Polaroid Poems

By therealalyssakoepke

24.4K 1.3K 297

So I write poetry... © Alyssa Koepke ____________________ For even more poetry, check out the next book in th... More

Poem #1// Done
Poem #2// Sticking
Poem #3// Old Friend
Quote #1// Numb
Poem #4// Second Skin
Quote #3// Cliff
Poem #5// Game
Quote #4// Try
Poem #6// Tick Tock
Poem #7// Screw Up
Poem #8// Count
Poem #9// I Owe
Poem #10// War
Quote #5// Assuming
Poem #11// Locked
Poem #12// Alone
Quote #6// Wall
Quote #7// Mind
Poem #13// Rotten
Poem #14// Paper Heart
Poem #15// Emo...tional
Quote #8// Doesn't Matter
Quote #9// Life
Poem #16// Victim
Poem #17// World
Quote #10// Hole
Poem #18// Cracked
Quote #11// Strengths
Quote #12// No End
Poem #19// Piece
Quote #13// Without a Heart
Quote #14// Inside
Quote #15// Change
Quote 16// Vague
Poem #20// Pulse
Quote 17// Judge
Quote 18// Gravity
Quote #19// Lost
Poem #21// Mark
Quote #20// Waves
Quote #21// Lost Cause
Poem #22// Sometimes
Poem #23// Valleys
Poem #24// Understand
Quote #22// Learned
Quote #23// Joking
Poem #25// Chapter
Quote #24// Extra
Poem #26// Sky
Quote #25// Worse
Quote #26// First
Quote #27// Falling
Quote #28// Younger
Poem #27// Over
Poem #28// Haunting
Poem #29// Searching
Quote #29// Conquer
Quote #30// Build
Poem #30// Saving
Quote #31// The Way
Quote #32// Run
Quote #33// Shore
Quote#34// Dreamer
Poem #31// Me
Quote #35// Thunder
Poem #32// Bones
Quote #36// Pages
Quote #37// Hatred
Poem #33// Depths
Quote #38// Fake
Quote #39// Smallest
Quote #40// Buries
Quote #41// Fear
Quote #42// Control
Quote #43// Before
Poem #34// Concrete
Poem #35// Only
Quote #44// Reason
Quote #45// Help
Poem 36// Forgive
Quote #46// Shoes
Poem #37// Flaws
Quote #47// Guessing Game
Quote #48// Negativity
Quote #49// Fail
Poem #38// They Themselves
Quote #50// Moments
Poem #39// Nonsense
Quote #51// Listen
Quote #52// Real
Quote #53// Miles
Quote #54// Believe
Quote #55// Suns
Poem #40// Choices
Poem #41// Small
Quote #56// Spill
Poem #42// Effort
Quote #57// Hear
Quote #58// Illusion
Poem #43// Thorns
Poem #44// Change
Quote #59// Step
Quote #60// Give Up
Poem #45// Spell
Poem #46// Bright
Poem #47// What
Poem #48// Expect
Poem #49// Ocean's Kiss
Quote #61// Solution
Poem #50// The Point
Poem #51// Slipping
Poem #52// Further
Poem #53// Choice
Poem #54// Devotion
Poem #55// The Queen; The King
Quote #62// Embrace
Poem #56// Hole
Poem #57// Loophole
Quote#63// Darkness
Poem #58// Hide
Poem #59// Wilt
Poem #60// First
Quote #64// Wreckage
Poem #61// Villanelle
Poem #62// Noise
Poem #63// Life
Poem #64// Seasons
Poem #65// Star
Poem #66// Twisted
Poem #67// Mirror
Quote #65// Broke
Quote #66// Labels
Quote #67// Level
Poem #68// Over and Over
Poem #69// Tidal Wave
Poem #70// Suffocate
Quote #68// Power
Quote #69// Unstoppable
Quote #70// Unbearable
Poem #71// River Banks
Quote #71// Curse
Quote #72// Finding Happiness
Poem #72// Blizzard
Poem #73// Madhouse
Poem #74// Underestimated
Poem #75// Roots
Quote #73// Forward
Poem #76// Scraps
Poem #77// Support
Poem #78// Always Me
Poem #79// Save Today
poem #80// Clean
Quote #74// Attached
Quote #75// Bullets
Poem #81// Sickness
Quote #76// Friendship
Quote #77// Heal
Poem #82// Strings
Poem #83// Default
Quote #78// Year
Quote #79// Cosmos
Quote #80// Betrayal
Poem #84// Wounds
Poem #85// Mediator
Quote #81// Moments
Quote #82// Say It
Poem #86// Naked
Poem #87// Trapped
Poem #88// Boundaries
Quote #83// Alive
Poem #89// Confuse
Poem #90// Hooked
Quote #84// Built For Two
Quote #85// Limits
Quote #86// Heavy
Poem #91// Meaning
Quote #87// Forever
Quote #88// Void
Quote #89// Crinkle
Poem #92// Tightrope
Poem #93// Win
Quote #90// Signs
Quote #91// Assumptions
Quote #92// Young
Quote #93// Moment
Poem #94// First Broken Heart
Quote #94// Puppet
Quote #95// Risk
Poem #95// Storm
Poem #96// Nothing Wrong
Quote #96// Demons
Poem #97// Strangers
Quote #97// Time Limit
Poem #98// Patterns
Quote #98// Frozen
Quote #99// Beating Again
Quote #100// Heart Skips

Quote #2// Flames

514 21 2
By therealalyssakoepke

I'm like the flames from a fire you have created. If you get too close, you'll be burned.

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