With Every Step Forward (Negl...

By Dracopyre321

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Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 59: Together

4.7K 100 145
By Dracopyre321

Just so you guys know, this chapter took a while to write seeing as it's so long. Just bear with the length. I think you'll like it.

Blake's POV

The Mistral Police have the entirety of the Haven courtyard surrounded, starting to arrest the White Fang members present. Some of the more persistent ones, like Adam's guards, are giving up without a fight. Three of them stare down Ilia and a group of Menagerie Militia, unyielding. Well, until more militia surround them. While two of them put down their weapons and throw up their arms in surrender, the one in the middle decides to open fire, only to be taken down by Ilia.

Faunus: "Thank you." one of the militia members says to her.

She looks back and nods her head, making sure the White Fang guy doesn't break free.

Adam, however, is visibly strained. Whatever that staff he's using is, it seems to be keeping him in place. For now, anyway. Blake's holding her dad up, as he's unable to move due to its effects. Adam manages to stand up on his own and stares Blake down, infuriated that she's here, standing against him.

Adam: "I'm going to make you regret you ever coming back."

Blake: "More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too."

Ghira: "It's over Adam Taurus. We have the high ground."

Adam: "Hehehe... Still too afraid to face me on your own." he chides.

Blake puts her father down so he can rest and so she can fight Adam if she must.

Blake: "I'm here for Haven, not you." she declares.

Even though she can't fully see due to his mask, she can tell that she's gotten to him. Adam always had to be the center of attention when it came to her. To him, that was a rejection of him and his cause and that's something that he cannot abide. He's even more unhinged, meaning that he could be more dangerous now.

The glow of Adam's purple staff vanishes, with the markings surrounding Ghira's body disappearing as well. His concentration must have broken. He looks at the staff, puts it away, and draws his rifle, with Blake taking out her katana in response. Ghira's still recovering, so he needs a moment.

Adam: "Heh. You are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away."

Sun: "Oh yeah?" He comes strolling in with his staff. "Where?"

Adam: "Tell me," he points his sword at Sun and his rifle at Blake, "does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?"

Sun: "Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you. Good thing for you that Y/N isn't here or he'd kick your ass." He gains a smirk on his face. "Again."

Adam's rage breaks, but they're all interrupted by something crashing into the ground somewhere inside the school. They look inside the school through the ruined doorway and see what looks like a Golden Lion on top of a Red Dragon, stomping it into the ground.

Blake/Sun: "Y/N!"

Adam: "Hehe... AHAHAHAHAHA! Do you see now, Blake!? That weakling is of no use to you! Loke's finishing him off as we speak! I'll give you one last chance. Join me or die."

She looks Adam straight in the eye.

Blake: "I choose neither. I'm going to believe in Y/N." she confidently declares.

His smug expression goes quiet.

Adam: "So you have chosen death."

He swings his sword at Sun, who retaliates by shooting his gunchucks while blocking Adam's sword slashes. Adam then shoots at Blake, her dodging all of his shots. He backs up a bit, takes out his staff, and aims it at Blake once again.

Adam: "This time, I'm sure to seal your-"


He winds up and punches Adam across the courtyard, not being able to use his Semblance to absorb the energy due to having the staff in his hand. Blake and Sun pursue him, but he gets up and runs away into the forest surrounding the school. Sun goes to pursue further, but Blake stops.

Blake: "Sun, wait!"

He stops in place.

Sun: "But he's getting away! We could take him!" he exclaims in protest.

Blake: "No, we can't. He wants to lure us away so he can pick us off. We need to protect the school and the people here. Besides, now he can see what it feels like to run away."

Sun: "Well, you know him better than I do, so when you're right, you're right!"

The ground starts shaking, but this time, it seems more like an earthquake than something crashing. They look back inside the school, but all they can really see from this angle is that Golden Lion that Adam said was Loke.

Sun: "Pretty sure Y/N can handle that guy, whatever he is. Thought he was a guy, but he turns out to be a lion? And what's with Y/N being a dragon all of a sudden?"

Blake: "I don't really know what's going on in there, but... thank you. For everything you've done."

Sun: "Eh, we all need help sometimes. The rest of your team's in there, right? Let's find a way to get you in there without getting in his way."

Blake: "Right!"

Sun: "Hey, Ilia!" he calls over to her, and she perks up. "Can you hold the fort over here for a bit?"

She waves and nods, letting them be in the clear.

Sun: "Let's go!"

Y/N's Mind

Y/N: "I want to protect everyone. To do that, I know what I must do. Svartur?" you look to your dragon with glowing eyes.

Svartur comes closer to you. The center of his chest starts glowing silver with the rest of him still being completely black. You concentrate on the feelings of protection you feel. You want to protect everyone. You want to protect your dragons. To do that, you're willing to do anything.

In a flash of light, your eyes resonate with the glow in Svartur's chest and his black scales start peeling off, disappearing once they hit the "ground" of the void. His wings come off completely and his body starts changing shape, becoming skinnier, but much longer. When there's no more black, the only thing you're left with is a large silver dragon, one without wings.

Y/N: "That's more like it."

He smiles at you, his now purified form shining radiantly.

Svartur: "ROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!" he roars in happiness, releasing silver flames from his mouth.


As soon as you wake up, you see Ruby being beaten back by Loke, with Neo catching her. Everything seems surreal in this moment, but as soon as you see the silver sword in your hand, you know exactly what to do.


Loke looks down at you and sees Svartur stabbed in his stomach. What he probably doesn't know is that he's being burned from the inside out with Svartur's flames.


With a swipe of his giant claws, he attempts to claw your head off, but right now, he seems slow. You avoid his swipe easily and retort with one of your own, sending him flying across the room. You get up and notice that your right arm is mangled, so you decide to wrap your tail around it to stabilize it. It doesn't hurt though. You don't feel any pain right now, but you do feel exhausted.

Y/N: "I might die, Loke, but I won't stay dead. I'll always come back to protect the people I care about and destroy those in my way. That I promise." you proclaim to him.

Loke: "Y/N ROSE!"

He crashes to the ground in what looks like severe pain as his muscles and the armor surrounding them bulge unnaturally. This reminds you of what it felt like when Svartur's power was going out of control.

Y/N (thoughts): 'This is my chance!'

Quickly getting out of Juggernaut Drive, you go back into your Balance Breaker. That's the best way to do what you're about to attempt.

Y/N: "I've only got one shot at this. Svatur! Ddraig! I'm putting all my trust in you!"

Ddraig/Svartur(?): "Right!"

Svartur's voice seems different. Must be a side-effect of being purified.

Everything's under your control now. Your power, Ddraig, and Svartur. You feel like you can do anything right now. Everything's right.

Y/N: "I, who shall awaken

I am the Red Dragon Emperor who holds the truth and takes control of the Path of Domination

I walk with the purifying light of silver, with both infinite destruction and creation made from dreams

I shall become a pure Emperor of Crimson Dragon,

And I shall force you from Heaven's highest plane to Hell's deepest pit, glowing in deep crimson light!"

Y/N/Ddraig: "Crimson Over Drive!"

Everyone in the room seems to be in awe of this new form, including yourself. Your body feels lighter. The power you can feel flowing through you is immense, like you could do anything.

Ruby: "Y/N, look out!"

A fireball hits you in the side of the face. You calmly look over to where it came from and see whom you assume is Professor Lionheart wielding some sort of shield with a launcher. You move just one foot towards him and he cowardly exits the battle through a door, probably to hide.

Mercury: "Fantastic." he sarcastically says.

Qrow: "R-Ruby. *gulp* Get away from him. I don't know if-"

Y/N: "Tch, is that really the best he could do? I mean seriously, who fires a fireball at a dragon?"

Ddraig: "Probably someone who doesn't know how to deal with us."

Y/N: "You got that right. Now..."

You start walking over towards Ruby and Neo, who seem slightly afraid or in awe, you can't tell which, and pat each of them on the head.

Y/N: "Did I scare you? Don't worry. I'll take care of him."

They both seemingly recover from their shock and Ruby takes your hand in hers.

Ruby: "Y/N, Hazel won't go down and- and Dad's here and can make stuff explode and-"

You pull her into a hug. Looking back towards Loke, from where you are now, you can see Tai staring down Qrow, Raven, and Yang. Jaune's with Summer and Vernal, but you aren't sure what he's doing. There's a strange green light coming from his hands, but other than that, you don't know. The one whom you assume is Hazel is across from Nora, Weiss, and Oscar while Ren's with Mercury and Emerald. Lapis is watching from the sidelines, seemingly not participating.

Y/N: "I'll take care of Loke. Neo, you help Ren. Ruby, I think you have a score to settle with Tai. You two up for a little game of 'who can beat their bad guy first'?"

They look at each other with surprise at how casual you're being, but they nod to each other and then to you. Ruby kisses you on the cheek of your helmet, making blush a little inside it.

Ruby: "We're with you all the way!"

Y/N: "Good. Let's go!"

You spring into action. Neo illusions away to meet up with Ren while Ruby rejoins your sister, uncle, and Raven. Loke seems to recover from his power going out of control and roars. His resilience is amazing. In any other circumstance, you might've thought the battle was over for you, but it's not. It's only beginning.


You appear before him before anyone knows what happened. Loke tries to retaliate, but with one swing of your sword, you cut through his armor, blood from his body spurting out.

Svartur: "PURIFY!" he calls with his new voice that's making you slightly confused due to not being used to it and because of what it sounds like, but you go with it.

The black Aura surrounding him becomes less dense with the call from your sword. With Svartur having his power back, he can properly vanquish the negativity of Grimm. Of course, that applies to whatever Salem gave Loke to subdue his Sacred Gear.

He charges at you, using his axe-like claws to try and cleave you in half. He front-flips over you, then immediately jumps you from behind. He bites down on your wing while keeping hold of your body, causing you to stumble around trying to keep balance.


Using the thrusters on your back, you charge towards the statue in front of the spiral staircase, crashing through and destroying it completely. As you break through, you see a giant underground cavern with a giant tree on the edge of it. This must be where the Vault is. In midair, Loke bites further into your wings, causing a bit of turbulence. He try and shake him off, but he's seriously wedged in there. His claws try and pierce your armor, but unlike before, the armor's barely damaged.

Y/N: "Hey Loke! You feel like playing chicken!?"

You fly up as high as you can go, pointing his head towards the ground. You then immediately dive as quickly as you can. Either he lets go or you make him let go. As soon as you hit the ground, you feel his gnashing teeth release your wing and the both of you go flying away from each other, you towards the Vault and him towards the elevator. However, the pathway to get to the Vault is completely destroyed.

Y/N: "Ddraig, can you repair the wing?"

Ddraig: "I can, but it'll take time." he replies.

Y/N: "Time is one thing we don't need, for once." Loke gets up, shaking off the damage. "I'm still up for this!"

You dash at Loke, boosting your speed. Loke blocks your sword from hitting him with his claws, but he's knocked off balance.

Svartur: "PURIFY!"

Inflicting multiple slashes across Loke's chest, each one eliminating more and more of the darkness, Loke's black Aura turns golden once again and he seemingly becomes less of a beast. The armor bonding to him looks more or less the same, but he's standing upright, on two legs. The battleax forms in his right hand and he opens his mouth to speak through the broken mask.


He starts to swing his axe, but time slows down for you. You punch him in the stomach and drive your hand almost completely through his torso in less than a second, making him puke up blood.

Ddraig/Svartur: "DIVIDE!/PURIFY!"

Dividing and purifying the power you're taking from him at the same time, you're able to add that power to yourself without any consequences. Even so, this battle isn't over.

Jaune's POV

Even now, Jaune is still healing Summer and Vernal, who's still unconscious. Summer's looking better, but she still shouldn't fight.

Jaune: "This is getting more tiring than I thought... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up..."

Summer sits up and takes his hand, pushing it towards Vernal.

Summer: "Go ahead, Jaune. Focus on her, I'm fine now. Just needed a bit of rest." She looks over to Raven, Qrow, and her two girls fighting Tai. "Besides, I need to get back in the fight."

Jaune: "But-"

Summer: "No buts! You might have healed my wounds, but that does not give you the right to tell me when I should or should not fight!"

Jaune looks over to Vernal and then back at Summer.

Jaune: "...go ahead. I won't stop you. Just don't die."

Summer: "Of course not! I still have to give Y/N a punishment!"

Jaune: "Punish-" And she's gone. "Punishment?" he finishes to himself. "What for?"

He shakes his head from whatever that meant and chooses to focus on whatever the hell these rings on his fingers are. Where did they come from? And how are they able to heal?

Jaune: "Maybe it's my Semblance like Nora said? No, no... If this is my Semblance, what are these? Whatever, it doesn't matter now. What matters is-" Vernal starts stirring from her sleep, her eyes fluttering open slightly.

Vernal: "What... What happened?"

Jaune: "I don't really know. One minute, you and Raven were our enemy. Now, I'm healing you and she's fighting against the guy Ruby called 'Dad'. I..." His anger starts flaring. "If that son of a bitch is really their dad, he has a lot to pay for."

Of course, Y/N is still his little brotther and so Jaune has a right to get angry at the one who hurt his family so badly so many years ago.

Vernal: "Raven told me a little... about what happened to Y/N, I mean." She struggles to speak. "Let them handle it. You focus on what you can do."

That made Jaune's rage stay, but not disappear. She's completely right. It's not his fight, but that doesn't mean he still can't feel angry about it.

Jaune: "...yeah, you're right. How're you feeling?" he asks to change the subject.

Vernal: "Everything hurts, but hey hehe, I'm alive. I..." she hesitates. "Thanks."

She turns her head away from him and towards Raven's fight.

3rd Person POV

Y/N pushes Loke out of the room and into the Vault Cavern, probably to isolate their battle from everyone else. Qrow, Raven, and Yang are struggling against Tai, whose Sacred Gear is allowing him to physically dominate the battlefield. Ren's distracting Emerald and Mercury while Lapis watches the battle, comically pretending like she's eating popcorn. Weiss's Lancer Queen is holding off Hazel's assault while Nora and Ozpin catch their breath.

With Weiss

Weiss: "How are you holding up?"

Nora takes a deep breath to steady herself.

Nora: "I don't how that big guy's still standing. He recharges his Aura faster than I've ever seen!"

Hazel fires a combination of lightning and fire at Ozpin, causing Ozpin to duck behind a pillar for cover.

Ozpin: "We just need to get him to his limit!"

Weiss: "Oh yeah? And how are we supposed to do that?" she says as she skillyfully dodges another of Hazel's punches.

Her Queen Lancer shoots multiple spines at him, impaling his skin in various places.


He shouts and flings the spines out of his skin, his Aura healing where they were. He charges up a huge amount of electricity and fire and shoots the electric fireball at the Grimm summon, destroying it. Clearly shocked at how easily he beat it, Weiss starts to lose hope.

Blake: "HIYAH!"

Blake comes in from the ceiling hole that Y/N and Loke had left and lands on top of Hazel, pushing him down to the ground. She backflips away and joins up with Weiss, who's clearly shocked that Blake's here, who just stares.

Blake: "Are you hurt!?" she asks, concerned.

Weiss: "N- No! I just remember you being more of the quiet one."

Blake: "What's the situation?"

Weiss: "The big guy's down for the moment, but the ones who could use your help right now are Ren and Neo." They look over to them, who are battling Emerald and Mercury to some success. "If that chick with the sickles joins in, it could get bad..." She rubs her side in remembrance. "Just don't let her cut you. You're pretty good at that type of thing."

Blake: "Got it. What about Ruby and Yang?"

Weiss: "They're dealing with family problems. I don't think it's our fight." She notices Hazel start to get up. "Besides, they can handle it."

Blake: "Understood." She looks up towards the ceiling where she came in. "I'm counting on you to handle things out there!"

Weiss also looks up to see Sun Wukong, the rapscallion. She doesn't think he's one because he's a Faunus, but because she knows him.

Sun: "You got it! Take care of her, Ice Queen!" he teases.

Weiss: "Hey!"

She dodges an electric fireball at the last second, having not noticed until then because she was distracted by Sun. However, Nora comes in and hits him along the back, causing him to stumble forward. Ozpin runs up in front and takes advantage of Hazel's loss of balance, jab him multiple times with his cane. Weiss runs forward, using her Glyphs to increase her speed, and creates numerous Glyphs surrounding him. She jumps from Glyph to Glyph, striking with each jump. However, none of her attacks are singularly strong enough to pierce his Aura.

With Ren

While Ren and Mercury are the definition of two conflicting fighting styles, Emerald and Neo are... well, their battle's more a battle of Semblances than anything else.

Mercury fires three projectiles at Ren, who makes them blow up in midair using his machine guns. Ren stays at a distance, using his agility to climb up to the second floor of the building with Mercury in pursuit. As he's weaving in and out of the pillars, swinging from the chandelier to gain some distance from his opponent, he takes pot shots at Mercury, hoping to trip him up. He backflips to avoid another shot from Mercury, but is met with one to his back, injuring him. Mercury catches up to Ren and begins stomping at his feet, using his superior footwork against Ren. With every kick, he damages the ground while all Ren can do is dodge him while attempting to using the blades on the ends of his guns to cut up his legs in between combos. Ren jumps backward and Mercury follows, only for Ren to immediately front flip over his opponent, shooting him multiple times as he goes over. He starts running back towards where he came from and shoots at the already damaged ground.

Mercury: "Where ya going, man? I thought we were having a good time?"

As soon as Mercury steps on that part of the ground, it starts shaking, collapsing beneath him. He's forced to fire protectiles from both his feet to avoid getting sent back to the first floor, but as soon as he's back up, he's met with a kick to the face by Ren. Ren then starts shooting while his opponent's stunned, then slashes part of one of Mercury's legs, shattering his Aura and making him fall to the ground.

Ren: "Just give up. We're more than a match for you."

Mercury, however, looks up from his position, his damaged leg shooting out sparks.

Mercury: "You think so, huh?"

From his undamaged leg, he fires a single shot that curves around and hits Ren square in the chest, knocking him backwards. Mercury lunges forward, hoping to take Ren down, but Ren side steps out of instinct. Mercury shoots past his target and almost goes over the railing, saving himself by pulling himself back up. He can still run on his damaged leg, but he can't shoot from it. He's about to fire at Ren, but he's kicked back by Blake, who jumped up from the first floor.

Ren: "Thanks for the save."

Blake: "No problem." She pulls out her katana. "Come on, let's do this!"

The two stealthy fighters push forward in a new assault on the grey-haired assassin.

With Neo

From her earlier fight with Gilda and Quin, Neo's at a disadvantage. She used her Semblance so many times just to hold them off. She's not sure how many more uses she has, but that doesn't seem to be much of an issue considering her opponent. She recalls that Emerald can only create a hallucination with one person at a time and that any more than that and she tires out rather quickly. She also seems to be hyperventilating, this having started not long after Raven came up from the Vault. This means that her powers are also limited. She must know that Cinder must have lost her fight with Raven and she's worried that Cinder's dead.

Neo (thoughts): 'She always was heavily devoted to Cinder. Guess she rolls that way.' the ice cream colored girl thinks to herself. 'Good thing I know your weakness then.'

Struggling to hit Neo, Emerald forgoes trying to shoot her and focuses on trying to make her hallucinate Y/N dying using her Semblance. Neo seemingly drops to the ground, worried, but when Emerald charges to try and hit her, the illusion breaks and Neo's nowhere to be found. Instead, the real Neo jumps from the bannister of the stairs and nearly impales Emerald with her sword. Emerald jumps out of the way just in time, and traps Neo in a hallucination for real.

Neo looks around her and doesn't see Emerald. She knows that she's probably hallucinating, so she closes her eyes and shuts her senses down. She prepares to make another illusion, but a cut to her arm snaps her out of it. She grabs where she thinks Emerald is and throws her over her shoulder, kicking away from her. She opens her eyes and sees Emerald lying on the ground in front of her, struggling to get up.

Lionheart's POV

After the Red Dragon Emperor's display of power, Lionheart runs to his office to hide from him. He didn't even flinch when hit with an attack from his shield. There's no way that he could take on a monster like that. Even though Loke was beating him before, there's no telling what he can do now. Bursting through his office door, Lionheart runs over to his desk, frantically opening and closing drawers, looking for something.

Salem: "Leonardo."

The Seer Grimm that he uses to give information to and take orders from Salem floats from behind the hidden passageway behind a bookshelf, Salem's voice sending chills down his spine.

Salem: "Where might you be going?"

Lionheart: "Uh, Your Grace! I was just looking for something."

Salem: "Leonardo, do you have something you wish to tell me?" she says, unconvinced.

Extremely afraid of Salem, Lionheart decides to confess.

Lionheart: "It was Cinder! She altered the plan! Huntsmen showed up here! Qrow! Several students, one with the silver eyes! And the Red Dragon Emperor, he's here too! The White Fang attack, it was stopped! I-I don't know that they'll be able to recover the Relic... L-Loke's battling the Red Dragon Emperor as we speak, b-but their power seems to be matched! I don't know if he can beat him..." Salem says nothing to him, causing more fear to stir within him. "Your Grace, I can still be of assistance! If I leave now, I- I can avoid the authorities and come find you, I'll do whatever it takes!"

He walks from behind his desk, approaching the Seer Grimm. Salem still says nothing in response to his report.

Lionheart: "Your Grace?"

When she still doesn't respond, he raises his shield to attack the Grimm. He doesn't want to die, to Ozpin's group or Salem. This is her and Ozpin's war, not his. There's no need for him to put his life on the line. However, these thoughts are smacked out of him when one of the Grimm's spiky tendrils slaps his arm, removing the shield from his wrist at the same time. He tries to runs away, but the Grimm wraps a tendril around his leg, making him fall flat on his face.

Lionheart: "Please, ma'am! I'll do anything! I can still be useful!"

The spiked tendrils of the Seer Grimm lurch up as Lionheart tries to crawl forward, to no avail. They wrap around his body and drag him closer to the Seer Grimm.

Lionheart: "Please!" he cries out for mercy.


Lionheart: "Please..."


His last breath escapes his lips.

Salem's POV

Having just killed Leonardo, Salem can only think of one word to describe him while looking into her own Seer Grimm.

Salem: "Coward..."

3rd Person POV
With Ruby, Yang, Qrow, and Raven

Qrow dodges a punch from Tai, albeit barely. He's had to cover for Ruby and Yang a few times now. Not unexpected given that they're still teens and the members of Team STRQ have been in combat for decades. Still, it's their fight too. The battle with Tyrian was one thing, but this is another one entirely. For one, Tai has this power that Summer said was a Sacred Gear, so there's no way Qrow could take him one-on-one if Summer couldn't even slow him down. Second of all, Ruby and Yang have as much right to get revenge on him as the rest of them did, if not more. After all, without Summer, Raven, or himself there, there was nobody to stop Tai from abusing his children.

Raven: "Qrow, look out!"

She breaks up a combo of Tai's by slicing at his legs, causing him to flip over them. He kicks Qrow in the back, seriously damaging his Aura. Raven comes up to attack him, but he trips her. She uses her Maiden abilities to create an ice wall between them, which shatters upon impact. However, that gave her the precious time she needed to get back on her feet and cut his arm with her superior skills. He may have power now, but he's never been stronger than the others in technical skill.

Qrow (thoughts): 'Damn, so Raven really was the Spring Maiden. Not that I doubted the kid, but to know that she had this all along...'

Raven (thoughts): 'As I thought, my Maiden abilities are weak right now due to my battle with Cinder. Shit! I'm gonna have to think of something else..."

Tai chuckles sinisterly, cracking his knuckles and neck.

Tai: "What's this? Have you been hiding something from us, Raven? Too bad I don't have a knife on me. I could create a scar identical to yours on Qrow! Remind me what it looks like again?"

He goes to punch Raven in the stomach, but Yang gets in the way, shielding her mother from her father, something that she was never able to do for Y/N. Yang flies backwards, her arms significantly injured, but she's caught by Qrow.

Qrow: "Good job, firecracker." he compliments his niece.

Raven (thoughts): 'Yang... thank you.' she thinks as she holds the place above her womb.

Yang recovers and she and Ruby tag team Tai, their teamwork having grown stronger since reuniting. Ruby charges in from Tai's left while Yang engages in hand-to-hand with the man she learned from. Of course, she's been honing her skills away from him to try to diverge from him, but he still taught her the basics. Tai punches Ruby's scythe away from him right before it hits him from overhead and that gives Yang the perfect chance to strike, a punch to his face. However, even with her fist to his face, he still manages to push it back.

Tai: "Wow, you've REALLY gotten stronger. But..." He punches her in the gut without using an explosion. "You're still not stronger than me."

He stomps the ground using his Sacred Gear, causing her and Ruby to go away from him. However, as soon as the force goes off, he's surrounded by Summer's chains.

Tai: "The hell?" He turns his neck to see Summer standing there, chains in hand, binding him in place. "Ah, Summer! I thought I killed you! Good thing I didn't or else Salem would have my head!"

He tries to break out of her chains, but can't seem to break free, even unleashing an explosion from a part of his body. He tries, but he only ends up hurting himself from the blast impact. A small blue light emits from the chains, indicating that Summer's using hard-light Dust to reinforce her binds.

Summer: "Everyone, I've got him! Do it now!"

Qrow's the first to jump into action. A bound Tai is no match for him. He kicks up Tai's chin and slashes him across the chest, severing whatever bond they had left forever.

Ruby: "Yang, Fire Flower!"

Yang coats herself in her own Semblance, using her anger and rage to fuel it, exploding. Ruby goes off a distance away and prepares herself. Yang runs towards her and jumps on her scythe. Qrow and Raven notice their move and nod at each other. Both Ruby and Yang fire their weapons at once. Yang jumps off and Ruby swings, sending Yang flying at an incredible speed at their father. While he's covered in chains, Yang lands the hit on Tai's cheek, sending his body staggering backwards, but still standing. Ruby uses her Semblance to dash forward and inflict a deep slice along his gut through an open spot in the chains. Their energy spent, Ruby and Yang regroup with each other and kneel, leaving the rest of the fight to their mothers and uncle.

Summer: "Qrow, switch me!"

Summer picks up Qrow's sword while he holds the chains tight. With having his arms and legs bound, Tai's a sitting duck.

Raven: "Summer!"

Tai: "G-Get away from me!" he says with fear in his voice.

She and Summer come up from opposite sides of Tai, Summer from the front and Raven from the back.

Summer: "Just so you know, Tai..."

Raven: "...he was MUCH better..."

Summer: "Don't forget bigger!"

Summer/Raven: "THAN YOU!"

The two women impale their ex from both sides, making sure not to hit each other. His blood slides down both their blades, with him just standing there, looking at them.

Tai: "Y-You... Blech!" He coughs up blood. "Y-You... fucking bitches... ugh..."

His head falls as he breathes his last. Summer and Raven pulls their blades out of him, making him slump over. Qrow walks over and unwraps Summer's chains from around him, kicking his corpse just once to make sure he's dead.

Qrow: "...good riddance."

Yang and Ruby help each other to them, inspecting the now dead Taiyang Xiao Long.

Yang: "...you know what? If he hadn't been such a heartless asshole, things wouldn't have turned out like this."

Ruby: "Yeah, but... he was, so things had to turn out this way. Sooner or later. If it wasn't us, then Y/N would have..."

He may have been an evil asshole that sided with Salem after emotionally abusing them for years and physically abusing their beloved to the point of running away, but... he was still their father. They had their regrets. Not about taking him down since they knew it was necessary, but the fact that it was necessary. Summer hugs her two girls, unsmiling, but still happy.

Summer: "I'm so glad you two are alright..."

Raven turns around to leave them to their moment, but she's stopped when the ground begins to shake slightly once again.

Raven: "It's Y/N and Loke! Everyone, brace yourselves!"


Battling in midair, the two of you exchange blow after blow. Loke takes your sword in his chest while you take some of his claws to your face. You ignore the pain of him slicing through your helmet and shove the sword deeper into his body, driving him to the now broken elevator.

Ddraig/Svartur: "DIVIDE!/PURIFY!"

Even though he was just dealt a critical blow, he still manages to shoulder check you and send you back to the Vault, your showdown coming to a head. In response to the loss in power, he charges up his body, expelling a massive amount of power, causing the very foundations of Mistral to shake. Both of your Auras are low at this point, meaning the next attack could very well kill.



The entirety of his power goes into his battleax and the entirety of yours goes into your sword.

Loke: "Nemean..."

Y/N: "Getsuga..."


The two of you release all your power at once. His attack looks similar to yours in shape, but its color is a mixture of gold and purple. Your Getsuga Tenshou has changed slightly. Before, it was purely black with a red outline and while it's still that, it also has an added streak of silver in the middle of the wave. The two attacks collide in the air and after a brief struggle, yours completely overtakes his, striking him across his body. The metal bars of the elevator behind him are completely shattered and the rock behind that has a deep cut, the length of it being fifty feet long and the width five feet wide, at the very least.

Loke collapses to ground, bloody and broken, while silver electricity arcs around him. You make a leap over to him and check him. He can't fight anymore and is probably going to die if you don't do anything.

Y/N: "*huff* It's over..."

You remove your helmet from your face and look straight up, knowing that the only way down here or to get back up is to fly. You prepare to take off, but you look back at Loke at the last moment.

Y/N: "*sigh* Come on you..."

Collecting his body, you fly the two of you towards the hole you made in the ceiling. It's a long way up, though...

3rd Person POV

The ground shakes with ferocity as everyone struggles to keep themselves standing. This earthquake's much larger than any of the ones preceding it, meaning that they're getting serious down there.


They hear what sounds like a giant explosion several stories beneath them, the deafening sound spreading through the school. When the roar dies down, everyone looks at each other, both confused about what just happened and still recovering from the extremely volatile attack that just occurred.

Mercury: "What in the hell WAS that!? I've never felt anything like it before!"

Hazel, the seemingly first to recover, cracks his neck.

Hazel: "Not our business, just focus on your assigned task."

He takes out some Ice dust from some pouches on his sides. He's about to inject them into himself when the side of his head suffers a direct hit from Nora's hammer, causing him to drop the Dust crystals on the ground.

Nora: "You think we'll let you do that again?" she says with confidence.

Hazel gets angrier and angrier, firing a shot of electric fire at her. She's both injured and charged at the same time. She charges her muscles using the electricity while forcing herself to ignore the pain caused by the fire. She notices a Glyph beneath her feet, cooling her off with Ice dust to counteract the fire. Feeling slightly better, her hammer changes shape and turns into its grenade launcher form directly in front of Hazel. Weiss changes the Glyph to a Time Dilation Glyph, increasing Nora's speed. Nora launches her grenades point blank at Hazel, them all hitting him at once. When the smoke clears, Hazel's still on his feet, but barely.

With Ren and Blake

Mercury: "Easier said than done!" he says in response to Hazel.

The two ninjas fight their way across the top with their assassin enemy of the defensive. Against just one person, Mercury usually has the advantage. Working with Emerald, he definitely has the advantage.

Blake: "Not so tough when it's two on one and you're the one, are you!?"

As he charges, Ren gets right up on Mercury, grabbing a wall lamp to pull himself up so he can kick Mercury multiple times before backing off, switching with Blake whose black katana is narrowly deflected by a series of kicks. Mercury looks back at Emerald and sees that she's still battling Neo, alone.

Mercury (thoughts): 'Bah, never should have trusted that girl.' he thinks of Neo, who was on their team before she switched to join Y/N.

As he's avoiding more strikes than he's putting out, he notices Lapis just sitting on her ass. He starts running towards her, hoping she'll help out.

He runs towards the staircase, the top of which she's sitting on. It's probably unstable, but she doesn't seem to care.

Mercury: "Umm, A LITTLE HELP HERE!?"

Lapis: "You know," she 'eats' her imaginary popcorn, "I think you can handle it."

Mercury: "LAPIS!"

Lapis: "Oh fine." she says while getting up. "If it's THAT important to you, I'll help you. I was gettin' bored anyway."

With Neo

With one of her last illusions, Neo's able to knock Emerald to the ground.

Neo (thoughts): 'Just stay down this time... I don't have much left...'

Emerald: "C-Cinder..."

Neo stands up straight and dons an illusion of herself as Cinder in front of Emerald, slowly walking up and putting her hand on Emerald's chin. She looks Emerald in the eyes, shaking her head, and walks away.

Emerald: "You... You dare look like her!?"

Y/N: "Cinder's dead, Emerald. Isn't that right, Raven?"

Coming up from the hold in the ground is Y/N, who, while he looks a bit worse for wear, is alive and well, carrying Loke's body over his shoulder. He throws Loke down of the ground and points his sword at Emerald. Raven walks up and stands beside him, nodding her head.

Raven: "That's right. I encased her in some ice and she fell like a stone. What about him?" she gestures to Loke.

Y/N: "Down for the count. I don't think he's dead yet, which is good. I want to ask him some questions before I kill him."

Raven: "Ara Ara, how ruthless you've become..."

Lapis looks at Y/N Rose standing over Loke, her King, and starts sweating profusely.

Lapis: "L-Loke...?" He doesn't move when called. "I-I've gotta-"

She's stopped when a bullet wizzes past her face.

Blake: "You've gotta what?"

Lapis starts internally panicking. The strongest person she knows has been defeated by- by some lizard! He shouldn't have lost!

She has to get away. Find Gilda and Quin if they're still alive. Lapis disappears from sight and without a trace. Listening in, Y/N hears her jump up out of the hole in the ceiling, but chooses not to pursue her. Loke's down, so there's not much danger.


You start looking around and see Tai's corpse at Hazel's feet. Looks like the family did it. Good.

Y/N: "It's over. Surrender to us. You're surrounded on all sides."

The rest of your friends group together around you while Mercury and Hazel group around Emerald, who's hunched over on the ground. Hazel reaches and picks Tai's body up, reaching into it, and pulls out some sort of flaming gem. Must be the physical form of that Sacred Gear he was using.

Jaune walks over carrying Vernal over his shoulder. She must've gotten wounded or something.

Mercury: "Come on, Emerald, we've got to- huh?"

You can hear Emerald muttering something, but you have to really listen to know what.

Emerald: "She's not- She's not- She's not- She's not- She's not-" she stops for a moment. "SHE CAN'T BE GONE!"

She screams in agony and everyone's hit with the same effect of her Semblance. You're immune to it since you have the protection of your dragons, but you're distracted by something else. A hand grabbing your leg tight. It's Loke. He's preventing you from going after them. You pull on your leg, but he won't give up. By the time you're able to pull free, the three of them have escaped.

Blake: "What... What was that?"

Oscar, or it's probably better to say, Ozpin, stands up to speak, using his cane for support.

Ozpin: "An illusion... but an accurate one. That... was Salem."

Y/N: "Ddraig, can you show me what it was that Emerald made everyone see?"

Ddraig: "Sure, brace yourself."

A clip plays in your mind and you can see it clearly. A giant woman with deathly white skin with cracks of black starts shrieking at you. So this is the Grimm Queen, Salem.

Y/N: "Svartur, was that-"

Svartur: "Yes... that was the woman who tricked and corrupted me."

Y/N: "So it's confirmed now... Salem really can turn creatures into Sacred Gears... The question now is whether she's done it more since then." You look down beside you and see Loke, barely conscious. "So, you're not dead yet, I see."

The armor around him is shattered, at least mostly. Around his arm, the gauntlet from his Breakdown the Beast form remains, as does the battleax in his hand.

Loke: "I-I'm not... thanks for not killing me just yet. I... I admit defeat... Y-You are a t-true King... I shall reveal to you what I know... as your reward for beating me..."

Y/N: "My reward?"

Loke: "Ha... Didn't I tell you in the tournament? I'd tell you exactly what I'm doing if you beat me. You did it, so ask whatever you want."

His breath is ragged and shallow. There's no telling how much longer he's going to live.

Y/N: "Loke... Alright. What's Salem planning?"

Loke: "Straight to the point, huh? She has more Sacred Gears. I don't know if there are any on the level of Regulus here or your Boosted Gear, but their wielders are stronger than a lot of Huntsmen. While using their Sacred Gears, the average are on the level on Qrow, at least. Luckily for you guys, it's hard to find many people compatible with the Sacred Gears she's got. Anyone who doesn't pass gets fed to the Grimm, so to speak. They've been selectively killing off Huntsmen in Kingdoms, like here in Mistral. I imagine you had a tough time finding any."

Uncle Qrow comes up beside you, kneeling down to hear him speak.

Qrow: "So it's wasn't just in Mistral... You guys had the location of every Huntsman in the Kingdom thanks to Leo, but what about the other Kingdoms? Atlas? Vacuo?"

Loke: "We don't have anyone as influential as a Headmaster or Council Member in those places, but we do have agents who try and report on Huntsman activities. Lion heart was a special case. Using their information, Salem's killing off just enough Huntsmen to make it look like it's just the Grimm or bandits getting more dangerous rather than making it seem like someone's deliberately killing Huntsmen systematically. With Beacon taken out, she's focusing on Vacuo and Atlas, with Atlas being the next big target. She wants the Relic from there as well."

Y/N: "What's her end game? Why does she want the Relics so badly?"

Ozpin: "It's because she wants their power to destroy the world." he puts blunty.

Loke: "Jeez, she was right about you, Ozpin. That's not the entirety of it. *coughs blood* She wants to use them to summon the Gods so they'll destroy each other and humanity, as revenge."

Y/N: "Revenge? Revenge for what?"

Loke: "Y/N, I need... I need a favor."

Y/N: "Really?" you say in disbelief. "*sigh* Well, you've given us valuable information, so go ahead."

He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a folded blood-stained note. You take it from him and examine it. It seems like any other piece of paper.

Loke: "Give this... to Gilda... Help her help my family..."

Y/N: "Your family?"

Neo pulls out her spare notepad and starts writing on it, giving it to you.

Neo: 'She was talking about Salem willing to do anything to get his power, all so she could have you killed. I left her and Quin tied up on the roof, although judging by Lapis's actions, she's probably free by now.'

Y/N: "Probably... Now, what's this about your family?"

Loke: "My sisters... or more accurately, my cousin and her adopted sisters are being held hostage by Salem... She captured them to force my compliance. Even so, I still did those things. You've got to help Rias and- URK!"

Y/N (thoughts): 'Did he just say Rias? As in-'

The battleax in his right hand starts glowing bright gold, shaking his arm slightly.

Loke: "Hurry! You've got to kill me! Regulus is angry at being used and having his will locked away, but it was my only choice if I wanted to help my family! I don't regret what I've done, but you've proven yourself capable of stopping Salem. Please, kill me if you want to save yours!"

Y/N: "..."

You stand up and ready your sword. You look into Loke's eyes one last time. While he was a jerk, he was a good person at heart, or so you hope. In another life, you could've been friends. There's no time for regret now. To preserve the lives of your family, there's only one thing you can do.

Ruby: "...Y/N?" she asks.

With one decisive motion, you drive Svartur through his heart, piercing his body entirely. You've destroyed his life. The shaking around Regulus stops as Loke dies. The armor around his wrist dissipates completely and the axe loses its golden shine before also disappearing.

Ozpin: "What happened to his axe? I mean, that was his Sacred Gear, right?"

Ddraig: "I can think of two possibilities of what just happened. Either the Sacred Gear was reborn into another person or it's somewhere else in the world, as Loke didn't seem to be implanted with it as I am with you. Either way, it's out of Salem's hands now."

Y/N: "...yeah."

You sullenly stand up, having just actually killed someone. Your hands are still shaking, but you clutch the note that he gave you. Seeing that you're shaken up by your first kill, Qrow puts his hand on your shoulder, barely reaching since you're taller due to your armor.

Qrow: "Y/N, you alright?"

Y/N: "Yeah... I think so..."

The armor around you vanishes and you fall to your knees, with Summer catching you. Your right arm is still heavily wounded and all the pain you've been ignoring through sheer willpower is starting to come. You almost pass out due to the pain, but you start feeling a soothing sensation on it. It's Jaune. He's breathing heavily, but there's some sort of green light emitting from his hands.

Y/N: "Jaune, what are you doing?"

Jaune: "I-I don't really know, but it looks like whatever these things are, I can heal with them."

Ddraig: "I don't believe it..."

Y/N: "You know what this is, Ddraig?"

Ddraig: "It's called Twilight Healing. It's a Sacred Gear that can heal wounds in accordance to the user's abilities with it."

Jaune: "M-Me!? Have a... a Sacred Gear!?"

Ddraig: "Indeed. I'm surprised I didn't feel it from you sooner. Did something happen to make you unlock it?"

Jaune: "Yeah... Weiss was in major trouble and I wanted to save her so bad..."

Ddraig: "Strong emotions feed the Sacred Gear's power and, as such, are usually the trigger to unlocking them. That was the case when Y/N's strong feelings of wanting to save Ruby from that Nevermore during initiation unlocked me and when he saw Weiss go down, that triggered the Juggernaut Drive."

Y/N: "Either way, I'm tired... But I've got to..."

You struggle to stand up, so Summer, Neo, and Nora help you to your feet, if only to steady you.

Summer: "You need to rest! There's no telling how messed up you are right now!"

Jaune: "And I'm not done healing-"

He stumbles, the light from around his hands fading.

Ddraig: "Careful, Jaune. Sacred Gears use up a considerable amount of stamina if you aren't trained in using them. You've hit your limit for now."

Y/N: "I'm still conscious, meaning I can still do what Loke asked of me."

You push their hands off, start walking around them, and you go up the stairs.


Getting into your armor while barely being able to move is difficult and you can probably only sustain this for a few more minutes. You slowly fly out of the school, looking around. You're met with a kick to the stomach while looking around and see Gilda. A few feet away are Quin and Lapis, who are both standing at the ready.

Gilda: "You... what did you do with Loke!?"

Y/N: "I... I killed him. He said to give this... to you..."

You pull out the note and her eyes widen, snatching it out of your hand, and she reads it.

Gilda: "You... I cannot forgive you for what you've done!"

She goes to attack you once more, but Quin puts his hand on her shoulder while looking back at Lapis as well.

Quin: "Let me see that." He takes the note from her hand and reads it. "I see... Gilda, Loke trusted Y/N enough to have him give this to you. I know you want revenge, but this is just how it had to be. Y/N," he addresses you, "I don't like you. I'm not happy with what you've done, but... Loke wanted you to help his family and so, you're going to help us."

Gilda, having calmed down, takes a deep breath.

Gilda: "We shall contact you soon."

They run off, probably to go recuperate. Lapis takes one last look at you, giving you a nasty expression, before joining the others. With that out of the way, you make your way back to the hole, where you jump down, your armor coming apart as soon as you hit the ground. You look over to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang sharing a group hug.

Y/N: "Well what do you know? Blake's here too?" you say to yourself as you hadn't noticed Blake before.

You limp your way over to them. It looks like somebody threw a sheet over Loke's corpse as a sign of respect for the dead. Tai's corpse, however, is nowhere to be found. Probably tossed into the Vault cavern. There's his "proper burial".

Y/N: "Hey, Blake..."

Blake: "Y-Y/N... I... I'm so-"

In a quick motion, you wrap your arms around her, pulling her into a hug. It's been a while since you've seen her. She ran away the night Beacon fell, but... She's here now and that's all that matters.

Y/N: "You don't need to apologize. You're here in this very moment and I'm extremely happy to see you. As you can see, I'm fine and so are you. I just regret not being able to help you in your time of need. I love you, Blake."

Her hug becomes tighter as you feel a few tears on your shoulder. Yang, Ruby, and Weiss all put their hands on you.

Y/N: "That goes for the rest of you. I love you, too."

As you embrace your girls, you feel at peace right now. You did it. Haven's saved, well, for the most part, and the Relic is safe.

Adam's POV

Having ran away in hopes of Blake and that monkey Faunus pursuing him, Adam watches from a tree as Hazel and Mercury run past him with Hazel carrying Emerald on his shoulder.

Adam: "Hmm. What a waste... I swear, you will pay, Blake."

3rd Person POV
A Little While Later

After resting for some time and getting the news from Blake about the White Fang, Y/N stands up, still hurting.

Blake: "Wait, you shouldn't move yet!"

Y/N: "Everyone, lets go back to the house. We can plan everything else there after getting some rest."

Qrow: "Just a minute. Raven, you wanna help me here?"

He gestures to the ceiling above the destroyed statue that hid the elevator to the Vault.

Raven: "You're right. On three. One..."

Qrow: "Two..."

Qrow/Raven: "Three!"

At the same time, they attack the ceiling above them, making it crash down onto the hole so that it's plugged up for now. After all, anyone who's curious about the attack, whether it be the police, onlookers, or anyone else who might come shouldn't see the Vault. It's supposed to be kept secret and the harder it is to get there, the better.

Ozpin: "Now that that's done, let us-"

He starts falling, only to catch himself at the last minute.

Qrow: "Oz?"

Now breathing heavily, Ozpin's glowing eyes fade. Qrow kneels down to check on him, seeing that Oscar's facial expressions are now present.

Oscar: "He's asleep... He used up too much energy in the battle."

Qrow: "Well hey, don't strain yourself!"

Oscar: "No. He had... a message... He said to... to ascertain Raven's motives and loyalties... Judging by that talk of her hating him, he feels like she didn't do it for him."

Raven walks over, putting her hand on her hip.

Raven: "That's right. Don't get me wrong, brother. I didn't do this for Oz." She looks over at Y/N. "I did it for him. He trusts Ozpin and I trust him, so I'm working with you. For now, at least. Besides, I got to be the one to put Tai in his place, so I guess you could say I'm quite agreeable right now."

Qrow, clearly surprised at his sister's words, stands up.

Qrow: "Either way, it's good to have you back, sis."


As you're recovering, you hear a person running in from outside. Your instincts tell you that you're threatened, so you get ready to fight once more.

???: "HAAAAH!"

Ddraig: "BOOST!"

You barely stop a very heavy punch aimed at you specifically. You look up and see a man with black hair and a full beard about as large in height as Hazel with what looks like claws coming from his other hand.

Y/N: "You know, *huff* you're really strong. Even physically stronger than Uncle Qrow. Are you part of the White Fang? Blake told me that you guys surrendered, so if you surrender peacefully, you won't be harmed."

This man stops pushing your hand back and relaxes, looking at you fully.

???: "Well, looks like they weren't telling a tall tale after all. A human that shows mercy after winning, even being ambushed, no matter who they are."

Y/N: "Uh... What's happening?"

???: "Oh? You haven't figured it out? I'm-"

From your right, Blake starts running towards you. You're struggling to keep standing after that attack, so she puts her arms around you and your right arm goes around her.

Blake: "Dad!" She catches up to you. "Dad, what are you doing!? This is-"

You're still confused. 'Dad'?

Ghira: "I think I should introduce myself. Y/N, I'm Ghira Belladonna, Blake's father."

He extends his hand towards you, so you loosen your grip on Blake to shake it.

Y/N: "F-Father!? It's g-good to meet you, s-sir." you stutter nervously.

This was your first time having to meet one of your girlfriends' fathers and given his stature, you're understandably nervous. Blake must take after her mother more like how Ruby and Yang take after theirs.

Ghira: "Likewise. You're exceptionally strong and I can tell you're a genuinely good person, Y/N Rose. You have my blessing to date my daughter. However, continue proving to me you still deserve it and do not falter. I'm aware of your... unique situation concerning multiple girlfriends, so you'd better love her equally. If I find out you do anything to harm her, I won't hesitate to do the same to you." He starts crushing your hand in his.

Y/N: "Owowowowow!"

Someone else comes over and grabs his side. She seems to be a cat Faunus, just like Blake.

???: "Now dear, be nice to the boy." He stops crushing your hand and lets go of it. "I'm sorry for my husband. He's just overprotective of our only daughter. Nice to meet you, I'm Kali, Blake's mother."

Both of her parents!? Well, looks like you were right about Blake taking after her. You take her hand and gently, but firmly, shake it, with her reciprocating.

Kali: "A nice, strong handshake. Take care of her, would you?"

Y/N: "I will, that I promise. To all of you."

She releases your hand and while her grip isn't nearly as strong as her husband's, you can tell that she keeps him in line.

Kali: "Now that introductions are out of the way, we've heard quite a bit about you from Blake and Sun. Mostly Sun, actually."

Y/N: "So he did what I asked and protected Blake when I wasn't able to? Where is he? I want to thank him."

Kali: "Oh, he's around here somewhere..." She gains a mischievous look. "So Y/N... when can we expect grandchildren?"

Your face starts heating up at the thought since you and Blake have never talked about this kind of thing, although judging by her choice in books, she might be open to the idea. You shouldn't assume that, though. Her grip on you tightens and you can tell she's nervous too.

Ghira: "Kali, we've just met the boy and you're already asking that? *sigh* While I approve of your relationship, I'd rather you two wait a bit before you do that. At least until you're married."

Y/N/Blake: "M-Married!?"

Blake: "D-Dad, you can't just expect us to get married right now! Although... I have thought- You are so embarrassing!"

She runs off with a giant blush on her face towards the direction of the others, leaving you and her parents alone together.

Y/N: "Well... It was nice meeting both of you. I promise to love and cherish her along with the others as long as I live. You have my word as a man on that."

Ghira: "I'll hold you to that."

He pats you on the shoulder and you feel like you just accomplished something. You're not sure what, but it feels like whenever Qrow scolds you, but slightly different.

Kali: "Feel free to call us 'Mom' and 'Dad', okay Y/N?"

After they walk away, you turn around to assess the damages done to Haven. The doorway's blown to bits, parts of the roof are collapsed, one of the watch towers is completely obliterated from your battle with Loke... yeah...

Y/N: "Everyone!" That gathers the attention of everyone in the room. "Tonight, we were successful. We couldn't have done it without the help of everyone here, so thank you. I... Let's go back to the house. We can discuss everything in the morning."

You start walking, with some of the girls coming up from behind you. Summer and Raven put your arms over them, as you're struggling walking.

Y/N: "Thanks... I love you both..."

As you make your way back to the house, you feel your legs become heavy, followed by your eyelids, your adrenaline finally worn off.

And there you have it! The Battle of Haven is officially over! Everyone's reunited, the Relic's safe for now, and Loke's dead. Your power's under control and you're stronger than ever, even purifying Svartur. We even met Blake's parents for the first time!

You've struck a blow to Salem's forces, but who knows what else she's capable of?

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This is my description. There are many like this one, but this one is mine. Kestrel Branwen the twin brother little brother of Yang Xiao Long, who wa...