The 597th Tales

By DanteG188

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The Clone wars progress around the galaxy, and with the Galactic Republic losing supporters, the Jedi Order s... More

A NEW DAWN - Chapter 1
Battle of Dantooine Part 1 - Chapter 2
Battle of Dantooine Part 2 - Chapter 3
Siege of Ossus Part 1 - Chapter 5
Siege of Ossus part 2 - Chapter 6
Assault on Ord Mantell - Chapter 7
Troopers End - CHAPTER 8

Supply Run - Chapter 4

77 1 0
By DanteG188

Galek looks at the tablet reading off all the supplies for the supply run in front of Jorgan.

"Also, the 53rd Armored Platoon will be on this operation so it will be easier for our Manka-Class Armored Transports to carry the supplies and our troops," Jorgan said

"Who's the leader of the 53rd Armored?" Galek questioned

"That would be Lieutenant Pierce, he's in the hangar doing his briefing with his men for the Operation." Jorgan responded, "I suggest you head over there to get you both acquainted with one another."

"Understood Commander" Galek responds back turning away from Jorgan

"Oh and almost forgot, for this supply run Darok will be in charge," Jorgan said, "We need more leaders and I wanna put him in charge for this one."

"Understood sir" Galek says walking off towards the hangar.

Galek enters the hangar seeing the Armored transports, he was surprised the Old republic technology could still be used just with little modifications. He then looks to his right seeing a trooper giving a briefing to his men in front of a Armored transport.

"Once our transports land on the ground, we'll be split into two teams of transports, one team will be transporting supplies with Commander Jorgan, the other team will be transporting supplies with Sergeant Darok." Pierce says to his troopers, "Now that we have that squared away, start loading up the rest of the supplies so we are ready."

Pierce turned around and saw Galek coming towards him

"Ah Sergeant Major, nice seeing you here. Will you be participating in the Supply run?" Pierce questioned Galek while crossing his arms.

"Yes i will Pierce, but Darok will be leading the second team." Galek responds

"Anyways, we'll see you on the ground, I'm sure you need to brief your men." Pierce said

"Affirmitive, nice talking to you Pierce" Galek said walking over to the LAATs

Galek walked over to the LAATs seeing his men in formation in front of Darok.

"We will be going down to the ground to deliver supplies to the Twi'leks on Ryloth, no RPS's nor Grenades!" Darok said

Galek walks up next to Darok and addresses his platoon.

"RPS's and Droid poppers only, RPS's will be used if any Droid assets are qualified as Armored." Galek says looking at Darok knowing that he's the one doing the briefing.

"Once we get on the ground Sergeant Darok will be leading squad two and I will be more active on the ground with you guys." Galek says while putting up a hologram of the plan, "We will all be landing in the same area, we will have a straight path until we get to this intersection here, after that we split up. That means squad one will be moving down the left path and squad two will be moving down the right path."

Galek puts away the hologram of the plan and looks at the troopers

"This supply run is crucial for the support of the twi'leks, if this supply run fails the tail heads will be against the republic," Galek turned his head to Darok giving a slight nod to tell the troops to get to the Armored transports

"Get to your armored transports, we are leaving! Let's go triple time it!" Darok yelled

The troopers boarded the Manka class armored transports. Galek, Darok, Jorgan and Pierce went over the plan again and then went to their separate transports. The LAATs picked up the transports and flew them out to the surface of Ryloth.

Galek went into his commlink and contacted thresher

"Oi thresher, after you drop us off fly back and grab an Arc-170, no doubt if the Seps bring ground units they'll bring gunships and vultures."

"You got it boss, Guardians will have that handled if there is any issue," Thresher responded, "just make sure you leave some ground assets for us to strafe run yeh"

"No promises thresher" Galek responded

Two ARF troopers by the names of Thanar and Ahkar walked up to Galek with Wraith infront of them.

"Galek, this is Thanar and Ahkar, two more marksman at your disposal." Wraith says

"Perfect" Galek says, "When we get on the ground at our checkpoint there is a tower that I want you guys sitting up in giving over watch while we give supplies to the tail heads."

Ahkar and Thanar nodded and walked away to sit by the crates of supplies. Wraith looked at Galek and questioned him

"You seem bothered"

"Jorgan put Darok in charge knowing that I have capabilities of leading this mission without trouble" Galek responded, "Darok has only seen combat on Geonosis he's just another NCO"

"Jorgan put you to supervise him so you are technically leading this" Wraith said putting his hand on Galek's shoulder, "So focus up because who knows maybe you'll find a lucky Twi'lek here"

Both Galek and Wraith laugh at the joke, wraith walks off back to the marksmans and Galek sits down next to Revai who is messing with his commlink.

"Galek what frequency is Command net?" Revai asked

Galek looks at Revai and responds

"Well first of all you don't need command net, you need to be on 152 to stay in contact with Jorgan"

Revai puts in the net and then looks at Galek

"I don't think jorgan knows his comms are on"

"Why do you say that," Galek said back

"Well I just heard him scream at 2 troopers for eating out of the supplies and threatened to kick them out of the Manka mid flight," He says laughing

Galek laughs and then goes to his commlink

"This is Havoc 1-1 to Havoc Actual over"

"This is Havoc Actual, send it" Jorgan said over radio

"Havoc Actual please refrain from kicking out any troopers of the Manka as we need enough people to carry the supplies," Galek said holding back his laugh

Jorgan laughs over the radio and responds

"If he drops a supply box on the floor I'm feeding him to the rancor's"

"That's fine with me," Galek said, "Havoc 1-1 out"

Galek switches his radio to 60 and tells the pilots to begin landing sequence. The LAATs land the Manka's down on the ground and fly away. The Manka's begin moving down the path in a single file.

"Radars are clear so far Lieutenant" Warlock says to Pierce

"Sounds good, keep an eye on the radar though" Pierce says to Warlock

"Got it" Warlock says back

The Manka's continue their course to the intersection. Galek puts in a fresh Magazine into his Z6 until he hears thresher on the comms.

"Guardian two to Havoc 1-1, you got two vultures coming down for a strafe, Guardian will not be able to get them in time"

The Vultures come down doing a strafe run on the Manka's as they come to a hold. The doors to each Manka open and all the troops run out to do a 360 to secure their position.

"Anyone got eyes on any scrap?!" Galek yells questioning the troops

"I don't see anything" a trooper says

"Nothing here sir" another trooper says

The sound of a rocket comes in and hits the shield of the Manka and droids come out of the buildings firing at the troopers.

"It's an Ambush!" Jorgan yells

BX-1 Commando droids came out the buildings and came from the roof's of the buildings surrounding the troopers entirely.

"Galek, get ahold of your men and push those scraps of metal back" Darok said over comms

Galek gave orders to his men to the commando droids back into the buildings. He began to get frustrated that he was on the ground doing work with his men and Darok was sitting in the Manka not fighting.

"Jorgan how's your side coming along" Galek asks on comms

"We've wiped half of them but have sustained some losses from the 53rd armored platoons men" Jorgan responded, "I'm sending a squad to your side to help out"

Galek puts some shots into a commando droid killing it with his Z6 and responds

"Got it," Galek responded

Galek points at Ahkar and Thanar  and then points at the commando droids on the roof. Ahkar and Thanar nod and move behind a barrier to get better angles on the droids. Galek points at Copper and tells Copper to mark targets for Ahkar and Thanar.

"Revai, contact Guardian and get a strafe  to clear the road!" Galek yelled

"Got it boss," Revai responded, "This is Havoc 1-Romeo to Guardian actual over"

Revai calls in the strafe run, and relays it to Galek. The sound of the Arc-170s came in louder and louder with the the troops shaking a bit from the strafing run. Tempest squad comes from Jorgan's side and helps push

"Push these scraps back!" Galek says after seeing Tempest squad move in

Thanar and Ahkar take out the droids on the roof, Wraith drops his marks marksman rifle pulling out his knife and stabs a commando droid in the chest and shooting it in the head with a DC-17. Galek and tempest squad alongside Jorgan's side destroy the rest of the droids.

"If the droids are planning like this then we may not even make it to the supply drop off point" Galek says trying to catch his breath

"Agreed, we still have to try and complete the mission, where is Sergeant Darok?" Jorgan responded

"Sitting in a Manka like he did the entire ambush" Galek said finally catching his breath

Darok comes out of the Manka transport towards Galek with Kanzin behind him

"Galek, what took you so long on destroying those droi—-" Darok says

Galek throws a punch hitting Darok in his helmet and then grabbing his hand feeling the pain.

"If it wasn't for me and my men, you'd be a deadman in that Manka that's one" Galek says cracking his knuckles, "Let's make this clear right here and right now, you don't come up to me infront of the commander like you are some warlord."

Jorgan walks up to the side of Galek and crossed his arms

"Pathetic" Jorgan said and then walked away

Jorgan yelled at everyone to get back in the Manka's and got in himself. Galek told Kanzin to pick up Darok and then moved back to his Manka. Yuun came up to Galek inside of the Manka and questioned him

"You've been wanting to do that haven't you?"

"Kinda but that's besides the point Yuun, he should've fought just like us so hopefully that punch knocked him straight" Galek said

Yuun went back into the cockpit and the Manka's went back on their route to the supply drop off. They got to the intersection and split off from eachother. Galek knew this plan was risky even after what just happened with the ambush.

Wraith forgot to pick up his DC-15X and just head an E-5 from one of the commando droids. Galek still had half of a Z6 Cartridge from the ambush. Yuun went into the ammo crate to grab DC-15s ammo for Revai and himself.

Pierce comes out of the cockpit of the Manka to Galek

"So with the course we are going right now we should make it to the supply point before dark." Pierce says

"That's if the supply point is still occupied by the tail heads." Galek responds

Warlock comes over the comms to tell Pierce and Galek  to get to the front. Galek and Pierce get time the front of the Manka.

"What's wrong Warlock?" Pierce asks

"Sir there seems to be a huge wall blocking the path." Warlock says

"Odd, there wasn't a wall in the scan" Galek says

"Warlock keep on course, you already know these big boys can go through this stuff" Pierce says confidently

"Yes sir" Warlock responde

Galek gets to the back and hears the crushing around the Manka of the wall and then hears the shield like a bubble in the water. The droids were firing on the transports to try and stop them but the Manka's shields were not even nearly touched by their blaster fire. The Manka fires at the droid entrenchment blowing them up and continuing to move.

"Resupply point is not to far" Pierce says over comms

Galek acknowledges and then looks at Revai

"Contact Havoc Actual and check in on their side of the objective" Galek said to Revai

Revai nods and contacts Havoc Actual through the comms. Galek looked at his men and began planning. Revai tells Galek that Havoc Actual has reached their supply point without any struggle and will be getting picked up by LAATs soon.

"Alright listen up, we need to drop these supplies off fast or we are gonna be left here and I know you guys don't want to get left behind." Galek says

They get out of the Manka securing the position and transfer the supply crates to the Twi'leks. Ahkar and Thanar get in the towers they were designated in for overwatch. Galek turned to direct a trooper till he saw a Bolt hit him in the head.

"SNIPER!" Galek yelled

"I don't have eyes on em" Thanar said

"Me neither!" Ahkar said, "wait I have eyes on an AAT coming"

Darok comes out with an RPS and crouches down aiming at the AAT that just turned the corner. Galek watched Darok run out with the RPS and didn't question what he was doing. Before Darok could let out the rocket from his RPS the AAT shot it's Lateral Lasers and hit Darok straight on. Galek ran to Darok's body, picked up the RPS and shot the RPS at the cannon of the AAT disabling it and then ordered Kanzin and Copper to kill the crew. Ahkar gets an angle of the sniper and eliminates it after seeing Kanzin and Copper move up to the AAT.

"Get the rest of the supplies off the Manka and board em." Galek said commanding his troops, "And grab Darok's body and bring it into the Manka."

Galek and his troops transfer the supplies to the twi'leks and then boarded the Manka's. Galek contacted Thresher over the comms to pick them up. Thresher and Guardian three came with their LAATs and picked up the Manka's and flew back to the Leviathan. Galek got off the Manka and went straight to the barracks to lay down in his bunk. Muzza comes into the barracks and grabs his Helmet and coat.

"You seem like you're preparing for combat Muzza" Galek says laying down looking at the ceiling of the barracks.

"Im leading the Siege of Ossus with the 81st infantry and 53rd Armored platoon. We are taking back an Ancient jedi temple for General Izar to reclaim Jedi Relics," Muzza responded

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