I Never Knew

By reidsnrenswhore

3.4K 73 15

you and Spencer have never really been close when you started working at the BAU and you wanted to respect th... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 2

467 8 2
By reidsnrenswhore

The jet ride back was your chance to finally actually rest. This past week had been just you and Spencer going out every night to local clubs and you dressing all skimpy, not that you hated it, you'd just rather dress up or down on your own terms, plus your feet weren't all that happy at you for wearing heels every night either. However you were able to learn more and spend more time with your coworker Doctor Spencer Reid.

Okay so maybe not learn more about him since you two were literally working each night trying to catch a damn serial killer, but you never really got to talk to him or anything outside of the office or when you guys were in the field with the team. It may have had something to do with the fact that you were new and literally everyone had told you that he took some time opening up to newer people; you didn't blame him, you were practically the same. However your boss, Aaron Hotchner, knew everything about you, your past, your background, anything that was on your file, so he occasionally pulled you aside and would ask you how you were doing; he always acted like such a dad to you. But the reasoning for that would be a story for another day. Hotch wasn't the only one that knew everything about you, your team's tech analyst, Penelope Garcia, decided to do her own background check on you when you joined their team, which after some time you realized wasn't too bad because this team was like her family and she would want to know about who was joining her family.

"Sooooooo...." your train of thought was interrupted when a woman with dark brown almost black mid length hair said your name, "what're you going to do once we get back home and granted Hotch gives us the weekend off for once?"

Emily Prentiss is her name, one of the several people who immediately welcomed you to the group. She has such a large rac- ahem- personality and always got her point across.

"I mean I had wanted to give my feet a chance to rest but Peter wants to go out, get dinner, and then do something else. He said it was a surprise." that last part said with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh? So you and Peter are finally getting serious?"

"Oh Emily please, we've just been kind of talking and have gone on a couple dates. You know how I am when it comes to labels, I just don't think I'm not quite ready to call him my boyfriend or whatever." you decided to take a sip of water from the water bottles that were already on the jet.

"But you guys have already fucked right?"

You choked.

"Jesus christ Emily! Say it louder why don't you, holy shit. Maybe I shouldn't tell you about my sex life anymore."

"I'm just saying, didn't you guys hookup a couple times and then he asked you out on a date? Like that seems a little out of order."

"Oh I know you of all people are not trying to talk to me about fucking first and then going on a date Miss Sin to Win." you knew exactly what type of person Emily was, not that you're slut shaming her, you admired her honestly. She was able to get action from who she wanted whenever she wanted and it was amazing.

"Fine fine. But damn girl you must have done something right for him to want to keep you around longer than a one night stand. And it's not just that pretty face of yours, but also don't stop talking to me and the girls about your sex life, we need some juicy details for when we have girls nights. I still can't believe that you met Paul at the last one and you actually took him home." she stated. Which honestly wasn't completely true? We had gone to his place mainly because you've always been paranoid about people knowing where you live (due to uh... personal reasons), only Prentiss, Garcia, and JJ had gone over to your apartment before.

"Oooohh so you're seeing Paul again?" another voice joined into the conversation. Jennifer Jareau, a blonde woman, very beautiful as well, however she is married so the amount of times you jokingly flirt with her is a little less than how often you flirt with Prentiss.

"Yeah, but if I'm being honest I just want to stay home and take a nice hot bath with a glass of wine and some candles lit. God I just was to relax after this week; my feet are killing me. Also why did it have to be me going out into the club with Reid," at this point your voice had become hushed, "him and I barely know each other, I don't even think he likes me all that much." and this statement you believed to be true. He was cold to you in the beginning, and he has only slightly warmed up to you after you had been there for a couple months. Luckily Emily explained to you that he was probably cold because, a couple weeks before you had joined she had rejoined the team after all of them, except JJ and Hotch, thought she was dead (it was a long story and it didn't seem like she wanted to explain the whole thing to you so you never pushed for it).

"I don't know," a husky voice joined in, "Pretty Boy there seemed pretty interested when he was attacking your neck with his mouth. It seemed like he was getting really into it." he chuckled. Derek fucking Morgan. A 6'1 mixed bald man, he was also a lot of the time the source of comedic relief with his witty comments and stupid stupid nicknames.

"C'mon Short Stack, don't act like you didn't like it, you were all like 'oohhhhh spenceerrrrr' it was like both of y'all were super into it." he chuckled while wiggling his eyebrows and then glanced over at Spencer.

Spencer was at the opposite end of the jet as you were sitting and was deep into a book. You watched him as he dragged his fingers down the pages of the book. You weren't about to lie to yourself, his hands were something else, there was just something about them that you just wanted them as a brand new necklace. Your eyes started to fixate on them as he moved them quickly throughout the book turning each page. You still couldn't believe that he could read like 20,000 words per minute, it was like superhuman.

"Oh come on Baldy, we all know that Spencer and I were just playing our roles to catch the unsub. Not like him and I are actually attracted to each other or anything. Right Spence?" you called out to him. All he did was stare at you for a couple of seconds then opened his mouth, "I'm sorry what? I wasn't really listening to you guys."

"Derek said that we were too into our characters while undercover and I'm just explaining to him that we aren't actually attracted to each other, right?"

"Oh," he clears his throat, "yeah. We were just doing our jobs." he states and immediately went back to his book turning the page.

Something seemed a little off with him but you just brushed it off. After all you both just agreed that you weren't attracted to each other even a little bit, right? Right?


heya so sorry there's no smut just yet I kinda wanna add more story until I actually get to the smut. im gonna try to keep chapters to maybe this length thanks! pls leave a vote n comment

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