the front at the frustrating Sasagi. He clench his fist as he look ahead.


"There's Seeds in America's Unite Unicorn as well. Inazuma Japan will have to struggle when against them and how will the members in America hold against the Seeds?"

Next time: "Clash! Japan VS America!!"

"This is super-dimensional soccer!"

"Today's Inazuma Eleven proverbs!"

One of the cards went up and flip forward, showing the image of Kaminari before shines and show some words.

"You're getting better, but that isn't going to be enough."

"That's all!"

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