The Hunted | Taekook | ENG


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[Finished] "-Are you looking for someone, handsome? - The voice suddenly asked behind him. Jungkook turned b... Еще

16. YURA
25. TIME
27. FEAR


6.9K 256 163

3 weeks later

V opened the wardrobe door and looked at the clothes hanging in it. Instinctively, he stretched out his hand and let his fingertips slowly slide over the delicate fabrics. He noticed the red velvet shirt he was wearing when he and Jungkook were drinking tequila in that bar, teasing each other in an erotic game, and his white oversize shirt that he had worn when they first met. It was so long ago, and at times it felt like it was yesterday. They had lived together that long, and every memory of him was still alive in his mind.

The night he met him, he felt that this boy was special, but then he did not even dare to think that he would be so important to him. He didn't even know when that stubborn Hunter had hunted him. At the very thought he smiled sadly.

He missed him so much.

Every moment without him was torture. It's been three weeks since he last saw him. After Jungkook literally attacked him after he woke up, he left and didn't come back. He felt torn. He was so happy to save him, but he felt a bitter taste of disappointment at his reaction and the younger man's words.

He left Seoul that night.

He couldn't bear the thought that he had failed him and that he had done something against his will, so he decided it would be better to give him space for the boy to deal with what had happened. He hoped that in time the younger would understand his intentions and forgive him what he had done, but every day without him was a nightmare.

His blue eyes found the hand-studded leather jacket he loved so much, and he instinctively stretched out his hand for it. He slung it over his broad shoulders and stroked the black fabric with his hand, marking the metal ornaments with his fingertips. A gentle smile crept over his lips as he saw the image of Jungkook asking him to wear it when he made love to him.

Shit, it was so sexy.

Nobody ever turned him on like this boy. He could drive him insane. He closed his eyes and tried to think of his face. He wanted so badly to see him again. He wanted to kiss him, touch him. He had never in his life imagined that you could miss someone so much. Sometimes he had the feeling that if he didn't see him soon, he would die. It was unbelievable. Jungkook was like the oxygen he needed to breathe.

He was so thoughtful that when he suddenly heard a soft grunt behind his back, he almost jumped in surprise. Frightened, he turned back and froze. It felt as if his heart was literally pounding in his chest as it tried to tear it out even though it hadn't been beating in over a hundred years. He couldn't believe he could really see him.

Jungkook was standing on the threshold of the room.

The boy was leaning back nonchalantly, staring at him intently. His eyes were that wonderfully familiar color of hot chocolate, but it was even more beautiful than he remembered. His dark, almost black hair fell delicately over his forehead. His skin was almost shiny, it was slightly sun-kissed, which made the boy look very fresh. The delicate lips gleamed slightly, looking so inviting that V had to use all his willpower to stay away from him and to not give him a tender kiss.

The raven haired boy was dressed all in black. He was wearing tight black pants that perfectly framed his long athletic legs and slim hips, so wonderfully highlighting his damn sexy thighs that he loved so much. The black T-shirt emphasized his broad shoulders and showed tempting collarbones, but what caught his attention the most was that the boy's waist was embellished with a black corset, which made his waist look even more insane.

He looked beautiful.

He was so wonderfully familiar, but at the same time he felt there was something new about him. Some new, eerie aura was emanating from him, as if the boy was more confident than ever before. The scent of his perfume mingled with the scent of the body he knew so well. Only his heart was no longer beating with that familiar rhythm, which made him not sure what to expect.

Jungkook watched him for a moment in complete silence, until his lips finally formed a gentle arc, lighting his face with a lovely smile. He didn't miss the way V looked at him, almost devouring him with his eyes. The blond, as if confused by his reaction, cleared his throat loudly and shifted nervously, adjusting the leather jacket on his broad shoulders.

- Ugh, I'm sorry... I... I didn't know you'd be here. I just wanted to take some of my clothes... I can sleep on the couch at Yoongi's, but his clothes look like I took them off my younger brother... - he said embarrassed, then laughed nervously, running his hand through his blond hair.- You probably don't want to see me... - he added suddenly, looking around, then grabbed his bag of clothes and slung it over his shoulder. He felt his hands begin to tremble. In one second, he started to feel so many different emotions that he couldn't breathe. That's why he left right after that incident. He knew he wouldn't be able to remain indifferent as he watched the man he loved push him away. - I'll go now... - he choked out and left the wardrobe.

- Noooo. This is your apartment. If someone shouldn't be here, it's me - answered the boy.

His voice was extremely gentle, wonderfully melodic, but a bit deeper than before. It reminded him of the color the raven haired boy used for him in intimate situations. He did not know if the boy used this color consciously or if his transformation had some influence on it. Under the influence of this warm, low color, a flock of butterflies sprang up in his belly.

- No - he protested quickly.

Perhaps he even did it a bit too abruptly, but he couldn't bear the thought that Jungkook might not be here. This was his place. In this room, in his bed. In his life.

- I want you to stay here - he added, lowering his gaze.

He didn't know how to behave. He knew he should leave, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He missed him so much. Should he get down on his knees before him and ask for forgiveness? Embarrassed, he looked up again. The younger one was standing in exactly the same place. He hadn't flinched a millimeter, but his burning gaze was still fixed on him.

For a moment, he wished he could hear his heartbeat that might reveal the boy's emotions. Now he didn't know what he was thinking or feeling. Feeling his nervousness growing, he licked his lips, leaving a thin layer of saliva on them. As his tongue slid over his lower lip, he could almost swear that Jungkook's gaze shifted to his lips for a split second, but quickly returned to his blue eyes.

- I heard you are doing very well... -V said suddenly, trying to break the awkward silence.

He wasn't here, but that doesn't mean he didn't want to know about Jungkook. He wanted to know everything about him. During that month, he made calls to Jimin and to Yoongi almost every day. At first he pretended he wanted to see what was going on with them, but after a few calls, they both just told him about Jungkook without even asking if that was what he was calling for. They didn't need to ask. They both knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep if he didn't know he was okay.

He was not physically with him, but there was not even a second that he did not think about him. However, he asked his friends not to tell him about his calls. He wanted to give him time to come to terms with what he had done, hoping that he might be able to forgive him someday.

Jungkook smiled gently and pushed his body away from the door frame he was leaning against. He took a few steps toward V, closing the distance between them. Even in the way he moved, there was something new. He moved like a wild cat - agile, silent, swaying his hips sensually. His movements were smooth, unforced and so damn sexy.

- Yes - he confirmed. - At least that's what Jimin says. It turned out that as a transformed hybrid, I have much more strength than young vampires. Jimin teaches me to control my new skills. We train almost every day. Although I don't know who gives a hard time to whom - the boy laughed gently, and V thought he was going to suffocate.

His laugh was so beautiful. It's been a long time since Jungkook laughs so carelessly. It was only when he heard this melodious sound that he realized how much he missed it. He wanted to say something stupid. Anything that would make him hear him laugh again.

- He recently took me to the woods and made me run between bamboos, but it turned out that I was doing better than he was - he continued amused.

- I'm glad you're doing so well - V choked out with difficulty.

He was really happy, but it broke his heart to not be able to participate in all of this. He felt a burning sensation under his eyelids and instinctively his hands tightened on the bag. There was complete silence for a moment.

- I will go now. I don't want to overstay your welcome… - V threw, and quickly moved towards the exit.

- Why did you do this, V? - Jungkook asked suddenly, taking a few more steps towards him.

Hearing these words, V froze in mid-step. He turned on his heel to face the boy and looked him straight in the eyes. He felt his throat tighten so much he couldn't breathe. He knew the moment would come for this conversation sooner or later, but he didn't know if he was ready for it.

He's been through it so many times in his head. He kept repeating the words to apologize to him, but none of it was good enough, because none of it was sincere. He did not regret his decision. Not even for a second. He well knew that if he had to re-make his choice now, he would do the same without hesitation.

He couldn't bear the thought of standing over his grave now, swallowing his bitter tears. How could he say he was sorry when he watched the love of his life now stands before him.


Perhaps more alive than ever, even though his heart was not beating. Jungkook, seeing his expression and rising emotions, took another step forward. They were only a dozen centimeters apart.

- Yoongi told me that you were convinced I didn't want to be a vampire. He told me that's why you decided to disappear that night... - He continued, looking him straight in the eyes with his chocolate irises. - If you were sure that I didn't want it, that I might hate you for what you did to me, why didn't you let me die? Why didn't you let Jimin bury me after the transformation time passed?

V was silent for a moment, never taking his eyes off the young vampire. It seemed to him that Jungkook's eyes were glistening with the gathering of tears, or perhaps it was his eyes that had shed tears. He wanted to pull him into his arms and lay his trembling lips on his, kissing him as if there was no tomorrow. He wanted to lower his walls for him and let him feel all that he had within him anew. From the despair he felt when he saw him die to the happiness he realized that he had managed to save him.

- I know that if you love someone, that person's happiness should come first, and I swear I would do anything for you. I wish I could make you the happiest man on earth. If I had to, I'd go through hell for you, but… - He trailed off, feeling his throat tightening so tightly he could barely speak. He exhaled loudly from his lungs, trying to hold back the tears from his eyes. - I couldn't let you die - he finally confessed. - I love you too much to let that happen. I swear that I will beg your forgiveness for the rest of my days for doing something against your will, but I don't regret my decision. I would do the same every time.

Jungkook stood frozen. He stared at him without even blinking. V wanted so badly for the boy to speak. To say something. Anything. To shout at him. To hit him or tell him to get out, but the boy didn't say anything at all. The blond squeezed his hands into fists, digging his nails into the palm of his hands.

Apparently that was what he deserved - indifference.

Without a word, he nodded and turned on his heel to leave the room as quickly as possible. He felt that if he didn't do it now, it would fall into a million pieces and never be whole again. They've been through so much together. They had fought to be together for so long. Perhaps this decision had separated them forever. He took a few steps towards the stairs when suddenly he heard Jungkook's voice behind him.

- Ask me why I did this - the younger one suddenly said.

There was some nervousness in his voice. As if he was afraid V would leave before he could speak. The blond uncertainly turned back towards him and raised his right eyebrow questioningly. He didn't quite understand what the younger meant. Jungkook, seeing his surprise, stepped nervously from foot to foot, then ran a hand through his almost black, shiny hair, brushing it back. A few strands, however, fell back over his dark eyes.

- You haven't asked me why I did it yet - he repeated in a more confident voice. - Why did I cover you with my body when I saw Jin holding a silver dagger? - he explained. - Ask me - he commanded while V was still silent.

- Why did you do this, Jungkook? Why did you cover me with your body when you knew Jin could kill you? - he asked finally, feeling his throat closing again.

He had the feeling that he was about to choke on his own tears, which he could hardly hold back. He didn't know why the boy had asked him to ask this question, but it brought back all the memories of that night and he felt again the pain he felt as he watched his beloved die because of him. If he could turn back time, he would have done anything for Jin to have him stabbed with that dagger instead of Jungkook, but that was something he couldn't do.

Jungkook took a few steps towards him, standing so close that he could feel the heat of his body and the smell of his strawberry shower gel on his skin, mixed with his scent. So masculine and overwhelming. So wonderfully familiar that he wanted to cry. Instinctively, he lowered his gaze, trying to hide his emotions.

- Look at me - the boy ordered, then slipped his hand under his chin and lifted it slightly, turning his eyes to him. - I did it because I knew that if my father stabbed this dagger into your heart, there was nothing I could do to save you. I did it because I couldn't imagine my life without you. And finally… I did it… - He paused for a moment. The corners of his mouth curved up slightly, creating a barely visible smile. - I did it because I knew you loved me so much that you would do anything not to let me die...

Hearing these words, V blinked several times. He wasn't sure if he heard what the boy had just said correctly. He was afraid that he wanted it so much, that he can misinterpret something. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out of his throat. Seeing his embarrassment, the brunette smiled gently at him and moved his hand towards his cheek, stroking his caramel skin with the tips of his fingers.

- I'm not angry with you for changing me. I knew you would do it. And I wanted you to do it - he said, looking him straight in the eye. He didn't even blink when he said that. He wanted V to know he was telling the truth. - It may not have been my dream way to change, but I don't regret it - he continued. - I thought about it a lot, and in fact, at the beginning of our relationship, I didn't feel ready. I just started accepting myself as a hybrid. Being a vampire seemed too much. However, every day when I woke up in your arms in the morning, I knew that this is how I want to spend each morning until the end of the world. When I'm with you, I'm exactly where I want to be. And it doesn't matter if I'm a hybrid or a vampire or whatever... It's important that I'll be with you...

- Koo... - V moaned softly, not knowing what to say to those words. However, the boy raised his hand to stop him.

- Let me finish... I thought a lot about it. Especially recently, when things started to get more and more complicated. I was going to ask you to change me when everything calms down. I didn't want you to think that I was doing this only because of my father or to protect you. I wanted to do this to be with you.

- W-when you woke up... - V whispered in a trembling voice.

- Hybrids seem to go through the change a little differently. When I woke up... Jesus, I never felt such pain in my life. Everything hurt. All the sounds almost seemed to tear my eardrums, and the light stung me so much that I sat in the dark in the room for several days. Actually, I don't remember much from the first hours after my transformation - Jungkook ran his hand through his hair again. He felt ashamed of what he had done. - When you touched me then... It felt like your touch was burning my skin. That's why I reacted this way. What I said then... It was the pain speaking through me. When Jimin touched me, I didn't feel anything like that... Jimin says it was maybe because I feel physically attracted to you and when you touched me...

- You say I make you burn? - V asked. A mischievous smile crept on his lips. Jungkook rolled his eyes and slapped his hand across his chest.

- Stop it! I'm trying to apologize to you - the brunet replied, scolding him.

- I love you so much - V suddenly said, gently teasing his chin with his fingers, just as he did every time, staring deep into his eyes.

Jungkook could have sworn that he could feel the heart pounding in his chest again, even though he knew it wasn't possible, but loving this man allowed him to do things he would never even dare to dream of before. There was, however, one more thing he had to tell him.

- Th-there's something else... - he said embarrassed. V automatically drew his perfect eyebrows together.

- What's happening? - he asked, feeling his nervousness grow. He saw Jungkook's embarrassment and felt stressed.

- W-when you left... I met Jackson. He wanted to talk to me. To apologize for what happened between you and thank me for saving Bambam. But when I saw him...

Brunet moved from foot to foot, embarrassed, and a gentle smile crept on V's lips. He heard what had happened between them, but wanted to hear it from him. He wanted to hear why the boy did this.

- What have you done? - he asked, pretending he didn't know anything, while encouraging him to keep talking.

- I kicked his ass - he replied bluntly, and V couldn't hold back his smile anymore. He bit his lower lip and looked at him coquettishly.

- Why did you do that?

- You know why. I know we weren't together then, but I hated that Jackson was trying to hit on you. I was jealous that he touched you in a way that only I should be touching you.

- And what? Have you explained everything to each other? - he continued, suppressing the smile that fell on his lips.

He liked that Jungkook was jealous of him. The boy looked away, as if avoiding his intense gaze, so V took a step forward and placed his hand on his left hip, simultaneously bringing his face closer to the younger one. Brunet could feel his hot breath on his cheek and under the influence of this closeness he turned his face towards him again, meeting the gaze of his blue eyes.

- Let's say Jackson probably won't be approaching you anytime soon... Mh-maybe a decade... O-or two... - he said. A smile crept on his lips as well, and at his words V laughed out loud.

- I didn't think it was even possible, but I think I just fell in love with you even more - he confessed.

- Really? - he asked, there was hope and something new in his voice.

Some strange desire.

V noticed that the boy's eyes deepened their color, and at the sight of it he felt a thrill of excitement running down his spine. He felt a familiar pressure on the lower abdomen and licked his lips automatically. He tightened his hand on the boy's hip and without thinking he pulled him towards him so that the younger one pressed against his hips. The blond's breath became noticeably shallower, Jungkook could feel its warmth on his smooth skin.

The older man bent his head slightly, hiding it in the hollow between the shoulder and neck of the boy, and then he moved his nose gently over his skin, inhaling his male scent. Jungkook automatically closed his eyes, straining his newly acquired senses.

- Does it still hurt when I touch you? - he whispered close to his ear.

His hand moved to the boy's wrist and began to carefully glide along his forearm. As his fingertips touched the younger's bare skin, Jungkook felt warmth spread all over his body. It was not, however, the heat that consumed him like a living fire, but the pleasant warmth that stimulated and inflamed his senses. V's touch was sending impulses down his body.

- Nh-no - he choked out with difficulty.

V slipped a hand under his chin and turned his face toward him. He studied his face carefully, staring at it as if he were seeing him for the first time, as if learning him anew.

- Show me your vampire face - he asked softly.

Jungkook felt a bit stressed by his request. What if V doesn't like what he sees? What if he no longer thinks he is beautiful? A thousand questions and doubts suddenly flashed through his mind, but he knew he couldn't avoid it. If they want to be together, sooner or later V will have to see his transformation. He closed his eyes and let his fangs slide out of his soft gums before taking a deep breath, lifting his head, and opening his eyes.

V watched him silently. The young vampire's irises took on even deeper colors. Fangs protruded from his mouth. Instinctively his chest began to rise faster from nervousness. The blond quickly stretched out his hand, placing it on his cheek, and the boy clearly relaxed under his touch.

- Jeesus... I thought it was impossible, but you are even more beautiful than ever...

Hearing his words, Jungkook blinked quickly several times, as if not believing what he was hearing. V could have sworn his cheeks flushed for a moment with embarrassment. He opened his mouth to add something when suddenly the raven haired boy pushed him hard backwards. His strength was so great that he opened his eyes wide in surprise, a soft moan escaping his lips as his back slammed hard against the bedroom wall. But before he could say anything, the young vampire leapt up to him and clung to his body along the entire length, simultaneously putting his lips into his.

The touch of his lips was like an electric kick that sent a hot wave through V's body. The taste of his mouth was so familiar. The young vampire's lips pressed so forcefully against his, as if his life would depend on that kiss. Jungkook ran his tongue over his bottom lip and squirmed it inside his mouth, tasting it greedily. It was as if time had stopped around them. V gripped the younger man's hips tightly, pulling him tightly against him, and a moan escaped his lips as the boy's tongue rubbed against his again, entwining them in an erotic dance.

It was only after a long moment that Jungkook finally pulled away from his mouth, breathing heavily under the influence of his emotions. His fangs were still extended. V smiled that lovely, boxy smile as he watched the younger man struggle with his emotions, then stuck his fangs out too changing himself in front of him in his vampire form.

Jungkook looked at him fascinated. He ran his thumb over his lower lip, examining its delicate structure, then he put it against one of the fangs and pressed his finger so that after a while V tasted his blood. Brunet took his hand and looked at the finger, on the tip of which a scarlet drop had collected, then he slipped it into his mouth, sipping his blood from it. The blond didn't know why, but what the boy was doing was so fucking sexy that he was close to losing his temper and having him here and now. The young vampire looked at him. His eyes were almost black, and he could see a faint trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

- As it turns out, as a transformed hybrid, I can eat both human and vampire blood - the boy suddenly said. - I-I'd like to try your blood.

- Do it - V said suddenly. His voice was low, extremely sexy.

The young vampire licked his lips and then approached him again, this time tilting his head slightly to the side so as to expose his slender neck, then ran his tongue over it and sucked on his artery. He sucked on his skin exactly as V always did when he fed on him, then without asking permission, he inserted his fangs as gently as he could, sticking them into the vampire's skin. A soft moan escaped from V's mouth.

Jungkook didn't feed on him like a hungry young vampire. He drank his blood carefully, taking care not to hurt him, pressing hard with his fangs while caressing his skin with his lips and tongue. V automatically closed his eyes and tilted his head back. What the boy was doing was very pleasant. Every now and then a soft gasp escaped his lips as pleasant chills spread through his body.

After a while of such practice, the young vampire felt a bit more confident and pressed harder on his neck, inserting his fangs deeper and drinking more greedily, but at the same time his hand, which had been clutching the blond's shoulder, slipped a little lower, towards the vampire's crotch to ride after a while, after the bulge in his black pants. Another moan escaped from V's mouth, this time caused by the pleasure of the unexpected caress. So Jungkook repeated this action, squeezing the entire length of V's member and pressing on it strongly with his agile hand.

- Ah! - V groaned, and without hesitating, Jungkook brought both hands to the waistband of his trousers and began to undo them quickly, still drinking his blood.

After a while, his right hand slipped into the older man's boxer shorts and shamelessly wrapped around his cock. A loud, erotic groan escaped from the elder's lips, urging him to act. Jungkook squeezed his hand tighter, feeling V's cock harden and pulsate with his every movement. He broke away from his neck and looked at the face of the elder. Watching him closely, he slid his hand tighter into his pants and grasped his balls, massaging them. The blond's lips parted again under the influence of the pleasure he experienced, and the younger one quickly joined their lips, drinking a moan of excitement from his lips.

This time, however, his kiss was more chaotic, wilder. His tongue brushed against that of V, their fangs slapping against each other as the younger one tasted him fiercely. Jungkook pulled away from him, breathing heavily with excitement, and pushed him hard against the wall again. He grabbed his shirt and tugged it hard, almost tearing it on him. Several of the top buttons fell to the floor at his feet.

- Fuck, I don't care if it's Gucci or not. I'll buy you a new one! - he said quickly, and V laughed out loud.

- Jesus, how I missed you, Baby Doll... - That said, V quickly took off his leather jacket, then pulled his torn shirt off his shoulders and tossed it on the floor.

He looked up at Jungkook and smirked at him as he slipped his jacket over his bare shoulders again. He remembered well how the boy had asked him to fuck him while he was wearing this jacket. Brunet bit his lower lip, measuring him defiantly from head to toe. He traced his body with his eyes, slowly tracing his caramel skin piece by piece. He wanted to learn it again, even though he knew every inch of his body by heart.

- Does that mean you'll move in with me? - he asked, a beautiful, swashbuckling smile on his lips.

- I was afraid you wouldn't ask - V licked his bottom lip as he spoke.

His hands moved to the waistband of his trousers and, grasping his black jeans, he slipped them off his legs, pulling them off along with his shoes and socks. After a while, he was standing in front of him only in his black boxer shorts and leather jacket, looking so damn perfect.

- Why are you undressing? - asked the younger one, teasing.

He wanted to see him naked, his perfect body just for his eyes. He wanted to caress his smooth caramel skin with his hands. He wanted to kiss every inch of his body, run his tongue over every hill and valley. To re-learn every curve of the body, the texture of his skin. He wanted to taste it, devour it, and swallow it.

- Oh, you want me to get dressed? - So saying, V grabbed his pants, pretending to put them back on, but before he could do anything else, a strong male hand stopped him. - I thought so... - Jungkook dug into his mouth greedily, and V groaned right into his lips.

After a moment, the younger man broke away from his mouth and, without the slightest hesitation, slipped his fingers behind the elastic of his boxers, then slipped them off his hips in one smooth stroke. He finally got what he wanted so badly since his transformation. The blond was naked in front of him, only wearing that damn sexy leather jacket he had worn during one of their hot bed sessions.

And even if he'd seen him naked a million times before, he'd never get enough of seeing that damn perfect body. Almost instinctively, he looked down his athletic belly toward his lower half. The elder's cock was already semi erect, it hung proudly between his legs, waiting for his caresses. Jungkook swallowed loudly, almost holding back to not open his mouth, mesmerized by the sight of him. Finally his naked, chiseled perfection belonged to him.

He felt the saliva rush into his mouth, so he licked his lips. V drew in a breath, holding it in his lungs as the boy dropped to his knees in front of him. Brunet looked boldly ahead, staring with determination at the thick cock, which was now only a few centimeters from his face. He reached out his hand to embrace the vampire's balls, while his fingertips gently brushed the length of his excitement, the skin warm and velvety soft.

V let out a soft moan, and his cock almost immediately stiffened in his hand. Jungkook looked him straight in the eyes and ran his tongue along his dick as if he was licking an ice cream, sliding his tongue as slowly as his self-control would allow him. He wanted to suck his head inside his mouth, but he wanted to dose him the pleasure. They were going to make love for the first time since his transformation, and he wanted to make sure V would never forget that night either.

He had noticed before that it was very difficult for him to control himself with the older one. Now his vampire senses were almost invaded by V, but he, too, wanted to enjoy their intercourse as much as possible, and had no intention of rushing. When his tongue marked the smooth skin of the blond's cock, a murmur of satisfaction escaped from the sinful lips of the elder, but before he could lose himself in it, the raven haired moved away from him slightly.

- W-what are you... W-why? - he began, the disappointment clearly in his voice.

Jungkook chuckled softly, still not rising from his knees. The air that escaped from his mouth enveloped the elder's genitals, making his cock twitch eagerly, rising even more upward.

- Hmmm? - he muttered, raising his right eyebrow questioningly.

- Ih-I thought... I was hoping... - V began, but he broke off quickly, feeling ashamed of how much he needed him.

- What did you want, honey? What did you think I would do?

Jungkook knew exactly what V meant, but he loved those brief moments of advantage before giving up completely. He loved it when the older one dominated him, but he would lie, saying that he didn't like the times when he took control of him, driving him crazy and pushing him over the edge before they fell into utter ecstasy together.

- You wanted me to take good care of you? For me to suck you as good as never before? - he asked, continuing his sweet torture.

- Oh yes! - V groaned.

The young vampire smiled as he gripped his cock in his hand again, wrapping his fingers tightly around the root. V gasped softly at the wonderful feeling, but to his disappointment, nothing else happened.

- Jungkook... Please... - he groaned desperately.

His hips instinctively moved forward, as if to force the boy to finally caress him. Jungkook, encouraged by his reaction, began to move his hand up and down. His movements were lazy but accurate. All the time he watched the blond vampire who was propping himself up on the cupboard next to them and staring at him with burning eyes.

- Ah... Doll, please. Use your tongue. Please, I need your mouth... Now. Please, suck it...

Oh yeah, that was exactly what Jungkook expected.

Hearing this request, the brunet parted his lips and shoved his penis into his mouth as deep as he could. V gripped his hand tightly on the cupboard, trying to keep his balance as the younger man's lips sucked hard on his cock. The feeling was so wonderfully sinful. The blond groaned, torn between watching this wonderfully erotic show as the younger one knelt in front of him, greedily sucking on his hard dick, and closing his eyes to be able to feel every second of pleasure even more thoroughly, sharpening his vampire senses. The boy's head swayed as he took him inside and pushed him out again, sucking and blowing, licking and biting, scratching gently with his fangs, soothing with tongue wet with saliva, grabbing his balls from time to time in his strong hands and stroking his thighs and ass.

He sucked him greedily, gently playing with his balls as he suckled him. V's moans grew with each passing moment as his throbbing erection. Without hesitating, Jungkook slid it deep into his mouth, using his tongue to moisten the warm, smooth skin of his cock. His reward was the vampire's deep moans, reassuring him that he damn well liked it.

Brunet slowed down a bit and for a moment stroked the base of his cock with his hand, rotating his tongue around the dripping head. Feeling his taste on his tongue, he knew he wanted more. He pulled away slightly, letting the elder's cock just slide out of his mouth. He grabbed V's hip and forcefully turned him to face the wall and pushed forward so that the vampire stuck out more his ass backwards. Understanding his intentions, he put his hands on the wall and spread his thighs more.

Jungkook gripped his ass cheeks tightly and parted them to gain access to his interior, and without a hint of hesitation he slid his tongue between them, moistening his entrance. V grunted at the feeling. The raven haired man was the only man to whom he let himself be caressed in this way. Until now, he hadn't allowed anyone to see him so helpless, completely dependent on his partner's will. However, he never regretted his decision.

The younger one caressed him so wonderfully each time that he almost lost his mind. He shamelessly parted his ass cheeks as much as he could and, stiffening his tongue, slid the tip into his anus. V instinctively tossed his head back, an erotic moan escaping his lips as Jungkook began to fuck his ass with his wet tongue. The raven haired boy grabbed his waist and pulled his ass back to his face, feeling his tongue slide into his tight hole even deeper. He licked it with determination, wanting to taste what no man had tried before.

He felt his own cock throbbing with each thrust. He was so fucking excited about giving V pleasure. He loved hearing the vampire groan in his low, masculine voice as he experienced the greatest sexual pleasure he had committed himself. He loved to feel his whole body go limp and tremble as he fucks his nimble tongue into him.

Using his newly acquired vampire abilities, Jungkook licked him determinedly, almost fucking him with his tongue. Judging by the loud groans that kept escaping from the elder's mouth, his embarrassment and any fear had completely disappeared, giving way to complete pleasure. Chasing his own orgasm, V used the wall to push himself away from it with his strong hands and nearly stuck his ass right in the brunet's face. Knowing exactly what he wants and needs, Jungkook stuck his hard tongue even further into his narrow entrance, tasting his sweet male juices.

Feeling the elder's body tremble and his thigh muscles tense, Jungkook pushed his tongue out of him, then turned him back to face him. V's cock stood proudly, literally dripping precum, throbbing with excitement. Brunet parted his lips wide, and seeing this, the older one grabbed his hair, pulling his lips closer to his swollen member.

The younger man's tongue moved slowly along its length before the boy put the tip of it into his hot mouth. A light musky scent clung to his skin and his juices tasted sweet. He was so fucking excited he was able to get V to this state. But when the blond gripped his head tightly, tugging at his hair, he gladly gave him all control and let him now decide how quickly and how deeply to take him. However, it only took a few hard thrusts of his hips for the elder to spill his excitement, filling his mouth with his hot cum.

Jungook swallowed what was left in his mouth, then sucked hard on the orgasm-sensitive head, sipping every drop from V's cock. The blond took a deep breath, trying to control his rushing breathing. His hand brushed back a dark lock that fell over Jungkook's eyes so he could get a better look at his face. The younger one looked at him with his beautiful doe eyes, which were now completely black, his lips heavily swollen, and there was a creamy substance on his lower lip. He cursed softly at the sight, and the raven haired boy, as if knowing exactly what was going on and as if reading his mind, moved his tongue over his lip, collecting all the remaining cum from it.

- Oh Jeesus! Baby Doll... - V groaned.

The young vampire got up from the ground. He moved as fast and agile as if a new energy had entered him. V shifted his gaze to him, watching him carefully, while trying to even his breath after the orgasm he had just experienced. Brunet pulled off his blouse, revealing bare, milky skin, then moved his hands towards the corset fastening to undo it.

- Don't take it off - a low, deep voice said suddenly, and an involuntary smile crept on the younger one's lips. - I want to fuck you in it - he added, watching as the dark haired man blushed slightly under the influence of those dirty words.

The younger one obediently moved his hands towards his pants and quickly undid the belt and zipper, sliding the black fabric off his hips. He pulled his pants down to his calf height, took off his shoes and socks, and kicked the pants off his feet. V noticed that the boy was wearing the underwear he had once bought for him, and intrigued, he raised his right eyebrow while absorbing the sight of his athletic ass, dressed only in a few thin leather straps.

- Hmmm, you are wearing this underwear... - he muttered, biting his lower lip. Brunet smile at him innocently.

- Perhaps some little bird told me you're back... - he replied.

- Then remind me to thank Jimin in the morning because I love you in those panties - he said, pushed himself off the wall and took a step towards the boy. - I'm just wondering, how did you know we were going to make love to each other? Have you deliberately seduced me? - he asked, standing so close Jungkook could feel his hot breath against his neck.

His lips found their way to the boy's neck, placing a wet kiss on it. At the same time his right hand grasped the younger boy's shapely ass, gripping his smooth skin.

- I was hoping that if I told you the truth, you would forgive me... Ah... my dirty mouth... - The boy gasped as V's hand began to clench more greedily on his ass, dressed only in sexy underwear. The vampire turned his face towards himself so that their eyes met and he brought his lips closer to those of the younger one, stopping them only a millimeter away from him.

- I love your dirty mouth... - he confessed and gripped his lips in his, kissing him greedily.

Jungkook sighed right into his mouth as the elder's hand slid between his ass cheeks, and long fingers began to gently massage his entrance. The older one pulled away from his mouth and sucked hard on his lower lip. He grabbed it in his fangs and pulled at the sensitive skin until it came out of his mouth.

- And now I would like this wonderful, dirty mouth, to tell me what you want me to do to you... What did you dream about when I was gone... - he muttered in a low, sexy voice directly into his ear, and the younger felt shivers run down his hot body.

V grabbed his throat with his hand and tilted his head back, gently nibbling his ear, and a murmur of excitement escaped his lips.

Jesus, how he loved it when V spoke to him like that, when the elder took control of him, and dirty words rolled from his lips as he told him what he was going to do to him, and then fulfilled his every promise. The blond felt his body tremble and he had no intention of withdrawing now.

- You want me to suck on your gorgeous cock until you cum in my mouth? Or would you prefer me to take care of your tight hole, fucking you the way you like it? - he whispered in his ear, pressing his fingers a little harder at the entrance.

Jungkook groaned, loud this time, not hiding at all how fucking excited this conversation was. He put his hand on the vampire's hand that was tightening around his throat and tilted his head further to the side to catch V's mouth with his lips. He slipped his greedy tongue into his mouth, tasting every nook and cranny with determination.

- I want to feel that dirty tongue in me - he threw directly at his lips, and V grabbed him quickly by the ass, pushing him upwards so that the boy wrapped his thighs around him.

The younger one jumped on his hips, laughing out loud. His laughter filled the bedroom, bouncing off the walls, and settled to the bottom of V's heart. Jesus, how he loved this boy.

- Hmmm. I hope this makeup sex has spanking on the schedule! - he confessed, in a low voice right next to V's ear, and the vampire squeezed his ass without hesitation, then gave him a violent slap. Jungkook groaned loudly, blowing his hot breath at his ear. - Ah! Jeesus!

Hearing this wonderful, erotic groan from the younger's throat, V almost ran towards the bed and threw it on it with force. The boy was still laughing when the blond grabbed his black underwear and quickly slid it off his legs, then threw it behind him, not even looking where. His melodious, sonorous laugh only faded away as the vampire pressed against his mouth, greedily sipping on every sound.

- You don't even know how much I missed you - he muttered, lowering his hungry lips towards the boy's jaw.

His left hand quickly found its way to the younger man's strong thigh, lifting his leg to wrap around his hip. Jungkook pressed his body tighter against his, holding it down with his leg. V's mouth slid lower, marking the black rose with wet kisses, then began to place more tender kisses against his collarbones, slowly moving down his chest.

Jungkook thought he was going crazy. Each kiss sent chills down his body. His senses were so acute that he felt every, even the smallest movement of the elder, as if it were an unearthly caress. He had never felt anything like this before. It was as if each kiss was literally marking his skin like ink of a tattoo artist, leaving something like a work of art on it. V's image of love. He tattooed his body with his tongue, marking the milky skin with his love at every kiss, every touch. V traveled with his tongue down his chest to his tender, protruding nipples, then sucked on one of them, biting it lightly with his fangs. At the same time, his hips began to move rhythmically back and forth as the vampire rubbed sexily against Jungkook's throbbing cock.

They were both completely naked, except for the corset that still adorned Jungkook's narrow waist and the leather jacket V was wearing, so as the older one rubbed against him, a loud, erotic sound came out of the brunet's mouth, reminiscent of the growl of a wild cat. Their cocks rubbed against each other harder and harder, and V's lips still kissed his chest.

When the blond felt Jungkook's member twitch more and more and pulsate, he moved away gently and looked at his crotch. The boy's cock stuck out proudly in its full erection, its swollen head literally dripping with juices, staining his athletic stomach. It was exactly what he wanted. He put a sexy half-smile, then stuck his tongue out and looking the younger one straight in the eyes, ran it over his stomach, licking all the precum off of it.

- Hmmm you taste like heaven - he muttered sexyly. - I missed your taste...

V licked his lips, then gripped Jungkook firmly by the leg that still wrapped around his hip and pulled him down to lower his body on the bed, then imperiously parted his thighs strongly and settled between them. He lowered his lips to the milky skin and began to slowly trace the moist route along the inside of the younger's thigh, moving up toward his throbbing cock.

- I missed touching you... kissing you... - he whispered, teasing his skin with his fangs, then sucked on it, marking it with his desire.

When his lips left a visible mark on his skin, he moved higher, trailing his tongue in the direction he wanted. Feeling the vampire's tongue almost reach his hole, Jungkook shifted nervously, anxious for the blond to finally comply with his request. The younger  parted his lips to rush his lover so that he would no longer tease him, but all he was able to get out was a loud grunt as V's hard tongue slid inside him without hesitation.

The older didn't wait a moment for Jungkook to get used to this sensual attack. He gripped his thighs firmly, lifting them imperiously upwards to have better access to the desired target, and began to suck hard on his hole, pushing his tongue inside with such determination as if it were the last meal of his life.

After a moment he pulled back slightly and spat on his pink hole with saliva, soaking it thoroughly before reinserting his tongue. Pushing the tip through the ring of muscles, he heard a loud curse break out of Jungkook's mouth. The younger's right hand immediately found its way to his blond locks, almost involuntarily pressing his head harder to feel him even deeper, while the left hand gripped the sheets.

- Oh Fuck! - he cursed again, pressing his ass hard against V's hard tongue, penetrating him without taking a break.

V could feel his tight entrance tightening around his tongue every now and then, as with every thrust, Jungkook pushes his ass desperately to feel him better, deeper. His breathing was chaotic, choppy. Even though his lungs no longer needed oxygen, he felt he was about to suffocate. His newly acquired senses made every, even the slightest rub of V's tongue, create a wave of heat in his body. He couldn't believe you could feel something like that. Sex with V has always provided him with an incredible experience, but what he felt now exceeded his wildest expectations.

As he felt V's long finger slide into his hole together with his wet tongue, his hips rose instinctively. He was so damn sensitive, he felt everything with redoubled power. He thought he was going crazy. He had the impression that his body would literally fall to pieces, unable to withstand such a strong orgasm.

V felt the boy's body tremble uncontrollably, and he was literally squirming beneath him, moaning shamelessly his name, but he had no intention of interrupting. He wanted to show him what his new body can feel, how thanks to his sensitive senses he can get even more pleasure than before. He wanted the boy to literally writhe under him, breaking into a million pieces, only to be reunited with him.

The younger one's strong back arched and the raspberry lips parted more, unable to keep from groaning in pure, utter ecstasy as V's tongue plunged into his body again. The boy's thighs began to tremble so much that V had no doubts that he was about to come. He looked up to look at him in the moment of his orgasm, and deliberately ran his finger over his prostate.

- Oh! V-V! - he groaned and came profusely on his belly, covering his milky skin with hot cum.

V stepped back from the younger's sweet entrance and for a moment watched in delight as the younger slowly stabilized his breathing. His chest rose and fell in an uneven rhythm, glistening with sweat and cum, but that beautiful wide smile appeared on his lips. The raven haired boy leaned up, leaning on his strong forearms and looked him straight in the eyes.

- I want another round - he said, and V in response stole a tender kiss from his lips.

Without interrupting this activity, Jungkook got up and pushed V, motioning him to sit on the bed this time, then tore himself away from his lips and got out of bed. He moistened his hand with saliva and boldly grabbed the older man's dick. His cock was still hard, but he ran over it a few times, moisturizing his smooth skin with his saliva. After a short while, he climbed onto the bed himself, settling himself on the vampire's thighs.

- Now I'm going to ride you, and I want you to look at me. - As he said that, the lust in his eyes turned his irises into a black ocean.

Brunet again grabbed the already stiff member and led him to his entrance. He pulled himself up a little, straining his strong thighs, then lowered himself downward, letting V's hard cock fill him to the limit.

- Oh, fuck! - he swore as he sank completely downstairs, his hands clasped on the elder's leather jacket.

V swore loudly in his ear, feeling the tight walls wrap around his sensitive cock. Brunet for a moment did not move, as if trying to get used to his size, but after a while he began to gently rock his hips, making mercilessly slow circles around his cock.

- Ooh Fuck! - V swore, throwing his head back.

- Look at me! Look at me when I ride you! - Jungkook gasped, tensing his thighs to eject the hard cock from inside him, then dropping back down again after a while, with all his weight to feel this incredible feeling of filling hole again.

V lifted his head and opened his incredibly beautiful, almost black eyes. He watched him greedily, watching the younger man's athletic body move smoothly over him, squirming and dancing in ecstasy. Jungkook didn't break his eye contact even for a moment, determinedly fucking himself at the hard, thick cock that seemed to grow inside him with each successive movement.

When V's swollen cock finally rubbed against his sensitive nerve, the boy swore loudly and tightened his walls around him, wanting to feel more tightly and more accurately. The blond man, reading his body language, grabbed his hips and began to push his upwards, meeting him.

- Ooh yeah, V! There! Fuck me there! - he groaned, clutching him tightly with his hot body.

V gripped his hands tightly on his ass and accelerated his own movements, increasing the force of his thrusts, and Jungkook did exactly the same, pushing hard on his athletic thighs to fall on his thick cock penetrating him. The world seemed to spin, he felt a pressure in his lower belly, and he knew his orgasm was near. V 's member throbbed more and more, rubbing against his prostate and fucking him deeper and deeper.

- Oh V! - Jungkook exclaimed in final ecstasy, and he came again between their compressed bodies, and hearing his call, the blond came in him, filling him to the brim with his cum with name on his lips.

Jungkook hid his face between V's shoulder and neck and was breathing hard as he descended from the heights of his orgasm. The older man threaded his long fingers into his dark hair and stroked it gently for a moment, letting him even his breath.

- I love you, Doll - V confessed suddenly, and hearing these words, the raven haired boy raised his head and looked him straight in the eyes.

They stared at each other for a moment in total silence, only their loud, uneven breathing filling the room. After a while, however, brunet felt pressure in his head and his lips curved into a gentle smile. He knew exactly what V was going to do and let him do it without hesitation.

The feelings that flooded him in an instant were nothing he had felt until then. More than once, V showed him the depth of his love and thought that it was impossible for anyone ever to love him more. Until now. How and with what power V loved him could not be expressed in any words he knew.

- I love you so much, Doll - he repeated, bringing his forehead to his. - It was always you. Only you...

Jungkook smiled at him, still sitting on top of him, V's cock still deep inside him. He reached out his hand and pushed his sweaty blond fringe away from his forehead, then leaned forward slightly and pressed their lips together in a slow, lazy kiss. Without taking his lips away from the younger one, V lifted his hips gently, sliding out of him, then pulled his naked, sweat and cum wet body tighter into his embrace.

They kissed for a long time, tenderly, pouring all the feelings on their lips and tongues. V dropped all his barriers before him, allowing him to experience the depth and intensity of his feelings, and that was only the beginning. He kissed him like no one else had ever kissed him before. It seemed to him that they spent all eternity like this. They didn't tear apart for a second, V ran his hands over his thighs, still trembling slightly from his orgasm, exploring every corner of his mouth with his tongue. Tasting it in a way you should taste a refined wine.

- V-V... - Jungkook whispered suddenly, resting his forehead on the older one.

- Talk to me, Baby Doll - V ordered, seeing that there was something that seemed to bother him.

- After my transformation, it turned out that I have some skills that young vampires do not have... During these three weeks, Jimin taught me to control them and use them as they should be used... - Jungkook suddenly began, looking carefully on the face of the blond. V listened carefully, his fingertips still delicately tracing the intricate route along the inside of his thigh. - I-I do not know if I have already learned it, but I-I would like to show you something... - the raven haired boy confessed, a bit embarrassed. - C-Can I?

- Of course you can - V replied without hesitating, though he didn't know what to expect.

The truth was, they knew almost nothing about hybrids. He had never heard of anyone turning a hybrid into a vampire, so almost everything was a completely new experience for them, but he wanted to experience it all with him. Jungkook reached out with his hands and took his face with them, staring intently straight into his eyes. He looked a bit nervous, and he moistened his lips with his tongue.

- Please, close your eyes. I won't be able to focus if you look at me like that… - he threw, and V bit his lower lip, but without saying anything, he closed his eyes.

He tried to sharpen his senses, waiting for what Jungkook would show him, but nothing happened. He could feel the warmth of his hand on his cheeks, the heat of his body, the scent of his perfume and cum in the air. It took a moment for him to feel something strange, and when he realized what it was, he instinctively tightened his hands around the young vampire's waist. He had dreamed of it so many times, even though he had never admitted it aloud, but he had never thought that he would ever feel it.

He relaxed and allowed the pressure in his head to ease off as he let Jungkook enter his mind, revealing his own feelings to him, and in seconds he felt something that surpassed his wildest expectations...

He felt feelings that resembled his...

A love so strong it could overcome anything, so powerful it could move mountains. The love that healed his heart and soul and gave him hope that he has finally found someone to spend his life with. A love so priceless that no riches in this world could afford it. Devotion that never ends like stars at night in the endless sky. A commitment that is so deep that no one can find its end. A desire so strong that it is like an eternal fire that nothing can extinguish.

Jungkook studied V's face closely, not sure if he had mastered his new skills enough to show him the depth of his feelings, but when he saw that crystal tears were pouring out from under the elder's eyelids, he knew he had succeeded.

V lifted his eyelids and showed him the most beautiful irises he had ever seen. Intense blue like the Ionian Sea and glistening with tears. Jungkook parted his lips to speak, but before he could, V pressed tightly against his mouth, stealing all unspoken confessions from his lips.

- I love you, V - he whispered. - And I'll never be able to stop...

- I don't want you to ever stop - replied the blond. - I want to spend every second with you until the end of my days.

- You know that since I'm a vampire now... you'll have to spend forever with me? - Jungkook asked softly. His cheeks flushed slightly, and V smiled broadly and gently stroked the younger man's cheek with his fingertips.

- Forever ain't even half the time I'd like to spend with you - he replied without hesitation.

- You promise? - Jungkook demanded, taking his hand in his and lacing their fingers together.

- I promise. Just me and you, remember?

The young vampire smiled shyly.

How could he forget?

He squeezed his hand tighter and leaned forward to place a tender kiss on his lips.

- Just you and me - he whispered directly into his lips, then kissed him hard and long.



This time a few words for you are in a separate chapter "Author's note"

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