The Last Moon (destined seque...

By Little_Freesia

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Losing two of his important persons, made pharms life changed. his once loving mother becomes distant to him... More

Author's Note:


1K 46 12
By Little_Freesia

Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.


The prince of darkness went straight to his room, as soon as he enters all of the glass from the windows and the vases on the tables exploded, he sat at his bed with his hands into a fist.

"That fucking child, why does he had the same eyes like diana, ahhhhhhhh why does I'm affected if that omega had your eyes!!!!!, you were the only one that I trust and love but you shattered all of that, yet here I'm seeing you in that fucking child that the moon gave to you!!!!!!!!", apollyon screamed in madness as he starts to rip and break anything that his hand touches, bits of light starts to surrounds him slowly but as soon as the light touches him, dark particles envelops the dark prince, apollyon dropped to the floor with his head lowered. Minutes passed and finally the prince of darkness calm down, he lifted his head with a usual smirk on his face.

"Right, do you think that you can fooled me diana, do you think that I will spare your children if I saw you in them, hahaha no diana no I will kill every wolf in this continent until no one was alive and breathing the same air with me, and when that happened I can finally be at peace, you can't fooled me diana, you can't!!!!!", apollyon yelled at the top of his lungs, a sudden knock was heard.

"My lord I have a news", lhong one of apollyons minion exclaimed from the other side.

"Come in!!!", apollyon replied, lhong slowly enters the room and bowed to his master, apollyong firmly look at lhong.

"What's your news this time lhong?", apollyon asked with a grinned, this servant of him was a great help, due to this servant he had that two princes of diana in his clutched now.


On the silver moon pack cemetery, three werewolf are stabding in front of the two tombs waiting patiently. They all look up at the sky when it turns purple color. A purple mist shines and enters the two tombs.

"The wait is over", lhong whispered with a smirk.

After five minutes the mist went out of the tombs and started to materialised into two persons. As the mist dissappears the two pups opens they're eyes.

"Get them!!!", lhong commanded to the other guys behind them. They hurriedly holds the the princes.

"Let us go who are you?, what are you doing?!!!!", rome angrily said as he keeps thrashing away.

"Let me go, you're hurting us!!!!", In muttered in pain.

"Stop the talking, let's go back to our lord", lhong exclaimed as he muttured something, a black mist surrounds them and it transferred them to the other place.

End of flashback

"Omega pharm and his companion are now traveling to the moonlight pack (note: I just made this name, cause the brightwin couple still doesn't have any fandom name at this moment), that was lead by alpha sarawat and his luna tine, that pack was near to the old moon kingdom palace and we all knew that kingdom was just some miles away from here, what will we do my lord?", lhong narrate and asked to apollyon. The said dark prince walks to the windowside with his hand on his chin after some minutes he gaze back to lhong.

"Then we must greet them lhong, send some of my hellhound to where they are now, I want to see if that omega can kill my hellhound, and its also for them to slowdown cause I need more time to bring his brothers in my control, now go and release my lovely hellhounds", apollyon commanded to lhong who nodded and left the room. Apollyon once again looks outside the window.

"Let's try your only salvation diana", apollyon whispered to the sky.


Lhong went down to the fartest room of the light castle, he slowly opens the large door. He was greeted by chains that keeps moving around.

"Our lord needs your help, he commanded that you greets some of his guest, travel to the border of moonlight pack and do everything you want, but remember don't dissappoints our lord or else all of you will be punished!!!!", lhong exclaimed and many growls was heard inside the room. Lhong release the hellhounds one by one as soon as all was release, he yelled a command.

"Go and do what you want to do to the moon prince!!!!!!", the hellhounds hurriedly run outside to do their job.

"It's your last day omega pharm, be prepared for your lost, how can you fight and kill the enemy that you can't even see, hahahaha", lhong laugh evily.


Pharm is currently sleeping on the car when his wolf alarmed him.

"Wake up pharm, something is approaching", fluke screamed to pharms mind that makes his abruptly awake, dean look at his mate worriedly.

"Nightmare?", dean asked his mate. Pharm didn't even bulged, dean was about to say something when pharm hand covers deans mouth.

"Keep quite p'dean, I can sense something", pharm exclaimed as he roamed his eyes to the trees that they passed.

"Something is coming brace yourself dean!!!!!", ohm screamed and a sudden bang was heard on the back of their car, dean hurriedly stepped on the brake, the cars behind them also brake. Deans phone suddenly rung.

"What's happening dean, I can sense something attacking our car but I can't see anything!!!", pick announced on the other line.

"I don't really know whats happening just don't get out of the car pick, look at my brother!!!", dean exclaimed in worry, another call was coming he changed it to the conference call.

"What the hell is happening dean, I heard growls and claws outside my car!!!", korn shouted in panic. Pharm signal his mate to put the phone on speaker mode.

"P'pick, p'korn hear me out, I will make the trees alive and get that chance to go in the fields in our front, we can fight easily there, can you do that?", pharm exclaimed and asked the two alpha.

"Yes!!!", pick and korn replied, pharm closed his eyes and take a deep breath as he concentrate, as he opens his eyes again two different pupil was seen, the right one is pharms eye then the left was flukes eye. Pharm clasped his hands together.

"I the giver of life, calls you the protector and giver of shed for those who's in need, protect us and wrap the unwanted things around us, trees of holy land hear my calls and protect us from the harm, Life!!!!!!!", pharm and fluke yelled, the ground shakes as the trees outside starts to grow it roots to wrap something.

"Now p'pick, p'korn get out from the car!!!!!!", pharm commanded and all of them gets out and run straight to the open field.

"Ahhhhhhhh", pete screams in pain when something grabbed his leg, ae eyes shine in its beta color as he turned into a brown wolf and attack the thing that grabs his mate.

Can and tin help pete to stand up, they form a circle to protect themselves, pick raised his hands.

"Shield!!!!!!", pick yells and a green shield surrounds the group, he turned around to heal petes foot, pharm look carefully at the wound.

"Its a claw", pharm muttered.

"What's the meaning of this pharm, are the moonlight pack attacking us?", can asked his brother.

"It's a hellhound pharm!", fluke informed pharm. "What is a hellhound?", pharm replied as he roamed his eyes bit he really can't see anything.

"Its one of apollyons pet, it cames from the darkness, this kind of wolves have the sharpest claws and teeths, they were invisible pharm, thats the reason why you can't see them", fluke exclaimed.

"Then how can we fight that wolf fluke?!!!!", pharm panicly asked his wolf, how can they fight with an animal that they can't see. Suddenly something collides to the shield, growls of wolfs are heard, scaring them, they can sense that the hellhounds was now surrounding them.

"Pharm what are we gonna do now, I still not mastered this shield and I'm sure that this can't last long", pick informed pharm, pharm tried to attack, he lifted his hands and the grass lengthen and attacks the invisible creatures but its futile cause they just dodged them.

"This is now working I can't see them", pharm said.

The barrier starting to break, pharm and the other are now worried.

"Ahhhhh, this fucking hellhounds are getting in my nerves!!!!", tin exclaimed angrily and after that he changed into a big gray wolf with his eyes in red, the wolf gets in place and ready to attack if the barrier brake, pharm was loosing his hope to escape when a voice was heard.

"Sharpest lightning of the heaven, came thy to my call, and punish the unseen creature........luceat!!!!!", the voice exclaimed and a bright lightning collides to the invisible creatures screams of cries was heard, pharm and the others just look shocked at the visible dead three hellhound on the ground.

"Who------?", pharm muttered.

"Close your eyes pharm, you can also see those creatures just closed your eyes and concentrate, you have the ability to see them", a voice invades pharms mind but for some reason he don't feel any fear or discomfort, he and fluke followed whats the voice commanded, they closed their eyes and feel the ground and the surrounding, and then something click like a camera and when they opens their eyes the were shocked to what they saw, seven hell hounds are now surrounding them with their sharp teeth and claws visible, a terrifying creature to live.

"P'can shoot your arrow to that side now!!!!", pharm command to his brother, can immediately gets the bow and arrow and shoots to the direction pharm said, a cry was heard and all of a sudden a dead hellhound falls to the ground. (Note: can and pete also mastered some archery and blades forcthe past two years, they're quite strong now.)

"How?", the others muttered in disbelieve.

"Don't ask questions for now, they're still six of them, p'pete to your left, now!!!", pharm once again said and this time pete throws a small knife to the direction where pharm said and another hellhound falls to the ground.

The shield starts to lose, dean, pick and korn turned to their werewolf form and they circled around can, pete and pharm whose standing in the middle.

"Nong pharm in your command", pete exclaimed as he takes his position with knives on his hands, while can tightly holds his arrows and bow. Pharm nodded, after a minute the barrier collapse.

"P'pick infront of you, p'korn on your right, dean on your left, p'ae on your front now!!!!!!", pharm said the the four wolves instantly attacks to the ditection that pharm gave to them, body to body colission was heard and after minutes four more body of hellhound collapsed to the ground dead.

"In my que p'can p'pete, on the right!!!", can, and pete both attack in unison killing the last hellhound instantly. Dean and the others went back to their human form.

"How did you see the hellhounds pharm, I thought that you can't see it?", tin asked his brother in law.

"I don't know how p'tin but a voise suddenly enters my head and told me what to do", pharm informed to his comapnions.

"Who's that?", pick asked in confusion.

"Haha, P'pick you already forgotten me, how sad", a giggles was heard and a voice exclaimed, when they all look to the direction where they heard the voice they were shock to saw someone, a boy on his twenties was sitting on the branch of a tree, but not just that because the boy had romes face. Pharm and pick asked the stranger.

"Who are you?".

"Nice to see you again, my masters brother and my mate, I'm third one of romes wolf and the owner of the seer and incantation gift", the boy introduced himself with a bright smile on his face, shocking not only pharm and pick but also the others.



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