The Burnout and the Cheerlead...

By Bella8660

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Jackie and Hyde, they made each other happy, they made each other better. But after what happened in Chicago... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Part ten

405 16 2
By Bella8660

Tuesday, March 25th 1980

Point place, Wisconsin

Jackie Burkhart's apartment


A week had gone by and Jackie had only left her apartment a couple times. For some reason was just really sad and nothing felt like it really mattered. She even stopped doing her hair. Donna had called a few times but Jackie never answered. Jackie was just sitting on her couch staring at the wall when there was a knock on her door. She got up and opened the door to see Donna. She had a bag of things.

"Oh, it's you," Jackie said disapointed. She turned around and went back to sit on the couch.

"Don't sound so excited," she said, closing her door. "What's wrong with you?" Donna asked. She sat down beside her but then her face went sour. "God Jackie, you smell," she said.

"You can leave," Jackie said, her eyes not moving from the wall.

"No Jackie, as much as I hate to say it you're my best friend and I want you to be ok," Donna said.

"I don't need your pity," Jackie said, fianlly looking at her.

"That's it!" Donna said standing up. "Get your ass in the bathroom and shower! We're going out!" Donna said. Jackie gave her a look but Donna's look was stronger and she got out and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Hyde was in no better shape then Jackie. He hadn't left the basement since that day and whenever someone who come inot the basement he would hide off in his room. He had gone through more cases of beer then ever. Why was he so upset? Only she could make him care. He wouldn't even talk to Kitty and he always talked to her. They were all so worried. One day Kitty had enough and she forced him to talk to her.

"Mrs. Foreman, i just don't want to talk," he said.

"Well that's just too bad," she said, he knew he shouldn't argue with her so he sat down on his chair while Kitty sat down on the couch. "Now what's got you so down?" she asked.

"nothing ," he lied.

"Bullshit!" she said. He was taken aback because she never really swore unless she was upset. "Is this about that bossy little one?" she asked, referring to Jackie. Hyde nodded slowly. "You still love her" she figured.

"Of coruse I do! She was the best thing to ever happen to me," he said.

"Why don't you just tell her that?" she asked.

"Because she deserves better," he said.

"Steven, you are one of the best boys I know and I have enjoyed watching you grow. Now you get your ass to her and tell her how you feel!" she said. He got up and left the basement. Hopefully he took her advice.

Jackie had gotten ready and while she was doing that Donna was getting ready too. The last thing Jackie wanted to do was go out but she knew that Donna could force her to do anything she wants because she was like twice her size.

"God I don't want to do this," Jackie huffed as Donna pulled her out of the door and to Jackie's car.

"Give me the keys," Donna demanded. Jackie refused so Donna grabbed the purse and grabbed the keys.

"What are we even going to do in this boring town?' Jackie said, crossing her arms and looking out of the windown.

"Well there's a new bar that just opened so there," she said and she started to drive there.

The car ride was silent but luckily the ride wasn't that long. They got there and they immidently saw how nice it was. There was a nice bar with the nicest looking bartenders either of the girls had ever seen in real life. There was good music playing in the back and it was packed full of people.

"This place is great!" Donna said.

"You know I think that my good taste really is rubbing off on you!" Jackie said.

"I'm going to go get drinks!" Donna called and she went over to the bar. Jackie looked around and took in the scene. She wished Steven was here, she would make him dance. "Here," Donna said, handing her a drink. Jackie downed the whole thing. "Holy Jackie, slow down!" Donna said.

"Good drinks, I'm going to go get another one," Jackie said and she walked up to the bar. She got up there and ran into a familar person, Kelso.

"Oh Jackie," he said.

"Of course your here," she sighed. Before he could say anything else the bartender asked her what she wanted to drink and she ordered and turned back to Kelso.

"Listen Jackie i just wanted to tell you how sorry I am," he said.

"Why did you keep trying to kiss me?" she asked.

"Me and Brooke were fighting because I'm moving back to California and-" before he couold finish she stopped him.

"You're moving?' she asked.

"I have to go back to california," he said.

"Why?" she asked. She didn't want her friend to leave.  

"Work," Kelso shrugged. He was a much more responsible boy then he was three years ago.

"What about Betsy?' she asked, remembering his young daughter.

"Well I'm only going to be in California for like a year but I'll come home once a month to see her or something," he said.

"Oh," she said, looking down at her feet.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," he said. She hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you Micheal," she said.

"I'll miss you too Jackie," he said and he let her go. "I actually have to get home and talk to Brooke some more but uh bye," he said and he kissed her on the cheek before he walked away. She made sure she didn't cry. She got her drink and she went over to Donna. He wasn't sure if she was supposed to tell everyone so she just decided against mentioning it.

"There you are!" Donna said with a big smile. "This place rocks!" she said.

"It is cool I guess," she said. She was upset but she was trying to be chill.

"Let's dance," Donna said and she pulled her over to the dance floor.

At first Jackie was reluctent but eventually she got into it and her and Donna were having a blast. As the night went on there was a bunch of guys buying them drinks and they were having such a good time. Jackie forgot about all of her problems off of her mind and she just enjoyed life.

"This night is actually really fun," jackie said as they found a table. Her and Donna both had a lot to drink so they were tipsy.

"I knew I could get you to have fun!" Donna said victoriously.

"Don;t get to excited," she said.

"Why? This is a monumental day in history!" Donna joked making both her and Jackie laugh.

"Jackie, can I ask you something serious?" Donna asked.

"Why not?" Jackie said, taking a shot.

"Why don't you tell Hyde how you feel?' she asked. Since Jackie was drunk she was going to tell the truth.

"Because I'm scared of him hurting me again," Jackie answered.

i don't really like this chapter but whatever lol.

anyway i do really want suggestions so please leave some or tell me if you want any of the things i listed in the last chapter.

xoxo bella💗

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