Heart of Locks

By claracarrara

6.8K 469 92

The night before Angie went to France was a night she could never forget. But now she has left, she cannot re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

439 29 0
By claracarrara

"Hurry up mummy, we need to get to the park! You promised we would be there early!"

"I know I promised sweetie, but mummy was very busy this morning."

I say I was busy, I was really trying to figure out a way to answer Gabriela's question about my prince. I knew she wouldn't let it go, so I had to come up with an answer before she asked again.

"Come on mummy!" She shouted, tugging my hand.

I started to walk a bit faster and she broke into a run. She is only 5 so she can't run that fast.

When we finally reached the park, I let go of her hand and allowed her to run over to the swings. I walked over to a bench and sat down.

As I looked back to where the swings were, I saw she had already managed to start it off and was now going quite high. As Gabriela swung, her long blonde locks flowed behind her. She is so beautiful, and so innocent. I don't know what I am going to do, about her dad. She is a smart girl, and sooner or later, she will start asking more and more questions, but I have no answers to give to her.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting beside me.

"Hi, are you okay? You just look a little upset."

I turned to face the voice. It was a man.

"No, I'm fine." I sighed, "I was just thinking about what I am going to say to my daughter."

"Is that her over there?" He asked looking over to the swings. "She looks just like you, so beautiful."

"Yes, she is, and I don't want to hurt her." I replied, still looking at Gabriela.

"How would you upset her?" He asked.

"Well, it's a long story that you probably don't want to listen to." I said realising I was taking up his time.

He took my hands and looked into my eyes. I felt my heart beating in my chest. I shouldn't be feeling like this, he could be dating someone or in fact married.

"Of course I want to listen. And besides, I have nowhere better to be."

"Really? I would have thought a man like you would have somewhere to go!" I replied, "Maybe with family or something?" I said, trying to figure out if he had a wife.

"No, I live alone, what about you is there a lucky man out there who can call you his wife?"

"No, I'm still looking for a man, who would indeed be very lucky to be with me." I said. His face broke into a smile as he replied.

"Well I'm feeling pretty lucky today."

I felt a smile grow on my face that quickly transformed into a laugh.

"I'm being serious, and your reaction just shows that I'm even luckier than I thought."

That made me laugh even more and I began to forget about finding a way to answer Gabriela's question, instead I was focused on having a good time with the man sat beside me.

"I'm Michael by the way. What's your name? It must be a beautiful one. Angels have the prettiest names."

"Well my name in actually Angie, which is short for Ángeles. Funnily enough, that is Spanish for Angels."

"What a suitable name. I guess I have no choice but to call you Angel now, my beautiful Angel."

I felt my cheeks beginning to blush.

"You look even more like an Angel when you blush." He said, staring right into my eyes.

That made me blush even more and before I knew it, my cheeks were bright red.

I could have stayed there all day with Michael, but remembered I had to take Gabriela home to give her lunch then drop her off at her friend's house.

"Look, I'm really sorry Michael, but I really need to go, I have to take Gabi to her friend's house."

"Fine, I'll let you go, under one condition." He said with a beaming smile on his face.

"What?" I replied, laughing at his facial expression.

"You give me your phone number."

"Ooh, I don't know, you see, I don't give my phone number to random men." I replied, trying to keep a serious face, but failing drastically.

"Random man? I'll have you know I only give nicknames to girls I feel lucky with, and you said it yourself, I'm a lucky man."

"Okay, you've convinced me, here you go." I said passing him a piece of paper from my bag with my phone number scribbled across it.

I began to walk over to Gabriela when I heard his voice shout from behind me.

"Safe journey back to heaven!"

I just giggled at how incredibly cheesy it was and blew a kiss back before walking over to Gabriela and heading home.

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