Arrange Marriage or Love Marr...

By prishaagarwal95

1.3M 59K 3.3K

#1 in Forever together. #1 in First Attempt. #1 in Arranged Love. Karuna Singhania: She belongs to a typical... More

1. Marriage Proposal.
2. Tandel's are coming.
3. QnA Session.
4. Karuna's Decision.
5. Spill The Beans.
6. Missed calls.
7. Unknown calls.
8. Sacrifice of 3 Years
9. Police station
10. Club
11. Rani's confession
12. Will
13. Reena
14. Stupid Dream
15. Her Last Wish
16. The Truth
17. Photograph
18. Tsunami
19. Dark Secret
20. Kareena
21. Family Reunion
22. Wifey & Hubby
23. Rose
24. Mr Angry Raj
25. Style n shine.
26. Good news
27. Surprise Visit
28. Mamma
29. Teasing Game
30. Shopping
31. Measurement
32. Motive
33. Engagement Venue.
34. Big Day
35. Love Affection
36. Absence
37. Find her
38. Mr Shah
39. Rahul Mittal
Authors Note
40. Rescue Una
41. Boss
42. Plan
43. Action
44. Disguised
45. Stranger
46. Promise?
47. Welcome
Chapter 48 ( lullaby )
Chapter 49 (Caught red-handed)
Chapter 50 ( Drama queen)
Chapter 52 ( Desperate Raj )
Chapter 53 ( Claimed as my Boyfriend)
Chapter 54 ( Finally Mine )
Chapter 55 ( welcome the new bride )
Chapter 56 ( Pag Phera )
Chapter 57 ( Roller coaster night )
Chapter 58 ( Billion dollar lottery )
Chapter 59 ( Tom and Jerry )
Chapter 60 ( My possessive Tigress )
Chapter 61 ( Sangeet ceremony )
Chapter 62 ( only Mine )
Chapter 63 ( Green flag )
Chapter 64 ( Street Food )
Chapter 65 ( Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage )

Chapter 51 ( Resort )

12.5K 642 31
By prishaagarwal95

The 3 C's of life:

You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.


Karuna Pov

It's been two days since I met Raj and I am dying to see him, tomorrow we are getting married, I can't believe it, oh God! My whole life is going to change from tomorrow, I will be Raj's wife, my heart started doing somersault with that thought,

"Karuna beta are you ready?", Enquired Maa while entering my room,

"Yes Maa just two more minutes", I said,

"Okay, but only two minutes", said Maa and went out of the room,

My whole house is in mess, because from today, we will be staying at the resort where the wedding and other rituals are going to be held, so all the preparations and packing are on peak, and Maa wants everything to be perfect and on time, which I know is not possible, because it's an Indian wedding,

I finished my last minute packing and gave a final look around my room, it looks so empty, most of my stuff and materials are gone because they are packed in my suitcases,

'I will miss you my room', I wishpered sadly,

"Karuna, we are getting late beta", shouted Maa,

"Two more minutes Maa, please", I begged,

I came to my balcony and sat down on the chair,

'I will miss you my balcony', I wishpered sadly,

"Karuna", I heard Paa's voice,

He came to the balcony and saw me sitting on the chair and asked,

"What are you doing here beta, your Maa is getting restless, let's go", said Paa and a tear escaped from my eyes,

"I don't want to go", I said like a kid,

He came closer to me and kept his hand on my head and started stroking my head lightly,

"Don't say that beta, think about Raj, that boy is waiting for you and I bet he must be counting every minute while waiting for you", said Paa while trying to cheer up my mood,

"I know Paa, but I don't want to leave you all, I don't want to leave my room, my house, I am feeling very scared Paa", I said nervously,

He kept his hand around my shoulder and shakes lightly,

"Who told you that you will have to leave us, we will always be there for you beta and this room, I promise this room will always be yours, I won't let anyone else to stay in this room", said Paa,

"Promise Paa", I said while looking into his eyes questioningly,

"Obviously beta, now let's go before sherni start to bark", said Paa teasingly and I started laughing,

Whenever Maa is in angry mode Paa call her sherni which means lioness,

We went inside the room and I gave a final look to my room, Paa kept his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly, I nodded my head, Paa picked up my luggage as I am not allowed to lift anything heavier and we both exited together from my room,

Me, Maa and Paa are going together in the same car with some of our luggages while Karan is coming from another car with all the other luggages,

After two hours of long drive finally we reached, my wedding is going to be held on a resort, I have always dreamt of getting married in a classic resort and I am happy that my this dream is going to be true,

Both mine and Raj family will be leaving in the same building of the resort, the groom's family will be staying on the top floor and the bride's family will be staying on the first floor,

Some of our relatives have already arrived today in the morning and some will be arriving at the evening and some of them will be here tomorrow morning,

I went inside the bride's room and sat down on the bed to relax a bit, but being a bride how can you relax, the moment I entered the room all the relatives which were eagerly waiting for my arrival barged inside my room,

It's been half n hour and all my relatives are eating my mind while asking me each and every details about my kidnapping, and me being a good girl answering all their questions, I don't want to remember all those bad memories but these naive relatives of mine, I wonder where is Maa, Paa, Karan and Kareena,

I excused everyone and came to the washroom, I thought at least I will get to relax a bit here in the washroom but being a bride how can you relax,

"Come out soon Karuna", said Maa while knocking on the washroom's door,

I came out and saw that all the relatives are gone, thank God, Maa is sitting on the bed and with her there is a women, now who is she?, I hope she won't ask anything about my kidnapping,

"Beta she is here to apply mehendi (henna) on your hand", said Maa

"Hmm", I said sadly,

I love henna and I will not be able to apply henna on my whole hand like a bride, If Ranga's man had not dragged me that day, there would have been no wound on my arms and today I would have been able to apply henna like a bride,

All my other injuries were already healed but the injuries of my arms are still healing, because of my arm injury my bridal dress also have full sleeves,

"Don't be sad beta", said Maa,

"Maa you know how much I love Mehendi and it's my wedding", I said sadly,

"Don't worry at Karan's marriage apply it like a bride", said Maa,

"Hmm", I said and sat down on the couch,

Soon the lady started applying henna on my palm and it took her approximately 10 mins to apply on my both palms, this shows that she is an expert, after finishing her job she went out to apply on the hands of the relatives,

I just love the smell of Mehendi, I am waiting for it to dry and suddenly my phone started ringing, I stood up and went towards the cellphone which I kept on the bed, its Raj calling, now how will I pick up?,

I am looking at my phone hopelessly and it stopped ringing, after few mini seconds it again started ringing, it's again Raj calling,

I sat down beside my phone and lifted my leg up and using my right leg thumb I picked up the call and shouted,

"I have applied henna on my palms, I will not be able to talk",

I thought he will cut the call after listening to me but still he didn't disconnected the call, I turned on the speaker,

"So what You have not applied it on your mouth", I heard Raj saying,

I giggled and said,

"But you need your hand for holding the mobile",

"Hmmm, I want to see you, please come to the balcony of your room, I am standing down here", said Raj,

"What!, No Jiju Di is not going anywhere, I don't understand your obsession with romance in the balcony", said Kareena while lifting my phone and I looked her shockingly with my wide eyes, when did she came?,

She turned off the speaker mode and went to the balcony, I also stood up to follow her but she closed the door of the balcony on my face, I shouted,

"Kareena please open the door",

"No Di", she replied,

I sadly came back and sat down on the bed, after few minutes Kareena came back and said,

"Now you can go", I looked at her angrily,

"Aww Di you are so cute", said Kareena while pulling my cheeks,

"Huh, I am not talking to you", I said angrily,

She started giggling and lie down on the bed beside me,

The whole day went by with lots of commotion and hustle and bustle, many more relatives came to visit me but this time no one enquired me about my kidnapping incident, I think Maa and Paa must have requested them not to say anything regarding that to me and I am glad about that because I don't want my mood to get spoiled again and again,

At night all of us have our dinner and after the dinner a small party is organised by my cousin's, I have no idea what is going to happen in this party and I am in no mood to attend any party, the whole day was very tiring for me and now I just want to sleep but they all have gathered here for my special day and I can't be so selfish,

I gathered all my energy and got ready, Kareena had told me to wear a western attire, so after thinking about 10 mins I decided to wear my knee length red colour one piece, I applied little bit of makeup and left my hair loose,

After I was satisfied with my look, I went towards the hall where the party is going to be held,

I saw all my cousin's were dancing madly and very loud music was playing in the background, I feel like that I have entered in a discotheque,

"Here comes the bride", shouted Shiv one of my cousin while Kareena grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor,

Initially I didn't want to go and protested a little bit but Kareena gave me a pleading look and I went to the dance floor,

All my cousin's form a circle around me and started dancing while encouraging me also to dance with them after few minutes of feeling shy I also join them and started dancing,

I danced for hours until I started feeling pain in my legs, at 11:00 PM I came back to my room to have my beauty sleep before my wedding day,


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