[Starlight] Nozel Silva x Rea...

By holyromanDISASTER

8.7K 381 213

[Sequel to Shards of Ice! I do not own BC or any media used] The two young lovers find each other again in t... More



379 20 2
By holyromanDISASTER

I'm so fucking sorry for not updating this.

My excuse: working on Haikyuu fics (seriously, please go check them out lmao)

This chapter is dedicated to animix389 clarenceok Reneqade Issababyyyyy_ animefan10126

Griffin Acnoria POV

"Oh god..." I hovered in the air as a female with powerful wind magic prevented me from entering the Spade Province.

"Who the hell are you?!" 

 "I'm Griffin Acnoria."

She narrowed her eyes. "One of the descendants of the 29th Wizard King." Her expression changed and she grabbed my hand. "Come with me. The others are already here. Oh, and I'm Skyrin Hosodaki from House Hosodaki."

Skyrin lead me to an area with stones. "This is the ancient burial site of your ancestor, (y/n) Grinberryal (l/n) Silva's home village."

I traced the stones, the ancient writing still prominent. "I can't believe that this land was fucked up by one of my ancestors."

"It's too late to regret it," Skyrin shrugged. She held up a green gem. "I'm from the former Heart Kingdom as one of the descendants of Queen Lolophechta. There's one more from the former Spade Kingdom. I just got here three days ago." The heather-haired beauty explained.

We found the old mines where the legends spoke of (y/n) going through to the Clover Kingdom.

A male with silver hair and green eyes looked at me with recognition. "You're Griffin Acnoria from House Acnoria, one of the descendants of House Silva."

"Yes, how did you know that?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm also one of the descendants, but Noelle Silva Zongratis is my ancestor. My name is Siran Hosodaki, Skyrin's cousin."

"Wait, so all of us are somehow related to Nozel Silva?"

The two nodded. "Essentially, yes."

Siran held up a gem that shimmered. "And now we have all three gems. I foresaw this day."

I followed the two into the mine and they lead me into a passageway where I heard water trickling.

"Siran and I just discovered this," Skyrin explained as her cousin used his ice magic and the wall in front of us moved, the chunks of ice moving to reveal a cavern with a beautiful pool and intense mana surging from it.

There was a statue of the 29th Wizard King with his wife.

The statue depicted them dancing, smiles on their face.

Since it's been over a thousand years, the statues weren't in the greatest condition, some parts missing. 

But the expressions were still prominent.

"Wow...I can't believe that's what they looked like," I whispered. 

All paintings and anything containing portraits of the wizard kings before the war 700 years ago was burned and never seen again.

"How did this statue be preserved?" I asked.

Siran looked at me. "Our ancestor Dimitri Silva's daughter, Seline Silva, preserved the statue. She hid it here in the Spade Kingdom before she was slaughtered by her own father."

Skyrin used her magic to levitate more things from the cavern. "But that's not it. We also have these things." 

There were portraits of House Hosodaki, House Acnoria, and House Silva.

But the one that stood out to me was a painting of our ancestor Nozel and Noelle Silva's mother: Acier Silva.

The painting was mostly worn out, but it was clear that there have been attempts to restore the painting.

"Seline Silva placed a charm on the cavern here to seal it from her father," Siran explained. "The only reason why I was able to find it was due to a premonition I had years ago. Since then, I've been waiting for you two to show up." 

Skyrin pointed to the crown of (y/n) Grinberryal (l/n) Silva. "The four gems connect on top of her crown. Except, I haven't been able to find the fourth gem."

I shook my head, remembering something I saw in a vision. "No. You won't find the last gem. It's in a faraway world where we can't go. Or at least, not without me." I lifted my hands. "Ice Magic: Pool of Worlds."

"What the hell?" Siran and Skyrin looked at me with shock. "You truly are a descendant of Noah Silva. No one else can use such powerful magic."

Skyrin looked behind me. "Where are your siblings? I know you have siblings."

I looked away. "They were taken to a safer place, outside the four kingdoms. I made sure of it."

The two exchanged glances before nodding.

"Shall we go?" I asked. "I've never used this spell for more than two people, so I'll tell you how it works. You must clearly state the name of the person or people you are looking for as you jump into the pool. I suggest we start with (y/n) Grinberryal (l/n) Silva."

Reader POV

I looked down at the sleeping baby.

Anne was sleeping with our white feline Robin curling up to her.

The gem passed down from my ancestors shone in the dim lighting and the spade mark on my shoulder started to sting.

"What the hell?"

Nozel immediately came into the room, feeling the intense force emitting from the gem. "What the hell is going on, (y/n)?!"

There was a huge burst of energy as the lights down the block flickered on and off until there was a crash.

I pushed Noah back into his room as Nozel and I ran to the top of the graystone and saw on the roof three figures.

I rose the flashlight's beam onto the roof as we drew closer.

"Did we make it, Grifin?" A male with silver hair and green eyes asked.

A female with heather-colored hair and blue eyes looked around.

The mark on my arm, which was a clover and snowflake entanglement, glowed silver in the darkness like a beacon.

"I think we made it," a male with silver hair and blue eyes said. 

"Who are you?!" Nozel shouted to them.

They turned and looked at us with shock in their eyes.

"Are you two Nozel and (y/n) Silva?"

Nozel and I glanced at each other with confusion in our eyes. "Yes?"

"Then we made it. We are from the world of magic which you two had dreams about," the one named Griffin said. "And we've come to take you back."


I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I just watched episode 140 of the sub and I got inspiration. And the Mafia version is going into the yandere oneshots book since I don't think I can make it a stand-alone book (I will add yandere characteristics to it, dw)

Anyways, last time I updated this, I had about 540 followers. Now (last time I checked), I have 1,431?!! Thank you, everyone!

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